  *	Instantiate a search page, should one not exist.
 public function requireDefaultRecords()
     $mode = Versioned::get_reading_mode();
     // Determine whether pages should be created.
     if (self::config()->create_default_pages) {
         // Determine whether an extensible search page already exists.
         if (!ExtensibleSearchPage::get()->first()) {
             // Instantiate an extensible search page.
             $page = ExtensibleSearchPage::create();
             $page->Title = 'Search Page';
             DB::alteration_message('"Default" Extensible Search Page', 'created');
     } else {
         if (ClassInfo::exists('Multisites')) {
             foreach (Site::get() as $site) {
                 // Determine whether an extensible search page already exists.
                 if (!ExtensibleSearchPage::get()->filter('SiteID', $site->ID)->first()) {
                     // Instantiate an extensible search page.
                     $page = ExtensibleSearchPage::create();
                     $page->ParentID = $site->ID;
                     $page->Title = 'Search Page';
                     DB::alteration_message("\"{$site->Title}\" Extensible Search Page", 'created');
  *	Retrieve the search page.
  *	@return extensible search page
 public function getSearchPage()
     $pages = ExtensibleSearchPage::get();
     // This is required to support multiple sites.
     if (ClassInfo::exists('Multisites')) {
         $pages = $pages->filter('SiteID', $this->owner->SiteID);
     return $pages->first();
  * Returns the default search page for this site
  * @return ExtensibleSearchPage
 public function getSearchPage()
     $page = ExtensibleSearchPage::get();
     if (class_exists('Multisites')) {
         $siteID = Multisites::inst()->getCurrentSiteId();
         $page = $page->filter('SiteID', $siteID);
     return $page->first();
예제 #4
 public function updateExtensibleSearchPageCMSFields(FieldList $fields)
     if ($this->owner->SearchEngine === get_class($this)) {
         $types = SiteTree::page_type_classes();
         $source = array_combine($types, $types);
         // add in any explicitly configured
         $source = $this->owner->updateSource($source);
         $parsers = $this->owner->getQueryBuilders();
         $options = array();
         foreach ($parsers as $key => $objCls) {
             $obj = new $objCls();
             $options[$key] = $obj->title;
         $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', new DropdownField('QueryType', _t('ExtensibleSearchPage.QUERY_TYPE', 'Query Type'), $options), 'Content');
         $source = array_merge($source, ExtensibleSearchPage::config()->additional_search_types);
         $types = MultiValueDropdownField::create('SearchType', _t('ExtensibleSearchPage.SEARCH_ITEM_TYPE', 'Search items of type'), $source);
         $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', $types, 'Content');
         $objFields = $this->owner->getSelectableFields();
         $sortFields = $objFields;
         // Remove content and groups from being sortable (as they are not relevant).
         $fields->replaceField('SortBy', new DropdownField('SortBy', _t('ExtensibleSearchPage.SORT_BY', 'Sort By'), $sortFields));
         $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', MultiValueDropdownField::create('SearchOnFields', _t('ExtensibleSearchPage.INCLUDE_FIELDS', 'Search On Fields'), $objFields), 'Content');
         $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', MultiValueTextField::create('ExtraSearchFields', _t('SolrSearch.EXTRA_FIELDS', 'Custom solr fields to search')), 'Content');
         $boostVals = array();
         for ($i = 1; $i <= static::BOOST_MAX; $i++) {
             $boostVals[$i] = $i;
         $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', new KeyValueField('BoostFields', _t('ExtensibleSearchPage.BOOST_FIELDS', 'Boost values'), $objFields, $boostVals), 'Content');
         $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', $f = new KeyValueField('BoostMatchFields', _t('ExtensibleSearchPage.BOOST_MATCH_FIELDS', 'Boost fields with field/value matches'), array(), $boostVals), 'Content');
         $f->setRightTitle('Enter a field name, followed by the value to boost if found in the result set, eg "title:Home" ');
         $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', $kv = new KeyValueField('FilterFields', _t('ExtensibleSearchPage.FILTER_FIELDS', 'Fields to filter by')), 'Content');
         $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', new HeaderField('FacetHeader', _t('ExtensibleSearchPage.FACET_HEADER', 'Facet Settings')), 'Content');
         $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', new MultiValueDropdownField('FacetFields', _t('ExtensibleSearchPage.FACET_FIELDS', 'Fields to create facets for'), $objFields), 'Content');
         $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', new MultiValueTextField('CustomFacetFields', _t('ExtensibleSearchPage.CUSTOM_FACET_FIELDS', 'Additional fields to create facets for')), 'Content');
         $facetMappingFields = $objFields;
         if ($this->owner->CustomFacetFields && ($cff = $this->owner->CustomFacetFields->getValues())) {
             foreach ($cff as $facetField) {
                 $facetMappingFields[$facetField] = $facetField;
         $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', new KeyValueField('FacetMapping', _t('ExtensibleSearchPage.FACET_MAPPING', 'Mapping of facet title to nice title'), $facetMappingFields), 'Content');
         $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', new KeyValueField('FacetQueries', _t('ExtensibleSearchPage.FACET_QUERIES', 'Fields to create query facets for')), 'Content');
         $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', new NumericField('MinFacetCount', _t('ExtensibleSearchPage.MIN_FACET_COUNT', 'Minimum facet count for inclusion in facet results'), 2), 'Content');
     // Make sure previously existing hooks are carried across.
