예제 #1
파일: punbb.php 프로젝트: raykai/porter
  * Forum-specific export format
  * @todo Project file size / export time and possibly break into multiple files
  * @param ExportModel $ex
 protected function forumExport($ex)
     $characterSet = $ex->getCharacterSet('posts');
     if ($characterSet) {
         $ex->characterSet = $characterSet;
     $ex->beginExport('', 'PunBB 1.*', array('HashMethod' => 'punbb'));
     $this->cdn = $this->param('cdn', '');
     if ($avatarPath = $this->param('avatarpath', false)) {
         if (!($avatarPath = realpath($avatarPath))) {
             echo "Unable to access path to avatars: {$avatarPath}\n";
         $this->avatarPath = $avatarPath;
     // User.
     $user_Map = array('AvatarID' => array('Column' => 'Photo', 'Filter' => array($this, 'getAvatarByID')), 'id' => 'UserID', 'username' => 'Name', 'email' => 'Email', 'timezone' => 'HourOffset', 'registration_ip' => 'InsertIPAddress', 'PasswordHash' => 'Password');
     $ex->exportTable('User', "\n         SELECT\n             u.*, u.id AS AvatarID,\n             concat(u.password, '\$', u.salt) AS PasswordHash,\n             from_unixtime(registered) AS DateInserted,\n             from_unixtime(last_visit) AS DateLastActive\n         FROM :_users u\n         WHERE group_id <> 2", $user_Map);
     // Role.
     $role_Map = array('g_id' => 'RoleID', 'g_title' => 'Name');
     $ex->exportTable('Role', "SELECT * FROM :_groups", $role_Map);
     // Permission.
     $permission_Map = array('g_id' => 'RoleID', 'g_modertor' => 'Garden.Moderation.Manage', 'g_mod_edit_users' => 'Garden.Users.Edit', 'g_mod_rename_users' => 'Garden.Users.Delete', 'g_read_board' => 'Vanilla.Discussions.View', 'g_view_users' => 'Garden.Profiles.View', 'g_post_topics' => 'Vanilla.Discussions.Add', 'g_post_replies' => 'Vanilla.Comments.Add', 'g_pun_attachment_allow_download' => 'Plugins.Attachments.Download.Allow', 'g_pun_attachment_allow_upload' => 'Plugins.Attachments.Upload.Allow');
     $permission_Map = $ex->fixPermissionColumns($permission_Map);
     $ex->exportTable('Permission', "\n      SELECT\n         g.*,\n         g_post_replies AS `Garden.SignIn.Allow`,\n         g_mod_edit_users AS `Garden.Users.Add`,\n         CASE WHEN g_title = 'Administrators' THEN 'All' ELSE NULL END AS _Permissions\n      FROM :_groups g", $permission_Map);
     // UserRole.
     $userRole_Map = array('id' => 'UserID', 'group_id' => 'RoleID');
     $ex->exportTable('UserRole', "SELECT\n            CASE u.group_id WHEN 2 THEN 0 ELSE id END AS id,\n            u.group_id\n          FROM :_users u", $userRole_Map);
     // Signatures.
     $ex->exportTable('UserMeta', "\n         SELECT\n         id,\n         'Plugin.Signatures.Sig' AS Name,\n         signature\n      FROM :_users u\n      WHERE u.signature IS NOT NULL", array('id ' => 'UserID', 'signature' => 'Value'));
     // Category.
     $category_Map = array('id' => 'CategoryID', 'forum_name' => 'Name', 'forum_desc' => 'Description', 'disp_position' => 'Sort', 'parent_id' => 'ParentCategoryID');
     $ex->exportTable('Category', "\n      SELECT\n        id,\n        forum_name,\n        forum_desc,\n        disp_position,\n        cat_id * 1000 AS parent_id\n      FROM :_forums f\n      UNION\n\n      SELECT\n        id * 1000,\n        cat_name,\n        '',\n        disp_position,\n        NULL\n      FROM :_categories", $category_Map);
     // Discussion.
