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$name = $_POST['name']; $characteristics = $_POST['characteristics']; $image = $_POST['image']; require 'fpdf17/fpdf.php'; //create a FPDF object $pdf = new FPDF(); //set document properties $pdf->SetAuthor('Anon'); $pdf->SetTitle($name); //set font for the entire document $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 20); $pdf->SetTextColor(50, 60, 100); //set up a page $pdf->AddPage('P'); //$pdf->SetDisplayMode(real,'default'); //insert an image and make it a link $pdf->Image('logo.png', 10, 20, 33, 0); //display the title without a border around it $pdf->SetXY(50, 20); $pdf->SetDrawColor(50, 60, 100); $pdf->Cell(100, 10, $name, 0, 0, 'C', 0); // Insert a dynamic image from a URL $pdf->Image($image, 75, 30, 0, 50); //Set x and y position for the main text, reduce font size and write content $pdf->SetXY(10, 90); $pdf->SetFontSize(10); $pdf->Write(5, $characteristics); //Output the document $pdf->Output(); ?>
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function UsersTrafficPeriodPDF() { //require('chart.php'); require 'lib/fpdf.php'; global $SAMSConf; global $DATE; $DB = new SAMSDB(); $sdate = $DATE->sdate(); $edate = $DATE->edate(); $bdate = $DATE->BeginDate(); $eddate = $DATE->EndDate(); $size = ""; if (isset($_GET["size"])) { $size = $_GET["size"]; } require "reportsclass.php"; $dateselect = new DATESELECT($DATE->sdate(), $DATE->edate()); $lang = "./lang/lang.{$SAMSConf->LANG}"; require $lang; define('FPDF_FONTPATH', 'lib/font/'); require 'lib/fpdf.php'; $pdfFile = new FPDF(); $pdfFile->Open(); $pdfFile->AddFont('Nimbus', '', 'Nimbus.php'); $pdfFile->SetAuthor("SQUID Account Management System"); $pdfFile->SetCreator("Created by SAMS2"); $pdfFile->SetTitle("SAMS2 users statistic"); // UsersTrafficPeriodPDF(); $pdfFile->AddPage(); $pdfFile->SetFont('Nimbus', '', 15); //$pdfFile->SetFont('SUSESerif-Roman','',16); $pdfFile->SetXY(50, 15); echo " {$usersbuttom_2_traffic_UsersTrafficPeriod_1}<BR>{$usersbuttom_2_traffic_UsersTrafficPeriod_2}<br>"; $pdfFile->Write(0, " {$usersbuttom_2_traffic_UsersTrafficPeriod_1}<BR>{$usersbuttom_2_traffic_UsersTrafficPeriod_2}"); $pdfFile->Output(); }
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//set document properties $pdf->SetAuthor('CORCIOVA ENACHI'); $pdf->SetTitle('FISA PARTIDEI'); //set font for the entire document $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 10); //$pdf->SetTextColor(50,60,100); //set up a page $pdf->AddPage('P'); //$pdf->SetDisplayMode(real,'default'); //display the title with a border around it //$pdf->SetXY(50,20); //$pdf->SetDrawColor(50,60,100); $pdf->Write(7, 'CASA DE AJUTOR RECIPROC A PENSIONARILOR DIN FOCSANI SI JUDETUL VRANCEA'); //$pdf->Ln(2); $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 12); $pdf->SetXY(10, 15); //$pdf->Ln(3); $s = " "; $r2 = $s . "Partida nr: " . $par . " Nume: " . $nume . " CNP: " . $cnp; $pdf->Write(7, $r2); $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 10); $pdf->SetXY(10, 20); $r3 = $s . "CI/BI: " . $ser . " " . $nr . " Elib " . $delib . " Pol. " . $pol . " din " . $loca . " Adresa: " . $adr; $pdf->Write(7, $r3); //$pdf->Write(7,' '); //$pdf->Write(7,$decp); $r4 = $s . "Data inscrierii: " . $dins . " Sectia credit: " . $discre . " Sotul: " . $sot . " Sectia deces: " . $disdec; $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 10); $pdf->SetXY(10, 25); $pdf->Write(7, $r4); $r5 = $s . "Decizie nr. " . $decp . " Pensie lunara: " . $pen;
