예제 #1
  * Order importer for WooCommerce. Process 10 orders at a time
 public static function wc_order_import()
     $wpdb = Follow_Up_Emails::instance()->wpdb;
     if (empty($_POST['cmd'])) {
         self::send_response(array('error' => 'CMD is missing'));
     $cmd = $_POST['cmd'];
     $email_id = !empty($_POST['email_id']) ? $_POST['email_id'] : '';
     if ($email_id) {
         $fue_wc = Follow_Up_Emails::instance()->fue_wc;
         if ($cmd == 'start') {
             if (is_array($email_id)) {
                 $total_orders = 0;
                 foreach ($email_id as $id) {
                     $email = new FUE_Email($id);
                     $email_orders = $fue_wc->count_orders_for_email($email);
                     $total_orders += $email_orders;
                     if ($email_orders == 0) {
                         delete_post_meta($id, '_import_order_flag');
                 self::send_response(array('total_orders' => $total_orders));
             } else {
                 $email = new FUE_Email($email_id);
                 $total_orders = $fue_wc->count_orders_for_email($email);
                 if ($total_orders == 0) {
                     delete_post_meta($email_id, '_import_order_flag');
                 self::send_response(array('total_orders' => $total_orders));
         } else {
             $email = new FUE_Email($email_id);
             $results = $fue_wc->import_orders_for_email($email, 10);
             if ($results['status'] == 'completed') {
                 delete_post_meta($email_id, '_import_order_flag');
             self::send_response(array('status' => $results['status'] == 'running' ? 'partial' : 'completed', 'import_data' => $results['imported'], 'remaining_orders' => $results['remaining_orders']));
     } else {
         if ($cmd == 'start') {
             $tables = $wpdb->get_col("SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$wpdb->prefix}followup_order_items'");
             if (empty($tables)) {
                 self::send_response(array('error' => 'Database tables are not installed. Please deactivate then reactivate Follow Up Emails'));
             if (!get_option('fue_orders_imported', false) && !get_transient('fue_importing_orders')) {
                 // First run of the import script. Clear existing data for a fresh start
                 $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}followup_order_items");
                 $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}followup_customers");
                 $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}followup_order_categories");
                 $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}followup_customer_orders");
             set_transient('fue_importing_orders', true, 86400);
             $sql = "SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT p.id )\n                FROM {$wpdb->posts} p, {$wpdb->postmeta} pm\n                WHERE p.ID = pm.post_id\n                AND p.post_type = 'shop_order'\n                AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} pm2 WHERE p.ID = pm2.post_id AND pm2.meta_key = '_fue_recorded') = 0";
             $total_orders = $wpdb->get_var($sql);
             if ($total_orders == 0) {
                 update_option('fue_orders_imported', true);
             self::send_response(array('total_orders' => $total_orders));
         } else {
             $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT p.ID\n                FROM {$wpdb->posts} p, {$wpdb->postmeta} pm\n                WHERE p.ID = pm.post_id\n                AND p.post_type = 'shop_order'\n                AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} pm2 WHERE p.ID = pm2.post_id AND pm2.meta_key = '_fue_recorded') = 0\n                LIMIT 1";
             $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
             if (count($results) == 0) {
                 update_option('fue_orders_imported', true);
                 self::send_response(array('status' => 'completed'));
             } else {
                 $imported = array();
                 foreach ($results as $row) {
                     $order = WC_FUE_Compatibility::wc_get_order($row->ID);
                     $imported[] = array('id' => $row->ID, 'status' => 'success');
                 self::send_response(array('status' => 'partial', 'import_data' => $imported));
  * Get an array of Category IDs included in the given $order
  * @param int|WC_Order  $order
  * @return array
 protected function get_category_ids_from_order($order)
     $wpdb = Follow_Up_Emails::instance()->wpdb;
     if (is_numeric($order)) {
         $order = WC_FUE_Compatibility::wc_get_order($order);
     if (1 != get_post_meta($order->id, '_fue_recorded', true)) {
     $category_ids = $wpdb->get_col($wpdb->prepare("SELECT category_id\n            FROM {$wpdb->prefix}followup_order_categories\n            WHERE order_id = %d", $order->id));
     return array_unique($category_ids);