예제 #1
    protected function onDetail()
        if (empty($this->post['directory']) || empty($this->post['file'])) {
        $file = realpath($this->path . '/' . $this->post['directory'] . '/' . $this->post['file']);
        if (!$this->checkFile($file)) {
        require_once $this->options['id3Path'];
        // Xinha: The URL is weird in the standard distribution of filemanager, it seems to expect
        // that the files directory (where you are selecting/uploading) is always within the filemanager
        // directory itself somewhere.
        // Also the 'baseURL' seems to be wanted as the parent of the 'basedir' ("directory" option)
        // Xinha is supplying both the same (eg url = /foo/test and dir = /home/bar/public_html/foo/test )
        // so we will rip off the first part of directory, below.
        $url = $this->options['baseURL'] . '/' . preg_replace('/^[^\\/]*\\//', '', $this->post['directory'] . '/' . $this->post['file']);
        $mime = $this->getMimeType($file);
        $content = null;
        // Xinha: We want to get some more information about what has been selected in a way
        // we can use it.  Effectively what gets put in here will be passed into the
        // 'onDetails' event handler of your FileManager object (if any).
        $extra_return_detail = array('url' => $url, 'mime' => $mime);
        if (FileManagerUtility::startsWith($mime, 'image/')) {
            $size = getimagesize($file);
            $content = '<img src="' . $url . '" class="preview" alt="" />
					<dt>${width}</dt><dd>' . $size[0] . 'px</dd>
					<dt>${height}</dt><dd>' . $size[1] . 'px</dd>
            // Xinha: Return some information about the image which can be access
            // from the onDetails event handler in FileManager
            $extra_return_detail['width'] = $size[0];
            $extra_return_detail['height'] = $size[1];
        } elseif (FileManagerUtility::startsWith($mime, 'text/') || $mime == 'application/x-javascript') {
            $filecontent = file_get_contents($file, null, null, 0, 300);
            if (!FileManagerUtility::isBinary($filecontent)) {
                $content = '<div class="textpreview">' . nl2br(str_replace(array('$', "\t"), array('&#36;', '&nbsp;&nbsp;'), htmlentities($filecontent))) . '</div>';
        } elseif ($mime == 'application/zip') {
            $out = array(array(), array());
            $getid3 = new getID3();
            foreach ($getid3->info['zip']['files'] as $name => $size) {
                $icon = is_array($size) ? 'dir' : $this->getIcon($name);
                $out[$icon == 'dir' ? 0 : 1][$name] = '<li><a><img src="' . $this->options['assetBasePath'] . '/Icons/' . $icon . '.png" alt="" /> ' . $name . '</a></li>';
            $content = '<ul>' . implode(array_merge($out[0], $out[1])) . '</ul>';
        } elseif (FileManagerUtility::startsWith($mime, 'audio/')) {
            $getid3 = new getID3();
            $content = '<div class="object">
					<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="' . $this->options['assetBasePath'] . '/dewplayer.swf?mp3=' . rawurlencode($url) . '&volume=30" width="200" height="20">
						<param name="movie" value="' . $this->options['assetBasePath'] . '/dewplayer.swf?mp3=' . rawurlencode($url) . '&volume=30" />
					<dt>${title}</dt><dd>' . $getid3->info['comments']['title'][0] . '</dd>
					<dt>${artist}</dt><dd>' . $getid3->info['comments']['artist'][0] . '</dd>
					<dt>${album}</dt><dd>' . $getid3->info['comments']['album'][0] . '</dd>
					<dt>${length}</dt><dd>' . $getid3->info['playtime_string'] . '</dd>
					<dt>${bitrate}</dt><dd>' . round($getid3->info['bitrate'] / 1000) . 'kbps</dd>
        echo json_encode(array_merge(array('content' => $content ? $content : '<div class="margin">
				${nopreview}<br/><button value="' . $url . '">${download}</button>
			</div>'), $extra_return_detail));
예제 #2
     * Produce a HTML snippet detailing the given file in the JSON 'content' element; place additional info
     * in the JSON elements 'thumbnail', 'thumb48', 'thumb250', 'width', 'height', ...
     * Return an augmented JSON array.