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include '../../resources/orcl_conex.php'; include 'Models/class.Denuncia.php'; include 'Models/class.DenunciaDAO.php'; include '../mod_ciudadanos/Models/class_fisc_ciudadano.php'; include '../mod_ciudadanos/Models/class_fisc_ciudadanoDAO.php'; $pdf = new FPDF('P'); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->Image('../../public_html/imagenes/logoclaro.png', 40, 50, 120); $pdf->SetTitle("Notificación al denunciante", true); $pdf->Image('../../public_html/imagenes/logoivss.png', 20, 7, 13); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 6); $pdf->Text(40, 10, utf8_decode('REPÚBLICA BOLIVARIANA DE VENEZUELA')); $pdf->Text(40, 13, utf8_decode('MINISTERIO DEL PODER POPULAR PARA EL TRABAJO Y SEGURIDAD SOCIAL')); $pdf->Text(40, 16, utf8_decode('INSTITUTO VENEZOLANO DE LOS SEGUROS SOCIALES')); $pdf->Text(40, 19, utf8_decode('DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE FISCALIZACIÓN')); $pdf->SetXY(20, 26); $pdf->SetFillColor(35, 65, 129); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 8); $pdf->setTextColor(255, 255, 255); $pdf->Cell(50, 6, utf8_decode('N° DE QUEJAS Y/O RECLAMOS'), 1, 0, 'C', TRUE); $pdf->SetXY(20, 32); $pdf->Cell(50, 6, '', 1, 0, 'C', FALSE); $pdf->setTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 8); $pdf->Text(60, 50, utf8_decode('COMPROBANTE DE RECEPCIÓN DE QUEJA Y/O RECLAMO')); $pdf->SetXY(20, 52); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 8); $pdf->setTextColor(255, 255, 255); $pdf->Cell(50, 6, utf8_decode('FECHA DE PRESENTACIÓN'), 1, 0, 'C', TRUE); $pdf->Cell(35, 6, '', 1, 0, 'C', FALSE); $pdf->Cell(50, 6, utf8_decode('HORA DE PRESENTACIÓN'), 1, 0, 'C', TRUE);
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public function fee_month() { $date_from = $this->input->get("date_from"); $date_to = $this->input->get("date_to"); $event = $this->input->get("event"); require_once "../assets/fpdf/fpdf.php"; $pdf = new FPDF(); $pdf->AliasNbPages(); $pdf->AddPage('L', 'A4'); //title $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 16); $pdf->Cell(0, 10, 'Report Absensi Moderasi HM Sampoerna', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Ln(10); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 10); $pdf->Cell(0, 5, 'Periode Tanggal : ' . $date_from . ' s/d ' . $date_to, 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Ln(5); $pdf->Cell(0, 5, 'Event : ' . $this->event_model->get_event_name($this->input->get("event")), 0, 0, 'L'); $pdf->Ln(10); //header $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 8); $pdf->SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->Cell(10, 14, 'No', 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(40, 14, 'Moderator', 1, 0, 'C'); $from = date_create(format_ymd($date_from)); $to = date_create(format_ymd($date_to)); $j = 0; while ($from <= $to) { $pdf->SetXY(60 + $j, 35); $pdf->Cell(6, 7, date_format($from, "d"), 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->SetXY(60 + $j, 42); $pdf->Cell(6, 7, date_format($from, "m"), 1, 0, 'C'); date_add($from, date_interval_create_from_date_string('1 days')); $j += 6; } $pdf->SetXY($j + 60, 35); $pdf->Cell(0, 14, 'Jumlah', 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Ln(14); //rows $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 