예제 #1
/** function get_header
 *		Generate the HTML header portion of the page
 * @param array [optional] meta variables
 *   @option string 'title' the page title
 *   @option string 'head_data' any HTML to be inserted in the head tag
 *   @option array 'menu_data' the data for the counts in the menu
 *   @option array 'game_data' the game data for my game list under the menu
 *   @option bool 'show_menu' show the menu
 *   @option string 'file_name' becomes the body id with _page appended
 * @return string HTML header for page
function get_header($meta = null)
    if (!defined('GAME_NAME')) {
        define('GAME_NAME', 'Game');
    $title = !empty($meta['title']) ? GAME_NAME . ' :: ' . $meta['title'] : GAME_NAME;
    $show_menu = isset($meta['show_menu']) ? (bool) $meta['show_menu'] : true;
    $show_nav_links = isset($meta['show_nav_links']) ? (bool) $meta['show_nav_links'] : true;
    $menu_data = isset($meta['menu_data']) ? $meta['menu_data'] : false;
    $head_data = isset($meta['head_data']) ? $meta['head_data'] : '';
    $file_name = isset($meta['file_name']) ? $meta['file_name'] : basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
    $file_name = substr($file_name, 0, strrpos($file_name, '.'));
    // make sure we have these
    $GLOBALS['_&_DEBUG_QUERY'] = !empty($GLOBALS['_&_DEBUG_QUERY']) ? $GLOBALS['_&_DEBUG_QUERY'] : '';
    $GLOBALS['_?_DEBUG_QUERY'] = !empty($GLOBALS['_?_DEBUG_QUERY']) ? $GLOBALS['_?_DEBUG_QUERY'] : (defined('DEBUG') && DEBUG ? '?' : '');
    $flash = '';
    if (class_exists('Flash')) {
        $flash = Flash::retrieve();
    if ($show_menu) {
        if (!$menu_data) {
            $menu_data = array('my_turn' => 0, 'my_games' => 0, 'games' => 0, 'in_vites' => 0, 'out_vites' => 0, 'open_vites' => 0, 'new_msgs' => 0, 'msgs' => 0);
            list($menu_data['games'], ) = Game::get_count();
            list($menu_data['setups'], $menu_data['my_setups']) = Setup::get_count($_SESSION['player_id']);
            list($menu_data['my_games'], $menu_data['my_turn']) = Game::get_my_count($_SESSION['player_id']);
            list($menu_data['in_vites'], $menu_data['out_vites'], $menu_data['open_vites']) = Game::get_invite_count($_SESSION['player_id']);
            $messages = Message::get_count($_SESSION['player_id']);
            $menu_data['msgs'] = (int) @$messages[0];
            $menu_data['new_msgs'] = (int) @$messages[1];
            $allow_blink = 'index.php' == basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
        // highlight the important menu values
        foreach ($menu_data as $key => $value) {
            switch ($key) {
                case 'my_turn':
                case 'new_msgs':
                case 'in_vites':
                    if (0 < $value) {
                        $menu_data[$key] = '<span class="notice">' . $value . '</span>';
                    // do nothing
        $game_data = isset($meta['game_data']) ? $meta['game_data'] : Game::get_list($_SESSION['player_id'], false);
    // if we are admin logged in as someone else, let us know
    $admin_css = $admin_div = '';
    if (isset($_SESSION['admin_id']) && isset($_SESSION['player_id']) && $_SESSION['player_id'] != $_SESSION['admin_id']) {
        $admin_css = '
			<style type="text/css">
				html { border: 5px solid red; }
				#admin_username {
					background: red;
					color: black;
					position: fixed;
					top: 0;
					left: 50%;
					z-index: 99999;
					width: 200px;
					margin-left: -100px;
					text-align: center;
					font-weight: bold;
					font-size: larger;
					padding: 3px;
        $admin_div = '<div id="admin_username">' . $GLOBALS['Player']->username . ' [ ' . $GLOBALS['Player']->id . ' ]</div>';
    $query_strings = 'var debug_query_ = "' . $GLOBALS['_&_DEBUG_QUERY'] . '"; var debug_query = "' . $GLOBALS['_?_DEBUG_QUERY'] . '";';
    $debug_string = defined('DEBUG') && DEBUG ? 'var debug = true;' : 'var debug = false;';
    $nav_links = '';
    if ($show_nav_links && class_exists('Settings') && Settings::test()) {
        $nav_links = Settings::read('nav_links');
    $html = <<<EOF
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-us">


