$add_group = Group::load_group_by_id($add_gid);
        $add_gname = $add_group->title;
        // check if user MAY add
        $is_member = Group::get_user_type((int) PA::$login_user->user_id, (int) $add_gid);
        if ($is_member == NOT_A_MEMBER) {
            $add_assoc_group_errors[] = sprintf(__("You cannot add an Event to the caledar of group %s, as you are not a member."), $add_gname);
        } else {
            // try to add EventAssociation for this group_id
            try {
                $ea = new EventAssociation();
                $ea->event_id = $ed['event_id'];
                $ea->user_id = PA::$login_user->user_id;
                $ea->assoc_target_type = 'group';
                $ea->assoc_target_id = $add_gid;
                $ea->assoc_target_name = $add_gname;
            } catch (CNException $err) {
                $add_assoc_group_errors[] = __("There was a problem associating the event:") . "<br />" . $err->getMessage();
    if (count($add_assoc_group_errors)) {
        $msg .= __("Add group:");
        foreach ($add_assoc_group_errors as $n => $err) {
            $msg .= "<br />{$err}";
        $is_display = false;
        $is_edit = true;
// see if we have a remove request for an association
 public function testAddUpdateDeleteEvent()
     //    Dal::register_query_callback("explain_query");
     echo "getting a user\n";
     $user = Test::get_test_user();
     $testusername = $user->first_name . " " . $user->last_name;
     echo "test user = {$testusername}\n";
     /* setup some times and time strings */
     $today = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"));
     $tomorrow = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") + 1, date("Y"));
     $yesterday = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") - 1, date("Y"));
     $lastmonth = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") - 1, date("d"), date("Y"));
     $nextmonth = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") + 1, date("d"), date("Y"));
     $nextyear = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y") + 1);
     $oneday = 60 * 60 * 24;
     $simple_dateformat = "Y-m-d";
     /* use the constants in the format parameter */
     // something like: Mon, 15 Aug 2005 15:12:46 UTC
     $now_rfc822 = date(DATE_RFC822);
     // something like: 2000-07-01T00:00:00+00:00
     // $now_atom = date(DATE_ATOM);
     // create an Event
     echo "create and save Event\n";
     $e = new Event();
     $e->content_id = "http://myevent.info/1";
     // anything basically
     $e->user_id = $user->user_id;
     $e->event_title = "Test Event for {$testusername}";
     $now = time();
     $nowplusoneday = $now + $oneday;
     $e->start_time = date(DATE_ATOM, $now);
     $e->end_time = date(DATE_ATOM, $now + 60 * 60);
     // duration 1h
     $e->event_data = array('description' => "This Event takes place to test the class Event", 'start' => $now, 'end' => $now + 60 * 60);
     // print_r($e);
     // see if we got it
     echo "Retrieving Event {$e->event_id}\n";
     $e2 = new Event();
     echo "Testing integrity of dates\n";
     // print_r($e2);
     // see if the stored timestamps match
     $this->assertEquals($now, $e2->event_data['start']);
     // see if our dates survived the DB conversion roundtrip
     $this->assertEquals($now, strtotime($e2->start_time));
     $this->assertEquals($now + 60 * 60, strtotime($e2->end_time));
     // create two EventAssociations
     $ea1 = new EventAssociation();
     $ea2 = new EventAssociation();
     $ea1->user_id = $user->user_id;
     $ea2->user_id = $user->user_id;
     // user EventAssocoiation
     $ea1->assoc_target_type = 'user';
     $ea1->assoc_target_id = $user->user_id;
     // could very well be other user
     $ea1->assoc_target_name = $testusername;
     $ea1->event_id = $e->event_id;
     // network EventAssocoiation
     // find a network the user is member of
     // $networks = Network::get_user_networks($user->user_id);
     $network = Network::get_mothership_info();
     // use the mothership
     // print_r($network);