     $discussion_Map = array('id' => 'DiscussionID', 'poster_id' => 'InsertUserID', 'poster_ip' => 'InsertIPAddress', 'closed' => 'Closed', 'sticky' => 'Announce', 'forum_id' => 'CategoryID', 'subject' => 'Name', 'message' => 'Body');
     $ex->exportTable('Discussion', "\n      SELECT t.*,\n        from_unixtime(p.posted) AS DateInserted,\n        p.poster_id,\n        p.poster_ip,\n        p.message,\n        from_unixtime(p.edited) AS DateUpdated,\n        eu.id AS UpdateUserID,\n        'BBCode' AS Format\n      FROM :_topics t\n      LEFT JOIN :_posts p\n        ON t.first_post_id = p.id\n      LEFT JOIN :_users eu\n        ON eu.username = p.edited_by", $discussion_Map);
     // Comment.
     $comment_Map = array('id' => 'CommentID', 'topic_id' => 'DiscussionID', 'poster_id' => 'InsertUserID', 'poster_ip' => 'InsertIPAddress', 'message' => 'Body');
     $ex->exportTable('Comment', "\n            SELECT p.*,\n        'BBCode' AS Format,\n        from_unixtime(p.posted) AS DateInserted,\n        from_unixtime(p.edited) AS DateUpdated,\n        eu.id AS UpdateUserID\n      FROM :_topics t\n      JOIN :_posts p\n        ON t.id = p.topic_id\n      LEFT JOIN :_users eu\n        ON eu.username = p.edited_by\n      WHERE p.id <> t.first_post_id;", $comment_Map);
     if ($ex->exists('tags')) {
         // Tag.
         $tag_Map = array('id' => 'TagID', 'tag' => 'Name');
         $ex->exportTable('Tag', "SELECT * FROM :_tags", $tag_Map);
         // TagDisucssion.
         $tagDiscussionMap = array('topic_id' => 'DiscussionID', 'tag_id' => 'TagID');
         $ex->exportTable('TagDiscussion', "SELECT * FROM :_topic_tags", $tagDiscussionMap);
     if ($ex->exists('attach_files')) {
         // Media.
         $media_Map = array('id' => 'MediaID', 'filename' => 'Name', 'file_mime_type' => 'Type', 'size' => 'Size', 'owner_id' => 'InsertUserID', 'thumb_path' => array('Column' => 'ThumbPath', 'Filter' => array($this, 'filterThumbnailData')), 'thumb_width' => array('Column' => 'ThumbWidth', 'Filter' => array($this, 'filterThumbnailData')));
         $ex->exportTable('Media', "\n                select f.*,\n                    concat({$this->cdn}, 'FileUpload/', f.file_path) as Path,\n                    concat({$this->cdn}, 'FileUpload/', f.file_path) as thumb_path,\n                    128 as thumb_width,\n                    from_unixtime(f.uploaded_at) as DateInserted,\n                    case when post_id is null then 'Discussion' else 'Comment' end as ForeignTable,\n                    coalesce(post_id, topic_id) as ForieignID\n                from :_attach_files f\n            ", $media_Map);
     // End
예제 #2
  * @param ExportModel $ex
 public function forumExport($ex)
     $characterSet = $ex->getCharacterSet('topics');
     if ($characterSet) {
         $ex->characterSet = $characterSet;
     $ex->beginExport('', 'Expression Engine');
     $ex->sourcePrefix = 'forum_';
     // Permissions.
