예제 #1
     if (strlen($externalType) == 0) {
         $RequestError = true;
         $addExternalIdNotifications[] = MakeNotification("error", Language::Get('main', 'missingAliasType', $langTemplate));
     if ($externalType == 2 && strlen($externalTypeName) == 0) {
         $RequestError = true;
         $addExternalIdNotifications[] = MakeNotification("error", Language::Get('main', 'missingAliasPrefix', $langTemplate));
     if (!$RequestError) {
         if ($externalType == 1) {
             $externalTypeName = 'S';
         // add externalId
         $URI = $serverURI . "/DB/DBExternalId/externalid";
         $ext = ExternalId::createExternalId($externalTypeName . '_' . $externalId, $cid);
         http_post_data($URI, ExternalId::encodeExternalId($ext), true, $messageNewAc);
         if ($messageNewAc != "201") {
             $RequestError = true;
             $addExternalIdNotifications[] = MakeNotification("error", Language::Get('main', 'errorCreateAlias', $langTemplate));
     // show notification
     if ($RequestError == false) {
         $addExternalIdNotifications[] = MakeNotification("success", Language::Get('main', 'successEditCourse', $langTemplate));
 } elseif ($_POST['action'] == "Plugins") {
     $plugins = cleanInput($_POST['plugins']);
     // bool which is true if any error occured
     $RequestError = false;
     // which need to be deleted
     if (!empty($plugins)) {
예제 #2
  * Extract Album informations from object
  * @access public
  * @static
  * @param  \stdClass $album Object represent Album
  * @return Album
 public static function extractInfos($album)
     // create Album instance
     $albumItem = new self();
     // update informations
     $albumItem->setUri((string) isset($album->href) ? $album->href : '');
     $albumItem->setName((string) isset($album->name) ? $album->name : '');
     // is popularity available ?
     if (isset($album->popularity)) {
         // update popularity
         $albumItem->setPopularity((double) $album->popularity);
     // is released date available ?
     if (isset($album->released)) {
         // update released dates
         $albumItem->setReleased((string) $album->released);
     // is teritories availabality available ?
     if (isset($album->availability) && isset($album->availability->territories)) {
         // update territories availability
         $albumItem->setTerritories(explode(' ', $album->availability->territories));
     // is artists available (from search service) ?
     if (isset($album->artists) && is_array($album->artists)) {
         // setup artists container
         $artists = array();
         // iterate artists
         foreach ($album->artists as $artist) {
             // create Artist and store on container
             $artists[] = Artist::extractInfos($artist);
         // set artists of album
     // is artists available (from lookup service) ?
     if (isset($album->{'artist-id'}) && isset($album->artist)) {
         // create and store principal artist
         $albumItem->setArtist(Artist::build($album->{'artist-id'}, $album->artist));
     // is tracks available ?
     if (isset($album->tracks) && is_array($album->tracks)) {
         // setup tracks container
         $tracks = array();
         // iterate external ids
         foreach ($album->tracks as $track) {
             // create Track and store on container
             $tracks[] = Track::extractInfos($track);
         // set albums tracks
     // is external ids available ?
     if (isset($album->{'external-ids'}) && is_array($album->{'external-ids'})) {
         // setup external ids container
         $externalIds = array();
         // iterate external ids
         foreach ($album->{'external-ids'} as $externalId) {
             // create ExternalId and store on container
             $externalIds[] = ExternalId::extractInfos($externalId);
         // set external ids of album
     // return album instance
     return $albumItem;
예제 #3
  * Logs in a user.
  * @param string $username
  * @param string $password
  * @return true if login is successful
 public function loginUser($username, $password)
     global $databaseURI;
     global $logicURI;
     // check if logged in in studip
     $studip = $this->checkUserInStudip($this->uid, $this->sid);
     $studipStatus = null;
     if ($studip == true) {
         ///Logger::Log("inStudip", LogLevel::DEBUG, false, dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../auth.log');
         $url = "{$databaseURI}/user/user/{$username}";
         $message = null;
         $this->userData = http_get($url, false, $message);
         ///Logger::Log("ostepuUser_url: ".$url, LogLevel::DEBUG, false, dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../auth.log');
         ///Logger::Log("ostepuUser_message: ".$message, LogLevel::DEBUG, false, dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../auth.log');
         ///Logger::Log("ostepuUser_data: ".$this->userData, LogLevel::DEBUG, false, dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../auth.log');
         $this->userData = json_decode($this->userData, true);
         // check if user exists in our system
         if ($message != "404" && empty($this->userData) == false) {
             // save logged in uid
             $_SESSION['UID'] = $this->userData['id'];
             // refresh Session in UI and DB
             $refresh = $this->refreshSession();
             if (isset($_GET['vid']) && (!isset($_GET['cid']) || $this->cid === null)) {
                 // convert vid to cid
                 // create course if does not exist
                 $this->cid = $this->convertVidToCid($_GET['vid']);
                 ///Logger::Log("cid: ".$this->cid , LogLevel::DEBUG, false, dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../auth.log');
                 if ($this->cid === null) {
                     // create course
                     $studipStatus = $this->getUserStatusInStudip($this->uid, $this->vid);
                     if ($studipStatus === CourseStatus::getStatusDefinition(true)['administrator']) {
                         ///Logger::Log("createCourse>>".$_GET['vid'] , LogLevel::DEBUG, false, dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../auth.log');
                         $courseObject = $this->getCourseInStudip($this->vid);
                         if ($courseObject !== null) {
                             $url = "{$logicURI}/course";
                             $courseObject = http_post_data($url, Course::encodeCourse($courseObject), false, $message);
                             if ($message === 201) {
                                 // new course was created
                                 $courseObject = Course::decodeCourse($courseObject);
                                 if ($courseObject !== null) {
                                     $this->cid = $courseObject->getId();
                                     $url = "{$databaseURI}/externalid";
                                     $externalId = ExternalId::createExternalId('S_' . $_GET['vid'], $this->cid);
                                     $externalId = http_post_data($url, ExternalId::encodeExternalId($externalId), false, $message);
                                     if ($message !== 201) {
                                         // create externalId fails, remove course
                                         $url = "{$logicURI}/course/course/" . $this->cid;
                                         http_delete($url, false, $message);
                                         $this->cid = null;
                                     if ($this->cid !== null && $studipStatus === CourseStatus::getStatusDefinition(true)['administrator']) {
                                         // redirect user to course settings
                                         /// ???