     * Throw an exception on error.
    public function extractDetailInfo($json_in, $legal_url, &$meta, $mime_filter, $mime_filters, $mode)
        $auto_thumb_gen_mode = !in_array('direct', $mode, true);
        $metaHTML_mode = in_array('metaHTML', $mode, true);
        $metaJSON_mode = in_array('metaJSON', $mode, true);
        $url = $this->legal2abs_url_path($legal_url);
        $filename = basename($url);
        log_message('error', '$url : ' . $url);
        // must transform here so alias/etc. expansions inside url_path2file_path() get a chance:
        $file = $this->url_path2file_path($url);
        $isdir = !is_file($file);
        $bad_ext = false;
        $mime = null;
        // only perform the (costly) getID3 scan when it hasn't been done before, i.e. can we re-use previously obtained data or not?
        if (!is_object($meta)) {
            $meta = $this->getFileInfo($file, $legal_url);
        if (!$isdir) {
            $mime = $meta->getMimeType();
            $mime2 = $this->getMimeFromExt($file);
            $meta->store('mime_type from file extension', $mime2);
            $bad_ext = $mime2 != $mime;
            if ($bad_ext) {
                $iconspec = 'is.' + $this->getExtFromMime($mime);
            } else {
                $iconspec = $filename;
            if (!$this->IsAllowedMimeType($mime, $mime_filters)) {
                throw new FileManagerException('extension');
        } else {
            if (is_dir($file)) {
                $mime = $meta->getMimeType();
                // $mime = 'text/directory';
                $iconspec = 'is.directory';
            } else {
                // simply do NOT list anything that we cannot cope with.
                // That includes clearly inaccessible files (and paths) with non-ASCII characters:
                // PHP5 and below are a real mess when it comes to handling Unicode filesystems
                // (see the php.net site too: readdir / glob / etc. user comments and the official
                // notice that PHP will support filesystem UTF-8/Unicode only when PHP6 is released.
                // Big, fat bummer!
                throw new FileManagerException('nofile');
        // as all the work below is quite costly, we check whether the already loaded cache entry got our number:
        // several chunks of work below may have been cached and when they have been, use the cached data.
        // it's an internal error when this entry do not exist in the cache store by now!
        $fi = $meta->fetch('analysis');
        $icon48 = $this->getIcon($iconspec, false);
        $icon = $this->getIcon($iconspec, true);
        $thumb250 = $meta->fetch('thumb250_direct');
        $thumb48 = $meta->fetch('thumb48_direct');
        $thumb250_e = false;
        $thumb48_e = false;
        $tstamp_str = date($this->options['dateFormat'], @filemtime($file));
        $fsize = @filesize($file);
        $json = array_merge(array('content' => self::compressHTML('<div class="margin">
				</div>')), array('path' => $legal_url, 'name' => $filename, 'date' => $tstamp_str, 'mime' => $mime, 'size' => $fsize));
        if (empty($fsize)) {
            $fsize_str = '-';
        } else {
            // convert to T/G/M/K-bytes:
            $fsize_str = $this->format_bytes($fsize);
        $content = '<dl>
						<dd class="filemanager-modified">' . $tstamp_str . '</dd>
						<dd class="filemanager-type">' . $mime . '</dd>
						<dd class="filemanager-size">' . $fsize_str . '</dd>';
        $content_dl_term = false;
        $preview_HTML = null;
        $postdiag_err_HTML = '';
        $postdiag_dump_HTML = '';
        $thumbnails_done_or_deferred = false;
        // TRUE: mark our thumbnail work as 'done'; any NULL thumbnails represent deferred generation entries!
        $check_for_embedded_img = false;
        $mime_els = explode('/', $mime);
        for (;;) {
            switch ($mime_els[0]) {
                case 'image':
                     * thumbnail_gen_mode === 'auto':
                     * offload the thumbnailing process to another event ('event=thumbnail') to be fired by the client
                     * when it's time to render the thumbnail:
                     * WE simply assume the thumbnail will be there, and when it doesn't, that's
                     * for the event=thumbnail handler to worry about (creating the thumbnail on demand or serving
                     * a generic icon image instead). Meanwhile, we are able to speed up the response process here quite
                     * a bit (rendering thumbnails from very large images can take a lot of time!)
                     * To further improve matters, we first generate the 250px thumbnail and then generate the 48px
                     * thumbnail from that one (if it doesn't already exist). That saves us one more time processing
                     * the (possibly huge) original image; downscaling the 250px file is quite fast, relatively speaking.
                     * That bit of code ASSUMES that the thumbnail will be generated from the file argument, while
                     * the url argument is used to determine the thumbnail name/path.
                    $emsg = null;
                    try {
                        if (empty($thumb250)) {
                            $thumb250 = $this->getThumb($meta, $file, $this->options['thumbBigSize'], $this->options['thumbBigSize'], $auto_thumb_gen_mode);
                        if (!empty($thumb250)) {
                            $thumb250_e = FileManagerUtility::rawurlencode_path($thumb250);
                        if (empty($thumb48)) {
                            $thumb48 = $this->getThumb($meta, !empty($thumb250) ? $this->url_path2file_path($thumb250) : $file, $this->options['thumbSmallSize'], $this->options['thumbSmallSize'], $auto_thumb_gen_mode);
                        if (!empty($thumb48)) {
                            $thumb48_e = FileManagerUtility::rawurlencode_path($thumb48);
                        if (empty($thumb48) || empty($thumb250)) {
                             * do NOT generate the thumbnail itself yet (it takes too much time!) but do check whether it CAN be generated
                             * at all: THAT is a (relatively speaking) fast operation!
