예제 #1
 function DatesAreValid()
     $dt = PdoDataAccess::runquery("select * from ATN_PersonShifts\r\n\t\t\twhere PersonID=:p \r\n\t\t\tAND ( :f between FromDate AND ToDate OR :t between FromDate AND ToDate ) AND RowID <> :r", array(":p" => $this->PersonID, ":r" => $this->RowID, ":f" => DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($this->FromDate, "-"), ":t" => DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($this->ToDate, "-")));
     if (count($dt) > 0) {
         ExceptionHandler::PushException("شیفت انتخاب شده دارای تداخل زمانی میباشد");
         return false;
     /*$ShiftObj = new ATN_shifts($this->ShiftID);
     		$dt = PdoDataAccess::runquery("select * from ATN_PersonShifts join ATN_shifts using(ShiftID)
     			where PersonID=:p 
     			AND ( (:s between FromTime AND ToTime) OR (:e between FromTime AND ToTime) ) AND RowID <> :r 
     			AND ( (:f between FromDate AND if(ToDate='0000-00-00','4000-00-00',ToDate) ) 
     				OR (:t between FromDate AND if(ToDate='0000-00-00','4000-00-00',ToDate) ) )", 
     			array(":p" => $this->PersonID, ":s" => $ShiftObj->FromTime, 
     				  ":e" => $ShiftObj->ToTime, ":r" => $this->RowID,
     				  ":f" => DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($this->FromDate), 
     				  ":t" => DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($this->ToDate)));
     		if(count($dt) > 0)
     			ExceptionHandler::PushException("شیفت های این فرد با یکدیگر دارای تداخل ساعتی می باشند");;
     			return false;
     		}		*/
     return true;
예제 #2
 function release_post()
     $temp = parent::runquery("SELECT s.staff_id, s.post_id\r\n    \t\tFROM position p INNER JOIN staff s ON(s.staff_id = p.staff_id)\r\n    \t\tWHERE p.post_id = ? AND s.staff_id=?", array($this->post_id, $this->staff_id));
     if (count($temp) == 0) {
         return true;
     if ($temp[0]["post_id"] == $this->post_id) {
         return false;
     parent::runquery("update position set staff_id=null where post_id=" . $this->post_id);
     $daObj = new DataAudit();
     $daObj->ActionType = DataAudit::Action_update;
     $daObj->RelatedPersonType = DataAudit::PersonType_staff;
     $daObj->RelatedPersonID = $this->staff_id;
     $daObj->MainObjectID = $this->post_id;
     $daObj->TableName = "position";
     $daObj->description = "آزاد کردن پست اجرایی هیئت علمی";
     //------------------ baseinfo update ---------------------------
     $staffObj = new manage_staff("", "", $this->staff_id);
     require_once inc_manage_post;
     manage_posts::baseinfoRelease($staffObj->PersonID, $this->post_id, "آزاد کردن پست اجرایی هیئت علمی");
     return true;
예제 #3
 public function Remove()
     if (!DMS_documents::DeleteAllDocument($this->ContractID, "contract")) {
         ExceptionHandler::PushException("خطا در حذف مدارک");
         return false;
     return parent::Remove();
예제 #4
 function Add($pdo = null)
     $dt = self::Get(" AND ChequeNo=? AND ChequeDate=?", array($this->ChequeNo, DateModules::shamsi_to_miladi($this->ChequeDate)));
     if ($dt->rowCount() > 0) {
         ExceptionHandler::PushException("چک دیگری با این شماره و تاریخ قبلا ثبت شده است");
         return false;
     return parent::Add($pdo);
예제 #5
 public function Remove($pdo = null)
     $dt = parent::runquery("select * from BSC_persons where PostID=?", array($this->PostID), $pdo);
     if (count($dt) > 0) {
         ExceptionHandler::PushException("این پست به فردی نسبت داده شده است و قابل حذف نمی باشد");
         return false;
     $this->IsActive = "NO";
     return $this->Edit($pdo);
예제 #6
 static function DeleteDocument($DocumentID)
     if (!DMS_DocFiles::DeletePage("", $DocumentID)) {
         ExceptionHandler::PushException("خطا در حذف صفحات پیوست");
         return false;
