<?php /* Example print-outs using the older bit image print command */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../Escpos.php"; $printer = new Escpos(); try { $tux = new EscposImage("resources/tux.png"); $printer->text("These example images are printed with the older\nbit image print command. You should only use\n\$p -> bitImage() if \$p -> graphics() does not\nwork on your printer.\n\n"); $printer->bitImage($tux); $printer->text("Regular Tux (bit image).\n"); $printer->feed(); $printer->bitImage($tux, Escpos::IMG_DOUBLE_WIDTH); $printer->text("Wide Tux (bit image).\n"); $printer->feed(); $printer->bitImage($tux, Escpos::IMG_DOUBLE_HEIGHT); $printer->text("Tall Tux (bit image).\n"); $printer->feed(); $printer->bitImage($tux, Escpos::IMG_DOUBLE_WIDTH | Escpos::IMG_DOUBLE_HEIGHT); $printer->text("Large Tux in correct proportion (bit image).\n"); } catch (Exception $e) { /* Images not supported on your PHP, or image file not found */ $printer->text($e->getMessage() . "\n"); } $printer->cut(); $printer->close();
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $rootPath = $this->getContainer()->get('kernel')->getRootDir() . '/../'; require_once $rootPath . 'vendor/mike42/escpos-php/Escpos.php'; $imagePath = $rootPath . 'resources/elephant-256x256.png'; $img = new \EscposImage($imagePath); $connector = new \FilePrintConnector('/dev/usb/lp0'); $printer = new \Escpos($connector); $printer->initialize(); $printer->text('*************************\\n'); $printer->text('Un petit elephant'); $printer->feed(2); $printer->bitImage($img); $printer->feed(2); $printer->text('*************************\\n'); /* Always close the printer! On some PrintConnectors, no actual * data is sent until the printer is closed. */ $printer->close(); return 0; }
$source = "http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ESC/P"; $width = 550; $dest = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'escpos') . ".png"; $cmd = sprintf("wkhtmltoimage -n -q --width %s %s %s", escapeshellarg($width), escapeshellarg($source), escapeshellarg($dest)); /* Run wkhtmltoimage */ ob_start(); system($cmd); // Can also use popen() for better control of process $outp = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if (!file_exists($dest)) { throw new Exception("Command {$cmd} failed: {$outp}"); } /* Load up the image */ try { $img = new EscposImage($dest); } catch (Exception $e) { unlink($dest); throw $e; } unlink($dest); /* Print it */ $printer = new Escpos(); // Add connector for your printer here. $printer->bitImage($img); // bitImage() seems to allow larger images than graphics() on the TM-T20. $printer->cut(); $printer->close(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); }
function printer() { // Create QR code in temp file, and print it. $tmpfname = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "escpos-php"); $tmpfname .= ".png"; $url = "http://www.baidu.com"; QRcode::png($url, $tmpfname, 'L', 5, 0); $img = new EscposImage($tmpfname); // Load image //$connector = new NetworkPrintConnector("", 9100); $connector = new FilePrintConnector("/dev/usb/lp0"); // Add connector to your printer here $printer = new Escpos($connector); $printer->bitImage($img); $printer->text($url . "\n"); $printer->feed(); $printer->cut(); $printer->close(); }
$logo = new EscposImage("resources/escpos-php.png"); $imgModes = array(Escpos::IMG_DEFAULT, Escpos::IMG_DOUBLE_WIDTH, Escpos::IMG_DOUBLE_HEIGHT, Escpos::IMG_DOUBLE_WIDTH | Escpos::IMG_DOUBLE_HEIGHT); foreach ($imgModes as $mode) { $printer->graphics($logo, $mode); } } catch (Exception $e) { /* Images not supported on your PHP, or image file not found */ $printer->text($e->getMessage() . "\n"); } $printer->cut(); /* Bit image */ try { $logo = new EscposImage("resources/escpos-php.png"); $imgModes = array(Escpos::IMG_DEFAULT, Escpos::IMG_DOUBLE_WIDTH, Escpos::IMG_DOUBLE_HEIGHT, Escpos::IMG_DOUBLE_WIDTH | Escpos::IMG_DOUBLE_HEIGHT); foreach ($imgModes as $mode) { $printer->bitImage($logo, $mode); } } catch (Exception $e) { /* Images not supported on your PHP, or image file not found */ $printer->text($e->getMessage() . "\n"); } $printer->cut(); /* QR Code - see also the more in-depth demo at qr-code.php */ $testStr = "Testing 123"; $models = array(Escpos::QR_MODEL_1 => "QR Model 1", Escpos::QR_MODEL_2 => "QR Model 2 (default)", Escpos::QR_MICRO => "Micro QR code\n(not supported on all printers)"); foreach ($models as $model => $name) { $printer->qrCode($testStr, Escpos::QR_ECLEVEL_L, 3, $model); $printer->text("{$name}\n"); $printer->feed(); } $printer->cut();
</tr> <?php } //send info to printer for printing vouchers. require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/escpos/Escpos.php"; $connector = null; $connector = new WindowsPrintConnector($printername); $printer = new Escpos($connector); /* Initialize Printer */ $printer->initialize(); $printer->setJustification(Escpos::JUSTIFY_CENTER); $printer->setTextSize(2, 2); $printer->text("WIFI HOTSPOT\n"); $logo = new EscposImage("escpos/escposlogo.png"); $printer->bitImage($logo); $printer->setTextSize(1, 1); $printer->text("\nNOTE: Each code valid for one\n"); $printer->text("device only.\n\n"); $printer->text("Download Speed " . $downloadspeed . " kbps\n"); $printer->text("Upload Speed " . $uploadspeed . " kbps\n"); $printer->text("Quota " . $quota . " MB\n"); $printer->text("\n"); $printer->setTextSize(2, 2); $printer->text($voucherstring . "\n"); $printer->text("Usable One Time\n\n"); $printer->setTextSize(1, 2); $printer->text("Valid For " . $_POST['length'] . " " . $unitlength . " From Login\n\n"); $printer->setTextSize(1, 1); $printer->text("Connect to Hotspot\n"); $printer->text("'" . $ssid . "'\n");
public static function pwresetReceipt(AccountOwner_model $owner, $password) { if (!isset(self::$conf['ip']) || self::$conf['ip'] == "") { return false; } try { $connector = new NetworkPrintConnector(self::$conf['ip'], self::$conf['port']); $profile = SimpleCapabilityProfile::getInstance(); $printer = new Escpos($connector, $profile); /* Header */ $printer->setJustification(Escpos::JUSTIFY_CENTER); if (isset(self::$conf['logo']) && file_exists(self::$conf['logo'])) { try { /* Include top image if set & available */ $logofile = self::$conf['logo']; $ser = $logofile . ".ser"; if (file_exists($ser)) { $img = unserialize(file_get_contents($ser)); } else { $img = new EscposImage($logofile); @file_put_contents($ser, serialize($img)); // Attempt to cache } $printer->bitImage($img); } catch (Exception $e) { trigger_error($e->getMessage()); } } $printer->setEmphasis(true); $printer->text(self::$conf['header'] . "\n"); $printer->setEmphasis(false); $printer->feed(); $printer->text("User Account Information\n"); $printer->feed(2); $printer->setJustification(Escpos::JUSTIFY_LEFT); /* User info */ $barcode = ""; $seen = array(); $printer->text("User Account:\n " . $owner->owner_firstname . " " . $owner->owner_surname . "\n\n"); $printer->text("Login name(s):\n"); foreach ($owner->list_Account as $acct) { if (!isset($seen[$acct->account_login])) { $printer->text(" " . $acct->account_login . "\n"); $seen[$acct->account_login] = true; if (is_numeric($acct->account_login) && ($barcode == "" || strlen($acct->account_login) < strlen($barcode))) { $barcode = $acct->account_login; } } } $printer->feed(); $printer->text("Password:\n {$password}\n"); $printer->feed(2); /* Footer */ $printer->text(self::$conf['footer'] . "\n"); $printer->feed(); /* Barcode */ if ($barcode != "") { $printer->setJustification(Escpos::JUSTIFY_CENTER); $printer->barcode($barcode, Escpos::BARCODE_CODE39); $printer->feed(); $printer->text($barcode); $printer->feed(1); $printer->setJustification(Escpos::JUSTIFY_LEFT); } $printer->cut(); $printer->close(); } catch (Exception $e) { trigger_error($e->getMessage()); // Should be logged some-place for troubleshooting. return false; } }