     $this->owner->extend('updateSolrCMSFields', $fields);
 public function getCMSFields()
     $fields = parent::getCMSFields();
     $types = ClassInfo::dataClassesFor('DataObject');
     $source = array_combine($types, $types);
     $source = array_merge($source, ExtensibleSearchPage::config()->additional_search_types);
     $fields->replaceField('Title', new DropdownField('Title', _t('Solr.TYPE_CONFIG_TITLE', 'Data type'), $source));
     if ($this->Title) {
         $keys = $this->getFieldsFor($this->Title);
         $vals = array('default' => _t('Solr.DEFAULT_MAPPING', 'Default type'), ':field_as' => _t('Solr.CASE_INSENSITIVE', 'Case Insensitive text'), ':field_ms' => _t('Solr.CASE_SENSITIVE', 'Case Sensitive, untokenised text'));
         $fields->replaceField('FieldMappings', new KeyValueField('FieldMappings', _t('Solr.FIELD_MAPPINGS', 'Indexed fields'), $keys, $vals, $this->FieldMappings));
     } else {
     return $fields;
  *	Retrieve the most relevant search suggestions.
  *	@parameter <{SEARCH_TERM}> string
  *	@parameter <{EXTENSIBLE_SEARCH_PAGE_ID}> integer
  *	@parameter <{LIMIT}> integer
  *	@parameter <{APPROVED_ONLY}> boolean
  *	@return array
 public function getSuggestions($term, $pageID, $limit = 5, $approved = true)
     // Make sure the search matches the minimum autocomplete length.
     if ($term && strlen($term) > 2) {
         // Make sure the current user has appropriate permission.
         $pageID = (int) $pageID;
         if (($page = ExtensibleSearchPage::get_by_id('ExtensibleSearchPage', $pageID)) && $page->canView()) {
             // Retrieve the search suggestions.
             $suggestions = ExtensibleSearchSuggestion::get()->filter(array('Term:StartsWith' => $term, 'Approved' => (int) $approved, 'ExtensibleSearchPageID' => $pageID))->sort('Frequency', 'DESC')->limit($limit);
             // Make sure the search suggestions are unique.
             return array_unique($suggestions->column('Term'));
     return null;
 public function run($request)
     $readingMode = Versioned::get_reading_mode();
     // Make sure that we have something to migrate.
     if (!ClassInfo::hasTable('SolrSearchPage')) {
         echo "Nothing to Migrate!";
     // Retrieve the search tree relationships to migrate.
     $relationships = array();
     if (DB::getConn()->hasTable('SolrSearchPage_SearchTrees')) {
         foreach (DB::query('SELECT * FROM SolrSearchPage_SearchTrees') as $relationship) {
             $relationships[$relationship['SolrSearchPageID']] = $relationship['PageID'];
     // Store the current live page migration state to avoid duplicates.
     $created = array();
     // Migrate any live pages to begin with.
     $query = DB::query('SELECT * FROM SiteTree_Live st, SolrSearchPage_Live ssp WHERE st.ID = ssp.ID');
     $queryCount = $query->numRecords();
     $writeCount = 0;
     foreach ($query as $results) {
         $searchPage = ExtensibleSearchPage::create();
         $searchPage->SearchEngine = 'SolrSearch';
         // Migrate the key site tree and solr search fields across.