     $permission_Map = array('group_id' => 'RoleID', 'can_access_cp' => 'Garden.Settings.View', 'can_access_edit' => 'Vanilla.Discussions.Edit', 'can_edit_all_comments' => 'Vanilla.Comments.Edit', 'can_access_admin' => 'Garden.Settings.Manage', 'can_admin_members' => 'Garden.Users.Edit', 'can_moderate_comments' => 'Garden.Moderation.Manage', 'can_view_profiles' => 'Garden.Profiles.View', 'can_post_comments' => 'Vanilla.Comments.Add', 'can_view_online_system' => 'Vanilla.Discussions.View', 'can_sign_in' => 'Garden.SignIn.Allow', 'can_view_profiles3' => 'Garden.Activity.View', 'can_post_comments2' => 'Vanilla.Discussions.Add');
     $permission_Map = $ex->fixPermissionColumns($permission_Map);
     foreach ($permission_Map as $column => &$info) {
         if (is_array($info) && isset($info['Column'])) {
             $info['Filter'] = array($this, 'YNBool');
     $ex->exportTable('Permission', "\n         SELECT\n            g.can_view_profiles AS can_view_profiles2,\n            g.can_view_profiles AS can_view_profiles3,\n            g.can_post_comments AS can_post_comments2,\n            g.can_post_comments AS can_sign_in,\n            CASE WHEN can_access_admin = 'y' THEN 'all' WHEN can_view_online_system = 'y' THEN 'view' END AS _Permissions,\n            g.*\n         FROM forum_member_groups g\n      ", $permission_Map);
     // User.
     $user_Map = array('member_id' => 'UserID', 'username' => array('Column' => 'Username', 'Type' => 'varchar(50)'), 'screen_name' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => array($ex, 'HTMLDecoder')), 'Password2' => 'Password', 'email' => 'Email', 'ipaddress' => 'InsertIPAddress', 'join_date' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => array($ex, 'timestampToDate')), 'last_activity' => array('Column' => 'DateLastActive', 'Filter' => array($ex, 'timestampToDate')), 'timezone' => 'HourOffset', 'location' => 'Location');
     $ex->exportTable('User', "\n         SELECT\n            'django' AS HashMethod,\n            concat('sha1\$\$', password) AS Password2,\n            CASE WHEN bday_y > 1900 THEN concat(bday_y, '-', bday_m, '-', bday_d) ELSE NULL END AS DateOfBirth,\n            from_unixtime(join_date) AS DateFirstVisit,\n            ip_address AS LastIPAddress,\n            CASE WHEN avatar_filename = '' THEN NULL ELSE concat('imported/', avatar_filename) END AS Photo,\n            u.*\n         FROM forum_members u", $user_Map);
     // Role.
     $role_Map = array('group_id' => 'RoleID', 'group_title' => 'Name', 'group_description' => 'Description');
     $ex->exportTable('Role', "\n         SELECT *\n         FROM forum_member_groups", $role_Map);
     // User Role.
     $userRole_Map = array('member_id' => 'UserID', 'group_id' => 'RoleID');
     $ex->exportTable('UserRole', "\n         SELECT *\n         FROM forum_members u", $userRole_Map);
     // UserMeta
     $ex->exportTable('UserMeta', "\n         SELECT\n            member_id AS UserID,\n            'Plugin.Signatures.Sig' AS Name,\n            signature AS Value\n         FROM forum_members\n         WHERE signature <> ''");
     // Category.
     $category_Map = array('forum_id' => 'CategoryID', 'forum_name' => 'Name', 'forum_description' => 'Description', 'forum_parent' => 'ParentCategoryID', 'forum_order' => 'Sort');
     $ex->exportTable('Category', "\n         SELECT * FROM forum_forums", $category_Map);
     // Discussion.
