/** Get connection to member database @return [SQLManager object] */ public function db() { if (!class_exists('FannieDB')) { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../data/FannieDB.php'; } return \FannieDB::get(\FannieConfig::factory()->get('OP_DB')); }
public function testPages() { $pages = FannieAPI::listModules('FanniePage', true); $config = FannieConfig::factory(); $logger = new FannieLogger(); $op_db = $config->get('OP_DB'); $dbc = FannieDB::get($op_db); $dbc->throwOnFailure(true); foreach ($pages as $page_class) { $obj = new $page_class(); $obj->setConfig($config); $obj->setLogger($logger); $dbc->selectDB($op_db); $obj->setConnection($dbc); if ($page_class == 'WfcHtViewSalaryPage') { continue; } // header/redirect problem ob_start(); $pre = $obj->preprocess(); ob_end_clean(); $this->assertInternalType('boolean', $pre); $help = $obj->helpContent(); $this->assertInternalType('string', $help); $auth = $obj->checkAuth(); $this->assertInternalType('boolean', $pre); $obj->unitTest($this); } }
protected static function getPluginList() { $plugin_list = \FannieConfig::factory()->get('PLUGIN_LIST'); if (is_array($plugin_list)) { return $plugin_list; } else { return array(); } }
/** Do whatever the service is supposed to do. Should override this. @param $args array of data @return an array of data */ public function run($args = array()) { $ret = array(); if (!property_exists($args, 'type')) { // missing required arguments $ret['error'] = array('code' => -32602, 'message' => 'Invalid parameters needs type'); return $ret; } // validate additional arguments switch (strtolower($args->type)) { case 'vendor': if (!property_exists($args, 'vendor_id')) { // vendor ID required $ret['error'] = array('code' => -32602, 'message' => 'Invalid parameters needs vendor_id'); return $ret; } elseif (!property_exists($args, 'sku') && !property_exists($args, 'upc')) { // either sku or upc is required $ret['error'] = array('code' => -32602, 'message' => 'Invalid parameters needs sku or upc'); return $ret; } break; default: // unknown type argument $ret['error'] = array('code' => -32602, 'message' => 'Invalid parameters'); return $ret; } // lookup results $dbc = \FannieDB::getReadOnly(\FannieConfig::factory()->get('OP_DB')); switch (strtolower($args->type)) { case 'vendor': $vendor = new \VendorItemsModel($dbc); $vendor->vendorID($args->vendor_id); if (property_exists($args, 'sku')) { $vendor->sku($args->sku); } elseif (property_exists($args, 'upc')) { $vendor->upc($args->upc); } foreach ($vendor->find() as $v) { $ret['sku'] = $v->sku(); $ret['upc'] = $v->upc(); $ret['size'] = $v->size(); $ret['units'] = $v->units(); $ret['brand'] = $v->brand(); $ret['description'] = $v->description(); $ret['cost'] = $v->cost(); break; } return $ret; } }
public function testItemFlags() { $config = FannieConfig::factory(); $connection = FannieDB::get($config->OP_DB); /** Setup preconditions for the test */ $upc = BarcodeLib::padUPC('16'); $product = new ProductsModel($connection); $product->upc($upc); $product->store_id(0); $product->load(); if ($product->numflag() != 0) { $product->numflag(0); } $product->save(); $module = new ItemFlagsModule(); $module->setConnection($connection); $module->setConfig($config); $form = new \COREPOS\common\mvc\ValueContainer(); $module->setForm($form); $saved = $module->saveFormData($upc); $this->assertEquals(true, $saved, 'Handled empty input'); $product->reset(); $product->upc($upc); $product->load(); $this->assertEquals(0, $product->numflag(), 'Wrong numflag value ' . $product->numflag()); /** Simulate real form input */ $form = new \COREPOS\common\mvc\ValueContainer(); $form->flags = array(1, 3); // 0b101 == 5 $module->setForm($form); $saved = $module->saveFormData($upc); $this->assertEquals(true, $saved, 'Saving item flags failed'); $product->reset(); $product->upc($upc); $product->load(); $this->assertEquals(5, $product->numflag(), 'Wrong numflag value ' . $product->numflag()); /* put record back to normal */ $product->numflag(0); $product->save(); $form = new \COREPOS\common\mvc\ValueContainer(); $form->flags = 'not_an_array'; $module->setForm($form); $saved = $module->saveFormData($upc); $this->assertEquals(false, $saved, 'Accepted invalid input'); }
public function export_order($id) { $config = FannieConfig::factory(); $dbc = FannieDB::get($config->get('OP_DB')); $items = new PurchaseOrderItemsModel($dbc); $items->orderID($id); $NL = "\r\n"; echo 'productCode,quantity' . $NL; foreach ($items->find() as $item) { echo str_pad($item->sku(), 7, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); echo ','; echo $item->quantity(); echo $NL; } }
public function testEquityHistory() { $config = FannieConfig::factory(); $config->set('FANNIE_EQUITY_DEPARTMENTS', '1 2'); $logger = new FannieLogger(); $trans_db = $config->get('TRANS_DB'); $dbc = FannieDB::get($trans_db); // create two test rows in dlog_15 $today = date('Y-m-d'); $trans_num = '1-1-1'; $dlog = new Dlog15Model($dbc); $dlog->tdate($today); $dlog->trans_num($trans_num); $dlog->department(1); $dlog->total(10); $dlog->card_no(1); $dlog->trans_id(1); $dlog->save(); $dlog->trans_id(2); $dlog->save(); $task = new EquityHistoryTask(); $task->setConfig($config); $task->setLogger($logger); $task->run(); // verify test rows were logged $dbc->selectDB($trans_db); $query = 'SELECT SUM(stockPurchase), COUNT(*) FROM stockpurchases WHERE card_no=1'; $res = $dbc->query($query); $row = $dbc->fetchRow($res); $this->assertEquals(20, $row[0]); $this->assertEquals(2, $row[1]); // add a third test row $dlog->department(2); $dlog->trans_id(3); $dlog->save(); $task->run(); // verify only the new row is logged $dbc->selectDB($trans_db); $query = 'SELECT SUM(stockPurchase), COUNT(*) FROM stockpurchases WHERE card_no=1'; $res = $dbc->query($query); $row = $dbc->fetchRow($res); $this->assertEquals(30, $row[0]); $this->assertEquals(3, $row[1]); }
