public function check_consistency(EtvaNode $etva_node, $sync_node_pvs)
     $errors = array();
     $etva_cluster = $etva_node->getEtvaCluster();
     // get node database PVs
     //$node_pvs = $etva_node->getEtvaPhysicalvolumes();
     $node_pvs = $etva_node->getEtvaNodePhysicalvolumes();
     // get shared database PVs
     $shared_pvs = $etva_cluster->getSharedPvs();
     $node_inconsistent = 0;
     foreach ($node_pvs as $rpv) {
         $pv = $rpv->getEtvaPhysicalvolume();
         $error = array();
         $uuid = $pv->getUuid();
         $device = $pv->getDevice();
         // init
         $inconsistent = 0;
         // look at physical volumes list
         $found_lvm = 0;
         foreach ($sync_node_pvs as $hpv) {
             $arr_hpv = (array) $hpv;
             if ($arr_hpv[EtvaPhysicalvolume::STORAGE_TYPE_MAP] == $pv->getStorageType()) {
                 if (isset($arr_hpv[EtvaPhysicalvolume::UUID_MAP])) {
                     if ($arr_hpv[EtvaPhysicalvolume::UUID_MAP] == $uuid) {
                         $found_lvm = 1;
                 } else {
                     if ($arr_hpv[EtvaPhysicalvolume::DEVICE_MAP] == $device) {
                         $found_lvm = 1;
         $inconsistent = $inconsistent || !$found_lvm;
         if (!$found_lvm) {
             $error['not_found_lvm'] = 1;
         /* TODO
          *   check when have multipath
         $found_shared_lvm = 0;
         $inconsistent_shared_pvs = 0;
         foreach ($shared_pvs as $s_pv) {
             $s_uuid = $s_pv->getUuid();
             $s_device = $s_pv->getDevice();
             if ($s_uuid == $uuid) {
                 if ($s_pv->getStorageType() != $pv->getStorageType()) {
                     $inconsistent_shared_pvs = 1;
                 } else {
                     $found_shared_lvm = 1;
             } else {
                 if ($s_pv->getStorageType() == $pv->getStorageType()) {
                     if ($arr_hpv[EtvaPhysicalvolume::DEVICE_MAP] == $device) {
                         $found_shared_lvm = 1;
         if ($pv->getStorageType() != EtvaPhysicalvolume::STORAGE_TYPE_LOCAL_MAP) {
             $inconsistent = $inconsistent || !$found_shared_lvm;
             if (!$found_shared_lvm) {
                 $error['not_found_shared_lvm'] = 1;
         $inconsistent = $inconsistent || $inconsistent_shared_pvs;
         if ($inconsistent_shared_pvs) {
             $error['diff_storage_type'] = 1;
         // update data-base
         $etva_physicalvol = EtvaPhysicalvolumePeer::retrieveByNodeTypeUUIDDevice($etva_node->getId(), $pv->getStorageType(), $pv->getUuid(), $pv->getDevice());
         if ($etva_physicalvol) {
         $etva_node_physicalvol = EtvaNodePhysicalvolumePeer::retrieveByPK($etva_node->getId(), $pv->getId());
         if ($etva_node_physicalvol) {
         if ($inconsistent) {
             $message = sfContext::getInstance()->getI18N()->__(EtvaPhysicalvolumePeer::_ERR_INCONSISTENT_, array('%info%' => sprintf('device "%s" with uuid "%s"', $pv->getDevice(), $pv->getUuid())));
             if ($error['not_found_shared_lvm'] || $error['diff_storage_type']) {
                 $message = sfContext::getInstance()->getI18N()->__(EtvaPhysicalvolumePeer::_ERR_SHARED_INCONSISTENT_, array('%info%' => sprintf('device "%s" with uuid "%s"', $pv->getDevice(), $pv->getUuid())));
             sfContext::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher()->notify(new sfEvent($etva_node->getName(), 'event.log', array('message' => $message, 'priority' => EtvaEventLogger::ERR)));
             $error['node'] = array('name' => $etva_node->getName(), 'id' => $etva_node->getId(), 'uuid' => $etva_node->getUuid());
             $error['device'] = $pv->getDevice();
             $error['device_id'] = $pv->getId();
             $error['uuid'] = $pv->getUuid();
             $error['message'] = $message;
         if (!empty($error)) {
             $errors[] = $error;
         $node_inconsistent = $node_inconsistent || $inconsistent;
     // check consistency for shared PVs
     foreach ($shared_pvs as $pv) {
         $error = array();
         $uuid = $pv->getUuid();
         $device = $pv->getDevice();
         // init
         $inconsistent = 0;