     $discussion_Map = array('topic_id' => 'DiscussionID', 'forum_id' => 'CategoryID', 'author_id' => 'InsertUserID', 'title' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => array($ex, 'HTMLDecoder')), 'ip_address' => 'InsertIPAddress', 'body' => array('Column' => 'Body', 'Filter' => array($this, 'cleanBodyBrackets')), 'body2' => array('Column' => 'Format', 'Filter' => array($this, 'guessFormat')), 'topic_date' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => array($ex, 'timestampToDate')), 'topic_edit_date' => array('Column' => 'DateUpdated', 'Filter' => array($ex, 'timestampToDate')), 'topic_edit_author' => 'UpdateUserID');
     $ex->exportTable('Discussion', "\n          SELECT\n             CASE WHEN announcement = 'y' THEN 1 WHEN sticky = 'y' THEN 2 ELSE 0 END AS Announce,\n             CASE WHEN status = 'c' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS Closed,\n             t.body AS body2,\n             t.*\n          FROM forum_forum_topics t", $discussion_Map);
     // Comment.
     $comment_Map = array('post_id' => 'CommentID', 'topic_id' => 'DiscussionID', 'author_id' => 'InsertUserID', 'ip_address' => 'InsertIPAddress', 'body' => array('Column' => 'Body', 'Filter' => array($this, 'cleanBodyBrackets')), 'body2' => array('Column' => 'Format', 'Filter' => array($this, 'guessFormat')), 'post_date' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => array($ex, 'timestampToDate')), 'post_edit_date' => array('Column' => 'DateUpdated', 'Filter' => array($ex, 'timestampToDate')), 'post_edit_author' => 'UpdateUserID');
     $ex->exportTable('Comment', "\n      SELECT\n         'Html' AS Format,\n         p.body AS body2,\n         p.*\n      FROM forum_forum_posts p", $comment_Map);
     // Media.
     $media_Map = array('filename' => 'Name', 'extension' => array('Column' => 'Type', 'Filter' => 'mimeTypeFromExtension'), 'thumb_path' => array('Column' => 'ThumbPath', 'Filter' => array($this, 'filterThumbnailData')), 'thumb_width' => array('Column' => 'ThumbWidth', 'Filter' => array($this, 'filterThumbnailData')), 'filesize' => 'Size', 'member_id' => 'InsertUserID', 'attachment_date' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => array($ex, 'timestampToDate')), 'filehash' => array('Column' => 'FileHash', 'Type' => 'varchar(100)'));
     $ex->exportTable('Media', "\n         SELECT\n            concat('imported/', filename) AS Path,\n            concat('imported/', filename) as thumb_path,\n            128 as thumb_width,\n            CASE WHEN post_id > 0 THEN post_id ELSE topic_id END AS ForeignID,\n            CASE WHEN post_id > 0 THEN 'comment' ELSE 'discussion' END AS ForeignTable,\n            a.*\n         FROM forum_forum_attachments a", $media_Map);
예제 #3
파일: ipb.php 프로젝트: raykai/porter
  * @param ExportModel $ex
 protected function forumExport($ex)
     //      $ex->TestMode = FALSE;
     //      $ex->TestLimit = FALSE;
     //      $ex->Destination = 'database';
     //      $ex->DestDb = 'unknownworlds';
     //      $ex->CaptureOnly = TRUE;
     //      $ex->ScriptCreateTable = FALSE;
     //      $ex->DestPrefix = 'GDN_';
     $ex->sourcePrefix = ':_';
     $characterSet = $ex->getCharacterSet('posts');
     if ($characterSet) {
         $ex->characterSet = $characterSet;
     // Decode all of the necessary fields.
     //      $ex->HTMLDecoderDb('members', 'members_display_name', 'member_id');
     //      $ex->HTMLDecoderDb('members', 'name', 'member_id');
     //      $ex->HTMLDecoderDb('members', 'title', 'member_id');
     //      $ex->HtmlDecoderDb('groups', 'g_title', 'g_id');
     //      $ex->HtmlDecoderDb('topics', 'title', 'tid');
     //      $ex->HtmlDecoderDb('topics', 'description', 'tid');
     // Begin
     $ex->beginExport('', 'IPB 3.*', array('HashMethod' => 'ipb'));
     // Export avatars
     if ($this->param('avatars')) {
     if ($ex->exists('members', 'member_id') === true) {
         $memberID = 'member_id';
     } else {
         $memberID = 'id';
     // Users.