/** Build a standardized tooltip @param $text the full help text @param $doc_link URL into CORE documentation [optional] @param $tag HTML tag type for text [default is span] @return an HTML string */ public static function toolTip($text, $doc_link = False, $tag = 'span') { $id = '_fhtt' . rand(0, 999999); $img = \FannieConfig::factory()->get('URL') . 'src/img/buttons/help16.png'; $text = preg_replace('/\\s\\s+/', ' ', $text); $snippet = strlen($text) > 100 ? strip_tags(substr($text, 0, 100)) . ' ...' : False; if ($snippet || $doc_link) { $snippet .= ' (Click for more)'; } if ($doc_link) { if (!$snippet) { $snippet = $text; } $text .= sprintf(' (<a href="%s">CORE Documentation</a>)', $doc_link); } if ($snippet || $doc_link) { return sprintf('<a href="" onclick="$(\'#%s\').toggle();return false;"><img src="%s" title="%s" /></a> <%s id="%s" style="display:none;">%s</%s>', $id, $img, $snippet, $tag, $id, $text, $tag); } else { return sprintf('<a href="" onclick="return false;"><img src="%s" title="%s" /></a>', $img, $text); } }
/** Provide lookups for the autocomplete service @param $field [string] field name being autocompleted @param $val [string] partial field */ public static function autoComplete($field, $val) { $config = \FannieConfig::factory(); $dbc = \FannieDB::get($config->get('OP_DB')); if (strtolower($field) == 'mfirstname') { list($query, $args) = self::autoCompleteFirstName($val); } elseif (strtolower($field) == 'mlastname') { list($query, $args) = self::autoCompleteLastName($val); } elseif (strtolower($field) == 'maddress') { list($query, $args) = self::autoCompleteAddress($val); } elseif (strtolower($field) == 'mcity') { list($query, $args) = self::autoCompleteCity($val); } elseif (strtolower($field) == 'memail') { list($query, $args) = self::autoCompleteEmail($val); } else { $query = $field; $args = array(); } $ret = array(); $prep = $dbc->prepare($query); $res = $dbc->execute($prep, $args); while ($row = $dbc->fetch_row($res)) { $ret[] = $row[0]; if (count($ret) > 50) { break; } } return $ret; }
/** Add an open ring record to dtransactions on the backend @param $connection [SQLManager] database connection @param $department [integer] department number $param $amount [number] ring amount @param $trans_no [integer] transaction number (dtransactions.trans_no) @param $params [array] of column_name => value If emp_no and register_no values are not specified, the defaults are the configuration settings FANNIE_EMP_NO and FANNIE_REGISTER_NO. The following columns are automatically calculated based on department number and amount: - upc - description - trans_type - trans_status - unitPrice - total - regPrice - quantity - ItemQtty Negative amounts result in a refund trans_status This method calls DTrans::addItem() so columns datetime and trans_id are also automatically assigned. */ public static function addOpenRing(SQLManager $connection, $department, $amount, $trans_no, $params = array()) { $config = FannieConfig::factory(); $model = new DepartmentsModel($connection); $model->whichDB($config->get('OP_DB')); $model->dept_no($department); $model->load(); $params['trans_type'] = 'D'; $params['department'] = $department; $params['unitPrice'] = $amount; $params['total'] = $amount; $params['regPrice'] = $amount; $params['quantity'] = 1; $params['ItemQtty'] = 1; if ($amount < 0) { $params['quantity'] = -1; $params['trans_status'] = 'R'; } $params['description'] = $model->dept_name(); $params['upc'] = abs($amount) . 'DP' . $department; return self::addItem($connection, $trans_no, $params); }
/** Check for input and display the page */ function drawPage() { if (!$this->config instanceof FannieConfig) { $this->config = FannieConfig::factory(); } if (!$this->checkAuth() && $this->must_authenticate) { $this->loginRedirect(); } elseif ($this->preprocess()) { /** Use FanniePage::drawPage for the plain old html version of the page */ if ($this->content_function == 'form_content') { if (FormLib::get('json') !== '') { $this->addOnloadCommand(FormLib::fieldJSONtoJavascript(base64_decode(FormLib::get('json')))); } return parent::drawPage(); } /** Global setting overrides default behavior to force the menu to appear. Unlike normal pages, the override is only applied when the output format is HTML. */ if (($this->config->get('WINDOW_DRESSING') || $this->new_tablesorter) && $this->report_format == 'html') { $this->window_dressing = true; } if ($this->window_dressing) { echo $this->getHeader(); } if ($this->readinessCheck() !== false) { $func = $this->content_function; echo $this->{$func}(); } else { echo $this->errorContent(); } if ($this->window_dressing) { $footer = $this->getFooter(); $footer = str_ireplace('</html>', '', $footer); $footer = str_ireplace('</body>', '', $footer); echo $footer; } if ($this->report_format == 'html') { foreach ($this->scripts as $s_url => $s_type) { printf('<script type="%s" src="%s"></script>', $s_type, $s_url); echo "\n"; } $js_content = $this->javascriptContent(); if (!empty($js_content) || !empty($this->onload_commands)) { echo '<script type="text/javascript">'; echo $js_content; echo "\n\$(document).ready(function(){\n"; foreach ($this->onload_commands as $oc) { if (strstr($oc, 'standardFieldMarkup()')) { continue; } echo $oc . "\n"; } echo "});\n"; echo '</script>'; } $page_css = $this->cssContent(); if (!empty($page_css)) { echo '<style type="text/css">'; echo $page_css; echo '</style>'; } echo array_reduce($this->css_files, function ($carry, $css_url) { return $carry . sprintf('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="%s">' . "\n", $css_url); }, ''); } if ($this->window_dressing || $this->report_format == 'html') { echo '</body></html>'; } } // drawPage() }