     if (!PdoDataAccess::delete("DMS_DocParamValues", "DocumentID=?", array($DocumentID))) {
         ExceptionHandler::PushException("خطا در حذف پارامترهای پیوست");
         return false;
     if (parent::delete("DMS_documents", " DocumentID=?", array($DocumentID)) === false) {
         return false;
     $daObj = new DataAudit();
     $daObj->ActionType = DataAudit::Action_delete;
     $daObj->MainObjectID = $DocumentID;
     $daObj->TableName = "DMS_documents";
     return true;
예제 #7
 static function DeletePlan($PlanID)
     $obj = new PLN_plans($PlanID);
     if ($obj->StepID != STEPID_RAW) {
         return false;
     if (!DMS_documents::DeleteAllDocument($obj->PlanID, "plan")) {
         ExceptionHandler::PushException("خطا در حذف مدارک");
         return false;
     if (parent::delete("PLN_PlanItems", " PlanID=?", array($PlanID)) === false) {
         return false;
     if (parent::delete("PLN_plans", " PlanID=?", array($PlanID)) === false) {
         return false;
     $daObj = new DataAudit();
     $daObj->ActionType = DataAudit::Action_delete;
     $daObj->MainObjectID = $PlanID;
     $daObj->TableName = "PLN_plans";
     return true;
예제 #8
 static function RemoveFlowStep($StepRowID)
     $info = PdoDataAccess::runquery("select * from WFM_FlowSteps where StepRowID=?", array($StepRowID));
     $dt = parent::runquery("select * from WFM_FlowRows\n\t\t\tjoin ( select max(RowID) RowID,FlowID,ObjectID \n\t\t\t\t\tfrom WFM_FlowRows group by FlowID,ObjectID )t\n\t\t\tusing(RowID,FlowID,ObjectID)\n\t\t\twhere FlowID=? AND StepRowID=?", array($info[0]["FlowID"], $StepRowID));
     if (count($dt) > 0) {
         return false;
     parent::runquery("update WFM_FlowSteps set IsActive='NO', StepID=-1 where StepRowID=?", array($StepRowID));
     PdoDataAccess::runquery("update WFM_FlowSteps set StepID=StepID-1 \n\t\t\twhere IsOuter='NO' AND StepID>? AND FlowID=?", array($info[0]["StepID"], $info[0]["FlowID"]));
     $daObj = new DataAudit();
     $daObj->ActionType = DataAudit::Action_delete;
     $daObj->MainObjectID = $StepRowID;
     $daObj->SubObjectID = $info[0]["StepID"];
     $daObj->TableName = "WFM_FlowSteps";
     return true;
예제 #9
 public function AccountNoValidity()
     $dt = parent::runquery("select * from ACC_accounts where AccountNo=? AND AccountID<>?", array($this->AccountNo, $this->AccountID));
     if (count($dt) > 0) {
         ExceptionHandler::PushException("کد حساب تکراری است");
         return false;
     return true;
예제 #10
 function EditPerson()
     if ($this->UserName != "") {
         $dt = PdoDataAccess::runquery("select * \r\n\t\t\t\tfrom BSC_persons where PersonID<>? AND UserName=?", array($this->PersonID, $this->UserName));
         if (count($dt) > 0) {
             ExceptionHandler::PushException("شناسه وارد شده تکراری است");
             return false;
     if (parent::update("BSC_persons", $this, " PersonID=:l", array(":l" => $this->PersonID)) === false) {
         return false;
     $daObj = new DataAudit();
     $daObj->ActionType = DataAudit::Action_update;
     $daObj->MainObjectID = $this->PersonID;
     $daObj->TableName = "BSC_persons";
     $dt = PdoDataAccess::runquery("select * from ACC_tafsilis where ObjectID=? AND TafsiliType=1", array($this->PersonID));
     require_once getenv("DOCUMENT_ROOT") . '/accounting/baseinfo/baseinfo.class.php';
     if (count($dt) == 0) {
         $obj = new ACC_tafsilis();
         $obj->ObjectID = $this->PersonID;
         $obj->TafsiliCode = $this->PersonID;
         $obj->TafsiliDesc = $this->IsReal == "YES" ? $this->fname . " " . $this->lname : $this->CompanyName;
         $obj->TafsiliType = "1";
     } else {
         $obj = new ACC_tafsilis($dt[0]["TafsiliID"]);
         $obj->TafsiliCode = $this->PersonID;