     $user_Map = array($memberID => 'UserID', 'members_display_name' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => 'HtmlDecoder'), 'email' => 'Email', 'joined' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => 'timestampToDate'), 'firstvisit' => array('Column' => 'DateFirstVisit', 'SourceColumn' => 'joined', 'Filter' => 'timestampToDate'), 'ip_address' => 'InsertIPAddress', 'title' => 'Title', 'time_offset' => 'HourOffset', 'last_activity' => array('Column' => 'DateLastActive', 'Filter' => 'timestampToDate'), 'member_banned' => 'Banned', 'Photo' => 'Photo', 'title' => 'Title', 'location' => 'Location');
     $from = '';
     $select = '';
     if ($ex->exists('members', 'members_pass_hash') === true) {
         $select = ",concat(m.members_pass_hash, '\$', m.members_pass_salt) as Password";
     } else {
         $select = ",concat(mc.converge_pass_hash, '\$', mc.converge_pass_salt) as Password";
         $from = "left join :_members_converge mc\n            on m.{$memberID} = mc.converge_id";
     if ($ex->exists('members', 'hide_email') === true) {
         $showEmail = '!hide_email';
     } else {
         $showEmail = '0';
     $cdn = $this->cdnPrefix();
     if ($ex->exists('member_extra') === true) {
         $sql = "select\n                  m.*,\n                  m.joined as firstvisit,\n                  'ipb' as HashMethod,\n                  {$showEmail} as ShowEmail,\n                  case when x.avatar_location in ('noavatar', '') then null\n                     when x.avatar_location like 'upload:%' then concat('{$cdn}ipb/', right(x.avatar_location, length(x.avatar_location) - 7))\n                     when x.avatar_type = 'upload' then concat('{$cdn}ipb/', x.avatar_location)\n                     when x.avatar_type = 'url' then x.avatar_location\n                     when x.avatar_type = 'local' then concat('{$cdn}style_avatars/', x.avatar_location)\n                     else null\n                  end as Photo,\n                  x.location\n                  {$select}\n                 from :_members m\n                 left join :_member_extra x\n                  on m.{$memberID} = x.id\n                 {$from}";
     } else {
         $sql = "select\n                  m.*,\n                  joined as firstvisit,\n                  'ipb' as HashMethod,\n                  {$showEmail} as ShowEmail,\n                  case when length(p.pp_main_photo) <= 3 or p.pp_main_photo is null then null\n                     when p.pp_main_photo like '%//%' then p.pp_main_photo\n                     else concat('{$cdn}ipb/', p.pp_main_photo)\n                  end as Photo\n                 {$select}\n                 from :_members m\n                 left join :_profile_portal p\n                    on m.{$memberID} = p.pp_member_id\n                 {$from}";
     $this->clearFilters('members', $user_Map, $sql, 'm');
     $ex->exportTable('User', $sql, $user_Map);
     // ":_" will be replaced by database prefix
     // Roles.
     $role_Map = array('g_id' => 'RoleID', 'g_title' => 'Name');
     $ex->exportTable('Role', "select * from :_groups", $role_Map);
     // Permissions.
     $permission_Map = array('g_id' => 'RoleID', 'g_view_board' => 'Garden.SignIn.Allow', 'g_view_board2' => 'Garden.Profiles.View', 'g_view_board3' => 'Garden.Activity.View', 'g_view_board4' => 'Vanilla.Discussions.View', 'g_edit_profile' => 'Garden.Profiles.Edit', 'g_post_new_topics' => 'Vanilla.Discussions.Add', 'g_reply_other_topics' => 'Vanilla.Comments.Add', 'g_open_close_posts' => 'Vanilla.Discussions.Close', 'g_is_supmod' => 'Garden.Moderation.Manage', 'g_access_cp' => 'Garden.Settings.View');
     $permission_Map = $ex->fixPermissionColumns($permission_Map);
     $ex->exportTable('Permission', "\n         select r.*,\n            r.g_view_board as g_view_board2,\n            r.g_view_board as g_view_board3,\n            r.g_view_board as g_view_board4\n         from :_groups r", $permission_Map);
     // User Role.
