public function testSetWithMethodsAsk() { $queryString = ' ASK WHERE { ?comment <> ?resource. ?comment a <>. ?comment <> ?author. ?comment <> ?content. ?comment <> ?date. } ORDER BY DESC(?date) LIMIT 6'; $queryObject = new Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery(); $queryObject->setAsk(); $queryObject->setWherePart('WHERE { ?comment <> ?resource. ?comment a <>. ?comment <> ?author. ?comment <> ?content. ?comment <> ?date. }'); $queryObject->setOrderClause('DESC(?date)'); $queryObject->setLimit(6); $this->assertQueryEquals($queryString, (string) $queryObject); $this->assertEquals(true, $queryObject->isAsk()); $this->assertEquals(null, $queryObject->getSelectClause()); }
public function serializeGraphToString($graphUri, $pretty = false, $useAc = true) { $triples = array(); $store = Erfurt_App::getInstance()->getStore(); require_once 'Erfurt/Sparql/SimpleQuery.php'; $sparql = new Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery(); $sparql->setProloguePart('SELECT ?s ?p ?o'); $sparql->addFrom($graphUri); $sparql->setWherePart('WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }'); $sparql->setOrderClause('?s ?p ?o'); $sparql->setLimit(1000); $offset = 0; while (true) { $sparql->setOffset($offset); $result = $store->sparqlQuery($sparql, array('result_format' => 'extended', 'use_owl_imports' => false, 'use_additional_imports' => false, 'use_ac' => $useAc)); $counter = 0; foreach ($result['results']['bindings'] as $stm) { $s = $stm['s']['value']; $p = $stm['p']['value']; $o = $stm['o']; if (!isset($triples["{$s}"])) { $triples["{$s}"] = array(); } if (!isset($triples["{$s}"]["{$p}"])) { $triples["{$s}"]["{$p}"] = array(); } if ($o['type'] === 'typed-literal') { $triples["{$s}"]["{$p}"][] = array('type' => 'literal', 'value' => $o['value'], 'datatype' => $o['datatype']); } else { if ($o['type'] === 'typed-literal') { $oArray = array('type' => 'literal', 'value' => $o['value']); if (isset($o['xml:lang'])) { $oArray['lang'] = $o['xml:lang']; } $triples["{$s}"]["{$p}"][] = $oArray; } else { $triples["{$s}"]["{$p}"][] = array('type' => $o['type'], 'value' => $o['value']); } } $counter++; } if ($counter < 1000) { break; } $offset += 1000; } return json_encode($triples); }
public function onPropertiesActionTemplate($event) { $store = Erfurt_App::getInstance()->getStore(); $config = Erfurt_App::getInstance()->getConfig(); $model = $event->model; $graph = $event->graph; $resource = $event->resource; $predicates = $model->getPredicates(); $description = $resource->getDescription(); if ($this->_privateConfig->template->restrictive) { foreach ($description as $resource) { if (isset($resource[EF_RDF_TYPE])) { $type = $resource[EF_RDF_TYPE][0]['value']; } else { return false; } } $query = new Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery(); $query->setProloguePart('PREFIX erm: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?uri'); $query->addFrom((string) $event->graph); $query->setWherePart('{?template a <' . $this->_template . '> . ?template erm:providesProperty ?uri . ?template erm:bindsClass <' . $type . '> . } '); $query->setLimit('20'); $result = $store->sparqlQuery($query); } if (!empty($result)) { // flatten Array and flip keys with values to use array_intersect_key $result = array_map(function ($x) { return array_flip($x); }, $result); // FIXME Find a method to add standard properties which will be // displayed by default $result[] = array(EF_RDF_TYPE => "bla"); $result[] = array(EF_RDFS_LABEL => "bla"); $newResult = array(); foreach ($result as $newKey => $newValue) { $newResult = array_merge($newResult, $newValue); } $matched = array_intersect_key($predicates[(string) $graph], $newResult); $matched = array((string) $graph => $matched); $event->predicates = $matched; } else { return false; } return true; }
/** * Searches for properties in the local database. * * @param array $termsArray * @param string $modelUri * @param int $limit * * @return array */ private function _searchLocalPropertiesOnly(array $termsArray, $modelUri, $limit) { require_once 'Erfurt/Sparql/SimpleQuery.php'; $query = new Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery(); $query->setProloguePart('SELECT DISTINCT ?uri ?o'); if (null !== $modelUri) { $query->addFrom($modelUri); } $where = '{ { ?uri ?p ?o . ?uri <' . EF_RDF_TYPE . '> ?o2 . FILTER ( sameTerm(?o2, <>) || sameTerm(?o2, <>) || sameTerm(?o2, <>) ) FILTER (('; $uriRegexFilter = array(); foreach ($termsArray as $t) { $uriRegexFilter[] = 'regex(str(?uri), "' . $t . '", "i")'; } $where .