                            $imginfo = Image::checkFileForProcessing($file);
                        $thumbnails_done_or_deferred = true;
                    } catch (Exception $e) {
                        $emsg = $e->getMessage();
                        $icon48 = $this->getIconForError($emsg, $legal_url, false);
                        $icon = $this->getIconForError($emsg, $legal_url, true);
                        // even cache the fail: that means next time around we don't suffer the failure but immediately serve the error icon instead.
                    $width = round($this->getID3infoItem($fi, 0, 'video', 'resolution_x'));
                    $height = round($this->getID3infoItem($fi, 0, 'video', 'resolution_y'));
                    $json['width'] = $width;
                    $json['height'] = $height;
                    $content .= '
						<dt>${width}</dt><dd>' . $width . 'px</dd>
						<dt>${height}</dt><dd>' . $height . 'px</dd>
                    $content_dl_term = true;
                    $sw_make = $this->mkSafeUTF8($this->getID3infoItem($fi, null, 'jpg', 'exif', 'IFD0', 'Software'));
                    $time_make = $this->mkSafeUTF8($this->getID3infoItem($fi, null, 'jpg', 'exif', 'IFD0', 'DateTime'));
                    if (!empty($sw_make) || !empty($time_make)) {
                        $content .= '<p>Made with ' . (empty($sw_make) ? '???' : $sw_make) . ' @ ' . (empty($time_make) ? '???' : $time_make) . '</p>';
                    // are we delaying the thumbnail generation? When yes, then we need to infer the thumbnail dimensions *anyway*!
                    if (empty($thumb48) && $thumbnails_done_or_deferred) {
                        $dims = $this->predictThumbDimensions($width, $height, $this->options['thumbSmallSize'], $this->options['thumbSmallSize']);
                        $json['thumb48_width'] = $dims['width'];
                        $json['thumb48_height'] = $dims['height'];
                    if (empty($thumb250)) {
                        if ($thumbnails_done_or_deferred) {
                            // to show the loader.gif in the preview <img> tag, we MUST set a width+height there, so we guestimate the thumbnail250 size as accurately as possible
                            // derive size from original:
                            $dims = $this->predictThumbDimensions($width, $height, $this->options['thumbBigSize'], $this->options['thumbBigSize']);
                            $preview_HTML = '<a href="' . FileManagerUtility::rawurlencode_path($url) . '" data-milkbox="single" title="' . htmlentities($filename, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '">
									   <img src="' . $this->options['URLpath4assets'] . 'Images/transparent.gif" class="preview" alt="preview" style="width: ' . $dims['width'] . 'px; height: ' . $dims['height'] . 'px;" />
                            $json['thumb250_width'] = $dims['width'];
                            $json['thumb250_height'] = $dims['height'];
                        } else {
                            // when we get here, a failure occurred before, so we only will have the icons. So we use those:
                            $preview_HTML = '<a href="' . FileManagerUtility::rawurlencode_path($url) . '" data-milkbox="single" title="' . htmlentities($filename, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '">
									   <img src="' . FileManagerUtility::rawurlencode_path($icon48) . '" class="preview" alt="preview" />
                    // else: defer the $preview_HTML production until we're at the end of this and have fetched the actual thumbnail dimensions
                    if (!empty($emsg)) {
                        // use the abilities of modify_json4exception() to munge/format the exception message:
                        $jsa = array('error' => '');
                        $this->modify_json4exception($jsa, $emsg, 'path = ' . $url);
                        $postdiag_err_HTML .= "\n" . '<p class="err_info">' . $jsa['error'] . '</p>';
                        if (strpos($emsg, 'img_will_not_fit') !== false) {
                            $earr = explode(':', $emsg, 2);
                            $postdiag_err_HTML .= "\n" . '<p class="tech_info">Estimated minimum memory requirements to create thumbnails for this image: ' . $earr[1] . '</p>';
                case 'text':
                    switch ($mime_els[1]) {
                        case 'directory':
                            $content = '<dl>';
                            $preview_HTML = '';
                            // text preview:
                            $filecontent = @file_get_contents($file, false, null, 0);
                            if ($filecontent === false) {
                                throw new FileManagerException('nofile');
                            if (!FileManagerUtility::isBinary($filecontent)) {
                                $preview_HTML = '<pre>' . str_replace(array('$', "\t"), array('&#36;', '&nbsp;&nbsp;'), htmlentities($filecontent, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8')) . '</pre>';
                            } else {
                                // else: fall back to 'no preview available' (if getID3 didn't deliver instead...)
                                $mime_els[0] = 'unknown';
                                // remap!
