/** * Responsible to display the generic login form. * * @since 1.0 * @access public */ public function display($tpl = null) { $my = FD::user(); // If user is already logged in, they should not see this page. if ($my->id > 0) { return $this->redirect(FRoute::dashboard(array(), false)); } // Add page title FD::page()->title(JText::_('COM_EASYSOCIAL_LOGIN_PAGE_TITLE')); // Add breadcrumb FD::page()->breadcrumb(JText::_('COM_EASYSOCIAL_LOGIN_PAGE_BREADCRUMB')); // Facebook codes. $facebook = FD::oauth('Facebook'); $config = FD::config(); $loginMenu = $config->get('general.site.login'); // Get any callback urls. $return = FD::getCallback(); // If return value is empty, always redirect back to the dashboard if (!$return) { // Determine if there's a login redirection $urlFromCaller = FD::input()->getVar('return', ''); if ($urlFromCaller) { $return = $urlFromCaller; } else { if ($loginMenu != 'null') { $return = FRoute::getMenuLink($loginMenu); } else { $return = FRoute::dashboard(array(), false); } $return = base64_encode($return); } } else { $return = base64_encode($return); } if ($config->get('registrations.enabled')) { $profileId = $config->get('registrations.mini.profile', 'default'); if ($profileId === 'default') { $profileId = Foundry::model('profiles')->getDefaultProfile()->id; } $options = array('visible' => SOCIAL_PROFILES_VIEW_MINI_REGISTRATION, 'profile_id' => $profileId); $fieldsModel = Foundry::model('fields'); $fields = $fieldsModel->getCustomFields($options); if (!empty($fields)) { FD::language()->loadAdmin(); $fieldsLib = FD::fields(); $session = JFactory::getSession(); $registration = FD::table('Registration'); $registration->load($session->getId()); $data = $registration->getValues(); $args = array(&$data, &$registration); $fieldsLib->trigger('onRegisterMini', SOCIAL_FIELDS_GROUP_USER, $fields, $args); $this->set('fields', $fields); } } $this->set('return', $return); $this->set('facebook', $facebook); return parent::display('site/login/default'); }
public function loadStoryForm() { FD::checkToken(); FD::requireLogin(); FD::language()->loadAdmin(); $categoryid = FD::input()->getInt('id', 0); $category = FD::table('EventCategory'); $category->load($categoryid); $db = FD::db(); $sql = $db->sql(); $sql->select('#__social_fields', 'a'); $sql->column('a.*'); $sql->column('d.element'); $sql->leftjoin('#__social_fields_steps', 'b'); $sql->on('a.step_id', 'b.id'); $sql->leftjoin('#__social_clusters_categories', 'c'); $sql->on('b.uid', 'c.id'); $sql->leftjoin('#__social_apps', 'd'); $sql->on('a.app_id', 'd.id'); $sql->where('b.type', SOCIAL_TYPE_CLUSTERS); $sql->where('c.id', $category->id); $sql->where('d.group', SOCIAL_FIELDS_GROUP_EVENT); $sql->where('d.type', SOCIAL_APPS_TYPE_FIELDS); $sql->where('d.element', array('startend', 'title', 'description'), 'in'); $db->setQuery($sql); $result = $db->loadObjectList(); $theme = FD::themes(); foreach ($result as $row) { $field = FD::table('Field'); $field->bind($row); $params = $field->getParams(); if ($row->element === 'startend') { $dateFormat = $params->get('date_format', 'DD-MM-YYYY'); if ($params->get('allow_time', true)) { $dateFormat .= ' ' . $params->get('time_format', 'hh:mm A'); } if ($params->get('allow_timezone', true)) { $theme->set('timezones', $this->getTimezones()); } $theme->set('dateFormat', $dateFormat); $theme->set('allowTimezone', $params->get('allow_timezone', 1)); $theme->set('allowTime', $params->get('allow_time', 1)); $theme->set('yearfrom', $params->get('yearfrom')); $theme->set('yearto', $params->get('yearto')); $theme->set('disallowPast', $params->get('disallow_past', 0)); $theme->set('minuteStepping', $params->get('minute_stepping', 15)); } if ($row->element === 'title') { $theme->set('titlePlaceholder', $field->get('title')); } if ($row->element === 'description') { $theme->set('descriptionPlaceholder', $field->get('description')); } } FD::ajax()->resolve($theme->output('apps/user/events/story/panel.form')); }
public function getStates() { $country = FD::input()->getString('country'); $region = FD::table('Region'); $region->load(array('type' => SOCIAL_REGION_TYPE_COUNTRY, 'name' => $country, 'state' => SOCIAL_STATE_PUBLISHED)); $states = $region->getChildren(array('ordering' => $this->params->get('sort'))); $data = new stdClass(); foreach ($states as $state) { $data->{$state->code} = $state->name; } FD::ajax()->resolve($data); }
