public function show($groupName) { $group = Group::name($groupName)->with('creator')->firstOrFail(); $group->checkAccess(); $stats = ['contents' => intval(Content::where('group_id', $group->getKey())->count()), 'comments' => intval(Content::where('group_id', $group->getKey())->sum('comments')), 'entries' => intval(Entry::where('group_id', $group->getKey())->count()), 'banned' => intval(GroupBanned::where('group_id', $group->getKey())->count()), 'subscribers' => $group->subscribers, 'moderators' => intval(GroupModerator::where('group_id', $group->getKey())->count())]; return array_merge($group->toArray(), ['stats' => $stats]); }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return void */ public function fire() { $x = 1; foreach (Group::all() as $group) { $contents = Content::where('group_id', $group->getKey())->count(); $entries = Entry::where('group_id', $group->getKey())->count(); $total = $contents + $entries; // Default activity is medium = 2 $group->activity = 2; // Low activity, when nothing was added last week if ($total == 0) { $group->activity = 1; } if ($total > 15) { $group->activity = 3; } if ($total > 50) { $group->activity = 4; } $group->save(); if (!($x % 100)) { $this->info($x . ' groups processed'); } $x++; } $this->info('All groups processed'); }
protected function isValidSlug() { $slugs = Entry::where('slug', '=', $this->data['slug'])->first(); if ($slugs > 0) { return; } else { $this->data['slug'] = $this->data['slug'] . $slugs; } }
/** * Updates the admin entry. */ public function updateEntry() { $input = Input::all(); $entry = Entry::where('email', 'admin')->first(); if ($entry) { $entry->update($input); $entry->save(); } return Redirect::route('admin.index')->withInfo('Admin entry saved.'); }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $logbook_id * @return Response */ public function show($logbook_id) { try { $logbook = Logbook::findOrFail($logbook_id); $entries = Entry::where('logbook_id', $logbook_id)->orderBy('finished_at', 'desc')->orderBy('started_at', 'desc')->paginate(10); return View::make('', array('logbook' => $logbook, 'entries' => $entries)); } catch (ModelNotFoundException $e) { return Redirect::to(route('logbooks.index'))->with('message', ['content' => 'Logboek niet gevonden!', 'class' => 'danger']); } }
public function showAsAuthor($token) { $entry = Entry::where('token', '=', $token)->first(); if ($entry) { $positiveVotes = $entry->upVotes(); $negativeVotes = $entry->downVotes(); return View::make('')->with('entry', $entry)->with('votes_count', $entry->votes()->count())->with('positiveVotes', $positiveVotes)->with('negativeVotes', $negativeVotes)->with('is_author', true); } else { App::abort(404); } }
public static function create($entry_id, $entry_type, $privacy) { $entry = Entry::where('entry_id', $entry_id)->where('type', $entry_type)->get()->first(); if ($entry->count() > 0) { $entry->entry_id = $entry_id; $entry->type = $entry_type; $entry->privacy = $privacy; return $entry->save(); } else { return false; } }
private function getViewProfileDatas($user_id) { $privacy = Privacy::where('name', "Công khai")->get()->first(); $datas = array(); if (FEUsersHelper::isCurrentUser($user_id)) { $entries = Entry::where('user_id', $user_id)->orderBy('updated_at', 'DESC')->paginate($this->entries_per_page); $left_albums = Album::where('user_id', $user_id)->orderBy('updated_at', 'DESC')->get(); } else { $entries = Entry::where('user_id', $user_id)->where('privacy', $privacy->id)->orderBy('updated_at', 'DESC')->paginate($this->entries_per_page); $left_albums = Album::where('user_id', $user_id)->where('privacy', 1)->orderBy('updated_at', 'DESC')->get(); } return array("entries" => $entries, "left_albums" => $left_albums); }