     if ($ex->exists('members', 'member_group_id') === true) {
         $groupID = 'member_group_id';
     } else {
         $groupID = 'mgroup';
     $userRole_Map = array($memberID => 'UserID', $groupID => 'RoleID');
     $sql = "\n         select\n            m.{$memberID}, m.{$groupID}\n         from :_members m";
     if ($ex->exists('members', 'mgroup_others')) {
         $sql .= "\n            union all\n\n            select m.{$memberID}, g.g_id\n            from :_members m\n            join :_groups g\n               on find_in_set(g.g_id, m.mgroup_others)";
     $ex->exportTable('UserRole', $sql, $userRole_Map);
     // UserMeta.
     $userMeta_Map = array('UserID' => 'UserID', 'Name' => 'Name', 'Value' => 'Value');
     if ($ex->exists('profile_portal', 'signature') === true) {
         $sql = "\n         select\n            pp_member_id as UserID,\n            'Plugin.Signatures.Sig' as Name,\n            signature as Value\n         from :_profile_portal\n         where length(signature) > 1\n\n         union all\n\n         select\n            pp_member_id as UserID,\n            'Plugin.Signatures.Format' as Name,\n            'IPB' as Value\n         from :_profile_portal\n         where length(signature) > 1\n               ";
     } elseif ($ex->exists('member_extra', array('id', 'signature')) === true) {
         $sql = "\n         select\n            id as UserID,\n            'Plugin.Signatures.Sig' as Name,\n            signature as Value\n         from :_member_extra\n         where length(signature) > 1\n\n         union all\n\n         select\n            id as UserID,\n            'Plugin.Signatures.Format' as Name,\n            'IPB' as Value\n         from :_member_extra\n         where length(signature) > 1";
     } else {
         $sql = false;
     if ($sql) {
         $ex->exportTable('UserMeta', $sql, $userMeta_Map);
     // Category.
     $category_Map = array('id' => 'CategoryID', 'name' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => 'HtmlDecoder'), 'name_seo' => 'UrlCode', 'description' => 'Description', 'parent_id' => 'ParentCategoryID', 'position' => 'Sort');
     $ex->exportTable('Category', "select * from :_forums", $category_Map);
     // Discussion.
     $descriptionSQL = 'p.post';
     $hasTopicDescription = $ex->exists('topics', array('description')) === true;
     if ($hasTopicDescription || $ex->exists('posts', array('description')) === true) {
         $description = $hasTopicDescription ? 't.description' : 'p.description';
         $descriptionSQL = "case\n            when {$description} <> '' and p.post is not null then concat('<div class=\"IPBDescription\">', {$description}, '</div>', p.post)\n            when {$description} <> '' then {$description}\n            else p.post\n         end";
     $discussion_Map = array('tid' => 'DiscussionID', 'title' => 'Name', 'description' => array('Column' => 'SubName', 'Type' => 'varchar(255)'), 'forum_id' => 'CategoryID', 'starter_id' => 'InsertUserID', 'start_date' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => 'timestampToDate'), 'ip_address' => 'InsertIPAddress', 'edit_time' => array('Column' => 'DateUpdated', 'Filter' => 'timestampToDate'), 'posts' => 'CountComments', 'views' => 'CountViews', 'pinned' => 'Announce', 'post' => 'Body', 'closed' => 'Closed');
     $sql = "\n      select\n         t.*,\n         {$descriptionSQL} as post,\n         case when t.state = 'closed' then 1 else 0 end as closed,\n         'BBCode' as Format,\n         p.ip_address,\n         p.edit_time\n      from :_topics t\n      left join :_posts p\n         on t.topic_firstpost = p.pid\n      where t.tid between {from} and {to}";