8); $pdf->SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $result = $this->user_event_model->get_user_month()->result(); $total = 0; $i = 1; $j = 0; foreach ($result as $r) { $pdf->Cell(10, 7, $i++, 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(40, 7, $r->user, 1, 0, 'L'); $from = date_create(format_ymd($date_from)); $to = date_create(format_ymd($date_to)); $j = 0; $jum = 0; while ($from <= $to) { $jumlah = $this->absent_model->check_exist_month($r->user_kode, $event, date_format($from, 'Y-m-d')); $pdf->Cell(6, 7, number_format($jumlah), 1, 0, 'C'); $jum += $jumlah; date_add($from, date_interval_create_from_date_string('1 days')); $j++; } $pdf->Cell(0, 7, number_format($jum), 1, 0, 'C'); $total += $jum; $pdf->Ln(7); } $pdf->SetFillColor(240, 240, 240); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 8); $pdf->Cell(50 + 6 * $j, 7, 'Total : ', 1, 0, 'R', true); $pdf->Cell(0, 7, number_format($total), 1, 0, 'C', true); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 10); $this->_footer($pdf); $pdf->Output("Fee Moderasi HM Sampoerna", "I"); }
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case 11: $nombre_mes = "Noviembre"; break; case 12: $nombre_mes = "Diciembre"; break; } if ($registros > 0) { require '/fpdf/fpdf.php'; $pdf = new FPDF('L'); $pdf->AddPage(); // Imagen $pdf->Image('serbimaAA.jpg', 245, 8, 30); // titulo $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 12); $pdf->SetXY(90, 10); $pdf->Write(1, "PLANILLA DE DESCUENTO {$emp}"); $pdf->SetXY(125, 15); $pdf->Write(1, 'Mes de ' . $nombre_mes . ' del ' . $ano); // Informacion del empleador $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'U', 10); $pdf->SetXY(10, 30); $pdf->Write(1, 'Información del empleador'); if ($registro = sqlsrv_fetch_object($resultado)) { $rut_inst = $registro->rut_inst; $dv_inst = $registro->dv_inst; } function rut($rut) { return number_format(substr($rut, 0, -1), 0, "", ".") . '-' . substr($rut, strlen($rut) - 1, 1); }
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'barcode.php'; if (!isset($_POST['mandate'])) { $_POST['mandate'] = 1; } if (!isset($_POST['subscription'])) { $_POST['subscription'] = 1; } $mdt = new Modele('mandate'); $mdt->fetch($_POST['mandate']); $sub = new Modele('subscription'); $sub->fetch($_POST['subscription']); $usr = new Modele('users'); $usr->fetch($_SESSION['user']['user_id']); $sublist = new Modele('subscription'); //$sublist->find(array('subscription_mandate' => $mdt->mandate_id)); $sublist->find(); if (new DateTime($mdt->mandate_start) > new DateTime() || new DateTime($mdt->mandate_end) < new DateTime()) { modexec('syscore', 'moderror'); } ob_start(); $pdf = new FPDF(); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetXY(18, 12); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 30); $pdf->Cell(180, 10, 'EPITANIME', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 10); $pdf->SetXY(18, 21); $pdf->Cell(180, 5, 'FEUILLE DE RENSEIGNEMENTS ' . uc($mdt->mandate_label), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->SetXY(18, 26); $pdf->Cell(180, 5, 'Veuillez remplir lisiblement en lettres capitales', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 10); $pdf->SetXY(18, 35); $pdf->Cell(180, 5, 'Informations essentielles :', 0, 0, ''); $pdf->SetXY(18, 40); $pdf->Cell(50, 5, 'Pseudo', 1, 0, ''); $pdf->SetXY(18, 45); $pdf->Cell(50, 5, 'Nom', 1, 0, ''); $pdf->SetXY(18, 50); $pdf->Cell(50, 5, uc('Prénom'), 