         $obj->TafsiliDesc = $this->IsReal == "YES" ? $this->fname . " " . $this->lname : $this->CompanyName;
     return true;
예제 #11
$readOnly = false;
$state = manage_writ::get_writ_state($_REQUEST["WID"], $writver, $_REQUEST["STID"]);
$pay_calc = manage_writ::check_for_use_in_pay_calc($_REQUEST["WID"], $writver, $_REQUEST["STID"]);
if ($pay_calc == null) {
    if ($state == WRIT_PERSONAL && ($objWrt->check_corrective_state() == 'NOT_CORRECTING' || $objWrt->writ_has_new_version())) {
        ExceptionHandler::PushException('اين حکم در صدور حکم اصلاحي استفاده شده است و امکان تغيير آن وجود ندارد', ExceptionHandler::ExceptionType_warning);
        $readOnly = true;
    } else {
        if ($state != WRIT_PERSONAL) {
            ExceptionHandler::PushException("این حکم منتقل شده است و امکان ویرایش آن وجود ندارد", ExceptionHandler::ExceptionType_warning);
            $readOnly = true;
} else {
    if ($pay_calc != null && $state != WRIT_PERSONAL) {
        ExceptionHandler::PushException(" این حکم در محاسبه حقوق" . "&nbsp;" . $pay_calc . "&nbsp;" . "استفاده شده است و امکان ویرایش آن وجود ندارد.", ExceptionHandler::ExceptionType_warning);
        $readOnly = true;
$is_auto_writ = manage_writ::is_auto_writ($exedate, $objWrt->person_type, $writ_id, $writver, $staff_id);
if (manage_writ::is_first_writ($writ_id, $writver, $staff_id)) {
    $is_new_writ = false;
    $header_is_open = false;
    $is_auto_writ = true;
$is_new_writ = manage_writ::is_new_writ($exedate, $objPerson->person_type, $writ_id, $writver, $staff_id);
$header_is_open = $is_new_writ ? "false" : "true";
if (manage_writ::check_for_use_in_pay_calc($writ_id, $writver, $staff_id) == null) {
    $salary_fields_is_open = true;
예제 #12
 function Add($pdo = null)
     if (!self::BlockTrigger($pdo)) {
         return false;
     if ($this->CostID == COSTID_share) {
         $amount = $this->CreditorAmount > 0 ? $this->CreditorAmount : $this->DebtorAmount;
         if ($amount * 1 % ShareBaseAmount != 0) {
             ExceptionHandler::PushException("مبلغ سرفصل حساب سهام باید مضربی از " . ShareBaseAmount . " باشد");
             return false;
     if (!parent::insert("ACC_DocItems", $this, $pdo)) {
         return false;
     $this->ItemID = parent::InsertID($pdo);
     $daObj = new DataAudit();
     $daObj->ActionType = DataAudit::Action_add;
     $daObj->MainObjectID = $this->ItemID;
     $daObj->TableName = "ACC_DocItems";
     return true;
예제 #13
 public function Remove($pdo = null)
     if (!parent::delete(static::TableName, static::TableKey . "=:id", array(":id" => $this->{static::TableKey}), $pdo)) {
         return false;
     $daObj = new DataAudit();
     $daObj->ActionType = DataAudit::Action_delete;
     $daObj->MainObjectID = $this->{static::TableKey};
     $daObj->TableName = static::TableName;
     return true;
예제 #14
function EndWarrantyDoc($ReqObj, $pdo)
    /*@var $ReqObj WAR_requests */
    //------------- get CostCodes --------------------
    $CostCode_warrenty = FindCostID("300");
    $CostCode_warrenty_commitment = FindCostID("700");
    $CostCode_wage = FindCostID("750-07");
    $CostCode_FutureWage = FindCostID("760-07");
    $CostCode_fund = FindCostID("100");
    $CostCode_seporde = FindCostID("690");
    $CostCode_pasandaz = FindCostID("209-10");
    $CostCode_guaranteeAmount_zemanati = FindCostID("904-02");
    $CostCode_guaranteeAmount_daryafti = FindCostID("904-04");
    $CostCode_guaranteeAmount2_zemanati = FindCostID("905-02");
    $CostCode_guaranteeAmount2_daryafti = FindCostID("905-04");
    $CycleID = substr(DateModules::miladi_to_shamsi($ReqObj->StartDate), 0, 4);
    //------------------ find tafsilis ---------------
    $PersonTafsili = FindTafsiliID($ReqObj->PersonID, TAFTYPE_PERSONS);
    if (!$PersonTafsili) {
        ExceptionHandler::PushException("تفصیلی مربوطه یافت نشد.[" . $ReqObj->PersonID . "]");
