예제 #1
  * Injects a local file, which is a processing result into the object.
  * @param string $filePath
  * @return void
  * @throws \RuntimeException
 public function updateWithLocalFile($filePath)
     if ($this->identifier === null) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('Cannot update original file!', 1350582054);
     $processingFolder = $this->originalFile->getStorage()->getProcessingFolder();
     $addedFile = $this->storage->updateProcessedFile($filePath, $this, $processingFolder);
     // Update some related properties
     $this->identifier = $addedFile->getIdentifier();
     $this->originalFileSha1 = $this->originalFile->getSha1();
     $this->deleted = false;
     $this->updated = true;
  * Get an array of the width and height of the image file.
  * @internal The process uses the saved constraints. It they are changed but
  * the derivative haven't been rebuilt, the return will be wrong (but
  * generally without consequences for BookReader).
  * @param File $file
  * @param string $imageType
  * @return array Associative array of width and height of the image file.
  * If the file is not an image, the width and the height will be null.
  * @see UniversalViewer_View_Helper_IiifManifest::_getImageSize()
 protected function _getImageSize($file, $imageType = 'original')
     static $sizeConstraints = array();
     if (!isset($sizeConstraints[$imageType])) {
         $sizeConstraints[$imageType] = get_option($imageType . '_constraint');
     $sizeConstraint = $sizeConstraints[$imageType];
     // Check if this is an image.
     if (empty($file) || strpos($file->mime_type, 'image/') !== 0) {
         $width = null;
         $height = null;
     } else {
         $metadata = json_decode($file->metadata, true);
         if (empty($metadata['video']['resolution_x']) || empty($metadata['video']['resolution_y'])) {
             $msg = __('The image #%d ("%s") is not stored correctly.', $file->id, $file->original_filename);
             _log($msg, Zend_Log::NOTICE);
             if (isset($metadata['video']['resolution_x']) || isset($metadata['video']['resolution_y'])) {
                 throw new Exception($msg);
             // Get the resolution directly.
             // The storage adapter should be checked for external storage.
             $storageAdapter = $file->getStorage()->getAdapter();
             $filepath = get_class($storageAdapter) == 'Omeka_Storage_Adapter_Filesystem' ? FILES_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file->getStoragePath($imageType) : $file->getWebPath($imageType);
             list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($filepath);
             if (empty($width) || empty($height)) {
                 throw new Exception($msg);
         } else {
             $sourceWidth = $metadata['video']['resolution_x'];
             $sourceHeight = $metadata['video']['resolution_y'];
             // Use the original size when possible.
             if ($imageType == 'original') {
                 $width = $sourceWidth;
                 $height = $sourceHeight;
             } else {
                 // Source is landscape.
                 if ($sourceWidth > $sourceHeight) {
                     $width = $sizeConstraint;
                     $height = round($sourceHeight * $sizeConstraint / $sourceWidth);
                 } elseif ($sourceWidth < $sourceHeight) {
                     $width = round($sourceWidth * $sizeConstraint / $sourceHeight);
                     $height = $sizeConstraint;
                 } else {
                     $width = $sizeConstraint;
                     $height = $sizeConstraint;
     return array('width' => $width, 'height' => $height);
예제 #3
  * Get the storage the original file is located in
  * @return ResourceStorage
 public function getStorage()
     return $this->originalFile->getStorage();
예제 #4
  * Constructor for a processed file object. Should normally not be used
  * directly, use the corresponding factory methods instead.
  * @param File $originalFile
  * @param string $taskType
  * @param array $processingConfiguration
  * @param array $databaseRow
 public function __construct(File $originalFile, $taskType, array $processingConfiguration, array $databaseRow = NULL)
     $this->originalFile = $originalFile;
     $this->storage = $originalFile->getStorage();
     $this->taskType = $taskType;
     $this->processingConfiguration = $processingConfiguration;
     if (is_array($databaseRow)) {
     $this->taskTypeRegistry = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Resource\\Processing\\TaskTypeRegistry');
예제 #5
  * Performs the import task.
 public function perform()
     // Set current user for this long running job.
     if ($this->_memoryLimit) {
         ini_set('memory_limit', $this->_memoryLimit);
     $import = $this->_getImport();
     if (empty($import)) {
     try {
         call_user_func(array($import, $this->_method));
     } catch (Zend_Http_Client_Exception $e) {
         $flagLoop = false;
         $msg = $e->getMessage();
         // This check avoids an error when files are stored on Amazon S3.
         // Amazon S3 may stop the process randomly (about every 20 to 200
         // files), when too many files are imported in one bucket.
         $file = new File();
         $storage = $file->getStorage();
         $adapter = $storage ? $storage->getAdapter() : null;
         if ($adapter && get_class($adapter) == 'Omeka_Storage_Adapter_ZendS3') {
             // Message used in Zend_Http_Client(), line 1085.
             if ($msg == 'Unable to read response, or response is empty') {
                 $defaultValues = $import->getDefaultValues();
                 $s3Loop = isset($defaultValues['amazonS3CurrentLoop']) ? $defaultValues['amazonS3CurrentLoop'] : 0;
                 $s3LoopMax = get_option('csv_import_repeat_amazon_s3');
                 $logMsg = __('The previous error is related to Amazon S3.');
                 if ($s3Loop < $s3LoopMax) {
                     $logMsg .= ' ' . __('CsvImport tries to relaunch the process #%d: %d/%d.', $this->_importId, $s3Loop, $s3LoopMax);
                     $this->_log($logMsg, array(), Zend_Log::WARN);
                     // The file position is not changed, so it will restart
                     // from the row with the error.
                     $defaultValues['amazonS3CurrentLoop'] = $s3Loop;
                     $import->status = CsvImport_Import::STATUS_QUEUED;
                     $flagLoop = true;
                 } else {
                     $logMsg .= ' ' . __('CsvImport tried to relaunch the process #%d %d times without success.', $this->_importId, $s3LoopMax);
                     $logMsg .= ' ' . __('Try to slow process and to increase the number of repetitions in the config page of CsvImport.');
                     $this->_log($logMsg, array(), Zend_Log::ERR);
         if (!$flagLoop) {
             throw new Zend_Http_Client_Exception($msg);
     if ($import->isQueued() || $import->isQueuedUndo()) {
         $slowProcess = get_option('csv_import_slow_process');
         if ($slowProcess) {
         $this->_dispatcher->sendLongRunning(__CLASS__, array('importId' => $import->id, 'memoryLimit' => $this->_memoryLimit, 'method' => 'resume', 'batchSize' => $this->_batchSize));