예제 #1
 public function main()
     try {
         $DEFAULT_URL = 'https://ens.firebaseio.com/';
         $DEFAULT_TOKEN = Configure::read('Firebase.token');
         $DEFAULT_PATH = '/sms';
         $firebase = new \Firebase\FirebaseLib($DEFAULT_URL, $DEFAULT_TOKEN);
         if (!isset($this->args[0])) {
             throw new \Exception('Missing queue ID');
         $sendQueueTable = TableRegistry::get('SendQueues');
         $numberTable = TableRegistry::get('Numbers');
         $dateTimeUtc = new \DateTimeZone('UTC');
         $now = new \DateTime('now', $dateTimeUtc);
         $sendQueue = $sendQueueTable->find('all', ['conditions' => ['type' => 1, 'send_queue_id' => $this->args[0], 'OR' => ['next_try_datetime IS NULL', 'next_try_datetime <=' => $now]]]);
         if (!$sendQueue->count()) {
             throw new \Exception('No more queue');
         $firstQueue = $sendQueue->first();
         // Mark as being processed...
         $firebase->set($DEFAULT_PATH . '/' . $firstQueue->send_queue_id . '/status', 1);
         $firstQueue->status = 1;
         $firstQueue->start_datetime = $now;
         // Mark as sending...
         $firebase->set($DEFAULT_PATH . '/' . $firstQueue->send_queue_id . '/status', 2);
         $firstQueue->status = 2;
         $page = 1;
         while (true) {
             $numbers = $numberTable->find('all', ['fields' => ['number_id', 'number_list_id', 'country_code', 'phone_number'], 'conditions' => ['number_list_id' => $firstQueue->number_list_id], 'limit' => 5000, 'page' => $page]);
             $list = $numbers->toArray();
             if (!count($list)) {
             // Format the number for Firebase
             $numberForFb = Hash::combine($list, '{n}.number_id', '{n}');
             // Put the all the number on Firebase
             $firebase->update($DEFAULT_PATH . '/' . $firstQueue->send_queue_id . '/numbers', $numberForFb);
             // Send SMS
             foreach ($numbers as $number) {
                 shell_exec(ROOT . DS . 'bin' . DS . 'cake SendSmsBackground ' . $firstQueue->send_queue_id . ' ' . $number->number_id . ' ' . $number->country_code . ' ' . $number->phone_number . ' "THIS IS A TEST! ' . $firstQueue->message . '" > /dev/null 2>/dev/null &');
         // Mark as done...
         $firebase->set($DEFAULT_PATH . '/' . $firstQueue->send_queue_id . '/status', 3);
         $firstQueue->status = 3;
         $firstQueue->end_datetime = new \DateTime('now', $dateTimeUtc);
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
 public function untrashPost($postId)
     $post = get_post($postId);
     if ($post->post_type !== 'poll') {
     $secret = get_field('agreable_poll_plugin_settings_firebase_secret', 'options');
     $firebase = new \Firebase\FirebaseLib('https://senti.firebaseio.com/', $secret);
     $path = $this->getPath($postId);
     $firebase->update($path, array('trashed' => false));
예제 #3
 public function postCashExchange(Request $request)
     $firebase = new \Firebase\FirebaseLib(env('FIREBASE_URL'), env('FIREBASE_SECRET'));
     $commissions = json_decode($firebase->get('users/' . Auth::user()->id));
     $total_earned = (double) $commissions->total_own_time * 0.013888889;
     if ($total_earned < 250000) {
         return view('product.sorry');
     $new_own_time = ($total_earned - 250000) / 0.013888889;
     $dollars = ["total_own_time" => $new_own_time];
     $firebase->update('users/' . Auth::user()->id, $dollars);
     $cashout = Cashout::create(['user_id' => Auth::user()->id]);
     return view('product.cashout-thanks');
예제 #4
 case 'update':
     if (empty($_REQUEST['data'])) {
         throw new Exception('empty data');
     $data = $_REQUEST['data'];
     if (!is_array($data)) {
         $data = json_decode($_REQUEST['data'], 1);
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['saveIP'])) {
         $ip = !empty($_REQUEST['ip']) ? $_REQUEST['ip'] : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
         $ipDetails = iptocity($ip);
         if (!empty($ipDetails['result'])) {
             $data['currentLocation'] = $ipDetails['result'];
     $firebase->update($path, $data);
     // updates data in Firebase
 case 'push':
     if (empty($_REQUEST['data'])) {
         throw new Exception('empty data');
     $data = $_REQUEST['data'];
     if (!is_array($data)) {
         $data = json_decode($_REQUEST['data'], 1);
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['saveIP'])) {
         $ip = !empty($_REQUEST['ip']) ? $_REQUEST['ip'] : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
         $ipDetails = iptocity($ip);
         if (!empty($ipDetails['result'])) {
             $data['currentLocation'] = $ipDetails['result'];
예제 #5
    //determine "total-time"