        return false;
    //---------------- add doc header --------------------
    $DocObj = new ACC_docs();
    $DocObj->RegDate = PDONOW;
    $DocObj->regPersonID = $_SESSION['USER']["PersonID"];
    $DocObj->DocDate = PDONOW;
    $DocObj->CycleID = $CycleID;
    $DocObj->BranchID = $ReqObj->BranchID;
    $DocObj->DocType = DOCTYPE_WARRENTY_END;
    $DocObj->description = "خاتمه ضمانت نامه " . $ReqObj->_TypeDesc . " به شماره " . $ReqObj->RequestID . " به نام " . $ReqObj->_fullname;
    if (!$DocObj->Add($pdo)) {
        ExceptionHandler::PushException("خطا در ایجاد سند");
        return false;
    //----------------- add Doc items ------------------------
    $itemObj = new ACC_DocItems();
    $itemObj->DocID = $DocObj->DocID;
    $itemObj->TafsiliType = TAFTYPE_PERSONS;
    $itemObj->TafsiliID = $PersonTafsili;
    $itemObj->SourceType = DOCTYPE_WARRENTY_END;
    $itemObj->SourceID = $ReqObj->RequestID;
    $itemObj->SourceID2 = $ReqObj->ReqVersion;
    $itemObj->locked = "YES";
    $itemObj->CostID = $CostCode_warrenty;
    $itemObj->CreditorAmount = $ReqObj->amount;
    $itemObj->DebtorAmount = 0;
    if (!$itemObj->Add($pdo)) {
        ExceptionHandler::PushException("خطا در ثبت ردیف ضمانت نامه");
        return false;
    $itemObj->CostID = $CostCode_warrenty_commitment;
    $itemObj->CreditorAmount = 0;
    $itemObj->DebtorAmount = $ReqObj->amount;
    if (!$itemObj->Add($pdo)) {
        ExceptionHandler::PushException("خطا در ثبت ردیف تعهد ضمانت نامه");
        return false;
    //---------------------------- block Cost ----------------------------
    if ($ReqObj->IsBlock == "YES") {
        $dt = PdoDataAccess::runquery("select * from ACC_blocks where SourceType=? AND SourceID=?", array(DOCTYPE_WARRENTY, $ReqObj->RequestID));
        if (count($dt) > 0) {
            $blockObj = new ACC_CostBlocks($dt[0]["BlockID"]);
            $blockObj->IsActive = "NO";
    //---------- ردیف های تضمین  ----------
    $SumAmount = 0;
    $countAmount = 0;
    $dt = PdoDataAccess::runquery("\r\n\t\tSELECT DocumentID, ParamValue, InfoDesc as DocTypeDesc\r\n\t\t\tFROM DMS_DocParamValues\r\n\t\t\tjoin DMS_DocParams using(ParamID)\r\n\t\t\tjoin DMS_documents d using(DocumentID)\r\n\t\t\tjoin BaseInfo b on(InfoID=d.DocType AND TypeID=8)\r\n\t\t\tleft join ACC_DocItems on(SourceType=" . DOCTYPE_DOCUMENT . " AND SourceID=DocumentID)\r\n\t\twhere ItemID is null AND b.param1=1 AND \r\n\t\t\tparamType='currencyfield' AND ObjectType='warrenty' AND ObjectID=?", array($ReqObj->RequestID), $pdo);
    foreach ($dt as $row) {
        $itemObj->CostID = $CostCode_guaranteeAmount_zemanati;
        $itemObj->DebtorAmount = 0;
        $itemObj->CreditorAmount = $row["ParamValue"];
        $itemObj->TafsiliType = TAFTYPE_PERSONS;
        $itemObj->TafsiliID = $PersonTafsili;
        $itemObj->SourceType = DOCTYPE_DOCUMENT;
        $itemObj->SourceID = $row["DocumentID"];
        $itemObj->details = $row["DocTypeDesc"];
        $SumAmount += $row["ParamValue"] * 1;
    if ($SumAmount > 0) {
        $itemObj->CostID = $CostCode_guaranteeAmount2_zemanati;
        $itemObj->DebtorAmount = $SumAmount;
        $itemObj->CreditorAmount = 0;
    if (ExceptionHandler::GetExceptionCount() > 0) {
        return false;
    return $DocObj->DocID;
예제 #15
function SaveOperation()
    $obj = new NTC_operations();
    PdoDataAccess::FillObjectByArray($obj, $_POST);
    $obj->GroupLetter = isset($_POST["GroupLetter"]) ? "YES" : "NO";
    $pdo = PdoDataAccess::getPdoObject();
    if (empty($obj->OperationID)) {
        $obj->OperationDate = PDONOW;
        $result = $obj->Add($pdo);
    } else {
        $result = $obj->Edit($pdo);
    require_once "phpExcelReader.php";
    $data = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader();