                                continue 3;
                case 'application':
                    switch ($mime_els[1]) {
                        case 'x-javascript':
                            $mime_els[0] = 'text';
                            // remap!
                            continue 3;
                        case 'zip':
                            $out = array(array(), array());
                            $info = $this->getID3infoItem($fi, null, 'zip', 'files');
                            if (is_array($info)) {
                                foreach ($info as $name => $size) {
                                    $name = $this->mkSafeUTF8($name);
                                    $isdir = is_array($size);
                                    $out[$isdir ? 0 : 1][$name] = '<li><a><img src="' . FileManagerUtility::rawurlencode_path($this->getIcon($name, true)) . '" alt="" /> ' . $name . '</a></li>';
                                $preview_HTML = '<ul>' . implode(array_merge($out[0], $out[1])) . '</ul>';
                        case 'x-shockwave-flash':
                            $check_for_embedded_img = true;
                            $info = $this->getID3infoItem($fi, null, 'swf', 'header');
                            if (is_array($info)) {
                                $width = round($this->getID3infoItem($fi, 0, 'swf', 'header', 'frame_width') / 10);
                                $height = round($this->getID3infoItem($fi, 0, 'swf', 'header', 'frame_height') / 10);
                                $json['width'] = $width;
                                $json['height'] = $height;
                                $content .= '
								<dt>${width}</dt><dd>' . $width . 'px</dd>
								<dt>${height}</dt><dd>' . $height . 'px</dd>
								<dt>${length}</dt><dd>' . round($this->getID3infoItem($fi, 0, 'swf', 'header', 'length') / $this->getID3infoItem($fi, 25, 'swf', 'header', 'frame_count')) . 's</dd>
                                $content_dl_term = true;
                            // else: fall back to 'no preview available' (if getID3 didn't deliver instead...)
                            $mime_els[0] = 'unknown';
                            // remap!
                            continue 3;
                case 'audio':
                    $check_for_embedded_img = true;
                    $title = $this->mkSafeUTF8($this->getID3infoItem($fi, $this->getID3infoItem($fi, '???', 'tags', 'id3v1', 'title', 0), 'tags', 'id3v2', 'title', 0));
                    $artist = $this->mkSafeUTF8($this->getID3infoItem($fi, $this->getID3infoItem($fi, '???', 'tags', 'id3v1', 'artist', 0), 'tags', 'id3v2', 'artist', 0));
                    $album = $this->mkSafeUTF8($this->getID3infoItem($fi, $this->getID3infoItem($fi, '???', 'tags', 'id3v1', 'album', 0), 'tags', 'id3v2', 'album', 0));
                    $content .= '
						<dt>${title}</dt><dd>' . $title . '</dd>
						<dt>${artist}</dt><dd>' . $artist . '</dd>
						<dt>${album}</dt><dd>' . $album . '</dd>
						<dt>${length}</dt><dd>' . $this->mkSafeUTF8($this->getID3infoItem($fi, '???', 'playtime_string')) . '</dd>
						<dt>${bitrate}</dt><dd>' . round($this->getID3infoItem($fi, 0, 'bitrate') / 1000) . 'kbps</dd>
                    $content_dl_term = true;
                case 'video':
                    $check_for_embedded_img = true;
                    $a_fmt = $this->mkSafeUTF8($this->getID3infoItem($fi, '???', 'audio', 'dataformat'));
                    $a_samplerate = round($this->getID3infoItem($fi, 0, 'audio', 'sample_rate') / 1000, 1);
                    $a_bitrate = round($this->getID3infoItem($fi, 0, 'audio', 'bitrate') / 1000, 1);
                    $a_bitrate_mode = $this->mkSafeUTF8($this->getID3infoItem($fi, '???', 'audio', 'bitrate_mode'));
                    $a_channels = round($this->getID3infoItem($fi, 0, 'audio', 'channels'));
                    $a_codec = $this->mkSafeUTF8($this->getID3infoItem($fi, '', 'audio', 'codec'));
                    $a_streams = $this->getID3infoItem($fi, '???', 'audio', 'streams');
                    $a_streamcount = is_array($a_streams) ? count($a_streams) : 0;
                    $v_fmt = $this->mkSafeUTF8($this->getID3infoItem($fi, '???', 'video', 'dataformat'));
                    $v_bitrate = round($this->getID3infoItem($fi, 0, 'video', 'bitrate') / 1000, 1);
                    $v_bitrate_mode = $this->mkSafeUTF8($this->getID3infoItem($fi, '???', 'video', 'bitrate_mode'));