    if (isset($formatted_recipe['prepTime']) && isset($formatted_recipe['cookTime']) && $formatted_recipe['prepTime'] !== "" && $formatted_recipe['cookTime'] !== "") {
        $formatted_recipe['totalTime'] = $formatted_recipe['prepTime'] + $formatted_recipe['cookTime'];
    } else {
        if (isset($formatted_recipe['prepTime']) && !isset($formatted_recipe['cookTime'])) {
            $formatted_recipe['totalTime'] = $formatted_recipe['prepTime'];
        } else {
            if (!isset($formatted_recipe['prepTime']) && isset($formatted_recipe['cookTime'])) {
                $formatted_recipe['totalTime'] = $formatted_recipe['cookTime'];
            } else {
                $formatted_recipe['totalTime'] = "";
    //$var_is_greater_than_two = ($var > 2 ? true : false);
    //$message = 'Hello '.($user->get('first_name') ?: 'Guest');
    $formatted_recipe['nutrition'] = $recipe['recipe']['serving_sizes']['serving'];
    echo '<br>Formatted recipe<pre>';
    echo "<br/><br/>";
    $taste = determine_taste($formatted_recipe);
    $formatted_recipe['taste'] = $taste;
    echo $taste;
    //save recipe to firebase
    if (!isset($recipe['error'])) {
        $token = FB_TOKEN;
        $url = 'https://phoodbuddy.firebaseio.com';
        $firebase = new \Firebase\FirebaseLib($url, $token);
        $firebase->update("/recipe-directory/{$selected_recipe_id}", $formatted_recipe);
예제 #6
 public function updateDollars(Request $request, $id)
     $firebase = new \Firebase\FirebaseLib(env('FIREBASE_URL'), env('FIREBASE_SECRET'));
     $commissions = json_decode($firebase->get('users/' . $id));
     $total_all_time = number_format((double) $commissions->total_all_time * 0.013888889, 2);
     $new_own_time = $request->dollars / 0.013888889;
     $new_total_all_time = $total_all_time + $new_own_time;
     $dollars = ["total_own_time" => $new_own_time, "total_all_time" => $new_total_all_time];
     $firebase->update('users/' . $id, $dollars);
     return redirect('/cms/user/' . $id . '/edit')->withSuccess('User Successfully Updated');
예제 #7
 public function purchaseProduct($slug)
     $product = Product::where('slug', $slug)->firstOrFail();
     $firebase = new \Firebase\FirebaseLib(env('FIREBASE_URL'), env('FIREBASE_SECRET'));
     $commissions = json_decode($firebase->get('users/' . Auth::user()->id));
     $total_earned = number_format((double) $commissions->total_own_time * 0.013888889, 2);
     if ($total_earned < $product->price) {
         return view('product.sorry');
     $purchase = Purchase::create(['user_id' => Auth::user()->id, 'product_id' => $product->id]);
     $new_own_time = ($total_earned - $product->price) / 0.013888889;
     $dollars = ["total_own_time" => $new_own_time];
     $firebase->update('users/' . Auth::user()->id, $dollars);
     return view('product.thanks', compact('product'));
 public function save_post($post_id)
     $post = get_post($post_id);
     if ($post_id == 'options' || !isset($post->post_type) || $post->post_type !== 'poll' || isset($_POST['acf']) === false) {
     //Both user and secret set in the WP settings.
     $userId = get_field('agreable_poll_plugin_settings_senti_user_id', 'options');
     $secret = get_field('agreable_poll_plugin_settings_firebase_secret', 'options');
     if (empty($secret) || empty($userId)) {
         return false;
     $firebase = new \Firebase\FirebaseLib('https://senti.firebaseio.com/', $secret);
     $path = 'polls';
     $acf = $_POST['acf'];
     // Empty poll obj.
     $poll = array('question' => html_entity_decode(get_the_title($post_id), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), 'userId' => $userId, 'answers' => array());
     $answers = get_field('agreable_poll_definition_answers', $post_id);
     // Loop through answers in ACF.
     foreach ($answers as $answer) {
         array_push($poll['answers'], array('text' => $answer['answer_text'], 'votes' => $answer['answer_votes']));
     $firebasePollId = get_field('agreable_poll_definition_firebase_id', $post_id);
     // Update or insert based on presence of firebase_id.
     if (empty($firebasePollId) === false) {
         // Update.
         $return = $firebase->update($path . '/' . $userId . '/' . $firebasePollId, $poll);
     } else {
         // Insert.
         $poll['entries'] = 0;
         $poll['created_at'] = round(microtime(true) * 1000);
         $return = $firebase->push($path . '/' . $userId, $poll);
         // Insert object contains firebase id.
         $returnJSON = json_decode($return);
         update_field('agreable_poll_definition_firebase_id', $returnJSON->name, $post_id);
         $post_answers = $_POST['acf']['agreable_poll_definition_answers'];
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($post_answers); $i++) {
             update_post_meta($post_id, "poll_answers_{$i}_answer_index", $i);