\t<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

\t<script type="text/javascript">

\t<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/json.js"></script>
\t<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/jquery-1.8.0.min.js"></script>
\t<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/jquery.tablesorter.js"></script>

\t<!-- fancybox -->
\t<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="scripts/jquery.fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.css" />
\t<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/jquery.fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.pack.js"></script>
\t<script type="text/javascript">
\t\t\$(document).ready( function( ) {
\t\t\t// set fancybox defaults
\t\t\t\$.fn.fancybox.defaults['overlayColor'] = '#000';

\t\t\t\tautoDimensions : false,
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\t\t#fancy_title { display: none !important; }

\t<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="css/layout.css" />


\t<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="css/c_{$GLOBALS['_DEFAULT_COLOR']}.css" />



<body id="{$file_name}_page">

\t\t<h1><a href="index.php">{$GAME_NAME}</a></h1>
\t\t<nav class="site">{$nav_links}</nav>

    if ($show_menu) {
        $html .= '
	<aside id="nav">';
        if ($menu_data) {
            $html .= '
		<nav id="menu" class="box">
				<li' . get_active('index') . '><a href="index.php' . $GLOBALS['_?_DEBUG_QUERY'] . '" title="(Your Turn | Your Games | Total Games)"' . ($allow_blink && $menu_data['my_turn'] ? ' class="blink"' : '') . '>Games <span class="sep">(</span> ' . $menu_data['my_turn'] . ' <span class="sep">|</span> ' . $menu_data['my_games'] . ' <span class="sep">|</span> ' . $menu_data['games'] . ' <span class="sep">)</span></a></li>
				<li' . get_active('invite') . '><a href="invite.php' . $GLOBALS['_?_DEBUG_QUERY'] . '" title="(Received | Open | Sent)"' . ($allow_blink && $menu_data['in_vites'] ? ' class="blink"' : '') . '>Invitations <span class="sep">(</span> ' . $menu_data['in_vites'] . ' <span class="sep">|</span> ' . $menu_data['open_vites'] . ' <span class="sep">|</span> ' . $menu_data['out_vites'] . ' <span class="sep">)</span></a></li>
				<li' . get_active('messages', 'read', 'send') . '><a href="messages.php' . $GLOBALS['_?_DEBUG_QUERY'] . '" title="(New Messages | Total Messages)"' . ($allow_blink && $menu_data['new_msgs'] ? ' class="blink"' : '') . '>Messages <span class="sep">(</span> ' . $menu_data['new_msgs'] . ' <span class="sep">|</span> ' . $menu_data['msgs'] . ' <span class="sep">)</span></a></li>
				<li' . get_active('setups') . '><a href="setups.php' . $GLOBALS['_?_DEBUG_QUERY'] . '" title="(Yours | Total)">Setups <span class="sep">(</span> ' . $menu_data['my_setups'] . ' <span class="sep">|</span> ' . $menu_data['setups'] . ' <span class="sep">)</span></a></li>
				<li' . get_active('stats') . '><a href="stats.php' . $GLOBALS['_?_DEBUG_QUERY'] . '">Statistics</a></li>
				<li' . get_active('prefs') . '><a href="prefs.php' . $GLOBALS['_?_DEBUG_QUERY'] . '">Preferences</a></li>
				<li' . get_active('profile') . '><a href="profile.php' . $GLOBALS['_?_DEBUG_QUERY'] . '">Profile</a></li>
            if (true == $GLOBALS['Player']->is_admin) {
                $html .= '<li' . get_active('admin') . '><a href="admin.php' . $GLOBALS['_?_DEBUG_QUERY'] . '">Admin</a></li>';
            $html .= '
				<li><a href="login.php' . $GLOBALS['_?_DEBUG_QUERY'] . '">Logout</a></li>
		</nav><!-- #menu -->';
        if ($game_data) {
            $html .= '
		<div id="mygames_title">My Games</div>
		<nav id="mygames" class="box">
            foreach ($game_data as $game) {
                $class = $game['my_turn'] ? 'playing' : (in_array($game['state'], array('Finished', 'Draw')) ? 'finished' : 'waiting');
                $html .= '
				<li class="' . $class . '"><a href="game.php?id=' . $game['game_id'] . $GLOBALS['_&_DEBUG_QUERY'] . '">' . htmlentities($game['opponent'], ENT_QUOTES, 'ISO-8859-1', false) . '</a></li>';
            $html .= '