public function avgSales($upc) { $config = FannieConfig::factory(); $dbc = FannieDB::get($config->get('OP_DB')); $prodP = $dbc->prepare('SELECT auto_par FROM products WHERE upc=?'); $avg = $dbc->getValue($prodP, array($upc)); if ($avg) { return $avg; } $dbc = FannieDB::get($config->get('ARCHIVE_DB')); $avg = 0.0; if ($dbc->tableExists('productWeeklyLastQuarter')) { $maxP = $dbc->prepare('SELECT MAX(weekLastQuarterID) FROM productWeeklyLastQuarter WHERE upc=?'); $maxR = $dbc->execute($maxP, $upc); if ($maxR && $dbc->numRows($maxR)) { $maxW = $dbc->fetchRow($maxR); $avgP = $dbc->prepare(' SELECT SUM((?-weekLastQuarterID)*quantity) / SUM(weekLastQuarterID) FROM productWeeklyLastQuarter WHERE upc=?'); $avgR = $dbc->execute($avgP, array($maxW[0], $upc)); $avgW = $dbc->fetchRow($avgR); $avg = $avgW[0] / 7.0; } } else { $dbc = FannieDB::get($config->get('TRANS_DB')); $avgP = $dbc->prepare(' SELECT MIN(tdate) AS min, MAX(tdate) AS max, ' . DTrans::sumQuantity() . ' AS qty FROM dlog_90_view WHERE upc=?'); $avgR = $dbc->execute($avgP, array($upc)); if ($avgR && $dbc->numRows($avgR)) { $avgW = $dbc->fetchRow($avgR); $d1 = new DateTime($avgW['max']); $d2 = new DateTime($avgW['min']); $num_days = $d1->diff($d2)->format('%a') + 1; $avg = $avgW['qty'] / $num_days; } } // put the database back where we found it (probably) $dbc = FannieDB::get($config->get('OP_DB')); return $avg; }
public function guessAccounts() { $dbc = $this->connection; $detailP = $dbc->prepare(' SELECT o.sku, o.internalUPC, o.receivedTotalCost FROM PurchaseOrderItems AS o WHERE o.internalUPC NOT IN ( SELECT upc FROM products ) AND o.orderID=? AND o.receivedTotalCost <> 0'); $detailR = $dbc->execute($detailP, array($this->orderID())); $config = FannieConfig::factory(); $soP1 = $dbc->prepare(' SELECT d.salesCode FROM ' . $config->get('TRANS_DB') . $dbc->sep() . 'CompleteSpecialOrder AS o INNER JOIN departments AS d ON o.department=d.dept_no WHERE o.upc=?'); $soP2 = $dbc->prepare(' SELECT d.salesCode FROM ' . $config->get('TRANS_DB') . $dbc->sep() . 'PendingSpecialOrder AS o INNER JOIN departments AS d ON o.department=d.dept_no WHERE o.upc=?'); $vdP = $dbc->prepare(' SELECT d.salesCode FROM vendorItems AS v INNER JOIN vendorDepartments AS p ON v.vendorDept = p.deptID INNER JOIN departments AS d ON p.deptID=d.dept_no WHERE v.sku=? AND v.vendorID=?'); $coding = array('n/a' => 0.0); while ($w = $dbc->fetchRow($detailR)) { $soR = $dbc->execute($soP1, array($w['internalUPC'])); if ($dbc->numRows($soR) > 0) { $soW = $dbc->fetchRow($soR); if (!isset($coding[$soW['salesCode']])) { $coding[$soW['salesCode']] = 0.0; } $coding[$soW['salesCode']] += $w['receivedTotalCost']; continue; } $soR = $dbc->execute($soP2, array($w['internalUPC'])); if ($dbc->numRows($soR) > 0) { $soW = $dbc->fetchRow($soR); if (!isset($coding[$soW['salesCode']])) { $coding[$soW['salesCode']] = 0.0; } $coding[$soW['salesCode']] += $w['receivedTotalCost']; continue; } $soR = $dbc->execute($vdP, array($w['sku'], $this->vendorID())); if ($dbc->numRows($soR) > 0) { $soW = $dbc->fetchRow($soR); if (!isset($coding[$soW['salesCode']])) { $coding[$soW['salesCode']] = 0.0; } $coding[$soW['salesCode']] += $w['receivedTotalCost']; continue; } $coding['n/a'] += $w['receivedTotalCost']; } return $coding; }
/** Transition mechanism. Auto-append store_id value if only a UPC has been specified. */ public function load() { if (!isset($this->instance['store_id'])) { $config = FannieConfig::factory(); $this->store_id($config->get('STORE_ID')); } return parent::load(); }
public static function pricePerUnit($price, $sizeStr) { $country = \FannieConfig::factory()->get('COUNTRY', 'US'); $num = ""; $unit = ""; $mult = 1; $inNum = 1; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($sizeStr); $i++) { if ($inNum == 1) { if (is_numeric($sizeStr[$i]) or $sizeStr[$i] == ".") { $num .= $sizeStr[$i]; } else { if ($sizeStr[$i] == "/" or $sizeStr[$i] == "-") { $mult = $num; $num = ""; } else { $inNum = 0; $unit .= $sizeStr[$i]; } } } else { $unit .= $sizeStr[$i]; } } $unit = ltrim($unit); $unit = strtoupper($unit); if (strpos($unit, "FL") !== False) { $unit = "FLOZ"; } if ($num == "") { $num = 1; } $num = (double) $num; $num = $num * $mult; if ($num == 0) { return ''; } switch ($unit) { case '#': case 'LB': case 'LBS': if ($country == "US") { return round($price / ($num * 16), 3) . "/OZ"; } else { return round($price / ($num * 453.59), 3) . "/G"; } case 'ML': if ($country == "US") { return round($price / ($num * 0.034), 3) . "/OZ"; } else { return round($price / $num, 3) . "/ML"; } case 'FLOZ': if ($country == 'US') { return round($price / $num, 3) . "/OZ"; } else { return round($price / ($num * 29.5735), 3) . "/ML"; } case 'OZ': case 'Z': if ($country == 'US') { return round($price / $num, 3) . "/OZ"; } else { return round($price / ($num * 28.35), 3) . "/G"; } case 'PINT': case 'PINTS': if ($country == "US") { return round($price / ($num * 16), 3) . "/OZ"; } else { return round($price / ($num * 473.18), 3) . "/ML"; } case 'GR': case 'GRAM': case 'GM': case 'GRM': case 'G': if ($country == "US") { return round($price / ($num * 0.035), 3) . "/OZ"; } else { return round($price / $num, 3) . "/G"; } case 'LTR': case 'L': if ($country == "US") { return round($price / ($num * 33.814), 3) . "/OZ"; } else { return round($price / 1000, 3) . "/ML"; } case 'GAL': if ($country == "US") { return round($price / ($num * 128), 3) . "/OZ"; } else { return round($price / ($num * 3785.41), 3) . "/ML"; } default: return round($price / $num, 3) . "/" . $unit; } return ""; }