                    $v_framerate = round($this->getID3infoItem($fi, 0, 'video', 'frame_rate'), 5);
                    $v_width = round($this->getID3infoItem($fi, '???', 'video', 'resolution_x'));
                    $v_height = round($this->getID3infoItem($fi, '???', 'video', 'resolution_y'));
                    $v_par = round($this->getID3infoItem($fi, 1.0, 'video', 'pixel_aspect_ratio'), 7);
                    $v_codec = $this->mkSafeUTF8($this->getID3infoItem($fi, '', 'video', 'codec'));
                    $g_bitrate = round($this->getID3infoItem($fi, 0, 'bitrate') / 1000, 1);
                    $g_playtime_str = $this->mkSafeUTF8($this->getID3infoItem($fi, '???', 'playtime_string'));
                    $content .= '
                    if ($a_fmt === '???' && $a_samplerate == 0 && $a_bitrate == 0 && $a_bitrate_mode === '???' && $a_channels == 0 && empty($a_codec) && $a_streams === '???' && $a_streamcount == 0) {
                        $content .= '-';
                    } else {
                        $content .= $a_fmt . (!empty($a_codec) ? ' (' . $a_codec . ')' : '') . (!empty($a_channels) ? $a_channels === 1 ? ' (mono)' : ($a_channels === 2 ? ' (stereo)' : ' (' . $a_channels . ' channels)') : '') . ': ' . $a_samplerate . ' kHz @ ' . $a_bitrate . ' kbps (' . strtoupper($a_bitrate_mode) . ')' . ($a_streamcount > 1 ? ' (' . $a_streamcount . ' streams)' : '');
                    $content .= '</dd>
						<dt>Video</dt><dd>' . $v_fmt . (!empty($v_codec) ? ' (' . $v_codec . ')' : '') . ': ' . $v_framerate . ' fps @ ' . $v_bitrate . ' kbps (' . strtoupper($v_bitrate_mode) . ')' . ($v_par != 1.0 ? ', PAR: ' . $v_par : '') . '</dd>
						<dt>${width}</dt><dd>' . $v_width . 'px</dd>
						<dt>${height}</dt><dd>' . $v_height . 'px</dd>
						<dt>${length}</dt><dd>' . $g_playtime_str . '</dd>
						<dt>${bitrate}</dt><dd>' . $g_bitrate . 'kbps</dd>
                    $content_dl_term = true;
                    // fall back to 'no preview available' (if getID3 didn't deliver instead...)
        if (!$content_dl_term) {
            $content .= '</dl>';
        if (!empty($fi['error'])) {
            $postdiag_err_HTML .= '<p class="err_info">' . $this->mkSafeUTF8(implode(', ', $fi['error'])) . '</p>';
        $emsgX = null;
        if (empty($thumb250)) {
            if (!$thumbnails_done_or_deferred) {
                // check if we have stored a thumbnail for this file anyhow:
                $thumb250 = $this->getThumb($meta, $file, $this->options['thumbBigSize'], $this->options['thumbBigSize'], true);
                if (empty($thumb250)) {
                    if (!empty($fi) && $check_for_embedded_img) {
                         * No thumbnail available yet, so find me one!
                         * When we find a thumbnail during the 'cleanup' scan, we don't know up front if it's suitable to be used directly,
                         * so we treat it as an alternative 'original' file and generate a 250px/48px thumbnail set from it.
                         * When the embedded thumbnail is small enough, the thumbnail creation process will be simply a copy action, so relatively
                         * low cost.
                        $embed = $this->extract_ID3info_embedded_image($fi);
                        //@file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/extract_embedded_img.log', print_r(array('html' => $preview_HTML, 'json' => $json, 'thumb250_e' => $thumb250_e, 'thumb250' => $thumb250, 'embed' => $embed, 'fileinfo' => $fi), true));
                        if (is_object($embed)) {
                            $thumbX = $meta->getThumbURL('embed');
                            $tfi = pathinfo($thumbX);
                            $tfi['extension'] = image_type_to_extension($embed->metadata[2]);
                            $thumbX = $tfi['dirname'] . '/' . $tfi['filename'] . '.' . $tfi['extension'];
                            $thumbX = $this->normalize($thumbX);
                            $thumbX_f = $this->url_path2file_path($thumbX);
                            // as we've spent some effort to dig out the embedded thumbnail, and 'knowing' (assuming) that generally
                            // embedded thumbnails are not too large, we don't concern ourselves with delaying the thumbnail generation (the
                            // source file mapping is not bidirectional, either!) and go straight ahead and produce the 250px thumbnail at least.
