예제 #1
 * Hide error messages in production environment
if (Kohana::$environment === Kohana::PRODUCTION) {
    error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_STRICT ^ E_DEPRECATED);
 * Cookie configuration
foreach ($bootstrap['cookie'] as $key => $value) {
    Cookie::${$key} = $value;
 * Encrypt configuration, set default algorithm
Encrypt::$default = $bootstrap['encrypt'];
 * Initialize Kohana, setting the default options.
 * Attach the file write to logging. Multiple writers are supported.
Kohana::$log->attach(new Log_File(APPPATH . 'logs'));
 * Attach a file reader to config. Multiple readers are supported.
Kohana::$config->attach(new Config_File());
 * Enable modules. Modules are referenced by a relative or absolute path.