     $ea2->assoc_target_type = 'network';
     $ea2->assoc_target_id = $network->network_id;
     // could very well be other user
     $ea2->assoc_target_name = $network->name;
     $ea2->event_id = $e->event_id;
     echo "Testing EventAssociations for Event {$e->event_id}\n";
     $assoc_ids = EventAssociation::find_for_event($e->event_id);
     // print_r($assoc_ids);
     $a_cnt = count($assoc_ids);
     $this->assertEquals($a_cnt, 2, "expected 2 assocs, got {$a_cnt}\n");
     echo "Testing EventAssociations::find_for_target_and_delta for Network\n";
     $assoc_ids = EventAssociation::find_for_target_and_delta('network', $network->network_id);
     // find_for_target_and_delta($target_type, $target_id, $range_start = NULL, $range_end = NULL)
     // print_r($assoc_ids);
     $a_cnt = count($assoc_ids);
     // we expect at least one (or more, the user might have others too)
     $this->assertTrue($a_cnt >= 1, "expected 1 or more assocs, got {$a_cnt}\n");
     echo "Testing EventAssociations::find_for_target_and_delta for Today\n";
     echo "yesterday = " . date(DATE_ATOM, $yesterday) . "\n";
     echo "today = " . date(DATE_ATOM, $today) . "\n";
     echo "event start_time = " . date(DATE_ATOM, strtotime($e2->start_time)) . "\n";
     echo "event end_time = " . date(DATE_ATOM, strtotime($e2->end_time)) . "\n";
     echo "tomorrow = " . date(DATE_ATOM, $tomorrow) . "\n";
     $assoc_ids = EventAssociation::find_for_target_and_delta('network', $network->network_id, date(DATE_ATOM, $today), date(DATE_ATOM, $tomorrow));
     $assocs = EventAssociation::load_in_list($assoc_ids);
     $a_cnt = count($assoc_ids);
     // we expect at least one (or more, the user might have others too)
     $this->assertTrue($a_cnt >= 1, "expected 1 or more assocs, got {$a_cnt}\n");
     echo "Testing if the EventAssociations now show up in Tomorrow's Calendar\n";
     $assoc_ids = EventAssociation::find_for_target_and_delta('network', $network->network_id, date(DATE_ATOM, $tomorrow), date(DATE_ATOM, $tomorrow + $oneday));
     $a_cnt2 = count($assoc_ids);
     // we expect one less than before
     $this->assertTrue($a_cnt2 < $a_cnt, "expected " . $a_cnt - 1 . " assocs, got {$a_cnt2}\n");
     echo "Modifying original Event\n";
     $e2->title = "changed title";
     $e2->end_time = date(DATE_ATOM, $nextmonth);
     // see if we got it
     $e3 = new Event();
     echo "Testing integrity of dates again in the Event\n";
     // see if our dates survived the DB conversion roundtrip
     $this->assertEquals($now, strtotime($e3->start_time));
     $this->assertEquals(date(DATE_ATOM, strtotime($e3->end_time)), date(DATE_ATOM, $nextmonth));
     echo "Testing if modified dates made it to the EventAssociations\n";
     $assoc_ids = EventAssociation::find_for_event($e3->event_id);
     $assocs = EventAssociation::load_in_list($assoc_ids);
     echo "e3 end_time: " . date(DATE_ATOM, strtotime($assocs[0]->end_time)) . "\nnextmonth: " . date(DATE_ATOM, $nextmonth) . "\n";
     $this->assertEquals(date(DATE_ATOM, strtotime($assocs[0]->end_time)), date(DATE_ATOM, $nextmonth));
     echo "Testing if the EventAssociations now show up in Tomorrow's Calendar\n";
     echo "test range: " . date(DATE_ATOM, $tomorrow) . " - " . date(DATE_ATOM, $tomorrow + $oneday) . "\n";
     echo "event duration: " . date(DATE_ATOM, strtotime($e3->start_time)) . " - " . date(DATE_ATOM, strtotime($e3->end_time)) . "\n";
     // print_r($e3);
     $assoc_ids = EventAssociation::find_for_target_and_delta('network', $network->network_id, date(DATE_ATOM, $tomorrow), date(DATE_ATOM, $tomorrow + $oneday));
     $a_cnt = count($assoc_ids);
     // we expect at least one (or more, the user might have others too)
     $this->assertTrue($a_cnt >= 1, "expected 1 or more assocs, got {$a_cnt}\n");
     echo "Deleting Event {$e->event_id}\n";
     // try loading
     echo "Testing if all EventAssociations have been removed\n";
     $assoc_ids = EventAssociation::find_for_event($e->event_id);
     $a_cnt = count($assoc_ids);
     $this->assertEquals($a_cnt, 0, "expected 0 assocs, got {$a_cnt}\n");