             if (!isset($this->cid) || $this->cid === null) {
                 set_error("unbekannte Veranstaltung!!!");
             // get the courseStatus for given course
             $this->courseStatus = $this->findCourseStatus();
             ///Logger::Log("courseStatus: ".$this->courseStatus , LogLevel::DEBUG, false, dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../auth.log');
             // if user has no status in course create it
             if (!isset($this->courseStatus)) {
                 if ($studipStatus === null) {
                     $studipStatus = $this->getUserStatusInStudip($this->uid, $this->vid);
                 if ($studipStatus !== null) {
                     ///Logger::Log("createCourseStatus" , LogLevel::DEBUG, false, dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../auth.log');
                     // check whether an registration is allowed
                     $courseData = $this->getCourseData($this->cid);
                     if ($courseData === null) {
                         // no course data
                         set_error("Keine Veranstaltung gefunden!");
                     if ($courseData->getSettings() !== null) {
                         $end = Course::containsSetting($courseData, 'RegistrationPeriodEnd');
                         if ($end !== null && $end != 0 && $end < time()) {
                             // no registration allowed
                             set_error("Eine Anmeldung ist nicht möglich!!! Ablaufdatum: " . date('d.m.Y - H:i', $end));
                     $CourseStatusResponse = $this->createCourseStatus($this->userData['id'], $this->cid, $studipStatus);
                     // set courseStatus to studipStatus only if status is created in DB successfully
                     if ($CourseStatusResponse == true) {
                         $this->courseStatus = $studipStatus;
             return $refresh;
         } else {
             // get new user from studIP
             $newUser = $this->getUserInStudip($username);
             // if user is a valid user
             if ($newUser != "not found") {
                 ///Logger::Log("creatUser: "******"");
     return false;
예제 #4
  * Extract Track informations from object
  * @access public
  * @static
  * @param  \stdClass $track Object represent Track
  * @return Track
 public static function extractInfos($track)
     // create Track instance
     $trackItem = new self();
     // update informations
     $trackItem->setUri((string) $track->href);
     $trackItem->setName((string) $track->name);
     // is popularity available ?
     if (isset($track->popularity)) {
         // update popularity
         $trackItem->setPopularity((double) $track->popularity);
     // is disc number available ?
     if (isset($track->{'disc-number'})) {
         // update disc number
     // is track number available ?
     if (isset($track->{'track-number'})) {
         // update track number
     // is track length available ?
     if (isset($track->length)) {
         // update track length
     // is track albul available ?
     if (isset($track->album)) {
         // update track album
     // is artists available ?
     if (isset($track->artists) && is_array($track->artists)) {
         // setup artists container
         $artists = array();
         // iterate artists
         foreach ($track->artists as $artist) {
             // create Artist and store on container
             $artists[] = Artist::extractInfos($artist);
         // set artists of track
     // is external ids available ?
     if (isset($track->{'external-ids'}) && is_array($track->{'external-ids'})) {
         // setup external ids container
         $externalIds = array();
         // iterate external ids
         foreach ($track->{'external-ids'} as $externalId) {
             // create ExternalId and store on container
             $externalIds[] = ExternalId::extractInfos($externalId);
         // set external ids of track
     // is teritories availabality available ?
     if (isset($track->availability) && isset($track->availability->territories)) {
         // update territories availability
         $trackItem->setTerritories(explode(' ', $track->availability->territories));
     // on retourne l'instance de la piste
     return $trackItem;
예제 #5
 public static function ExtractExternalId($data, $singleResult = false, $CourseExtension = '', $ExternalIdExtension = '', $isResult = true)
     // generates an assoc array of courses by using a defined list of
     // its attributes
     $course = DBJson::getObjectsByAttributes($data, Course::getDBPrimaryKey(), Course::getDBConvert(), $CourseExtension);
     // generates an assoc array of external IDs by using a defined list of
     // its attributes
     $externalIds = DBJson::getObjectsByAttributes($data, ExternalId::getDBPrimaryKey(), ExternalId::getDBConvert(), $ExternalIdExtension);
     // concatenates the external IDs and the associated courses
     $res = DBJson::concatObjectListsSingleResult($data, $externalIds, ExternalId::getDBPrimaryKey(), ExternalId::getDBConvert()['EX_course'], $course, Course::getDBPrimaryKey(), $CourseExtension, $ExternalIdExtension);
     if ($isResult) {
         // to reindex
         $res = array_values($res);
         $res = ExternalId::decodeExternalId($res, false);
         if ($singleResult == true) {
             // only one object as result
             if (count($res) > 0) {
                 $res = $res[0];
     return $res;