public function calculateTotalRecur() { $in = FD::input(); $start = $in->getString('start'); $timezone = $in->getString('timezone'); $end = $in->getString('end'); $type = $in->getString('type'); $daily = $in->getVar('daily', array()); $allday = $in->getBool('allday', false); $eventId = $in->getString('eventId'); $changed = $in->getInt('changed'); $showWarningMessages = $in->getInt('showWarningMessages'); if (!empty($timezone) && $timezone !== 'UTC') { $dtz = new DateTimeZone($timezone); // This is to reverse the time back to UTC $start = JFactory::getDate($start, $dtz)->toSql(); } $eventStart = FD::date($start, false); $result = FD::model('Events')->getRecurringSchedule(array('eventStart' => $eventStart, 'end' => $end, 'type' => $type, 'daily' => $daily)); $schedule = array(); $tf = FD::config()->get('events.timeformat', '12h'); foreach ($result as $time) { $schedule[] = FD::date($time)->format(JText::_($allday ? 'COM_EASYSOCIAL_DATE_DMY' : 'COM_EASYSOCIAL_DATE_DMY' . ($tf == '12h' ? '12H' : '24H'))); } if (empty($schedule) && $type != 'none') { FD::ajax()->reject(JText::_('FIELD_EVENT_RECURRING_NO_RECURRING_EVENT_WILL_BE_CREATED')); } $theme = FD::themes(); $total = count($schedule); $limit = FD::config()->get('events.recurringlimit', 0); if (!empty($limit) && $limit != 0 && $total > $limit) { $msg = JText::sprintf('FIELD_EVENT_RECURRING_VALIDATION_MAX_RECURRING_LIMIT', $total, $limit); return FD::ajax()->reject($msg); } $theme->set('schedule', $schedule); $theme->set('type', $type); $hasChildren = !empty($eventId) && FD::model('Events')->getTotalEvents(array('state' => SOCIAL_STATE_PUBLISHED, 'parent_id' => $eventId)) > 0; $theme->set('hasChildren', $hasChildren); if ($type == 'daily') { $theme->set('days', array(JText::_('SUNDAY'), JText::_('MONDAY'), JText::_('TUESDAY'), JText::_('WEDNESDAY'), JText::_('THURSDAY'), JText::_('FRIDAY'), JText::_('SATURDAY'))); $theme->set('daily', $daily); } $theme->set('changed', $changed); $theme->set('showWarningMessages', $showWarningMessages); $html = $theme->output('fields/event/recurring/summary'); FD::ajax()->resolve($html); }
public function reject() { $id = FD::input()->getInt('relid'); $ajax = FD::ajax(); $user = FD::user(); $relation = $this->table('relations'); $state = $relation->load($id); if (!$state) { return $ajax->reject(JText::_('PLG_FIELDS_RELATIONSHIP_NOT_FOUND')); } if (!$relation->isTarget()) { return $ajax->reject(JText::_('PLG_FIELDS_RELATIONSHIP_NOT_TARGET_TO_PERFORM_ACTION')); } $state = $relation->reject(); if (!$state) { return $ajax->reject(JText::_('PLG_FIELDS_RELATIONSHIP_REJECT_ERROR')); } return $ajax->resolve(); }
/** * Displays the application output in the canvas. * * @since 1.0 * @access public * @param int The user id that is currently being viewed. */ public function display($eventId = null, $docType = null) { // Load up the event $event = FD::event($eventId); // Get the event params $params = $event->getParams(); // Load up the events model $model = FD::model('Events'); $type = FD::input()->getString('type', 'going'); $options = array(); if ($type === 'going') { $options['state'] = SOCIAL_EVENT_GUEST_GOING; } if ($params->get('allowmaybe') && $type === 'maybe') { $options['state'] = SOCIAL_EVENT_GUEST_MAYBE; } if ($params->get('allownotgoingguest') && $type === 'notgoing') { $options['state'] = SOCIAL_EVENT_GUEST_NOT_GOING; } if ($event->isClosed() && $type === 'pending') { $options['state'] = SOCIAL_EVENT_GUEST_PENDING; } if ($type === 'admin') { $options['admin'] = 1; } $this->set('type', $type); $guests = $model->getGuests($event->id, $options); $pagination = $model->getPagination(); $this->set('event', $event); $this->set('guests', $guests); $eventAlias = $event->getAlias(); $appAlias = $this->app->getAlias(); $permalinks = array('going' => '', 'notgoing' => '', 'maybe' => '', 'admin' => '', 'pending' => ''); // Avoid using $filter because it is a FRoute reserved word foreach ($permalinks as $key => &$value) { $value = FRoute::events(array('layout' => 'item', 'id' => $eventAlias, 'appId' => $appAlias, 'type' => $key)); } $this->set('permalinks', $permalinks); $myGuest = $event->getGuest(); $this->set('myGuest', $myGuest); echo parent::display('events/default'); }
