예제 #1
 static function createIndexRecords(&$field, &$values, &$item, $required_props = array(), $search_props = array(), $props_spacer = ' ', $filter_func = null, $for_advsearch = 0)
     $fi = FlexicontentFields::getPropertySupport($field->field_type, $field->iscore);
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     // * Per language handlers e.g. word segmenter objects (add spaces between words for language without spaces)
     static $lang_handlers = array();
     if (!$for_advsearch) {
         // Check if field type supports text search, this will also skip fields wrongly marked as text searchable
         if (!$fi->supportsearch || !$field->issearch) {
             $field->search = array();
     } else {
         $field->ai_query_vals = array();
         // Check if field type supports advanced search text searchable or filterable, this will also skip fields wrongly marked
         if (!($fi->supportadvsearch && $field->isadvsearch) && !($fi->supportadvfilter && $field->isadvfilter)) {
     // A null indicates to retrieve values
     if ($values === null) {
         $items_values = FlexicontentFields::searchIndex_getFieldValues($field, $item, $for_advsearch);
     } else {
         $items_values = !is_array($values) ? array($values) : $values;
         $items_values = array($field->item_id => $items_values);
     // Make sure posted data is an array
     $unserialize = isset($field->unserialize) ? $field->unserialize : count($required_props) || count($search_props);
     // Create the new search data
     foreach ($items_values as $itemid => $item_values) {
         // Get item language: (a) multi-item indexing via the search indexer or (b) single item indexing via the item save task (e.g. item form)
         $language = isset($field->items_data) ? $field->items_data[$itemid]->language : $item->language;
         if (!isset($lang_handlers[$language])) {
             $lang_handlers[$language] = FlexicontentFields::getLangHandler($language);
         $lang_handler = $lang_handlers[$language];
         if (@$field->isindexed) {
             // Get Elements of the field these will be cached if they do not depend on the item ...
             $field->item_id = $itemid;
             // in case it needs to be loaded to replace item properties in a SQL query
             $item_pros = false;
             $elements = FlexicontentFields::indexedField_getElements($field, $item, $field->extra_props, $item_pros, $createFilter = true);
             // Map index field vlaues to their real properties
             $item_values = FlexicontentFields::indexedField_getValues($field, $elements, $item_values, $prepost_prop = '');
         $searchindex = array();
         foreach ($item_values as $vi => $v) {
             // Make sure multi-property data are unserialized
             if ($unserialize) {
                 $data = @unserialize($v);
                 $v = $v === 'b:0;' || $data !== false ? $data : $v;
             // Check value that current should not be included in search index
             if (!is_array($v) && !strlen($v)) {
             foreach ($required_props as $cp) {
                 if (!@$v[$cp]) {
             // Create search value
             $search_value = array();
             foreach ($search_props as $sp) {
                 if (isset($v[$sp]) && strlen($v[$sp])) {
                     $search_value[] = $v[$sp];
             if (count($search_props) && !count($search_value)) {
             // all search properties were empty, skip this value
             $searchindex[$vi] = count($search_props) ? implode($props_spacer, $search_value) : $v;
             $searchindex[$vi] = $filter_func ? $filter_func($searchindex[$vi]) : $searchindex[$vi];
         // * Use word segmenter (if it was created) to add spaces between words
         if ($lang_handler) {
             foreach ($searchindex as $i => $_searchindex) {
                 $searchindex[$i] = implode(' ', $lang_handler->get_segment_array($clear_previous = true, $_searchindex));
         if (!$for_advsearch) {
             $field->search[$itemid] = implode(' | ', $searchindex);
         } else {
             $n = 0;
             foreach ($searchindex as $vi => $search_text) {
                 // Add new search value into the DB
                 $query_val = "( " . $field->id . "," . $itemid . "," . $n++ . "," . $db->Quote($search_text) . "," . $db->Quote($vi) . ")";
                 $field->ai_query_vals[] = $query_val;
     //echo $field->name . ": "; print_r($values);echo "<br/>";
     //echo if ( !empty($searchindex) ) implode(' | ', $searchindex) ."<br/><br/>";