예제 #1
  * Adds a page to the beginning of the book to display the cover page. uses the book_cover field from the books
  * table to determine the image file
  * @return string path to cover image. Relative in S3, absolute locally
 public function setCoverImage()
     $book = $this->bookData->getBookItem();
     $coverSource = trim($book['ChChaucerBook']['book_cover']);
     $path = '';
     if (strlen($coverSource) > 0) {
         CakeLog::debug('[ImportProcessor::addCoverPageImage] Book ' . $book['ChChaucerBook']['book_id'] . ' has cover image: ' . $coverSource);
         $path = $this->epub->addCoverImage(Folder::addPathElement(Configure::read('Chaucer.sourceDir'), $coverSource));
         $book['ChChaucerBook']['book_cover'] = $coverSource;
         return $this->epub->epubRoot() . $path;
     return '';