public function display($groupId = null, $docType = null) { $group = FD::group($groupId); // Check if the viewer is allowed here. if (!$group->canViewItem()) { return $this->redirect($group->getPermalink(false)); } $params = $this->app->getParams(); $this->set('group', $group); $model = FD::model('Events'); $start = FD::input()->getInt('start', 0); // Get the events $events = $model->getEvents(array('state' => SOCIAL_STATE_PUBLISHED, 'ordering' => 'start', 'limit' => 5, 'limitstart' => $start, 'start-after' => FD::date()->toSql(true), 'group_id' => $group->id, 'type' => 'all')); $pagination = $model->getPagination(); $pagination->setVar('option', 'com_easysocial'); $pagination->setVar('view', 'groups'); $pagination->setVar('layout', 'item'); $pagination->setVar('id', $group->getAlias()); $pagination->setVar('appId', $this->app->getAlias()); $this->set('events', $events); $this->set('pagination', $pagination); // Parameters to work with site/event/default.list $this->set('filter', 'all'); $this->set('delayed', false); $this->set('showSorting', false); $this->set('showDistanceSorting', false); $this->set('showPastFilter', false); $this->set('showDistance', false); $this->set('hasLocation', false); $this->set('includePast', false); $this->set('ordering', 'start'); $this->set('isGroupOwner', true); $guestApp = FD::table('App'); $guestApp->load(array('type' => SOCIAL_TYPE_APPS, 'group' => SOCIAL_TYPE_EVENT, 'element' => 'guests')); $this->set('guestApp', $guestApp); echo parent::display('groups/default'); }
public function onBeforeStorySave(&$template, &$stream, &$content) { $params = $this->getParams(); // Determine if we should attach ourselves here. if (!$params->get('story_event', true)) { return; } $in = FD::input(); $title = $in->getString('event_title'); $description = $in->getString('event_description'); $categoryid = $in->getInt('event_category'); $start = $in->getString('event_start'); $end = $in->getString('event_end'); $timezone = $in->getString('event_timezone'); // If no category id, then we don't proceed if (empty($categoryid)) { return; } // Perhaps in the future we use FD::model('Event')->createEvent() instead. // For now just hardcode it here to prevent field triggering and figuring out how to punch data into the respective field data because the form is not rendered through field trigger. $my = FD::user(); $event = FD::event(); $event->title = $title; $event->description = $description; // Set a default params for this event first $event->params = '{"photo":{"albums":true},"news":true,"discussions":true,"allownotgoingguest":false,"allowmaybe":true,"guestlimit":0}'; $event->type = SOCIAL_EVENT_TYPE_PUBLIC; $event->creator_uid = $my->id; $event->creator_type = SOCIAL_TYPE_USER; $event->category_id = $categoryid; $event->cluster_type = SOCIAL_TYPE_EVENT; $event->alias = FD::model('Events')->getUniqueAlias($title); $event->created = FD::date()->toSql(); $event->key = md5($event->created . $my->password . uniqid()); $event->state = SOCIAL_CLUSTER_PENDING; if ($my->isSiteAdmin() || !$my->getAccess()->get('events.moderate')) { $event->state = SOCIAL_CLUSTER_PUBLISHED; } // Trigger apps FD::apps()->load(SOCIAL_TYPE_USER); $dispatcher = FD::dispatcher(); $triggerArgs = array(&$event, &$my, true); // @trigger: onEventBeforeSave $dispatcher->trigger(SOCIAL_TYPE_USER, 'onEventBeforeSave', $triggerArgs); $state = $event->save(); // Notifies admin when a new event is created if ($event->state === SOCIAL_CLUSTER_PENDING || !$my->isSiteAdmin()) { FD::model('Events')->notifyAdmins($event); } // Set the meta for start end timezone $meta = $event->meta; $meta->cluster_id = $event->id; $meta->start = FD::date($start)->toSql(); $meta->end = FD::date($end)->toSql(); $meta->timezone = $timezone; $meta->store(); // Recreate the event object $event = FD::event($event->id); // Create a new owner object $event->createOwner($my->id); // @trigger: onEventAfterSave $triggerArgs = array(&$event, &$my, true); $dispatcher->trigger(SOCIAL_TYPE_USER, 'onEventAfterSave', $triggerArgs); // Due to inconsistency, we don't use SOCIAL_TYPE_EVENT. // Instead we use "events" because app elements are named with 's', namely users, groups, events. $template->context_type = 'events'; $template->context_id = $event->id; $template->cluster_access = $event->type; $template->cluster_type = $event->cluster_type; $template->cluster_id = $event->id; $params = array('event' => $event); $template->setParams(FD::json()->encode($params)); }
