예제 #1
 public function getError($exception, $code)
     // for local testing and getting error emails just make not sign remove, i.e: if(Config::get('app.debug'))
     if (!Config::get('app.debug')) {
         // From where user is coming
         $previous_url = URL::previous();
         //The above one is for Laravel, you can use this also in PHP projects $previous_url = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
         //User IP address
         $ip = Request::getClientIp();
         //The above one is for Laravel, you can use this also in PHP projects $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
         // Get requested URL, Date and Time.
         $url = Request::url();
         $now = new DateTime();
         $errorDate = date_format($now, 'l, d-M-Y => H:i:s T');
         // Getting browser Info from models/Error404 class.
         $browserInfo = Error404::getBrowser();
         $browserName = $browserInfo['name'];
         $browserVersion = $browserInfo['version'];
         $platform = $browserInfo['platform'];
         // Getting Location Info passing the ip address to the function in models/Error404 class.
         $ipInfo = Error404::getIp($ip);
         $country = $ipInfo['country'];
         $state = $ipInfo['state'];
         $town = $ipInfo['town'];
         //generate more Info in mail-subject, for example for multiple web sites you can change MY Web to the name of your web
         $subject = 'My Web Error : ';
         // Log the info if you want to...
         Log::info("###### My Web ERROR ######");
         Log::info("IP: {$ip}");
         Log::info("URL: {$url}");
         Log::info("Date and Time: {$errorDate}");
         Log::info("Browser Name/Version: {$browserName} / {$browserVersion}");
         Log::info("Visitor's Country, State and City: {$country}, {$state}, {$town}");
         Log::info("Visitor coming from: {$previous_url}");
         Log::info("###### !ERROR ######\n");
         //Creating the final message to send via E-mail to web-admin
         $message = "###### ERROR ###### <br/>\n            Error Code: <b>{$code}</b> <br/>\n            IP: {$ip} <br/>\n            URL: {$url} <br/>\n            Date and Time: {$errorDate} <br/>\n            Browser Name/Version: {$browserName} / {$browserVersion} <br/>\n            Operating System: {$platform} <br/>\n            Visitor's Country, State and City: {$country}, {$state}, {$town}  .<br/>\n            Visitor coming from: {$previous_url} <br/>";
         if ($code != 404) {
             $message .= "Exeption:<br/>{$exception}<br/>";
             $subject .= " php_error : {$code}";
         } else {
             $subject .= ' Route missing';
         $message .= "###### !ERROR ######";
         // Sending Error Report via E-mail -> Please edit this and enter your email receiving and sending e-mail address
         try {
             Mail::send('emails.error_email', array('var' => $message), function ($message) use($subject) {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
         $headline = "OOPS! YOU DON'T WANT TO BE HERE";
         // $headline is the line you want to display on the page.
         // Finally after reciving error email and loging the information show the HTML page to user you created for end-user.
         return View::make('view/error')->withCode($code)->withHeadline($headline);
     //Closing of if(app.debug)
예제 #2

namespace Pages;

require __DIR__ . '../../../core/initialize.php';
class Error404 extends \PageHelper
    public $strTemplate = "Error404.html5.twig";
    public function run()
        $view = $this->template->render($this->arrayTemplate);
$class = new Error404();