1, 0, ''); $pdf->SetXY(18, 55); $pdf->Cell(50, 5, 'Adresse', 1, 0, ''); $pdf->SetXY(18, 60); $pdf->Cell(50, 5, 'Code postal', 1, 0, ''); $pdf->SetXY(18, 65); $pdf->Cell(50, 5, 'Ville', 1, 0, ''); $pdf->SetXY(18, 70); $pdf->Cell(50, 5, 'Sexe', 1, 0, ''); $pdf->SetXY(18, 75); $pdf->Cell(50, 5, 'Date de naissance', 1, 0, ''); $pdf->SetXY(18, 80); $pdf->Cell(50, 5, uc('Téléphone'), 1, 0, ''); $pdf->SetXY(18, 85); $pdf->Cell(50, 5, 'Courriel', 1, 0, ''); $pdf->SetXY(18, 95); $pdf->Cell(50, 5, uc('Réservé aux étudiants IONIS'), 0, 0, ''); $pdf->SetXY(18, 100); $pdf->Cell(50, 5, 'Login', 1, 0, ''); $pdf->SetXY(18, 105); $pdf->Cell(50, 5, 'Ecole', 1, 0, ''); $pdf->SetXY(18, 110); $pdf->Cell(50, 5, 'Promotion', 1, 0, ''); $pdf->SetXY(18, 120); $pdf->Cell(50, 5, uc('Réservé aux membres prenant l\'inscription FFG (fédération française de GO)'), 0, 0, ''); $pdf->SetXY(18, 125); $pdf->Cell(50, 5, uc('Nationalité'), 1, 0, ''); $pdf->SetXY(18, 130); $pdf->Cell(50, 5, 'Niveau', 1, 0, ''); $pdf->SetXY(18, 135); $pdf->Cell(50, 5, 'Pseudo FFG', 1, 0, ''); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 12); $pdf->SetXY(18, 222); $pdf->Cell(160, 5, uc('Reçu par ______________________ le ___/___/20___ , accompagné de la cotisation choisie.'), 0, 0, ''); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 10); $pdf->SetXY(38, 230); $pdf->Cell(50, 5, 'Signature du membre', 1, 0, ''); $pdf->Rect(38, 235, 50, 20); $pdf->SetXY(130, 230); $pdf->Cell(50, 5, uc('Signature du récepteur'), 1, 0, ''); $pdf->Rect(130, 235, 50, 20); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 8); $pdf->SetXY(18, 260); $pdf->MultiCell(180, 3, uc('Les informations recueillies sont nécessaires pour votre adhésion. Elles font l’objet d’un traitement informatique et sont destinées au secrétariat de l’association. En application de l’article 34 de la loi du 6 janvier 1978, vous bénéficiez d’un droit d’accès et de rectification aux informations qui vous concernent. Si vous souhaitez exercer ce droit et obtenir communication des informations vous concernant, veuillez vous adresser au secrétariat de l’association.')); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 10); $pdf->SetXY(68, 40); $pdf->Cell(130, 5, uc($usr->user_name), 1, 0, ''); $pdf->SetXY(68, 45); $pdf->Cell(130, 5, uc($usr->user_lastname), 1, 0, ''); $pdf->SetXY(68, 50); $pdf->Cell(130, 5, uc($usr->user_firstname), 1, 0, ''); $pdf->SetXY(68, 55); $pdf->Cell(130, 5, uc($usr->user_address), 1, 0, ''); $pdf->SetXY(68, 60); $pdf->Cell(130, 5, uc($usr->user_cp), 1, 0, ''); $pdf->SetXY(68, 65); $pdf->Cell(130, 5, uc($usr->user_town), 1, 0, ''); $pdf->SetXY(68, 70); $pdf->Cell(130, 5, uc($usr->user_sexe), 1, 0, ''); $pdf->SetXY(68, 75); $pdf->Cell(130, 5, uc($usr->user_born), 1, 0, ''); $pdf->SetXY(68, 80); $pdf->Cell(130, 5, uc($usr->user_phone), 1, 0, ''); $pdf->SetXY(68, 85); $pdf->Cell(130, 5, uc($usr->user_email), 1, 0, ''); $pdf->SetXY(68, 100); $pdf->Cell(130, 5, uc($usr->user_login), 1, 0, ''); $pdf->SetXY(68, 105); $pdf->Cell(130, 5, uc($usr->user_type->ut_name), 1, 0, ''); $pdf->SetXY(68, 110); $pdf->Cell(130, 5, uc($usr->user_promo), 1, 0, ''); $pdf->SetXY(68, 125); $pdf->Cell(130, 5, '', 1, 0, ''); $pdf->SetXY(68, 130); $pdf->Cell(130, 5, '', 1, 0, ''); $pdf->SetXY(68, 135); $pdf->Cell(130, 5, '', 1, 0, ''); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 10); $pdf->SetXY(18, 145); $pdf->Cell(50, 5, uc('Cotisation'), 