		</nav><!-- #mygames -->';
        $html .= '
	</aside><!-- #nav -->';
    return $html;
예제 #2
/** function get_header
 *		Generate the HTML header portion of the page
 * @param array [optional] meta variables
 *   @option string 'title' the page title
 *   @option string 'head_data' any HTML to be inserted in the head tag
 *   @option array 'menu_data' the data for the counts in the menu
 *   @option array 'game_data' the game data for my game list under the menu
 *   @option bool 'show_menu' show the menu
 *   @option string 'file_name' becomes the body id with _page appended
 * @return string HTML header for page
function get_header($meta = null)
    if (!defined('GAME_NAME')) {
        define('GAME_NAME', 'Game');
    $title = !empty($meta['title']) ? GAME_NAME . ' :: ' . $meta['title'] : GAME_NAME;
    $show_menu = isset($meta['show_menu']) ? (bool) $meta['show_menu'] : true;
    $show_nav_links = isset($meta['show_nav_links']) ? (bool) $meta['show_nav_links'] : true;
    $menu_data = isset($meta['menu_data']) ? $meta['menu_data'] : false;
    $head_data = isset($meta['head_data']) ? $meta['head_data'] : '';
    $file_name = isset($meta['file_name']) ? $meta['file_name'] : basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
    $file_name = substr($file_name, 0, strrpos($file_name, '.'));
    // make sure we have these
    $flash = '';
    if (class_exists('Flash')) {
        $flash = Flash::retrieve();
    if ($show_menu) {
        if (!$menu_data) {
            $menu_data = array('my_turn' => 0, 'my_games' => 0, 'games' => 0, 'new_msgs' => 0, 'msgs' => 0, 'in_vites' => 0, 'out_vites' => 0);
            $list = Game::get_list($_SESSION['player_id']);
            $invites = Game::get_invites($_SESSION['player_id']);
            if (is_array($list)) {
                foreach ($list as $game) {
                    if ($game['in_game'] && !in_array($game['state'], array('Finished', 'Draw'))) {
                    if ($game['my_turn'] && 'Placing' != $game['state']) {
            if (is_array($invites)) {
                foreach ($invites as $game) {
                    if ($game['invite']) {
                    } else {
            $messages = Message::get_count($_SESSION['player_id']);
            $menu_data['msgs'] = (int) @$messages[0];
            $menu_data['new_msgs'] = (int) @$messages[1];
            $allow_blink = 'index.php' == basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
        // highlight the important menu values
        foreach ($menu_data as $key => $value) {
            switch ($key) {
                case 'my_turn':
                case 'new_msgs':
                case 'in_vites':
                    if (0 < $value) {
                        $menu_data[$key] = '<span class="notice">' . $value . '</span>';
                    // do nothing
        $game_data = isset($meta['game_data']) ? $meta['game_data'] : Game::get_list($_SESSION['player_id'], false);
    // if we are admin logged in as someone else, let us know
    $admin_css = $admin_div = '';
    if (isset($_SESSION['admin_id']) && isset($_SESSION['player_id']) && $_SESSION['player_id'] != $_SESSION['admin_id']) {
        $admin_css = '
			<style type="text/css">
				html { border: 5px solid red; }
				#admin_username {
					background: red;
					color: black;
					position: fixed;
					top: 0;
					left: 50%;
					width: 200px;
					margin-left: -100px;
					text-align: center;
					font-weight: bold;
					font-size: larger;
					padding: 3px;
        $admin_div = '<div id="admin_username">' . $GLOBALS['Player']->username . ' [ ' . $GLOBALS['Player']->id . ' ]</div>';
    $query_strings = 'var debug_query_ = "' . $GLOBALS['_&_DEBUG_QUERY'] . '"; var debug_query = "' . $GLOBALS['_?_DEBUG_QUERY'] . '";';
    $debug_string = defined('DEBUG') && DEBUG ? 'var debug = true;' : 'var debug = false;';
    $nav_links = '';
    if ($show_nav_links && class_exists('Settings') && Settings::test()) {
        $nav_links = Settings::read('nav_links');
    $html = <<<EOF
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">


