예제 #1
  * Replace parts into the form template.
  * @param array $matches The matches found which preg_replace_callback is calling us for.
  * @return string What we want to replace this match with.
 function ReplaceEditorPart($matches)
     global $session;
     // $matches[0] is the complete match
     switch ($matches[0]) {
         case "##form##":
             /** @todo It might be nice to construct a form ID */
             return sprintf('<form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="editor" id="%s">', $this->Id);
         case "##submit##":
             $action = $this->RecordAvailable ? 'update' : 'insert';
             $submittype = $this->RecordAvailable ? translate('Apply Changes') : translate('Create');
             return sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="_editor_action[%s]" value="%s"><input type="submit" class="submit" name="%s" value="%s">', $this->Id, $action, $this->SubmitName, $submittype);
     // $matches[1] the match for the first subpattern
     // enclosed in '(...)' and so on
     $field_name = $matches[1];
     $what_part = $matches[3];
     $part3 = isset($matches[5]) ? $matches[5] : null;
     $value_field_name = $field_name;
     if (substr($field_name, 0, 4) == 'xxxx') {
         // Sometimes we will prepend 'xxxx' to the field name so that the field
         // name differs from the column name in the database.  We also remove it
         // when it's submitted.
         $value_field_name = substr($field_name, 4);
     $attributes = "";
     if (isset($this->Fields[$field_name]) && is_object($this->Fields[$field_name])) {
         $field = $this->Fields[$field_name];
         $attributes = $field->RenderAttributes();
     $field_value = isset($this->Record->{$value_field_name}) ? $this->Record->{$value_field_name} : null;
     switch ($what_part) {
         case "options":
             $currval = $part3;
             if (!isset($currval) && isset($field_value)) {
                 $currval = $field_value;
             if (isset($field->OptionList) && $field->OptionList != "") {
                 $option_list = $field->OptionList;
             } else {
                 @dbg_error_log('editor', "DBG: Current=%s, OptionQuery: %s", $currval, $field->LookupSql);
                 $opt_qry = new AwlQuery($field->LookupSql);
                 $option_list = EntryField::BuildOptionList($opt_qry, $currval, "FieldOptions: {$field_name}");
                 $field->OptionList = $option_list;
             return $option_list;
         case "select":
             $currval = $part3;
             if (!isset($currval) && isset($field_value)) {
                 $currval = $field_value;
             if (isset($field->OptionList) && $field->OptionList != "") {
                 $option_list = $field->OptionList;
             } else {
                 @dbg_error_log('editor', 'DBG: Current=%s, OptionQuery: %s', $currval, $field->LookupSql);
                 $opt_qry = new AwlQuery($field->LookupSql);
                 $option_list = EntryField::BuildOptionList($opt_qry, $currval, 'FieldOptions: ' . $field_name);
                 $field->OptionList = $option_list;
             return '<select class="entry" name="' . $field_name . '"' . $attributes . '>' . $option_list . '</select>';
         case "checkbox":
             if ($field_value === true) {
                 $checked = ' CHECKED';
             } else {
                 switch ($field_value) {
                     case 'f':
                     case 'off':
                     case 'false':
                     case '':
                     case '0':
                         $checked = "";
                         $checked = ' CHECKED';
             return '<input type="hidden" value="off" name="' . $field_name . '"><input class="entry" type="checkbox" value="on" name="' . $field_name . '"' . $checked . $attributes . '>';
         case "input":
             $size = isset($part3) ? $part3 : 6;
             return "<input class=\"entry\" value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($field_value) . "\" name=\"{$field_name}\" size=\"{$size}\"{$attributes}>";
         case "file":
             $size = isset($part3) ? $part3 : 30;
             return "<input type=\"file\" class=\"entry\" value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($field_value) . "\" name=\"{$field_name}\" size=\"{$size}\"{$attributes}>";
         case "money":
             $size = isset($part3) ? $part3 : 8;
             return "<input class=\"money\" value=\"" . htmlspecialchars(sprintf("%0.2lf", $field_value)) . "\" name=\"{$field_name}\" size=\"{$size}\"{$attributes}>";
         case "date":
             $size = isset($part3) ? $part3 : 10;
             return "<input class=\"date\" value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($field_value) . "\" name=\"{$field_name}\" size=\"{$size}\"{$attributes}>";
         case "textarea":
             list($cols, $rows) = explode('x', $part3);
             return "<textarea class=\"entry\" name=\"{$field_name}\" rows=\"{$rows}\" cols=\"{$cols}\"{$attributes}>" . htmlspecialchars($field_value) . "</textarea>";
         case "hidden":
             return sprintf("<input type=\"hidden\" value=\"%s\" name=\"{$field_name}\">", htmlspecialchars($field_value));
         case "password":
             return sprintf("<input type=\"password\" value=\"%s\" name=\"{$field_name}\" size=\"10\">", htmlspecialchars($part3));
         case "encval":
         case "enc":
             return htmlspecialchars($field_value);
         case "submit":
             $action = $this->RecordAvailable ? 'update' : 'insert';
             return sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="_editor_action[%s]" value="%s"><input type="submit" class="submit" name="%s" value="%s">', $this->Id, $action, $this->SubmitName, $value_field_name);
             return str_replace("\n", "<br />", $field_value);
예제 #2
  * A utility function for a submit button within a data entry table
  * @return string The HTML fragment to display a submit button for the form.
 function SubmitButton($fname, $fvalue, $attributes = '')
     $field = new EntryField('submit', $fname, $this->_ParseAttributes('submit', $attributes), $fvalue);
     return $field->Render();