     $this->clearFilters('topics', $discussion_Map, $sql, 't');
     $ex->exportTable('Discussion', $sql, $discussion_Map);
     // Tags
     $ex->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `z_tag` ");
     $ex->query("CREATE TABLE `z_tag` (\n         `TagID` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n         `FullName` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,\n         PRIMARY KEY (`TagID`),\n         UNIQUE KEY `FullName` (`FullName`)\n      ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
     $ex->query("insert into z_tag (FullName) (select distinct t.tag_text as FullName from :_core_tags t)");
     $tagDiscussion_Map = array('tag_added' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => 'timestampToDate'));
     $sql = "select TagID, '0' as CategoryID, tag_meta_id as DiscussionID, t.tag_added\n        from :_core_tags t\n        left join z_tag zt on t.tag_text = zt.FullName";
     $ex->exportTable('TagDiscussion', $sql, $tagDiscussion_Map);
     $tag_Map = array('FullName' => 'FullName', 'FullNameToName' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => 'formatUrl'));
     $sql = "select TagID, FullName, FullName as FullNameToName\n        from z_tag zt";
     $ex->exportTable('Tag', $sql, $tag_Map);
     // Comments.
     $comment_Map = array('pid' => 'CommentID', 'topic_id' => 'DiscussionID', 'author_id' => 'InsertUserID', 'ip_address' => 'InsertIPAddress', 'post_date' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => 'timestampToDate'), 'edit_time' => array('Column' => 'DateUpdated', 'Filter' => 'timestampToDate'), 'post' => 'Body');
     $sql = "\n      select\n         p.*,\n         'BBCode' as Format\n      from :_posts p\n      join :_topics t\n         on p.topic_id = t.tid\n      where p.pid between {from} and {to}\n         and p.pid <> t.topic_firstpost";
     $this->clearFilters('Comment', $comment_Map, $sql, 'p');
     $ex->exportTable('Comment', $sql, $comment_Map);
     // Media.
     $media_Map = array('attach_id' => 'MediaID', 'atype_mimetype' => 'Type', 'attach_file' => 'Name', 'attach_path' => 'Path', 'attach_date' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => 'timestampToDate'), 'thumb_path' => array('Column' => 'ThumbPath', 'Filter' => array($this, 'filterThumbnailData')), 'thumb_width' => array('Column' => 'ThumbWidth', 'Filter' => array($this, 'filterThumbnailData')), 'attach_member_id' => 'InsertUserID', 'attach_filesize' => 'Size', 'ForeignID' => 'ForeignID', 'ForeignTable' => 'ForeignTable', 'img_width' => 'ImageWidth', 'img_height' => 'ImageHeight');
     $sql = "select\n   a.*,\n   concat('~cf/ipb/', a.attach_location) as attach_path,\n   concat('~cf/ipb/', a.attach_location) as thumb_path,\n   128 as thumb_width,\n   ty.atype_mimetype,\n   case when p.pid = t.topic_firstpost then 'discussion' else 'comment' end as ForeignTable,\n   case when p.pid = t.topic_firstpost then t.tid else p.pid end as ForeignID,\n   case a.attach_img_width when 0 then a.attach_thumb_width else a.attach_img_width end as img_width,\n   case a.attach_img_height when 0 then a.attach_thumb_height else a.attach_img_height end as img_height\nfrom :_attachments a\njoin :_posts p\n   on a.attach_rel_id = p.pid and a.attach_rel_module = 'post'\njoin :_topics t\n   on t.tid = p.topic_id\nleft join :_attachments_type ty\n   on a.attach_ext = ty.atype_extension";
     $this->clearFilters('Media', $media_Map, $sql);
     $ex->exportTable('Media', $sql, $media_Map);
     if ($ex->exists('message_topic_user_map')) {
     } else {