/** * Calculates the score for this entry. */ public function calculateScore() { // Start with the group matches $score = $this->calculateMatchPredictionsScore(); $admin_entry = Entry::where('email', 'admin')->first(); if ($admin_entry) { $score = $score + $this->calculateGroupPredictionsScore($admin_entry); $score = $score + $this->calculateFinalEightScore($admin_entry); $score = $score + $this->calculateFinalFourScore($admin_entry); $score = $score + $this->calculateFinalTwoScore($admin_entry); $score = $score + $this->calculateWinnerScore($admin_entry); } $this->score = $score; $this->save(); }
public function requeue_deadbeats() { dd("Don't run me yet, I'm not ready."); foreach (Entry::where('file_sha', null)->where('is_dir', 0)->get() as $entry) { $data = ['action' => 'create', 'entry' => $entry->toArray()]; if (!$stored_entry->is_dir) { Queue::push('FileHandlerController@create', $data, $this->file_queue_id); } } }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function destroy($id) { $entry = Entry::where('entid', '=', $id)->with('section')->get(); //dd($entry[0]); // does user have access? if ($entry[0]->uid != $this->user->uid) { return Response::json(array('status' => false, 'errors' => array('total' => 'You are not authorized to delete this entry.')), 400); } //dd($entry[0]); if (Entry::delete_entry($id)) { if ($entry[0]->type == 100) { // SPECIAL CASE; deleting a monthly reset. $tmp = []; foreach ($entry[0]->section as $es) { $tmp['balance'] = $es->amount; DB::table('user_categories')->where('ucid', $es->ucid)->update($tmp); } return Response::json(array('success' => true), 200); } // first do reverse math on entry // fun stuff; if its a cc entry we're reversing, gotta be funky because I am a moron and did the // stupid ucid = 0 for everyones bank instead of just having an extra row for each user. $is_add = 0; if ($entry[0]->type == 50 || $entry[0]->type == 10 && $entry[0]->paid_to == 0) { $is_add = 1; } $this->do_the_math($id, $entry[0]->paid_to, $entry[0]->total_amount, $entry[0]->purchase_date, $is_add, 0, 1); // Then for each entry section foreach ($entry[0]->section as $es) { $this->do_the_math($id, $es->ucid, $es->amount, $entry[0]->purchase_date, 1, 0, 1, $es->paid_from, $entry[0]->type); } return Response::json(array('success' => true), 200); } else { return Response::json(array('status' => false, 'errors' => array('total' => 'There was a problem deleting this entry.')), 400); } }
public function archive($date) { $entries = Entry::where('created_at', '>=', $date)->where('created_at', '<=', $date . ' 23:59:59')->where('user_id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->get(); $totalCalories = 0; $totalFats = 0; $totalCarbs = 0; $totalProteins = 0; foreach ($entries as $entry) { $totalCalories += $entry->calories; $totalFats += $entry->fats; $totalCarbs += $entry->carbohydrates; $totalProteins += $entry->proteins; } return View::make('entries.index')->with(compact('entries'))->with(compact('totalCalories'))->with(compact('totalFats'))->with(compact('totalCarbs'))->with(compact('totalProteins')); }
public function search($value) { return Response::json(Entry::where('name', 'LIKE', "%{$value}%")->get()); }
/** * Confirms an entry to make it visible on the scoreboard. */ public function confirm($confirmation) { $entry = Entry::where('confirmation', $confirmation)->first(); if ($entry) { $entry->confirmation = null; $entry->save(); return View::make('entry.confirm'); } return Redirect::route('entry.index')->withMessage("Sorry, the entry could not be confirmed."); }
public function results() { $matches = Match::all(); $admin_entry = Entry::where('email', 'admin')->first(); return View::make('results')->with('matches', $matches)->with('entry', $admin_entry); }
public function getEntry() { return Entry::where('entry_id', $this->id)->where('type', 3)->get()->first(); }
/** * Display the specified resource. * GET /entries/{slug} * * @param string $slug * @return Response */ public function show($slug) { $entry = Entry::where('slug', '=', $slug)->first(); return View::make('', compact(['entry'])); }