return $parts[0]; } private function getOptionValue($opt) { $parts = explode('=', $opt, 2); return $parts[1]; } } if (php_sapi_name() === 'cli' && basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == basename(__FILE__)) { if ($argc < 2) { echo "Usage: php FannieTask.php <Task Class Name>\n"; return 1; } include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.php'; include dirname(__FILE__) . '/FannieAPI.php'; $config = FannieConfig::factory(); $logger = new FannieLogger(); FannieDispatch::setLogger($logger); FannieDispatch::setErrorHandlers(); // prepopulate autoloader $preload = FannieAPI::listModules('FannieTask'); $class = $argv[1]; if (!class_exists($class)) { echo "Error: class '{$class}' does not exist\n"; return 1; } $obj = new $class(); if (!is_a($obj, 'FannieTask')) { echo "Error: invalid class. Must be subclass of FannieTask\n"; return 1; }
function ldap_login($name, $passwd) { $config = FannieConfig::factory(); if (!isAlphanumeric($name)) { return false; } if ($passwd == "") { return false; } $conn = ldap_connect($config->get('LDAP_SERVER'), $config->get('LDAP_PORT')); if (!$conn) { return false; } $search_result = ldap_search($conn, $config->get('LDAP_DN'), $config->get('LDAP_SEARCH_FIELD') . "=" . $name); if (!$search_result) { return false; } $ldap_info = ldap_get_entries($conn, $search_result); if (!$ldap_info) { return false; } else { if ($ldap_info['count'] == 0) { return false; } } $user_dn = $ldap_info[0]["dn"]; $uid = $ldap_info[0][$config->get('LDAP_UID_FIELD')][0]; $fullname = $ldap_info[0][$config->get('LDAP_RN_FIELD')][0]; if (ldap_bind($conn, $user_dn, $passwd)) { syncUserLDAP($name, $uid, $fullname); doLogin($name); return true; } return false; }
/** Constructor @param $con a SQLManager object */ public function __construct($con) { $this->connection = $con; if (empty($this->unique)) { foreach ($this->columns as $name => $definition) { if (isset($definition['primary_key']) && $definition['primary_key']) { $this->unique[] = $name; } } } // detect fully qualfied name if (is_a($this->connection, 'SQLManager') && $this->connection->isConnected()) { $db_name = $this->connection->defaultDatabase(); if ($this->connection->tableExists($db_name . $this->connection->sep() . $this->name)) { $this->fq_name = $this->connection->identifier_escape($db_name) . $this->connection->sep() . $this->connection->identifier_escape($this->name); } else { $this->fq_name = $this->connection->identifier_escape($this->name); } } else { $this->fq_name = $this->name; } // fq name not working right now... $this->fq_name = $this->name; $this->config = FannieConfig::factory(); }
public function refresh_data($trans_db, $month, $year, $day = False) { $config = FannieConfig::factory(); $settings = $config->get('PLUGIN_SETTINGS'); $dbc = FannieDB::get($settings['WarehouseDatabase']); $today = time(); $lastmonth = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('n', $today) - 1, 1, date('Y', $today)); $spotlight_months = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) { $spotlight_months[] = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('n', $lastmonth) - $i, 1, date('Y', $lastmonth)); } $lastyear = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('n', $lastmonth) - 11, 1, date('Y', $lastmonth)); $basicQ = ' SELECT card_no, MIN(date_id) AS firstVisit, MAX(date_id) AS lastVisit, SUM(total) AS totalSpending, AVG(total) AS averageSpending, SUM(quantity) AS totalItems, AVG(quantity) AS averageItems, SUM(transCount) AS totalVisits FROM sumMemSalesByDay WHERE date_id BETWEEN ? AND ? GROUP BY card_no'; $basicP = $dbc->prepare($basicQ); $all_time_args = array(0, date('Ymt', $lastmonth)); $dbc->query('TRUNCATE TABLE MemberSummary'); $insQ = ' INSERT INTO MemberSummary (card_no, firstVisit, lastVisit, totalSpending, averageSpending, totalItems, averageItems, totalVisits) ' . $basicQ; $insP = $dbc->prepare($insQ); $basicR = $dbc->execute($insP, $all_time_args); $spotlight_args = array(date('Ym01', $spotlight_months[count($spotlight_months) - 1]), date('Ymt', $spotlight_months[0])); $spotlight_start = date('Y-m-01', $spotlight_months[count($spotlight_months) - 1]); $spotlight_end = date('Y-m-t', $spotlight_months[0]); $basicR = $dbc->execute($basicP, $spotlight_args); $upP = $dbc->prepare(' UPDATE MemberSummary SET spotlightStart=?, spotlightEnd=?, spotlightTotalSpending=?, spotlightAverageSpending=?, spotlightTotalItems=?, spotlightAverageItems=?, spotlightTotalVisits=? WHERE card_no=?'); while ($spotlight = $dbc->fetchRow($basicR)) { $dbc->execute($upP, array($spotlight_start, $spotlight_end, $spotlight['totalSpending'], $spotlight['averageSpending'], $spotlight['totalItems'], $spotlight['averageItems'], $spotlight['totalVisits'], $spotlight['card_no'])); } $year_args = array(date('Ym01', $lastyear), date('Ymt', $lastmonth)); $basicR = $dbc->execute($basicP, $year_args); $year_start = date('Y-m-01', $lastyear); $year_end = date('Y-m-t', $lastmonth); $upP = $dbc->prepare(' UPDATE MemberSummary SET yearStart=?, yearEnd=?, yearTotalSpending=?, yearAverageSpending=?, yearTotalItems=?, yearAverageItems=?, yearTotalVisits=? WHERE card_no=?'); while ($year = $dbc->fetchRow($basicR)) { $dbc->execute($upP, array($year_start, $year_end, $year['totalSpending'], $year['averageSpending'], $year['totalItems'], $year['averageItems'], $year['totalVisits'], $year['card_no'])); } $oldlight = array(strtotime($spotlight_args[0]), strtotime($spotlight_args[1])); $oldlight_args = array(date('Ym01', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('n', $oldlight[0]), 1, date('Y', $oldlight[0]) - 1)), date('Ymt', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('n', $oldlight[1]), 1, date('Y', $oldlight[1]) - 1))); $upP = $dbc->prepare(' UPDATE MemberSummary SET oldlightTotalSpending=?, oldlightAverageSpending=?, oldlightTotalItems=?, oldlightAverageItems=?, oldlightTotalVisits=? WHERE card_no=?'); $basicR = $dbc->execute($basicP, $oldlight_args); while ($old = $dbc->fetchRow($basicR)) { $dbc->execute($upP, array($old['totalSpending'], $old['averageSpending'], $old['totalItems'], $old['averageItems'], $old['totalVisits'], $old['card_no'])); } $longSQL = ''; $long_args = array($spotlight_args[0]); foreach ($spotlight_months as $m) { $longSQL .= '?,'; $long_args[] = date('m', $m); } $longSQL = substr($longSQL, 0, strlen($longSQL) - 1); $basicQ = ' SELECT card_no, MIN(date_id) AS firstVisit, MAX(date_id) AS lastVisit, SUM(total) AS totalSpending, AVG(total) AS averageSpending, SUM(quantity) AS totalItems, AVG(quantity) AS averageItems, SUM(transCount) AS totalVisits FROM sumMemSalesByDay WHERE date_id < ? AND SUBSTRING(CONVERT(date_id,CHAR),5,2) IN (' . $longSQL . ') GROUP BY card_no'; $basicP = $dbc->prepare($basicQ); $upP = $dbc->prepare(' UPDATE MemberSummary SET longlightTotalSpending=?, longlightAverageSpending=?, longlightTotalItems=?, longlightAverageItems=?, longlightTotalVisits=? WHERE card_no=?'); $basicR = $dbc->execute($basicP, $long_args); while ($long = $dbc->fetchRow($basicR)) { $dbc->execute($upP, array($long['totalSpending'], $long['averageSpending'], $long['totalItems'], $long['averageItems'], $long['totalVisits'], $long['card_no'])); } // do ranks $rank = 1; $query = ' SELECT card_no FROM MemberSummary ORDER BY totalSpending DESC, card_no'; $rankP = $dbc->prepare(' UPDATE MemberSummary SET totalSpendingRank=? WHERE card_no=?'); $result = $dbc->query($query); while ($row = $dbc->fetchRow($result)) { $dbc->execute($rankP, array($rank, $row['card_no'])); $rank++; } $rank = 1; $query = ' SELECT card_no FROM MemberSummary ORDER BY averageSpending DESC, card_no'; $rankP = $dbc->prepare(' UPDATE MemberSummary SET averageSpendingRank=? WHERE card_no=?'); $result = $dbc->query($query); while ($row = $dbc->fetchRow($result)) { $dbc->execute($rankP, array($rank, $row['card_no'])); $rank++; } $rank = 1; $query = ' SELECT card_no FROM MemberSummary ORDER BY totalVisits DESC, card_no'; $rankP = $dbc->prepare(' UPDATE MemberSummary SET totalVisitsRank=? WHERE card_no=?'); $result = $dbc->query($query); while ($row = $dbc->fetchRow($result)) { $dbc->execute($rankP, array($rank, $row['card_no'])); $rank++; } $rank = 1; $query = ' SELECT card_no FROM MemberSummary ORDER BY yearTotalSpending DESC, card_no'; $rankP = $dbc->prepare(' UPDATE MemberSummary SET yearTotalSpendingRank=? WHERE card_no=?'); $result = $dbc->query($query); while ($row = $dbc->fetchRow($result)) { $dbc->execute($rankP, array($rank, $row['card_no'])); $rank++; } $rank = 1; $query = ' SELECT card_no FROM MemberSummary ORDER BY yearAverageSpending DESC, card_no'; $rankP = $dbc->prepare(' UPDATE MemberSummary SET yearAverageSpendingRank=? WHERE card_no=?'); $result = $dbc->query($query); while ($row = $dbc->fetchRow($result)) { $dbc->execute($rankP, array($rank, $row['card_no'])); $rank++; } $rank = 1; $query = ' SELECT card_no FROM MemberSummary ORDER BY yearTotalVisits DESC, card_no'; $rankP = $dbc->prepare(' UPDATE MemberSummary SET yearTotalVisitsRank=? WHERE card_no=?'); $result = $dbc->query($query); while ($row = $dbc->fetchRow($result)) { $dbc->execute($rankP, array($rank, $row['card_no'])); $rank++; } }
private static function loadFromCsv($table, $file, $sql) { $fannie_host = \FannieConfig::factory()->get('SERVER'); $LOCAL = 'LOCAL'; if ($fannie_host == '' || $fannie_host == 'localhost') { $LOCAL = ''; } $prep = $sql->prepare_statement("LOAD DATA {$LOCAL} INFILE\n '{$file}'\n INTO TABLE {$table}\n FIELDS TERMINATED BY ','\n ESCAPED BY '\\\\'\n OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '\"'\n LINES TERMINATED BY '\\r\\n'"); $try = $sql->exec_statement($prep); if ($try === false) { $error = $sql->error(); echo "<br><span style='color:red;'>" . (strlen($error) ? $error : 'Unknown error') . " executing:<br><code>{$prep[0]}</code><br></span><br>\n"; return false; } else { return true; } }
/** Do whatever the service is supposed to do. Should override this. @param $args array of data @return an array of data */ public function run($args = array()) { $ret = array(); if (!property_exists($args, 'type')) { // missing required arguments $ret['error'] = array('code' => -32602, 'message' => 'Invalid parameters'); return $ret; } // validate additional arguments switch (strtolower($args->type)) { case 'settings': if (!property_exists($args, 'dept_no')) { // missing required arguments $ret['error'] = array('code' => -32602, 'message' => 'Invalid parameters'); return $ret; } break; case 'children': if (!property_exists($args, 'superID') && !property_exists($args, 'dept_no')) { // missing required arguments $ret['error'] = array('code' => -32602, 'message' => 'Invalid parameters'); return $ret; } if (property_exists($args, 'superID') && is_array($args->superID) && count($args->superID) != 2) { // range must specify exactly two superIDs $ret['error'] = array('code' => -32602, 'message' => 'Invalid parameters'); return $ret; } if (property_exists($args, 'dept_no') && is_array($args->dept_no) && count($args->dept_no) != 2) { // range must specify exactly two dept_nos $et['error'] = array('code' => -32602, 'message' => 'Invalid parameters'); return $ret; } break; default: // unknown type argument $ret['error'] = array('code' => -32602, 'message' => 'Invalid parameters'); return $ret; } // lookup results $dbc = \FannieDB::getReadOnly(\FannieConfig::factory()->get('OP_DB')); switch (strtolower($args->type)) { case 'settings': $model = new DepartmentsModel($dbc); $model->dept_no($args->dept_no); $model->load(); $ret['tax'] = $model->dept_tax(); $ret['fs'] = $model->dept_fs(); $ret['discount'] = $model->dept_discount(); $ret['seeID'] = $model->dept_see_id(); $ret['margin'] = $model->margin(); return $ret; case 'children': $query = ''; $params = array(); if (property_exists($args, 'dept_no')) { $query = ' SELECT s.subdept_no AS id, s.subdept_name AS name FROM departments AS d INNER JOIN subdepts AS s ON d.dept_no=s.dept_ID '; if (property_exists($args, 'superID') && is_numeric($args->superID)) { $query .= ' INNER JOIN superdepts AS a ON d.dept_no=a.dept_ID '; } if (is_array($args->dept_no)) { $query .= ' WHERE d.dept_no BETWEEN ? AND ? '; $params[] = $args->dept_no[0]; $params[] = $args->dept_no[1]; } else { $query .= ' WHERE d.dept_no = ? '; $params[] = $args->dept_no; } if (property_exists($args, 'superID') && is_numeric($args->superID)) { $query .= ' AND a.superID = ? '; $params[] = $args->superID; } $query .= ' ORDER BY s.subdept_no'; } else { $query = ' SELECT d.dept_no AS id, d.dept_name AS name FROM superdepts AS s INNER JOIN departments AS d ON d.dept_no=s.dept_ID '; if (is_array($args->superID)) { $query .= ' WHERE s.superID BETWEEN ? AND ? '; $params[] = $args->superID[0]; $params[] = $args->superID[1]; } else { $query .= ' WHERE s.superID = ? '; $params[] = $args->superID; } $query .= ' ORDER BY d.dept_no'; // support meta-options for all departments if (!is_array($args->superID) && $args->superID < 0) { if ($args->superID == -1) { $query = ' SELECT d.dept_no AS id, d.dept_name AS name FROM departments AS d ORDER BY d.dept_no'; $params = array(); } elseif ($args->superID == -2) { $query = ' SELECT d.dept_no AS id, d.dept_name AS name FROM departments AS d INNER JOIN MasterSuperDepts AS m ON d.dept_no=m.dept_ID WHERE m.superID <> 0 ORDER BY d.dept_no'; $params = array(); } } } $prep = $dbc->prepare($query); $res = $dbc->execute($prep, $params); while ($w = $dbc->fetch_row($res)) { $ret[] = array('id' => $w['id'], 'name' => $w['name']); } return $ret; } }
public function preFlight() { if (!$this->config instanceof FannieConfig) { $this->config = FannieConfig::factory(); } if (!$this->checkAuth() && $this->must_authenticate) { $this->loginRedirect(); exit; } }
/** Copy a table from the lanes to the server @param $table string table name @param $db string 'op' or 'trans' (default is 'trans') @param $truncate integer (default is TRUNCATE_SOURCE) @return array - sending => boolean attempted to copy table - messages => string result information */ public static function pullTable($table, $db = 'trans', $truncate = self::TRUNCATE_SOURCE) { $config = \FannieConfig::factory(); $op_db = $config->get('OP_DB'); $trans_db = $config->get('TRANS_DB'); $lanes = $config->get('LANES'); $ret = array('sending' => True, 'messages' => ''); $db = strtolower($db); if ($db != 'op' && $db != 'trans') { $ret['sending'] = False; $ret['messages'] = 'Error: Invalid database: ' . $db; return $ret; } elseif (empty($table)) { $ret['sending'] = False; $ret['messages'] = 'Error: No table given'; return $ret; } elseif (!preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9_]$/', $table)) { $ret['sending'] = False; $ret['messages'] = 'Error: Illegal table name: ' . $table; return $ret; } // use the transfer option in SQLManager to copy // records from each lane $server_db = $db == 'op' ? $op_db : $trans_db; $dbc = \FannieDB::get($server_db); if ($truncate & self::TRUNCATE_DESTINATION) { $dbc->query("TRUNCATE TABLE {$table}", $server_db); } $laneNumber = 1; foreach ($lanes as $lane) { $dbc->add_connection($lane['host'], $lane['type'], $lane[$db], $lane['user'], $lane['pw']); if ($dbc->connections[$lane[$db]]) { $success = $dbc->transfer($lane[$db], "SELECT * FROM {$table}", $server_db, "INSERT INTO {$table}"); if ($truncate & self::TRUNCATE_SOURCE) { $dbc->query("TRUNCATE TABLE {$table}", $lane[$db]); } $dbc->close($lane[$db]); if ($success) { $ret['messages'] .= "Lane {$laneNumber} ({$lane['host']}) {$table} completed successfully"; } else { $ret['messages'] .= "Error: Lane {$laneNumber} ({$lane['host']}) {$table} completed but with some errors"; } } else { $ret['messages'] .= "Error: Couldn't connect to lane {$laneNumber} ({$lane['host']})"; } $laneNumber++; } return $ret; }
/** Get all email addresses associated with the given department @param $dept [int] department number @return [string] email address(es) or [boolean] false */ public static function getAddresses($dept) { $conf = \FannieConfig::factory(); $dbc = \FannieDB::getReadOnly($conf->get('OP_DB')); $query = 'SELECT superID from superdepts WHERE dept_ID=? GROUP BY superID'; $prep = $dbc->prepare($query); $res = $dbc->execute($prep, array($dept)); $emails = ''; while ($row = $dbc->fetch_row($res)) { $model = new \SuperDeptEmailsModel($dbc); $model->superID($row['superID']); if (!$model->load()) { continue; } $addr = $model->emailAddress(); if ($addr && !strstr($emails, $addr)) { if ($emails !== '') { $emails .= ', '; } $emails .= $addr; } } return $emails === '' ? false : $emails; }