0, 0, ''); $cb = '9' . str_pad($mdt->getKey(), 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . str_pad($usr->getKey(), 7, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $cbfile = tempnam($tmpdir, 'cb'); imagebarcode($cbfile, $cb, 200, 40, 2); $pdf->Image($cbfile, 10, 10, 30, 0, 'PNG'); unlink($cbfile); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'I', 8); $pdf->SetXY(185, 10); $pdf->Cell(10, 5, $usr->getKey(), 0, 0, 'R'); $pos = -1; $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 10); while ($c = $sublist->next()) { $pos++; $x = 25 + $pos % 2 * 90; $y = 150 + 5 * floor($pos / 2); $pdf->SetXY($x, $y); $pdf->Cell(60, 5, uc($c['subscription_label']), 1, 0, ''); $pdf->Cell(15, 5, number_format($c['subscription_price'], 2, ',', '') . ' ' . chr(128), 1, 0, ''); $pdf->Rect($x + 75, $y, 5, 5); if ($c['subscription_id'] == $sub->subscription_id) { $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 12); $pdf->Cell(5, 5, 'X', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 10); } } if (ob_get_flush() == '') { $pdf->Output('inscription.pdf', 'I'); } quit(); }
function createContentFile($mod, $statement, $c_username, $bild) { //Erzeugung der pdf-Galerie //echo $statement; //$statement fuer exif, desc, zeit, kat(ausser Wurzel) uebergeben include '../share/global_config.php'; include $sr . '/bin/share/db_connect1.php'; switch ($mod) { case 'geo': $num100 = count($statement); break; default: $result100 = mysql_query("{$statement}"); @($num100 = mysql_num_rows($result100)); break; } if ($statement !== '') { //echo $statement; //echo "gefundene Bilder: ".$num100."<BR>"; $seiten = floor($num100 / 20) + 1; define('FPDF_FONTPATH', '../share/fpdf/font/'); require $sr . '/bin/share/fpdf/fpdf.php'; $pdf = new FPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4'); $pdf->SetLeftMargin(20); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 10); $aktdatum = date('d.m.Y'); for ($seite = '0'; $seite < $seiten; $seite++) { $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->Cell(0, 5, 'pic2base-Galerie', 0, 1, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(0, 5, 'Tipp: Mit einem Klick auf den Dateinamen erhalten Sie die vergr' . utf8_decode(ö) . 'sserte Ansicht des betreffenden Bildes.', 0, 1, 'C'); for ($zeile = '0'; $zeile < '5'; $zeile++) { $y_mitte = 50 + $zeile * 48; for ($spalte = '0'; $spalte < '4'; $spalte++) { $x_mitte = 45 + $spalte * 45; //Ermittlung des QH-/Ori-Dateinamens und der Bild-Masse $zaehler = $spalte + $zeile * 4 + $seite * 20; if ($zaehler < $num100) { //echo $zaehler; switch ($mod) { case 'geo': switch ($bild) { case '0': $result102 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM {$table2} WHERE pic_id = '{$statement[$zaehler]}'"); $FileNameV = mysql_result($result102, 0, 'FileNameV'); //$FileNameHQ = mysql_result($result102, $zaehler, 'FileNameHQ'); @($parameter_v = getimagesize($sr . '/images/vorschau/thumbs/' . $FileNameV)); break; case '1': $result102 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM {$table2} WHERE pic_id = '{$statement[$zaehler]}'"); $FileNameHQ = mysql_result($result102, 0, 'FileNameHQ'); @($parameter_v = getimagesize($sr . '/images/vorschau/hq-preview/' . $FileNameHQ)); break; } $FileName = mysql_result($result102, 0, 'FileName'); break; default: switch ($bild) { case '0': $FileNameV = mysql_result($result100, $zaehler, 'FileNameV'); $FileNameHQ = mysql_result($result100, $zaehler, 