예제 #1
 public function testing($file)
     $getFiles = $this->getExcel();
     $fileName = $getFiles[$file];
     if ($fileName == false) {
         $error = ["error_Message" => "You don't have any projects in folder!"];
         return Response::json($error);
     } else {
         $testingExcel = Excel::excel2Array(base_path() . '/excelPlace/' . $fileName);
         $months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
         // The Month array, used to check if the current page is month page. Little bit hard cooded but what can you do :D
         $currentMonth = "";
         // Current month flag. According to its value we are parsing the data to the correct array key
         $chartData = ["ContractData" => [], "calendar" => [], "projects" => $getFiles];
         // Initial Array structure.
         $role = "";
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($testingExcel); $i++) {
             for ($j = 0; $j < count($testingExcel[$i]); $j++) {
                 $currentMonth = $testingExcel[$i][$j][0][0];
                 |	****************	PREPARING DATA FOR THE LINE CHART !!!	******************	|
                 if (in_array($currentMonth, $months)) {
                     // Checking if the Excel file page is the Month page
                     $chartData["calendar"][$currentMonth]["roles"] = [];
                     $chartData["calendar"][$currentMonth]["Days_in_month"] = [];
                     for ($k = 0; $k < count($testingExcel[$i]); $k++) {
                         if (isset($testingExcel[$i][$k + 2][0][0])) {
                             // Setting up the array structure
                             $role = $testingExcel[$i][$k + 2][0][0];
                             $chartData["calendar"][$currentMonth]["roles"][$role]["Log"] = [];
                             $chartData["calendar"][$currentMonth]["roles"][$role]["Used_HRS_This_Month"] = 0;
                         if (isset($testingExcel[$i][$k + 2][0][1]) && isset($role)) {
                             // Inserting the "Hourly Rate" value in array
                             // Looping trough the every line to get the log data
                             $count = count($testingExcel[$i][$k + 2][0]);
                             for ($t = 0; $t < $count; $t++) {
                                 $index = count($chartData["calendar"][$currentMonth]["roles"][$role]["Log"]);
                                 if (isset($testingExcel[$i][$k + 2][0][$t + 1]) && isset($role)) {
                                     $chartData["calendar"][$currentMonth]["roles"][$role]["Log"][$index] = $testingExcel[$i][$k + 2][0][$t + 1];
                                     $chartData["calendar"][$currentMonth]["roles"][$role]["Used_HRS_This_Month"] = $chartData["calendar"][$currentMonth]["roles"][$role]["Used_HRS_This_Month"] + $testingExcel[$i][$k + 2][0][$t + 1];
                     |	Counting the logs for each day and determinating how manny days in month we have.
                     |	If the last reccord was "25.Decembar" the chart X label will be X = [1 , 25] and so on.
                     $daysNr = count($chartData["calendar"][$currentMonth]["roles"][$role]["Log"]);
                     for ($d = 1; $d <= $daysNr; $d++) {
                         $dayIndex = count($chartData["calendar"][$currentMonth]["Days_in_month"]);
                         $chartData["calendar"][$currentMonth]["Days_in_month"][$dayIndex] = $d;
                 } else {
                     // If current page is not the Month page
                     |	********************	 PREPARING CONTRACT DATA!!!	     *******************	|
                     if (array_filter($testingExcel[0][1][0])) {
                         if (array_key_exists($j + 2, $testingExcel[0]) && array_unique($testingExcel[0][$j + 2][0]) != array(null)) {
                             for ($x = 0; $x < count($testingExcel[0][$j + 2][0]); $x++) {
                                 $contractDataKey = str_replace(" ", "_", $testingExcel[0][1][0][$x]);
                                 $chartData["ContractData"][$contractDataKey] = [];
                                 for ($l = 0; $l < count($testingExcel[0]); $l++) {
                                     $chartDataKey = count($chartData["ContractData"][$contractDataKey]);
                                     if (array_key_exists($l + 2, $testingExcel[0]) && array_unique($testingExcel[0][$l + 2][0]) != array(null)) {
                                         if (!is_null($testingExcel[0][$l + 2][0][$x])) {
                                             $chartData["ContractData"][$contractDataKey][$chartDataKey] = $testingExcel[0][$l + 2][0][$x];
                     } else {
                         $error = ["error_Message" => "You have mest up something in the 'Master' table. Check out the 'Conventions' for the 'Master'!"];
                         return Response::json($error);
         $chartData["ContractData"]["PDO"] = array_combine($chartData["ContractData"]["Role"], $chartData["ContractData"]["PDO"]);
         $chartData["ContractData"]["PDM"] = array_combine($chartData["ContractData"]["Role"], $chartData["ContractData"]["PDM"]);
         $chartData["ContractData"]["Hourly_rate"] = array_combine($chartData["ContractData"]["Role"], $chartData["ContractData"]["Hourly_rate"]);
         $chartData["ContractData"]["Daily_rate"] = array_combine($chartData["ContractData"]["Role"], $chartData["ContractData"]["Daily_rate"]);
         return View::make('index', array('data' => json_encode($chartData)));