    for ($i = 0; $i < $data->sheets[0]['numRows']; $i++) {
        if (!empty($data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][0])) {
            $PersonID = $data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][0];
            $dt = PdoDataAccess::runquery("select PersonID from BSC_persons where PersonID=?", array($PersonID));
            if (count($dt) > 0) {
                $PersonObj = new NTC_persons();
                $PersonObj->OperationID = $obj->OperationID;
                $PersonObj->PersonID = $PersonID;
                for ($j = 1; $j < count($data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i]); $j++) {
                    eval("\$PersonObj->col{$j} = '" . $data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][$j] . "';");
    $dt = NTC_persons::Get(" AND OperationID=?", array($obj->OperationID), $pdo);
    if ($dt->rowCount() == 0) {
        echo Response::createObjectiveResponse(false, "در فایل ارسالی هیچ فرد معتبری یافت نشد");
    $dt = $dt->fetchAll();
    //----------- create letter -------------
    if ($obj->SendType == "LETTER" && $obj->GroupLetter == "YES") {
        $LetterObj = new OFC_letters();
        $LetterObj->LetterType = "INNER";
        $LetterObj->LetterTitle = $obj->title;
        $LetterObj->LetterDate = PDONOW;
        $LetterObj->RegDate = PDONOW;
        $LetterObj->PersonID = $_SESSION["USER"]["PersonID"];
        $LetterObj->context = $obj->context;
        if (!$LetterObj->AddLetter($pdo)) {
            ExceptionHandler::PushException("خطا در ثبت  نامه");
    foreach ($dt as $row) {
        $context = $obj->context;
        for ($i = 1; $i < 10; $i++) {
            $context = preg_replace("/\\[col" . $i . "\\]/", $row["col" . $i], $context);
        switch ($obj->SendType) {
            case "SMS":
            case "EMAIL":
                $email = $row["email"];
                if ($email == "") {
                    ExceptionHandler::PushException("فاقد ایمیل");
                $result = SendEmail($email, $obj->title, $context);
                if (!$result) {
                    ExceptionHandler::PushException("خطا در ارسال ایمیل");
            case "LETTER":
                if ($obj->GroupLetter == "NO") {
                    $LetterObj = new OFC_letters();
                    $LetterObj->LetterType = "INNER";
                    $LetterObj->LetterTitle = $obj->title;
                    $LetterObj->LetterDate = PDONOW;
                    $LetterObj->RegDate = PDONOW;
                    $LetterObj->PersonID = $_SESSION["USER"]["PersonID"];
                    $LetterObj->context = $context;
                    $SendObj = new OFC_send();
                    $SendObj->LetterID = $LetterObj->LetterID;
                    $SendObj->FromPersonID = $LetterObj->PersonID;
                    $SendObj->ToPersonID = $row["PersonID"];
                    $SendObj->SendDate = PDONOW;
                    $SendObj->SendType = 1;
                    if (!$SendObj->AddSend($pdo)) {
                        ExceptionHandler::PushException("خطا در ثبت  نامه");
                } else {
                    $Cobj = new OFC_LetterCustomers();
                    $Cobj->LetterID = $LetterObj->LetterID;
                    $Cobj->PersonID = $row["PersonID"];
                    $Cobj->IsHide = "NO";
                    $Cobj->LetterTitle = $obj->title;
                    if (!$Cobj->Add($pdo)) {
                        ExceptionHandler::PushException("خطا در ثبت ذینفع نامه");
        if (ExceptionHandler::GetExceptionCount() == 0) {
            $PObj = new NTC_persons();
            $PObj->RowID = $row["RowID"];
            $PObj->IsSuccess = "YES";
            if ($obj->SendType == "LETTER") {
                $PObj->LetterID = $LetterObj->LetterID;