                            $thumb250 = false;
                            $thumb250_e = false;
                            $thumb48 = false;
                            $thumb48_e = false;
                            if (false === file_put_contents($thumbX_f, $embed->imagedata)) {
                                $emsgX = 'Cannot save embedded image data to cache.';
                                $icon48 = $this->getIcon('is.default-error', false);
                                $icon = $this->getIcon('is.default-error', true);
                            } else {
                                try {
                                    $thumb250 = $this->getThumb($meta, $thumbX_f, $this->options['thumbBigSize'], $this->options['thumbBigSize'], false);
                                    if (!empty($thumb250)) {
                                        $thumb250_e = FileManagerUtility::rawurlencode_path($thumb250);
                                    $thumb48 = $this->getThumb($meta, !empty($thumb250) ? $this->url_path2file_path($thumb250) : $thumbX_f, $this->options['thumbSmallSize'], $this->options['thumbSmallSize'], false);
                                    if (!empty($thumb48)) {
                                        $thumb48_e = FileManagerUtility::rawurlencode_path($thumb48);
                                } catch (Exception $e) {
                                    $emsgX = $e->getMessage();
                                    $icon48 = $this->getIconForError($emsgX, $legal_url, false);
                                    $icon = $this->getIconForError($emsgX, $legal_url, true);
                } else {
                    // !empty($thumb250)
                    $thumb250_e = FileManagerUtility::rawurlencode_path($thumb250);
                    try {
                        $thumb48 = $this->getThumb($meta, $this->url_path2file_path($thumb250), $this->options['thumbSmallSize'], $this->options['thumbSmallSize'], false);
                        $thumb48_e = FileManagerUtility::rawurlencode_path($thumb48);
                    } catch (Exception $e) {
                        $emsgX = $e->getMessage();
                        $icon48 = $this->getIconForError($emsgX, $legal_url, false);
                        $icon = $this->getIconForError($emsgX, $legal_url, true);
                        $thumb48 = false;
                        $thumb48_e = false;
        } else {
            if (empty($thumb250_e)) {
                $thumb250_e = FileManagerUtility::rawurlencode_path($thumb250);
            if (empty($thumb48)) {
                try {
                    $thumb48 = $this->getThumb($meta, $this->url_path2file_path($thumb250), $this->options['thumbSmallSize'], $this->options['thumbSmallSize'], false);
                    $thumb48_e = FileManagerUtility::rawurlencode_path($thumb48);
                } catch (Exception $e) {
                    $emsgX = $e->getMessage();
                    $icon48 = $this->getIconForError($emsgX, $legal_url, false);
                    $icon = $this->getIconForError($emsgX, $legal_url, true);
                    $thumb48 = false;
                    $thumb48_e = false;
            if (empty($thumb48_e)) {
                $thumb48_e = FileManagerUtility::rawurlencode_path($thumb48);
        // also provide X/Y size info with each direct-access thumbnail file:
        if (!empty($thumb250)) {
            $json['thumb250'] = $thumb250_e;
            $meta->store('thumb250_direct', $thumb250);
            $tnsize = $meta->fetch('thumb250_info');
            if (empty($tnsize)) {
                $tnsize = getimagesize($this->url_path2file_path($thumb250));
                $meta->store('thumb250_info', $tnsize);
            if (is_array($tnsize)) {
                $json['thumb250_width'] = $tnsize[0];
                $json['thumb250_height'] = $tnsize[1];
                if (empty($preview_HTML)) {
                    $preview_HTML = '<a href="' . FileManagerUtility::rawurlencode_path($url) . '" data-milkbox="single" title="' . htmlentities($filename, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '">
									   <img src="' . $thumb250_e . '" class="preview" alt="' . (!empty($emsgX) ? $this->mkSafe4HTMLattr($emsgX) : 'preview') . '"
											style="width: ' . $tnsize[0] . 'px; height: ' . $tnsize[1] . 'px;" />
        if (!empty($thumb48)) {
            $json['thumb48'] = $thumb48_e;
            $meta->store('thumb48_direct', $thumb48);
            $tnsize = $meta->fetch('thumb48_info');
            if (empty($tnsize)) {
                $tnsize = getimagesize($this->url_path2file_path($thumb48));
                $meta->store('thumb48_info', $tnsize);
            if (is_array($tnsize)) {
                $json['thumb48_width'] = $tnsize[0];
                $json['thumb48_height'] = $tnsize[1];
        if ($thumbnails_done_or_deferred && (empty($thumbs250) || empty($thumbs48))) {
            $json['thumbs_deferred'] = true;
        } else {
            $json['thumbs_deferred'] = false;
        if (!empty($icon48)) {