public function listItems() { $url = \FannieConfig::factory()->get('URL'); $ret = '<table class="table tablesorter tablesorter-core">'; $ret .= '<thead>'; $ret .= '<tr> <th>UPC</th><th>Brand</th><th>Description</th><th>Price</th><th>Origin</th> <td><label>Exclude <input type="checkbox" onchange="$(\'.exclude-checkbox\').prop(\'checked\', $(this).prop(\'checked\'));" /> </label> </td> </tr>'; $ret .= '</thead><tbody>'; $data = $this->loadItems(); foreach ($data as $item) { $ret .= sprintf('<tr> <td><a href="%sitem/ItemEditorPage.php?searchupc=%s" target="_edit%s">%s</a></td> <input type="hidden" name="update_upc[]" value="%d" /> <td> <span class="collapse">%s</span> <input class="FannieSignageField form-control" type="text" name="update_brand[]" value="%s" /></td> <td> <span class="collapse">%s</span> <input class="FannieSignageField form-control" type="text" name="update_desc[]" value="%s" /></td> <td>%.2f</td> <td><input class="FannieSignageField form-control" type="text" name="update_origin[]" value="%s" /></td> <td><input type="checkbox" name="exclude[]" class="exclude-checkbox" value="%s" /></td> </tr>', $url, $item['upc'], $item['upc'], $item['upc'], $item['upc'], $item['brand'], $item['brand'], str_replace('"', '"', $item['description']), str_replace('"', '"', $item['description']), $item['normal_price'], $item['originName'], $item['upc']); } $ret .= '</tbody></table>'; return $ret; }
/** Render the current page if appropriate The page is only shown if it's accessed directly rather than through an include(). @param $custom_errors @deprecated This behavior is controlled by config variable FANNIE_CUSTOM_ERRORS. The optional parameter remains for th sake of compatibility but does not do anything. It will go away when all calls to this method have been cleaned up. */ public static function conditionalExec($custom_errors = true) { $frames = debug_backtrace(); // conditionalExec() is the only function on the stack if (count($frames) == 1) { $config = FannieConfig::factory(); $logger = new FannieLogger(); if ($config->get('SYSLOG_SERVER')) { $logger->setRemoteSyslog($config->get('SYSLOG_SERVER'), $config->get('SYSLOG_PORT'), $config->get('SYSLOG_PROTOCOL')); } $op_db = $config->get('OP_DB'); $dbc = FannieDB::get($op_db); self::setLogger($logger); // setup error logging self::setErrorHandlers(); // initialize locale & gettext self::i18n(); // draw current page $page = basename(filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF')); $class = substr($page, 0, strlen($page) - 4); if ($class != 'index' && class_exists($class)) { $obj = new $class(); if ($dbc->isConnected($op_db)) { // write URL log self::logUsage($dbc, $op_db); /* $auth = self::authOverride($dbc, $op_db, $class); if ($auth) { $obj->setPermissions($auth); } */ } $obj->setConfig($config); $obj->setLogger($logger); if (is_a($obj, 'FannieReportPage')) { $dbc = FannieDB::getReadOnly($op_db); } $obj->setConnection($dbc); $obj->draw_page(); } else { trigger_error('Missing class ' . $class, E_USER_NOTICE); } } }
/** Do whatever the service is supposed to do. Should override this. @param $args array of data @return an array of data */ public function run($args = array()) { $ret = array(); if (!property_exists($args, 'field') || !property_exists($args, 'search')) { // missing required arguments $ret['error'] = array('code' => -32602, 'message' => 'Invalid parameters'); return $ret; } else { if (strlen($args->search) < 1) { // search term is too short $ret['error'] = array('code' => -32602, 'message' => 'Invalid parameters'); return $ret; } } $dbc = \FannieDB::getReadOnly(\FannieConfig::factory()->get('OP_DB')); switch (strtolower($args->field)) { case 'item': $res = false; if (!is_numeric($args->search)) { $prep = $dbc->prepare('SELECT p.upc, p.description FROM products AS p LEFT JOIN productUser AS u ON u.upc=p.upc WHERE p.description LIKE ? OR p.brand LIKE ? OR u.description LIKE ? OR u.brand LIKE ? GROUP BY p.upc, p.description ORDER BY p.description'); $term = '%' . $args->search . '%'; $res = $dbc->execute($prep, array($term, $term, $term, $term)); } elseif (ltrim($args->search, '0') != '') { $prep = $dbc->prepare(' SELECT p.upc, p.upc AS description FROM products AS p WHERE p.upc LIKE ? GROUP BY p.upc'); $res = $dbc->execute($prep, array('%' . $args->search . '%')); } while ($res && ($row = $dbc->fetch_row($res))) { $ret[] = array('label' => $row['description'], 'value' => $row['upc']); } case 'brand': $prep = $dbc->prepare('SELECT brand FROM products WHERE brand LIKE ? GROUP BY brand ORDER BY brand'); $res = $dbc->execute($prep, array($args->search . '%')); while ($row = $dbc->fetch_row($res)) { $ret[] = $row['brand']; } return $ret; case 'long_brand': $prep = $dbc->prepare(' SELECT u.brand FROM productUser AS u ' . DTrans::joinProducts('u', 'p', 'INNER') . ' WHERE u.brand LIKE ? GROUP BY u.brand ORDER BY u.brand'); $res = $dbc->execute($prep, array($args->search . '%')); while ($row = $dbc->fetch_row($res)) { $ret[] = $row['brand']; } return $ret; case 'vendor': $prep = $dbc->prepare('SELECT vendorID, vendorName FROM vendors WHERE vendorName LIKE ? ORDER BY vendorName'); $res = $dbc->execute($prep, array($args->search . '%')); while ($row = $dbc->fetch_row($res)) { $ret[] = $row['vendorName']; } if ($dbc->tableExists('prodExtra')) { $prep = $dbc->prepare('SELECT distributor FROM prodExtra WHERE distributor LIKE ? GROUP BY distributor ORDER BY distributor'); $res = $dbc->execute($prep, array($args->search . '%')); while ($row = $dbc->fetch_row($res)) { if (!in_array($row['distributor'], $ret)) { $ret[] = $row['distributor']; } } } return $ret; case 'mfirstname': case 'mlastname': case 'maddress': case 'mcity': case 'memail': return \COREPOS\Fannie\API\member\MemberREST::autoComplete($args->field, $args->search); case 'sku': $query = 'SELECT sku FROM vendorItems WHERE sku LIKE ? '; $param = array($args->search . '%'); if (property_exists($args, 'vendor_id')) { $query .