         $fields = array('ParentID', 'URLSegment', 'Title', 'MenuTitle', 'Content', 'ShowInMenus', 'ShowInSearch', 'Sort', 'ResultsPerPage', 'SortBy', 'BoostFieldsValue', 'SearchOnFieldsValue', 'SearchTypeValue', 'StartWithListing', 'QueryType', 'ListingTemplateID', 'FilterFieldsValue', 'MinFacetCount', 'FacetQueriesValue', 'FacetMappingValue', 'CustomFacetFieldsValue', 'FacetFieldsValue', 'BoostMatchFieldsValue');
         foreach ($fields as $fname) {
             if (isset($results[$fname])) {
                 $searchPage->{$fname} = $results[$fname];
         // This field name no longer matches the original.
         if ($results['SortDir']) {
             $searchPage->SortDirection = $results['SortDir'];
         if (isset($relationships[$results['ID']])) {
         // Attempt to publish these new pages.
         if ($searchPage->ID) {
             echo "<strong>{$results['ID']}</strong> Published<br>";
         $created[] = $results['ID'];
     // Confirm that the current user had permission to publish these new pages.
     $this->checkPermissions($queryCount, $writeCount);
     // Migrate any remaining draft pages.
     $query = DB::query('SELECT * FROM SiteTree st, SolrSearchPage ssp WHERE st.ID = ssp.ID');
     $queryCount = $query->numRecords();
     $writeCount = 0;
     foreach ($query as $results) {
         // Make sure this search page doesn't already exist.
         if (!in_array($results['ID'], $created)) {
             $searchPage = ExtensibleSearchPage::create();
             $searchPage->SearchEngine = 'SolrSearch';
             // Migrate the key site tree and solr search fields across.
             $searchPage->ParentID = $results['ParentID'];
             $searchPage->URLSegment = $results['URLSegment'];
             $searchPage->Title = $results['Title'];
             $searchPage->MenuTitle = $results['MenuTitle'];
             $searchPage->Content = $results['Content'];
             $searchPage->ShowInMenus = $results['ShowInMenus'];
             $searchPage->ShowInSearch = $results['ShowInSearch'];
             $searchPage->Sort = $results['Sort'];
             $searchPage->ResultsPerPage = $results['ResultsPerPage'];
             $searchPage->SortBy = $results['SortBy'];
             $searchPage->SortDirection = $results['SortDir'];
             $searchPage->QueryType = $results['QueryType'];
             $searchPage->StartWithListing = $results['StartWithListing'];
             $searchPage->SearchTypeValue = $results['SearchTypeValue'];
             $searchPage->SearchOnFieldsValue = $results['SearchOnFieldsValue'];
             $searchPage->BoostFieldsValue = $results['BoostFieldsValue'];
             $searchPage->BoostMatchFieldsValue = $results['BoostMatchFieldsValue'];
             $searchPage->FacetFieldsValue = $results['FacetFieldsValue'];
             $searchPage->CustomFacetFieldsValue = $results['CustomFacetFieldsValue'];
             $searchPage->FacetMappingValue = $results['FacetMappingValue'];
             $searchPage->FacetQueriesValue = $results['FacetQueriesValue'];
             $searchPage->MinFacetCount = $results['MinFacetCount'];
             $searchPage->FilterFieldsValue = $results['FilterFieldsValue'];
             $searchPage->ListingTemplateID = $results['ListingTemplateID'];
             if (isset($relationships[$results['ID']])) {
             if ($searchPage->ID) {
                 echo "<strong>{$results['ID']}</strong> Saved<br>";
         } else {
     // Confirm that the current user had permission to write these new pages.
     $this->checkPermissions($queryCount, $writeCount);
     // Remove the previous search page tables, as they are now obsolete (and may not be marked as such).
     $remove = array('SiteTree', 'SiteTree_Live', 'Page', 'Page_Live');
     foreach ($remove as $table) {
         foreach ($created as $ID) {
             DB::query("DELETE FROM {$table} WHERE ID = {$ID}");
     $remove = array('SolrSearchPage', 'SolrSearchPage_Live', 'SolrSearchPage_SearchTrees', 'SolrSearchPage_versions');
     foreach ($remove as $table) {
         DB::query("DROP TABLE {$table}");
     echo 'Migration Complete!';
  * Ensures that there is always a search page
  * by checking if there's an instance of
  * a base ExtensibleSearchPage. If there
  * is not, one is created when the DB is built.
 function requireDefaultRecords()
     if (SiteTree::get_create_default_pages()) {
         $page = DataObject::get_one('ExtensibleSearchPage');
         if (!($page && $page->exists())) {
             $page = ExtensibleSearchPage::create();
             $page->Title = _t('ExtensibleSearchPage.DEFAULT_PAGE_TITLE', 'Search Page');
             $page->Content = '';
             $page->ResultsPerPage = 10;
             $page->Status = 'New page';
             DB::alteration_message('Search page created', 'created');