            $icon48_e = FileManagerUtility::rawurlencode_path($icon48);
            $json['icon48'] = $icon48_e;
        if (!empty($icon)) {
            $icon_e = FileManagerUtility::rawurlencode_path($icon);
            $json['icon'] = $icon_e;
        $fi4dump = null;
        if (!empty($fi)) {
            try {
                $fi4dump = $meta->fetch('file_info_dump');
                if (empty($fi4dump)) {
                    $fi4dump = array_merge(array(), $fi);
                    // clone $fi
                    $meta->store('file_info_dump', $fi4dump);
                $dump = FileManagerUtility::table_var_dump($fi4dump, false);
                $postdiag_dump_HTML .= "\n" . $dump . "\n";
                //@file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/getid3.log', print_r(array('html' => $preview_HTML, 'json' => $json, 'thumb250_e' => $thumb250_e, 'thumb250' => $thumb250, 'embed' => $embed, 'fileinfo' => $fi), true));
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                $postdiag_err_HTML .= '<p class="err_info">' . $e->getMessage() . '</p>';
        if ($preview_HTML === null) {
            $preview_HTML = '${nopreview}';
        if (!empty($preview_HTML)) {
            //$content .= '<h3>${preview}</h3>';
            $content .= '<div class="filemanager-preview-content">' . $preview_HTML . '</div>';
        if (!empty($postdiag_err_HTML)) {
            $content .= '<div class="filemanager-errors">' . $postdiag_err_HTML . '</div>';
        if (!empty($postdiag_dump_HTML) && $metaHTML_mode) {
            $content .= '<div class="filemanager-diag-dump">' . $postdiag_dump_HTML . '</div>';
        $json['content'] = self::compressHTML($content);
        $json['metadata'] = $metaJSON_mode ? $fi4dump : null;
        return array_merge(is_array($json_in) ? $json_in : array(), $json);
예제 #3
 protected function onDetail()
     if (empty($this->post['file'])) {
     $file = $this->basedir . $this->post['directory'] . $this->post['file'];
     if (!$this->checkFile($file)) {
     $url = str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '', $this->normalize($file));
     $mime = $this->getMimeType($file);
     $content = null;
     // image
     if (FileManagerUtility::startsWith($mime, 'image/')) {
         // generates a random number to put on the end of the image, to prevent caching
         $randomImage = '?' . md5(uniqid(rand(), 1));
         $size = getimagesize($file);
         $content = '<dl>
       <dt>${width}</dt><dd>' . $size[0] . 'px</dd>
       <dt>${height}</dt><dd>' . $size[1] . 'px</dd>
     <a href="' . $url . '" data-milkbox="preview" title="' . str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '', $file) . '"><img src="' . $this->options['thumbnailPath'] . $this->getThumb($this->normalize($file)) . $randomImage . '" class="preview" alt="preview" /></a>
         // text preview
     } elseif (FileManagerUtility::startsWith($mime, 'text/') || $mime == 'application/x-javascript') {
         $filecontent = file_get_contents($file, false, null, 0);
         if (!FileManagerUtility::isBinary($filecontent)) {
             $content = '<div class="textpreview"><pre>' . str_replace(array('$', "\t"), array('&#36;', '&nbsp;&nbsp;'), htmlentities($filecontent, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')) . '</pre></div>';
         // zip
     } elseif ($mime == 'application/zip') {
         require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Assets/getid3/getid3.php';
         $out = array(array(), array());
         $getid3 = new getID3();
         foreach ($getid3->info['zip']['files'] as $name => $size) {
             $dir = is_array($size) ? true : true;
             $out[$dir ? 0 : 1][$name] = '<li><a><img src="' . $this->getIcon($name, true) . '" alt="" /> ' . $name . '</a></li>';
         $content = '<ul>' . implode(array_merge($out[0], $out[1])) . '</ul>';
         // swf
     } elseif ($mime == 'application/x-shockwave-flash') {
         require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Assets/getid3/getid3.php';
         $getid3 = new getID3();
         $content = '<dl>
       <dt>${width}</dt><dd>' . $getid3->info['swf']['header']['frame_width'] / 10 . 'px</dd>
       <dt>${height}</dt><dd>' . $getid3->info['swf']['header']['frame_height'] / 10 . 'px</dd>
       <dt>${length}</dt><dd>' . round($getid3->info['swf']['header']['length'] / $getid3->info['swf']['header']['frame_count']) . 's</dd>
     <div class="object">
       <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="' . str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '', $file) . '" width="500" height="400">
         <param name="scale" value="noscale" />
         <param name="movie" value="' . str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '', $file) . '" />
         // audio
     } elseif (FileManagerUtility::startsWith($mime, 'audio/')) {
         require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Assets/getid3/getid3.php';
         $getid3 = new getID3();
         $getid3->encoding = "UTF-8";