public function getEditComment() { $id = FD::input()->getInt('id'); $comment = FD::table('comments'); $comment->load($id); $tags = FD::model('Tags')->getTags($id, 'comments'); $overlay = $comment->comment; $counter = 0; $tmp = array(); foreach ($tags as $tag) { if ($tag->type === 'entity' && $tag->item_type === SOCIAL_TYPE_USER) { $user = FD::user($tag->item_id); $replace = '<span data-value="user:'******'" data-type="entity">' . $user->getName() . '</span>'; } if ($tag->type === 'hashtag') { $replace = '<span data-value="' . $tag->title . '" data-type="hashtag">' . "#" . $tag->title . '</span>'; } $tmp[$counter] = $replace; $replace = '[si:mentions]' . $counter . '[/si:mentions]'; $overlay = JString::substr_replace($overlay, $replace, $tag->offset, $tag->length); $counter++; } $overlay = FD::string()->escape($overlay); foreach ($tmp as $i => $v) { $overlay = str_ireplace('[si:mentions]' . $i . '[/si:mentions]', $v, $overlay); } $theme = FD::themes(); $theme->set('comment', $comment->comment); $theme->set('overlay', $overlay); $contents = $theme->output('site/comments/editForm'); $this->getCurrentView()->call(__FUNCTION__, $contents); }
/** * Builds the URLs for apps view * * @since 1.0 * @access public * @param array An array of request arguments * @param bool Determines if the url should be xhtml compliant * @return url The string of the URL */ public function route($options = array(), $xhtml = true) { $url = self::$base . '&view=' . $this->name; // Custom options $ssl = $options['ssl']; $tokenize = $options['tokenize']; $external = $options['external']; $tmpl = $options['tmpl']; $sef = $options['sef']; $layout = isset($options['layout']) ? $options['layout'] : ''; // check if the current request is from feed page or not. // if yes, let set the external to always true. $pageFormat = FD::input()->get('format', '', 'var'); if (!$external && $pageFormat == 'feed') { $external = true; } // Determines if this is a request to the controller $controller = $options['controller']; $data = array(); unset($options['ssl'], $options['tokenize'], $options['external'], $options['tmpl'], $options['controller'], $options['sef']); if ($options) { foreach ($options as $key => $value) { $data[] = $key . '=' . $value; } } $query = $options; $options = implode('&', $data); $join = !empty($options) ? '&' : ''; $url = $url . $join . $options; // Try to get the url from the adapter $overrideUrl = ''; // Set temporary data $query['view'] = $this->name; $query['option'] = 'com_easysocial'; // Ensure that all query values are lowercased $query = array_map(array('JString', 'strtolower'), $query); // Let's find for a suitable menu $view = $this->name; $layout = isset($query['layout']) ? $query['layout'] : ''; $id = isset($query['id']) ? (int) $query['id'] : ''; // For photos and albums, we want to fetch menu from "All Albums" if ($view == 'photos' || $view == 'albums') { $view = 'albums'; $layout = 'all'; $id = ''; } $menuId = FRoute::getItemId($view, $layout, $id); if ($menuId) { $menu = JFactory::getApplication()->getMenu()->getItem($menuId); if ($menu) { $current = $menu->query; if (isset($current['id']) && !empty($current['id'])) { $current['id'] = (int) $current['id']; } if (isset($query['id'])) { $query['id'] = (int) $query['id']; } $hasDiff = array_diff($query, $current); // // If there's no difference in both sets of query, we can safely assume that there's already // // a menu for this link if (empty($hasDiff)) { $overrideUrl = 'index.php?Itemid=' . $menuId; } //$overrideUrl = 'index.php?Itemid=' . $menuId; } } // If there are no overriden url's, we append our own item id. if ($overrideUrl) { $url = $overrideUrl; } else { // If there is no getUrl method, we want to get the default item id. if ($menuId) { $url .= '&Itemid=' . $menuId; } else { $url .= '&Itemid=' . FRoute::getItemId($view, $layout); } } return FRoute::_($url, $xhtml, array(), $ssl, $tokenize, $external, $tmpl, $controller, $sef); }