\t<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us" />
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<body id="{$file_name}_page">

\t<div id="links">{$nav_links}</div>
\t<h1><a href="index.php">{$GAME_NAME}</a></h1>
\t<div id="wrapper">
    if ($show_menu) {
        $html .= '
		<div id="menuholder">';
        if ($menu_data) {
            $html .= '
		<div id="menu">
				<li' . get_active('index') . '><a href="index.php' . $GLOBALS['_?_DEBUG_QUERY'] . '" title="(Your Turn | Your Games | Total Games)"' . ($allow_blink && $menu_data['my_turn'] ? ' class="blink"' : '') . '>Games (' . $menu_data['my_turn'] . '|' . $menu_data['my_games'] . '|' . $menu_data['games'] . ')</a></li>
				<li' . get_active('invite') . '><a href="invite.php' . $GLOBALS['_?_DEBUG_QUERY'] . '" title="(Invites Recieved | Invites Sent)"' . ($allow_blink && $menu_data['in_vites'] ? ' class="blink"' : '') . '>Invitations (' . $menu_data['in_vites'] . '|' . $menu_data['out_vites'] . ')</a></li>
				<li' . get_active('messages') . '><a href="messages.php' . $GLOBALS['_?_DEBUG_QUERY'] . '" title="(New Messages | Total Messages)"' . ($allow_blink && $menu_data['new_msgs'] ? ' class="blink"' : '') . '>Messages (' . $menu_data['new_msgs'] . '|' . $menu_data['msgs'] . ')</a></li>
				<li' . get_active('stats') . '><a href="stats.php' . $GLOBALS['_?_DEBUG_QUERY'] . '">Statistics</a></li>
				<li' . get_active('prefs') . '><a href="prefs.php' . $GLOBALS['_?_DEBUG_QUERY'] . '">Preferences</a></li>
				<li' . get_active('profile') . '><a href="profile.php' . $GLOBALS['_?_DEBUG_QUERY'] . '">Profile</a></li>
            if (true == $GLOBALS['Player']->is_admin) {
                $html .= '<li' . get_active('admin') . '><a href="admin.php' . $GLOBALS['_?_DEBUG_QUERY'] . '">Admin</a></li>';
            $html .= '
				<li><a href="login.php' . $GLOBALS['_?_DEBUG_QUERY'] . '">Logout</a></li>
        if ($game_data) {
            $html .= '
		<div id="mygames_title"><strong>My Games</strong></div>
		<div id="mygames">
            foreach ($game_data as $game) {
                $class = $game['my_turn'] ? 'playing' : 'waiting';
                $html .= '
				<li class="' . $class . '"><a href="game.php?id=' . $game['game_id'] . $GLOBALS['_&_DEBUG_QUERY'] . '">' . htmlentities($game['opponent'], ENT_QUOTES, 'ISO-8859-1', false) . '</a></li>';
            $html .= '
        $html .= '
    return $html;