  * Test export with invalid restriction definition
  * @expectedException \triagens\ArangoDb\ClientException 
 public function testExportRestrictMissingFields()
     if (!$this->hasExportApi) {
         throw new ClientException('Invalid restrictions fields definition');
     $export = new Export($this->connection, $this->collection, array("restrict" => array("type" => "include")));
     $cursor = $export->execute();

namespace triagens\ArangoDb;

require dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'init.php';
try {
    $connection = new Connection($connectionOptions);
    // creates an export object for collection 'users'
    $export = new Export($connection, 'users', array("batchSize" => 5000, "_flat" => true, "flush" => true, "restrict" => array("type" => "include", "fields" => array("_key", "_rev"))));
    // execute the export. this will return a special, forward-only cursor
    $cursor = $export->execute();
    // now we can fetch the documents from the collection in blocks
    while ($docs = $cursor->getNextBatch()) {
        // do something with $docs
        print sprintf("retrieved %d documents", count($docs)) . PHP_EOL;
} catch (ConnectException $e) {
    print $e . PHP_EOL;
} catch (ServerException $e) {
    print $e . PHP_EOL;
} catch (ClientException $e) {
    print $e . PHP_EOL;