         $title = str_replace("\$", "&#36;", !empty($getid3->info['tags']['id3v2']['title'][0]) ? $getid3->info['tags']['id3v2']['title'][0] : (!empty($getid3->info['tags']['id3v1']['title'][0]) ? $getid3->info['tags']['id3v1']['title'][0] : "-"));
         $artist = str_replace("\$", "&#36;", !empty($getid3->info['tags']['id3v2']['artist'][0]) ? $getid3->info['tags']['id3v2']['artist'][0] : (!empty($getid3->info['tags']['id3v1']['artist'][0]) ? $getid3->info['tags']['id3v1']['artist'][0] : "-"));
         $album = str_replace("\$", "&#36;", !empty($getid3->info['tags']['id3v2']['album'][0]) ? $getid3->info['tags']['id3v2']['album'][0] : (!empty($getid3->info['tags']['id3v1']['album'][0]) ? $getid3->info['tags']['id3v1']['album'][0] : "-"));
         $content = '<dl>
       <dt>${title}</dt><dd>' . $title . '</dd>
       <dt>${artist}</dt><dd>' . $artist . '</dd>
       <dt>${album}</dt><dd>' . $album . '</dd>
       <dt>${length}</dt><dd>' . (!empty($getid3->info['playtime_string']) ? $getid3->info['playtime_string'] : "-") . '</dd>
       <dt>${bitrate}</dt><dd>' . (!empty($getid3->info['bitrate']) ? round($getid3->info['bitrate'] / 1000) . "kbps" : "-") . '</dd>
     <div class="object">
       <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="' . $this->options['assetBasePath'] . '/dewplayer.swf" width="200" height="20" id="dewplayer" name="dewplayer">
         <param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
         <param name="movie" value="' . $this->options['assetBasePath'] . '/dewplayer.swf" />
         <param name="flashvars" value="mp3=' . rawurlencode($url) . '&amp;volume=50&amp;showtime=1" />
     echo json_encode(array('content' => $content ? $content : '<div class="margin">
예제 #4
    protected function onDetail()
        if (empty($this->post['directory']) || empty($this->post['file'])) {
        $file = realpath($this->path . '/' . $this->post['directory'] . '/' . $this->post['file']);
        if (!$this->checkFile($file)) {
        require_once $this->options['id3Path'];
        $url = $this->options['baseURL'] . $this->normalize(substr($file, strlen($this->path) + 1));
        $mime = $this->getMimeType($file);
        $content = null;
        if (FileManagerUtility::startsWith($mime, 'image/')) {
            $size = getimagesize($file);
            $content = '<img src="' . $url . '" class="preview" alt="" />
					<dt>${width}</dt><dd>' . $size[0] . 'px</dd>
					<dt>${height}</dt><dd>' . $size[1] . 'px</dd>
        } elseif (FileManagerUtility::startsWith($mime, 'text/') || $mime == 'application/x-javascript') {
            $filecontent = file_get_contents($file, null, null, 0, 300);
            if (!FileManagerUtility::isBinary($filecontent)) {
                $content = '<div class="textpreview">' . nl2br(str_replace(array('$', "\t"), array('&#36;', '&nbsp;&nbsp;'), htmlentities($filecontent))) . '</div>';
        } elseif ($mime == 'application/zip') {
            $out = array(array(), array());
            $getid3 = new getID3();
            foreach ($getid3->info['zip']['files'] as $name => $size) {
                $icon = is_array($size) ? 'dir' : $this->getIcon($name);
                $out[$icon == 'dir' ? 0 : 1][$name] = '<li><a><img src="' . $this->options['assetBasePath'] . '/Icons/' . $icon . '.png" alt="" /> ' . $name . '</a></li>';
            $content = '<ul>' . implode(array_merge($out[0], $out[1])) . '</ul>';
        } elseif (FileManagerUtility::startsWith($mime, 'audio/')) {
            $getid3 = new getID3();
            $content = '<div class="object">
					<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="' . $this->options['assetBasePath'] . '/dewplayer.swf?mp3=' . rawurlencode($url) . '&volume=30" width="200" height="20">
						<param name="movie" value="' . $this->options['assetBasePath'] . '/dewplayer.swf?mp3=' . rawurlencode($url) . '&volume=30" />
					<dt>${title}</dt><dd>' . $getid3->info['comments']['title'][0] . '</dd>
					<dt>${artist}</dt><dd>' . $getid3->info['comments']['artist'][0] . '</dd>
					<dt>${album}</dt><dd>' . $getid3->info['comments']['album'][0] . '</dd>
					<dt>${length}</dt><dd>' . $getid3->info['playtime_string'] . '</dd>
					<dt>${bitrate}</dt><dd>' . round($getid3->info['bitrate'] / 1000) . 'kbps</dd>
        echo json_encode(array('content' => $content ? $content : '<div class="margin">
				${nopreview}<br/><button value="' . $url . '">${download}</button>
예제 #5
 protected static function clean_EXIF_results(&$arr)
     // see http://nl2.php.net/manual/en/function.array-walk-recursive.php#81835
     // --> we don't mind about it because we're not worried about the references occurring in here, now or later.
     // Indeed, that does assume we (as in 'we' being this particular function!) know about how the
     // data we process will be used. Risky, but fine with me. Hence the 'protected'.
     array_walk_recursive($arr, function (&$value, $key) {
         if (is_string($value)) {
             if (FileManagerUtility::isBinary($value)) {
                 $value = '(binary data... length = ' . strlen($value) . ')';