         // look at physical volumes list
         $found_lvm = 0;
         foreach ($sync_node_pvs as $hpv) {
             $arr_hpv = (array) $hpv;
             if ($arr_hpv[EtvaPhysicalvolume::STORAGE_TYPE_MAP] == $pv->getStorageType()) {
                 if (isset($arr_hpv[EtvaPhysicalvolume::UUID_MAP])) {
                     if ($arr_hpv[EtvaPhysicalvolume::UUID_MAP] == $uuid) {
                         $found_lvm = 1;
                 } else {
                     if ($arr_hpv[EtvaPhysicalvolume::DEVICE_MAP] == $device) {
                         $found_lvm = 1;
         $inconsistent = $inconsistent || !$found_lvm;
         if (!$found_lvm) {
             $error['not_found_lvm'] = 1;
         /* TODO
          *   check when have multipath
         // update data-base
         $etva_physicalvol = EtvaPhysicalvolumePeer::retrieveByNodeTypeUUIDDevice($etva_node->getId(), $pv->getStorageType(), $pv->getUuid(), $pv->getDevice());
         if ($etva_physicalvol) {
         $etva_node_physicalvol = EtvaNodePhysicalvolumePeer::retrieveByPK($etva_node->getId(), $pv->getId());
         if ($etva_node_physicalvol) {
         if ($inconsistent) {
             $message = sfContext::getInstance()->getI18N()->__(EtvaPhysicalvolumePeer::_ERR_SHARED_INCONSISTENT_, array('%info%' => sprintf('device "%s" with uuid "%s"', $pv->getDevice(), $pv->getUuid())));
             sfContext::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher()->notify(new sfEvent($etva_node->getName(), 'event.log', array('message' => $message, 'priority' => EtvaEventLogger::ERR)));
             $error['node'] = array('name' => $etva_node->getName(), 'id' => $etva_node->getId(), 'uuid' => $etva_node->getUuid());
             $error['device'] = $pv->getDevice();
             $error['device_id'] = $pv->getId();
             $error['uuid'] = $pv->getUuid();
             $error['message'] = $message;
         if (!empty($error)) {
             $errors[] = $error;
         $node_inconsistent = $node_inconsistent || $inconsistent;
     $return = array();
     if ($node_inconsistent) {
         $return = array('success' => false, 'errors' => $errors);
     } else {
         $return = array('success' => true);
     return $return;
     //($node_inconsistent) ? false : true;
예제 #2
 public function register(EtvaNode $etva_node, $vg_info = null)
     $etva_cluster = $etva_node->getEtvaCluster();
     // check if volumegroup is shared
     $shared = $this->etva_vg->getStorageType() != EtvaVolumegroup::STORAGE_TYPE_LOCAL_MAP;
     // force to load volume groups
     $bulk_responses = array();
     if ($shared) {
         $bulk_responses = $etva_cluster->soapSend(self::GET_SYNC_VOLUMEGROUPS, array('force' => 1));
     } else {
         $node_id = $etva_node->getId();
         $bulk_responses[$node_id] = $etva_node->soapSend(self::GET_SYNC_VOLUMEGROUPS, array('force' => 1));
     $vg_info_sync = $this->getVolumegroupInfo($etva_node, $bulk_responses);
     // merge vg info
     if ($vg_info_sync) {
         $vg_info = $vg_info ? array_merge($vg_info_sync, $vg_info) : $vg_info_sync;
     // set vg info if needed
     if ($vg_info) {
     // for none local storage devices
     if ($shared) {
         // check if all nodes see that
         $check_res = $this->check_all_see_it($etva_node, $bulk_responses);
         if (!$check_res['success']) {
             return array('success' => false, 'errors' => $check_res['errors'], 'debug' => 'check_all_see_it');
     $etva_volgroup = $this->etva_vg;
     // set cluster
     $etva_cluster = $etva_node->getEtvaCluster();
     // save it
     // create relation node_volumegorup
     $etva_node_volgroup = new EtvaNodeVolumegroup();
     if ($vg_info) {
          * associate pvs with vg and update info
         $pvs = isset($vg_info[EtvaVolumegroup::PHYSICALVOLUMES_MAP]) ? (array) $vg_info[EtvaVolumegroup::PHYSICALVOLUMES_MAP] : array();
         foreach ($pvs as $pv => $pvInfo) {
             $pv_info = (array) $pvInfo;
             $pv_type = $pv_info[EtvaPhysicalvolume::STORAGE_TYPE_MAP];
             $pv_uuid = isset($pv_info[EtvaPhysicalvolume::UUID_MAP]) ? $pv_info[EtvaPhysicalvolume::UUID_MAP] : '';
             $pv_device = $pv_info[EtvaPhysicalvolume::DEVICE_MAP];