'FileNameHQ'); @($parameter_v = getimagesize($sr . '/images/vorschau/thumbs/' . $FileNameV)); break; case '1': $FileNameHQ = mysql_result($result100, $zaehler, 'FileNameHQ'); @($parameter_v = getimagesize($sr . '/images/vorschau/hq-preview/' . $FileNameHQ)); break; } $FileName = mysql_result($result100, $zaehler, 'FileName'); break; } $breite = $parameter_v[0]; $hoehe = $parameter_v[1]; $ratio = $breite / $hoehe; if ($ratio > '1') { //Breitformat $Breite = 40; $Hoehe = number_format($Breite / $ratio, 0, '.', ','); } else { //Hochformat $Hoehe = 40; $Breite = number_format($Hoehe * $ratio, 0, '.', ','); } $x0 = $x_mitte - $Breite / 2; $y0 = $y_mitte - $Hoehe / 2; switch ($bild) { case '0': $pdf->Image($sr . '/images/vorschau/thumbs/' . $FileNameV, $x0, $y0, $Breite, $Hoehe, 'jpg'); break; case '1': $pdf->Image($sr . '/images/vorschau/hq-preview/' . $FileNameHQ, $x0, $y0, $Breite, $Hoehe, 'jpg'); break; } //Ausgabe des Dateinamens: $x1 = $x_mitte - 15; $y1 = $y_mitte + 21; $pdf->SetXY($x1, $y1); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 8); $pdf->Cell(30, 5, $FileName, 0, 0, 'C', 5, 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $inst_path . '/pic2base/images/vorschau/hq-preview/' . $FileNameHQ); //$pdf->Cell(30,5,$FileName,0,0,C,0,''); } } } $seiten_nr = $seite + 1; $pdf->SetXY(25, 270); $pdf->Cell(0, 6, 'Druckdatum: ' . $aktdatum . ', Seite ' . $seiten_nr . ' von ' . $seiten, 0, 1, 'C'); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 10); } $pdf->Output($p2b_path . 'pic2base/userdata/' . $c_username . '/kml_files/thumb-gallery.pdf'); } }
public function post_id_upc_terms_handler() { $this->id = preg_split('/[^\\d]/', $this->id, 0, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $pdf = new FPDF('P', 'mm', 'Letter'); $pdf->SetMargins(6.35, 6.35, 6.35); // quarter-inch margins $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(false); $pdf->AddFont('Gill', '', 'GillSansMTPro-Medium.php'); $pdf->AddFont('Gill', 'B', 'GillSansMTPro-Heavy.php'); $margins = $pdf->GetMargins(); $margins['top'] = 0.0; $check_left_x = $margins['left'] > 3.175 ? $margins['right'] : 3.175 - $margins['left']; $real_check_top_y = 183.675 - $margins['top']; $check_right_x = 203.2 - $margins['left']; $real_check_bottom_y = 255.112 - $margins['top']; $line_height = 5; $envelope_window_tab = 15; $right_col1 = 130; $right_col2 = 170; $my_address = array('610 E 4th St', 'Duluth, MN 55805', 'Tel: 218.728.0884', ''); $check_date = date('F j, Y'); $dbc = $this->connection; $dbc->setDefaultDB($this->config->get('OP_DB')); $signage = new COREPOS\Fannie\API\item\FannieSignage(array()); foreach ($this->id as $card_no) { $pdf->AddPage(); $account = \COREPOS\Fannie\API\member\MemberREST::get($card_no); $primary = array(); foreach ($account['customers'] as $c) { if ($c['accountHolder']) { $primary = $c; break; } } $check_number = rand(100000, 999995); for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { $pdf->SetFont('Gill', '', 10); $check_top_y = $real_check_top_y - $i * 90; $check_bottom_y = $real_check_bottom_y - $i * 90; $pdf->SetXY($check_left_x, $check_top_y); $pdf->Ln($line_height * 4.25); foreach ($my_address as $line) { $pdf->SetX($check_left_x + $envelope_window_tab + 20); if ($line == '') { $pdf->SetFont('Gill', 'B', 9); } $pdf->Cell(0, $line_height, $line, 0, 1); } $pdf->SetFont('Gill', 'B', 10); $pdf->SetXY($check_left_x + $right_col1, $check_top_y); $pdf->Cell(30, $line_height, 'Check Number:', 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->SetFont('Gill', '', 10); $pdf->SetTextColor(0xff, 0x58, 0); $pdf->SetX($check_left_x + $right_col2); $pdf->Cell(30, $line_height, $check_number, 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->SetFont('Gill', 'B', 10); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->SetXY($check_left_x + $right_col1, $check_top_y + 1.5 * $line_height); $pdf->Cell(30, $line_height, 'Date:', 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->SetFont('Gill', '', 10); $pdf->SetTextColor(0xff, 0x58, 0); $pdf->SetX($check_left_x + $right_col2); $pdf->Cell(30, $line_height, $check_date, 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->SetXY($check_left_x + $right_col1, $check_top_y + 3 * $line_height); $pdf->SetFont('Gill', 'B', 10); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->Cell(30, $line_height, 'Amount:', 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->SetXY($check_left_x + $right_col1 + 30, $check_top_y + 3 * $line_height); $pdf->SetFont('Gill', '', 10); $pdf->SetTextColor(0xff, 0x58, 0); $pdf->MultiCell(40, $line_height, str_repeat(' ', 2) . $this->terms, 0, 'R'); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $their_address = array($primary['firstName'] . ' ' . $primary['lastName']); $their_address[] = $account['addressFirstLine']; if ($account['addressSecondLine']) { $their_address[] = $account['addressSecondLine']; } $their_address[] = $account['city'] . ', ' . $account['state'] . ' ' . $account['zip']; $pdf->SetXY($check_left_x + $envelope_window_tab, $check_top_y + 11 * $line_height); $pdf->SetFont('Gill', 'B', 10); foreach ($their_address as $line) { $pdf->SetX($check_left_x + $envelope_window_tab); $pdf->Cell(0, $line_height, $line, 0, 1); } $pdf->SetFont('Gill', '', 10); $pdf->SetXY($check_left_x, $check_bottom_y + $line_height - 1); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->SetFont('Gill', 'B', 10); $pdf->Cell(0, $line_height, 'Redeemable only at Whole Foods Co-op', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->SetFont('Gill', '', 10); $pdf->SetXY($check_left_x + 145, $check_top_y + 6 * $line_height + 1); $pdf->SetFont('Gill', '', 8); $pdf->MultiCell(50, $line_height - 2, 'Limit one per day. Cannot be applied to previous purchases. No cash value.'); $pdf->SetFont('Gill', '', 10); $pdf->SetFillColor(0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc); $pdf->Rect($check_left_x + 84, $check_top_y + 28, 39, 15, 'F'); $pdf->SetFillColor(0, 0, 0); $signage->drawBarcode(ltrim($this->upc, '0'), $pdf, $check_left_x + 87, $check_top_y + 30, array('height' => 11, 'fontsize' => 0)); $pdf->Image('logo.rgb.noalpha.png', $check_left_x + $envelope_window_tab, $check_top_y + 20, 20); $pdf->SetFont('Gill', 'B', '31'); $pdf->SetXY($check_left_x + $envelope_window_tab, $check_top_y + 0.5 * $line_height); $pdf->SetTextColor(0xff, 0x58, 0); $pdf->Cell(0, 3 * $line_height, 'We Appreciate You!'); $pdf->SetFont('Gill', '', '10'); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->Image(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../GiveUsMoneyPlugin/img/sig.png', $check_right_x - 63.5, $check_top_y + 9 * $line_height, 63.5); $pdf->SetXY($check_right_x - 63.5, $check_top_y + 12 * $line_height); $pdf->Cell(63.5, $line_height, 'Authorized By Signature', 'T'); $check_number++; } } $pdf->Output(); }