/** * The one and only shell action * * Find the fixtures from command line and optionally a datasource, and import them * * @return void */ public function main() { if (empty($this->args[0])) { $this->args[0] = $this->findAllFixtureFiles(); } $CakeFixtureManager = new FixturizeFixtureManager(); $CakeFixtureManager->loadAllFixtures($this->params['datasource'], explode(',', $this->args[0])); }
/** * Populate test_seed database with values from records * if successful we will truncate the records array * and all inserts will happen from the seed database * if unuccessful, we will leave the records array * and all inserts will happen from the records array like normal * but it will still be a lot faster because of * TableCopyTestFixture->_tableUnmodified() checksum */ public function _populateSeedDatabase() { $this->_hideLogsForSetup(); $fixtureName = sprintf($this->options['fixtureName'], Inflector::underscore($this->name)); $CakeFixtureManager = new FixturizeFixtureManager(); $CakeFixtureManager->loadAllFixtures($this->sourceConfig, [$fixtureName]); unset($CakeFixtureManager); $this->_restoresForSetup(); }