    echo Response::createObjectiveResponse($result, ExceptionHandler::GetExceptionsToString());
예제 #16
function Equalization_UpdateChecks()
    $BankID = $_POST["BankID"];
    $result = "";
    require_once "phpExcelReader.php";
    $data = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader();
    $pdo = PdoDataAccess::getPdoObject();
    //--------------- add to equalizations -------------
    $EqualObj = new ACC_equalizations();
    $EqualObj->RegDate = PDONOW;
    $EqualObj->BankID = $BankID;
    $EqualObj->ImportFile = fread(fopen($_FILES["attach"]["tmp_name"], 'r'), $_FILES["attach"]["size"]);
    //----------- insert DocHeader --------------------
    $obj = new ACC_docs();
    $obj->RegDate = PDONOW;
    $obj->regPersonID = $_SESSION['USER']["PersonID"];
    $obj->DocDate = PDONOW;
    $obj->CycleID = $_SESSION["accounting"]["CycleID"];
    $obj->BranchID = $_SESSION["accounting"]["BranchID"];
    $obj->DocType = DOCTYPE_EQUALCHECKS;
    $obj->description = "مغایرت گیری بانکی / به روز رسانی چک ها ";
    if (!$obj->Add($pdo)) {
        ExceptionHandler::PushException("خطا در ایجاد سند");
        return false;
    $successCount = 0;
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $data->sheets[0]['numRows']; $i++) {
        $checkNo = "";
        switch ($BankID) {
            case "4":
                // اقتصاد نوین
                $TafsiliID = "";
                $TafsiliID2 = "";
                if (empty($data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][1])) {
                $cellData = $data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][1];
                if (isset($cellData) && strpos(trim($cellData), "چک عادي ش.") !== false) {
                    $arr = preg_split("/\\//", $cellData);
                    $checkNo = $arr[2];
                    $checkNo = substr($checkNo, 0, strpos($checkNo, "صندوق پژوهش"));
        if ($checkNo == "") {
        //---------------- add doc items --------------------
        $dt = PdoDataAccess::runquery("\r\n\t\t\tSELECT * FROM ACC_IncomeCheques \r\n\t\t\t\twhere ChequeNo=? AND ChequeStatus<>" . INCOMECHEQUE_VOSUL, array($checkNo), $pdo);
        if (count($dt) > 0) {
            $inChequeObj = new ACC_IncomeCheques($dt[0]["IncomeChequeID"]);
            $inChequeObj->EqualizationID = $EqualObj->EqualizationID;
            $inChequeObj->ChequeStatus = INCOMECHEQUE_VOSUL;
            $temp = $inChequeObj->GetBackPays($pdo);
            foreach ($temp as $row) {
                $BackPayObj = new LON_BackPays($row["BackPayID"]);
                $BackPayObj->EqualizationID = $EqualObj->EqualizationID;
            ACC_IncomeCheques::AddToHistory($inChequeObj->IncomeChequeID, $inChequeObj->ChequeStatus, $pdo);
            RegisterOuterCheque($obj->DocID, $inChequeObj, $pdo, COSTID_Bank, $TafsiliID, $TafsiliID2);
            $result .= "شماره چک : " . $checkNo . " به روز رسانی شد <br>";
        } else {
            $result .= "<font color=red> شماره چک : " . $checkNo . " یافت نشد </font><br>";
    if ($successCount == 0) {
    } else {
    echo Response::createObjectiveResponse(true, $successCount == 0 ? "هیچ چکی به روز نگردید" : $result);
예제 #17
function GroupCancelWrit()
    ini_set('max_execution_time', 1000);
    //300 seconds = 5 minutes
    ini_set("memory_limit", '500M');
    $where = "s.person_type=" . $_POST["person_type"];
    $whereParams = array();
    //------------------------ Make Where Clause ----------------------
    if (!empty($_REQUEST["ouid"])) {
        $where .= " AND ( o.ouid = :ouid OR o.parent_path LIKE '%,:ouid,%' OR  o.parent_path LIKE '%:ouid,%' OR o.parent_path LIKE '%,:ouid%' ) ";
        $whereParams[":ouid"] = $_REQUEST["ouid"];
    if (!empty($_POST["from_PersonID"])) {
