} file_put_contents($CFG->INCLUDE_PATH . $value->Name, $tmp); echo $value->Name . " (" . $value->Size . " bytes): " . $value->MD5 . "\n"; } else { echo "ERRORE di DOWNLOAD: " . $value->Name . " (" . $value->Size . " bytes): " . $value->MD5 . "\n"; } } else { echo "ERRORE di DOWNLOAD: " . $value->Name . "\n"; } } echo "</pre>"; //Calcola Le differenze DA CANCELLARE //Gestisci Elenco Locale $tmp = new FileList("/"); $tmp->IncludeFolders(true); $tmp->Load(); $lFileList = $tmp->toArray(); $NeedFile = array_udiff($lFileList, $rFileList, array("File", "compare")); usort($NeedFile, array("File", "compare")); echo "Cancellazione Files non utilizzati\n"; echo "<pre>"; foreach ($NeedFile as $value) { if (is_dir($CFG->INCLUDE_PATH . $value->Name)) { if (count(scandir($CFG->INCLUDE_PATH . $value->Name)) == 2) { rmdir($CFG->INCLUDE_PATH . $value->Name); echo "CARTELLA: " . $value->Name . "\n"; } } else { if ($value->Name != "/Common/config.inc.php") { unlink($CFG->INCLUDE_PATH . $value->Name); echo $value->Name . " (" . $value->Size . " bytes): " . $value->MD5 . "\n";
if (!in_array(ProgramRelease, array('STABLE', 'FITARCO')) and empty($_POST['Email'])) { CD_redirect('/'); } $URL = 'http://www.ianseo.net/Update.php'; //$URL='http://ianseonet.dellinux/Update.php'; include 'FileList.php'; @ob_end_flush(); echo str_repeat(' ', 1500); flush(); // preparing list do_flush('<div><br/>' . get_text('Prepare', 'Install') . ':... '); $tmp = new FileList($CFG->INCLUDE_PATH); $tmp->EscludeFiles('^(\\.)'); $tmp->ShowSize(true); $tmp->ShowMD5(true); if (!$tmp->Load()) { echo '</div><div><br/>' . get_text('NotUpdatable', 'Install', $CFG->INCLUDE_PATH) . '</div>'; include 'Common/Templates/tail.php'; die; } do_flush(get_text('Done', 'Install') . '</div>'); // sending request to ianseo do_flush('<div><br/>' . get_text('Sending', 'Install') . ':... '); $Old = $tmp->serialize(); $Query = array('Json' => gzcompress($Old)); if (!empty($_POST['Email'])) { $Query['Email'] = trim($_POST['Email']); } $postdata = http_build_query($Query, '', '&'); $opts = array('http' => array('method' => 'POST', 'header' => 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'content' => $postdata)); $context = stream_context_create($opts);