public function document_to_json($dtype, $docid)
     global $Conf;
     if (!is_object($docid)) {
         $dresult = $Conf->document_result($this->paperid, $dtype, $docid);
         $drow = $Conf->document_row($dresult, $dtype);
     } else {
         $drow = $docid;
         $docid = $drow ? $drow->paperStorageId : null;
     $d = (object) array();
     if ($docid && !$this->hide_docids) {
         $d->docid = $docid;
     if ($drow) {
         if ($drow->mimetype) {
             $d->mimetype = $drow->mimetype;
         if ($drow->sha1 !== null && $drow->sha1 !== "") {
             $d->sha1 = bin2hex($drow->sha1);
         if ($drow->timestamp) {
             $d->timestamp = (int) $drow->timestamp;
         if (get($drow, "filename")) {
             $d->filename = $drow->filename;
         $meta = null;
         if (isset($drow->infoJson) && is_object($drow->infoJson)) {
             $meta = $drow->infoJson;
         } else {
             if (isset($drow->infoJson) && is_string($drow->infoJson)) {
                 $meta = json_decode($drow->infoJson);
         if ($meta) {
             $d->metadata = $meta;
         if ($this->export_content && $drow->docclass->load($drow)) {
             $d->content_base64 = base64_encode(Filer::content($drow));
     foreach ($this->document_callbacks as $cb) {
         call_user_func($cb, $d, $this->prow, $dtype, $drow);
     if (!count(get_object_vars($d))) {
         $d = null;
     return $d;
 function parse_request($opt_pj, $qreq, Contact $user, $pj)
     $attachments = $opt_pj ?: [];
     $opfx = "opt{$this->id}_";
     foreach ($qreq->_FILES ?: [] as $k => $v) {
         if (str_starts_with($k, $opfx)) {
             $attachments[] = Filer::file_upload_json($v);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($attachments); ++$i) {
         if (isset($attachments[$i]->docid) && $qreq["remove_opt{$this->id}_{$attachments[$i]->docid}"]) {
             array_splice($attachments, $i, 1);
     return empty($attachments) ? null : $attachments;
예제 #3

// test05.php -- HotCRP paper submission tests
// HotCRP is Copyright (c) 2006-2016 Eddie Kohler and Regents of the UC
// Distributed under an MIT-like license; see LICENSE
global $ConfSitePATH;
$ConfSitePATH = preg_replace(",/[^/]+/[^/]+\$,", "", __FILE__);
require_once "{$ConfSitePATH}/test/setup.php";
$Conf->save_setting("sub_open", 1);
$Conf->save_setting("sub_update", $Now + 100);
$Conf->save_setting("sub_sub", $Now + 100);
// load users
$user_estrin = Contact::find_by_email("*****@*****.**");
// pc
$user_nobody = new Contact();
$ps = new PaperStatus($user_estrin);
$paper1a = $ps->paper_json(1);
xassert_eqq($paper1a->title, "Scalable Timers for Soft State Protocols");
$ps->save_paper_json((object) ["id" => 1, "title" => "Scalable Timers? for Soft State Protocols"]);
$paper1b = $ps->paper_json(1);
xassert_eqq($paper1b->title, "Scalable Timers? for Soft State Protocols");
$paper1b->title = $paper1a->title;
$paper1b->submitted_at = $paper1a->submitted_at;
xassert_eqq(json_encode($paper1b), json_encode($paper1a));
$doc = Filer::file_upload_json(["error" => UPLOAD_ERR_OK, "name" => "amazing-sample.pdf", "tmp_name" => "{$ConfSitePATH}/src/sample.pdf", "tmp_name_safe" => true, "type" => "application/pdf"]);
$ps->save_paper_json((object) ["id" => 1, "submission" => $doc]);
$paper1c = $ps->paper_json(1);
xassert_eqq($paper1c->submission->sha1, "2f1bccbf1e0e98004c01ef5b26eb9619f363e38e");
예제 #4
 public function apply(Contact $user, $pj, $opj, $qreq, $action)
     global $Conf;
     // Title, abstract, collaborators
     foreach (array("title", "abstract", "collaborators") as $k) {
         if (isset($qreq[$k])) {
             $pj->{$k} = $qreq[$k];
     // Authors
     $bad_author = ["name" => "Name", "email" => "Email", "aff" => "Affiliation"];
     $authors = array();
     foreach ($qreq as $k => $v) {
         if (preg_match('/\\Aau(name|email|aff)(\\d+)\\z/', $k, $m) && ($v = simplify_whitespace($v)) !== "" && $v !== $bad_author[$m[1]]) {
             $au = $authors[$m[2]] = get($authors, $m[2]) ?: (object) array();
             $x = $m[1] == "aff" ? "affiliation" : $m[1];
             $au->{$x} = $v;
     if (!empty($authors)) {
         ksort($authors, SORT_NUMERIC);
         $pj->authors = array_values($authors);
     // Contacts
     if ($qreq->setcontacts || $qreq->has_contacts) {
         PaperSaver::replace_contacts($pj, $qreq);
     } else {
         if (!$opj) {
             $pj->contacts = array($user);
     // Status
     if ($action === "submit") {