= ' AND vendorID=? '; $param[] = $args->vendor_id; } $query .= 'GROUP BY sku ORDER BY sku'; $prep = $dbc->prepare($query); $res = $dbc->execute($prep, $param); while ($row = $dbc->fetch_row($res)) { $ret[] = $row['sku']; if (count($ret) > 50) { break; } } return $ret; case 'unit': $query = ' SELECT unitofmeasure FROM products WHERE unitofmeasure LIKE ? GROUP BY unitofmeasure ORDER BY unitofmeasure'; $param = array($args->search . '%'); $prep = $dbc->prepare($query); $res = $dbc->execute($prep, $param); while ($row = $dbc->fetchRow($res)) { $ret[] = $row['unitofmeasure']; if (count($ret) > 50) { break; } } return $ret; default: return $ret; } }
/** Check if authentication is enabled in Fannie's configuration @return boolean */ private static function enabled() { $enabled = FannieConfig::factory()->get('AUTH_ENABLED', false); return $enabled ? true : false; }
public static function aggregateStruct(SQLManager $connection, $dlog, $start_date, $end_date, stdclass $where, $groupby = array()) { $base_table = self::selectStruct($dlog, $start_date, $end_date); $dt_col = $dlog ? 'tdate' : 'datetime'; $clone_table = $dlog ? 'dlog_15' : 'transarchive'; /** Grouping is required */ if (!is_array($groupby) || count($groupby) == 0) { return $base_table; } /** Validate group by columns */ $model = new DTransactionsModel(null); $columns = $model->getColumns(); $insert_cols = array(); $select_cols = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($groupby); $i++) { $group = $groupby[$i]; if (isset($columns[$group])) { $insert_cols[] = $group; $select_cols[] = $group; } elseif (preg_match('/(.+)\\s+AS\\s+(\\w+)$/', $group, $matches)) { $col_definition = $matches[1]; $col_alias = $matches[2]; if (isset($columns[$col_alias])) { $insert_cols[] = $col_alias; $select_cols[] = $group; $groupby[$i] = $col_definition; } else { return $base_table; } } else { return $base_table; } } /** Always include a datetime column */ if (!in_array($dt_col, $insert_cols)) { $insert_cols[] = $dt_col; $select_cols[] = 'MAX(' . $dt_col . ') AS ' . $dt_col; } /** Create randomly named temporary table based on the structure of dlog_15 or transachive */ $config = FannieConfig::factory(); $sep = $connection->sep(); $random_name = uniqid('temp' . rand(1000, 9999)); $temp_table = $config->get('ARCHIVE_DB') . $sep . $random_name; $clone_table = $config->get('TRANS_DB') . $sep . $clone_table; $temp_name = $connection->temporaryTable($temp_table, $clone_table); if ($temp_name === false) { return $base_table; } /** Build a query to insert aggregated rows into the temporary table */ $query = 'INSERT INTO ' . $temp_name . '('; foreach ($insert_cols as $c) { $query .= $c . ','; } $query .= 'total, quantity) '; $query .= ' SELECT '; foreach ($select_cols as $c) { $query .= $c . ','; } /** Always aggregate by total & quantity */ $query .= ' SUM(total) AS total, ' . DTrans::sumQuantity() . ' AS quantity FROM __TRANSACTION_TABLE__ WHERE ' . $dt_col . ' BETWEEN ? AND ? '; $params = array($start_date . ' 00:00:00', $end_date . ' 23:59:59'); /** Add a where clause if one has been specified */ if (property_exists($where, 'sql') && is_array($where->sql)) { foreach ($where->sql as $sql) { $query .= ' AND ' . $sql; } } if (property_exists($where, 'params') && is_array($where->params)) { foreach ($where->params as $p) { $params[] = $p; } } /** Add the group by clause */ $query .= ' GROUP BY '; foreach ($groupby as $group) { $query .= $group . ','; } $query = substr($query, 0, strlen($query) - 1); /** Split monthly archive union if needed */ $source_tables = array(); if (strstr($base_table, ' UNION ')) { preg_match_all('/\\s+FROM\\s+(\\w+)\\s+/', $base_table, $matches); foreach ($matches[1] as $m) { $source_tables[] = $m; } } else { $source_tables = array($base_table); } /** Load data into temporary table from source table(s) using built query */ foreach ($source_tables as $source_table) { $insertQ = str_replace('__TRANSACTION_TABLE__', $source_table, $query); $prep = $connection->prepare($insertQ); if (!$connection->execute($prep, $params)) { return $base_table; } } return $temp_name; }
/** Helper function to send messages @param $templateID [ScheduledEmailTemplatesModel] template @param $address [string] recipient email address @param $data [keyed array] of placeholder values @return [boolean] success */ public static function sendEmail($template, $address, $data = array()) { $config = FannieConfig::factory(); $settings = $config->get('PLUGIN_SETTINGS'); $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->isSMTP(); $mail->Host = ''; $mail->Port = 25; $mail->SMTPAuth = false; $mail->From = $settings['ScheduledEmailFrom']; $mail->FromName = $settings['ScheduledEmailFromName']; $mail->addReplyTo($settings['ScheduledEmailReplyTo']); $mail->addAddress($address); $mail->Subject = $template->subject(); if ($template->hasHTML()) { $mail->isHTML(true); $mail->Body = self::substitutePlaceholders($template->htmlCopy(), $data); if ($template->hasText()) { $mail->AltBody = self::substitutePlaceholders($template->textCopy(), $data); } return $mail->send(); } elseif ($template->hasText()) { $mail->isHTML(false); $mail->Body = self::substitutePlaceholders($template->textCopy(), $data); return $mail->send(); } else { return false; } }