= implode(' && ', $uriRegexFilter) . ') || (isLiteral(?o) && '; $oRegexFilter = array(); foreach ($termsArray as $t) { $oRegexFilter[] = 'regex(?o, "' . $t . '", "i")'; } $where .= implode(' && ', $oRegexFilter) . ')) } UNION {'; $where .= '?s ?uri ?o . FILTER ('; $where .= implode(' && ', $uriRegexFilter) . ') } }'; $query->setWherePart($where); $query->setOrderClause('?uri'); $query->setLimit($limit); $store = Erfurt_App::getInstance()->getStore(); $queryResult = $store->sparqlQuery($query, array('result_format' => 'extended')); $tempResult = array(); foreach ($queryResult['results']['bindings'] as $row) { if ($row['o']['type'] === 'literal') { $weight = $this->_getWeight($termsArray, $row['uri']['value'], $row['o']['value']); } else { $weight = $this->_getWeight($termsArray, $row['uri']['value']); } if (isset($tempResult[$row['uri']['value']])) { if ($weight > $tempResult[$row['uri']['value']]) { $tempResult[$row['uri']['value']] = $weight; } } else { $tempResult[$row['uri']['value']] = $weight; } } arsort($tempResult); require_once 'OntoWiki/Model/TitleHelper.php'; require_once 'OntoWiki/Utils.php'; if (null !== $modelUri) { $model = $store->getModel($modelUri, false); $titleHelper = new OntoWiki_Model_TitleHelper($model); } else { $titleHelper = new OntoWiki_Model_TitleHelper(); } $titleHelper->addResources(array_keys($tempResult)); $translate = $this->_owApp->translate; $result = array(); foreach ($tempResult as $uri => $w) { $title = $titleHelper->getTitle($uri); if (null !== $title) { $result[$uri] = str_replace('|', 'Ι', $title) . '|' . $uri . '|' . $translate->_('Local Search'); } else { $result[$uri] = OntoWiki_Utils::compactUri($uri) . $uri . '|' . $translate->_('Local Search'); } } return $result; }
protected function _serializeResource($resource, $useAc = true, $level = 0) { require_once 'Erfurt/Sparql/SimpleQuery.php'; $query = new Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery(); $query->setProloguePart('SELECT ?s ?p ?o'); $query->addFrom($this->_graphUri); $query->setWherePart('WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . FILTER (sameTerm(?s, <' . $resource . '>))}'); $query->setOrderClause('?s ?p ?o'); $query->setLimit(1000); $offset = 0; $bnObjects = array(); while (true) { $query->setOffset($offset); $result = $this->_store->sparqlQuery($query, array('result_format' => 'extended', 'use_owl_imports' => false, 'use_additional_imports' => false, 'use_ac' => $useAc)); foreach ($result['results']['bindings'] as $row) { $s = $row['s']['value']; $p = $row['p']['value']; $o = $row['o']['value']; $sType = $row['s']['type']; $oType = $row['o']['type']; $lang = isset($row['o']['xml:lang']) ? $row['o']['xml:lang'] : null; $dType = isset($row['o']['datatype']) ? $row['o']['datatype'] : null; if ($oType === 'bnode') { $bnObjects[] = substr($o, 2); } $this->_handleStatement($s, $p, $o, $sType, $oType, $lang, $dType); } if (count($result['results']['bindings']) < 1000) { break; } $offset += 1000; } $this->_forceWrite(); // SCBD -> Write Bnodes, too if ($level <= 10) { foreach ($bnObjects as $bn) { $this->_serializeResource($bn, $useAc, $level + 1); } } // We only return SCBD of the TOP resource... if ($level > 0) { return; } // SCBD: Do the same for all Resources, that have the resource as object $query = new Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery(); $query->setProloguePart('SELECT ?s ?p ?o'); $query->addFrom($this->_graphUri); $query->setWherePart('WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . ?s ?p2 ?o2 . FILTER (sameTerm(?o2, <' . $resource . '>)) }'); $query->setOrderClause('?s ?p ?o'); $query->setLimit(1000); $offset = 0; $bnObjects = array(); while (true) { $query->setOffset($offset); $result = $this->_store->sparqlQuery($query, array('result_format' => 'extended', 'use_owl_imports' => false, 'use_additional_imports' => false, 'use_ac' => $useAc)); foreach ($result['results']['bindings'] as $row) { $s = $row['s']['value']; $p = $row['p']['value']; $o = $row['o']['value']; $sType = $row['s']['type']; $oType = $row['o']['type']; $lang = isset($row['o']['xml:lang']) ? $row['o']['xml:lang'] : null; $dType = isset($row['o']['datatype']) ? $row['o']['datatype'] : null; if ($oType === 'bnode') { $bnObjects[] = substr($o, 2); } $this->_handleStatement($s, $p, $o, $sType, $oType, $lang, $dType); } if (count($result['results']['bindings']) < 1000) { break; } $offset += 1000; } $this->_forceWrite(); // SCBD -> Write Bnodes, too if ($level <= 10) { foreach ($bnObjects as $bn) { $this->_serializeResource($bn, $useAc, $level + 1); } } }