         $pj->submitted = true;
     } else {
         if ($action === "final") {
             $pj->final_submitted = true;
         } else {
             $pj->submitted = false;
     // Paper upload
     if ($qreq->_FILES->paperUpload) {
         if ($action === "final") {
             $pj->final = Filer::file_upload_json($qreq->_FILES->paperUpload);
         } else {
             if ($action === "update" || $action === "submit") {
                 $pj->submission = Filer::file_upload_json($qreq->_FILES->paperUpload);
     // Blindness
     if ($action !== "final" && $Conf->subBlindOptional()) {
         $pj->nonblind = !$qreq->blind;
     // Topics
     if ($qreq->has_topics) {
         $pj->topics = (object) array();
         foreach ($Conf->topic_map() as $tid => $tname) {
             if (+$qreq["top{$tid}"] > 0) {
                 $pj->topics->{$tname} = true;
     // Options
     if (!isset($pj->options)) {
         $pj->options = (object) [];
     foreach (PaperOption::option_list() as $o) {
         if ($qreq["has_opt{$o->id}"] && (!$o->final || $action === "final")) {
             $okey = $o->abbr;
             $pj->options->{$okey} = $o->parse_request(get($pj->options, $okey), $qreq, $user, $pj);
     if (!count(get_object_vars($pj->options))) {
     // PC conflicts
     if ($Conf->setting("sub_pcconf") && ($action !== "final" || $user->privChair) && $qreq->has_pcconf) {
         $cmax = $user->privChair ? CONFLICT_CHAIRMARK : CONFLICT_MAXAUTHORMARK;
         $pj->pc_conflicts = (object) array();
         foreach (pcMembers() as $pcid => $pc) {
             $ctype = cvtint($qreq["pcc{$pcid}"], 0);
             $ctype = max(min($ctype, $cmax), 0);
             if ($ctype) {
                 $email = $pc->email;
                 $pj->pc_conflicts->{$email} = Conflict::$type_names[$ctype];
예제 #5
 public function download()
     $result = $this->create();
     if (is_string($result)) {
         // large zip files might download slowly
         $result = (object) array("error" => false);
     return $result;
 public function s3_store($doc, $docinfo, $trust_sha1 = false)
     global $Opt;
     if (!isset($doc->content) && !$this->load_content($doc)) {
         return false;
     if (!$trust_sha1 && Filer::binary_sha1($doc) !== sha1($doc->content, true)) {
         error_log("S3 upload cancelled: data claims checksum " . Filer::text_sha1($doc) . ", has checksum " . sha1($doc->content));
         return false;
     $s3 = self::s3_document();
     $dtype = isset($doc->documentType) ? $doc->documentType : $this->dtype;
     $meta = array("conf" => $Opt["dbName"], "pid" => (int) $docinfo->paperId, "dtype" => (int) $dtype);
     if (get($doc, "filter")) {
         $meta["filtertype"] = (int) $doc->filter;
         if (get($doc, "original_sha1")) {
             $meta["original_sha1"] = $doc->original_sha1;
     $filename = self::s3_filename($doc);
     $s3->save($filename, $doc->content, $doc->mimetype, array("hotcrp" => json_encode($meta)));
     if ($s3->status != 200) {
         error_log("S3 error: POST {$filename}: {$s3->status} {$s3->status_text} " . json_encode($s3->response_headers));
     return $s3->status == 200;
예제 #7
 private function __downloadPaper($paperId, $attachment, $documentType, $docid)
     global $Opt, $Me;
     if (is_object($docid)) {
         $docs = array($docid);
     } else {
         $result = $this->document_result($paperId, $documentType, $docid);
         if (!$result) {
             $this->log("Download error: " . $this->dblink->error, $Me, $paperId);
             return set_error_html("Database error while downloading paper.");
         } else {
             if (edb_nrows($result) == 0) {
                 return set_error_html("No such document.");
         // Check data
         $docs = array();
         while ($doc = $this->document_row($result, $documentType)) {
             if (!$doc->mimetype) {
                 $doc->mimetype = Mimetype::PDF;
             $doc->filename = HotCRPDocument::filename($doc);
             $docs[] = $doc;
     if (count($docs) == 1 && $docs[0]->paperStorageId <= 1) {
         return set_error_html("Paper #" . $docs[0]->paperId . " hasn’t been uploaded yet.");
     $downloadname = false;
     if (count($docs) > 1) {
         $name = HotCRPDocument::unparse_dtype($documentType);
         if ($documentType <= 0) {
             $name = pluralize($name);
         $downloadname = $Opt["downloadPrefix"] . "{$name}.zip";
     return Filer::multidownload($docs, $downloadname, $attachment);