        $where .= " AND p.PersonID >= :f_personid";
        $whereParams[":f_personid"] = $_POST["from_PersonID"];
    if (!empty($_POST["to_PersonID"])) {
        $where .= " AND p.PersonID <= :t_personid";
        $whereParams[":t_personid"] = $_POST["to_PersonID"];
    if (!empty($_POST["from_issue_date"])) {
        $where .= " AND issue_date <= :f_issue_date";
        $whereParams[":f_issue_date"] = $_POST["from_issue_date"];
    if (!empty($_POST["to_issue_date"])) {
        $where .= " AND issue_date >= :t_issue_date";
        $whereParams[":t_issue_date"] = $_POST["to_issue_date"];
    if (!empty($_POST["execute_date"])) {
        $execute_date = DateModules::Shamsi_to_Miladi($_POST["execute_date"]);
        $where .= " AND execute_date = :exe_date";
        $whereParams[":exe_date"] = $execute_date;
    if (!empty($_POST["writ_type_id"])) {
        $where .= " AND w.writ_type_id = :writ_type_id";
        $whereParams[":writ_type_id"] = $_POST["writ_type_id"];
    if (!empty($_POST["writ_subtype_id"])) {
        $where .= " AND w.writ_subtype_id = :writ_subtype_id";
        $whereParams[":writ_subtype_id"] = $_POST["writ_subtype_id"];
    /*$where .= " AND bf.MasterID in (1,2) AND 
      if( tbl1.personid is not null , bf.MasterID in (1) , ( bf.MasterID in (1,2) and  tbl1.personid is null  ) )" ; */
    $query = "SELECT s.staff_id,\n\t\t    \t   w.writ_id,\n\t\t           w.writ_ver,\n\t\t           w.writ_type_id,\n\t\t           w.writ_subtype_id,\n\t\t           w.issue_date,\n\t\t           w.execute_date,\n\t\t           p.pfname,\n\t\t\t   p.plname\n\t\t\t  \n\t\n\t\t    FROM writs w\n\t\t    \tJOIN org_new_units o ON(w.ouid=o.ouid)\n\t\t\t\tJOIN staff s ON (s.staff_id=w.staff_id)\n\t\t\t\t\n                JOIN persons p ON(s.PersonID = p.PersonID and s.person_type=p.person_type)\t\t\t\t\n                \n\t\t    WHERE " . $where;
    /*inner join Basic_Info bf on(bf.TypeID=6 AND bf.InfoID=w.education_level)
    		left join (select personid
    			    from bases
    			    where BaseType in(4) AND
    				BaseStatus = 'NORMAL')  tbl1 
    			on tbl1.personid = s.personid*/
    $staff_dt = PdoDataAccess::runquery($query, $whereParams);
    //echo PdoDataAccess::GetLatestQueryString() ; die() ;
    if (count($staff_dt) == 0) {
        echo "موارد انتخابی شما هیچ حکمی را برای ابطال شامل نمی شود.";
    $log_obj = new manage_writ_group_cancel_log();
    $success_count = 0;
    $unsuccess_count = 0;
    for ($index = 0; $index < count($staff_dt); $index++) {
        /*if(manage_writ::IsUsed($staff_dt[$index]["writ_id"], $staff_dt[$index]["writ_ver"], $staff_dt[$index]["staff_id"]))
        			ExceptionHandler::PushException("از حکم در جای دیگری استفاده شده است.");
        			$log_obj->make_unsuccess_rows($staff_dt[$index], ExceptionHandler::GetExceptionsToString("<br>"));
        if (manage_writ::get_writ_state($staff_dt[$index]["writ_id"], $staff_dt[$index]["writ_ver"], $staff_dt[$index]["staff_id"]) != WRIT_PERSONAL) {
            ExceptionHandler::PushException("این حکم منتقل شده است.");
        } else {
            if (!manage_writ::RemoveWrit($staff_dt[$index]["writ_id"], $staff_dt[$index]["writ_ver"], $staff_dt[$index]["staff_id"])) {
            } else {
        /*if($index == 0)
        			echo $log_obj->make_result();
    echo $log_obj->make_result();
예제 #18
 function CheckPartAmount()
     $dt = parent::runquery("select ifnull(sum(PayAmount),0) from LON_payments \r\n\t\t\twhere RequestID=? AND PayID<>?", array($this->RequestID, $this->PayID));
     $PartObj = LON_ReqParts::GetValidPartObj($this->RequestID);
     if ($dt[0][0] * 1 + $this->PayAmount * 1 > $PartObj->PartAmount * 1) {
         ExceptionHandler::PushException("مبالغ وارد شده از سقف مبلغ وام تجاوز می کند");
         return false;
     return true;