             //error_log(sprintf("node name=%s id=%d device=%s uuid=%s type=%s",$etva_node->getName(),$etva_node->getId(),$pv_device,$pv_uuid,$pv_type));
             //get physical volume based on node, type, uuid and device
             $etva_physical = EtvaPhysicalvolumePeer::retrieveByNodeTypeUUIDDevice($etva_node->getId(), $pv_type, $pv_uuid, $pv_device);
             if (!$etva_physical) {
                 $etva_physical = new EtvaPhysicalvolume();
             $etva_node_physical = EtvaNodePhysicalvolumePeer::retrieveByPK($etva_node->getId(), $etva_physical->getId());
             if (!$etva_node_physical) {
                 $etva_node_physical = new EtvaNodePhysicalvolume();
             $etva_volgroup_physical = EtvaVolumePhysicalPeer::retrieveByPK($etva_volgroup->getId(), $etva_physical->getId());
             if (!$etva_volgroup_physical) {
                 $etva_volgroup_physical = new EtvaVolumePhysical();
     // for no local storage type
     $errors = $this->sync_update($bulk_responses);
     if (!empty($errors)) {
         return array('success' => false, 'errors' => $errors);
     // update logical volumes
     $lv_va = new EtvaLogicalvolume_VA();
     $lv_errors = $lv_va->send_update($etva_node, true, $shared);
     if (!empty($lv_errors)) {
         return array('success' => false, 'errors' => $lv_errors);
     return array('success' => true);
예제 #3
  * Return pre-formatted data for tree-column extjs
  * $request may contain the following keys:
  * - nid: nid (virtAgent node ID)
  * @return array json array
 public function executeJsonVgsTree(sfWebRequest $request)
     $criteria = new Criteria();
     $criteria->add(EtvaNodeVolumeGroupPeer::NODE_ID, $request->getParameter('nid'));
     $node_vgs = EtvaNodeVolumeGroupPeer::doSelectJoinEtvaVolumegroup($criteria);
     $volumes = array();
     foreach ($node_vgs as $data) {
         $node_id = $data->getNodeId();
         $vg = $data->getEtvaVolumegroup();
         $pvs_tree = array();
         $etva_vp = $vg->getEtvaVolumePhysicals();
         foreach ($etva_vp as $vp) {
             $pv = $vp->getEtvaPhysicalvolume();
             if ($pv) {
                 $id = $pv->getId();
                 $np = EtvaNodePhysicalvolumePeer::retrieveByPK($node_id, $id);
                 //error_log(sprintf('node_id=%s id=%s',$node_id, $id));
                 /* TODO 
                  * mark this as inconsistence
                 $elem = $np ? $np->getDevice() : $pv->getDevice();
                 $pvdevice = $pv->getPv();
                 $pretty_size = $size = $pv->getPvsize();
                 $qtip = '';
                 $cls = 'dev-pv';
                 $pvs_tree[] = array('id' => $id, 'cls' => $cls, 'iconCls' => 'task', 'text' => $elem, 'pv' => $pvdevice, 'size' => $size, 'prettysize' => $pretty_size, 'singleClickExpand' => true, 'type' => 'dev-pv', 'qtip' => $qtip, 'leaf' => true);
         $id = $vg->getVg();
         $vgid = $vg->getId();
         $qtip = '';
         $cls = 'vg';
         $pretty_size = $size = $vg->getSize();
         $free_size = $vg->getFreesize();
         $expanded = empty($pvs_tree) ? true : false;
         $type = $vg->getStorageType();
         $is_DiskVG = $id == sfConfig::get('app_volgroup_disk_flag') ? 1 : 0;
         if ($is_DiskVG) {
             $type = 'file';
         /* TODO improve this
         if ($vg->getInconsistent()) {
             $qtip .= ' [INCONSISTENT]';
             $cls = 'vg-inc';
         $inuse = $vg->hasLogicalVolumesInUse();
         $volumes[] = array('id' => $id, 'expanded' => $expanded, 'vgid' => $vgid, 'iconCls' => 'devices-folder', 'cls' => $cls, 'text' => $id, 'type' => $type, 'size' => $size, 'prettysize' => $pretty_size, 'freesize' => $free_size, 'singleClickExpand' => true, 'qtip' => $qtip, 'children' => $pvs_tree, 'inuse' => $inuse);
     if (empty($volumes)) {
         $msg_i18n = $this->getContext()->getI18N()->__('No data found');
         $volumes[] = array('expanded' => true, 'text' => $msg_i18n, 'qtip' => $msg_i18n, 'leaf' => true);
     $return = json_encode($volumes);
     $this->getResponse()->setHttpHeader('Content-type', 'application/json');
     return $this->renderText($return);