예제 #1
 public function method()
     //notify SANS Exposure Staff
     $message = $_POST['name'] . " wants to buy using Cash On Delivery <br/>";
     $message = $message . "Preffered mode of communication to complete transaction is " . $_POST['method'] . "<br/>";
     $message = $message . "Items selected: " . $_POST['items'] . " worth " . $_POST['ammount'] . "<br/>";
     $message = $message . "Contact Details: Phone:" . $_POST['phone'] . " Email:" . $_POST['email'] . "<br/>";
     $useremail = $_POST['email'];
     $list = array('*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**');
     $sendGrid = new Email_Assistant();
     $sendGrid->send_email('*****@*****.**', 'Sans Exposure Sales Team', $list, 'Cash On Delivery Notification', $message);
     //notify the customer
     $message = "<img src='http://sans.co.zw/uiux/img/logo.png' alt='SANS Exposure Logo'/><br/>\n                Dear " . $_POST['name'] . " <br/>\n                Thank you for choosing to purchase using Cash on Delivery from SANS Exosure.\n                At SANS Exposure we are always looking to improve our business, customer relations and \n                your overal online shopping experience. We hope that you found it simple & fun shopping\n                online with us.<br/>\n                \n                We would appreciate it a great deal if you took just a few seconds to rate your online shopping \n                experience with us, by replying to this email with a simple 'Awesome :)' or 'Terrible :('.\n\n                Thank you for shopping with us.<br/>\n                We value your continued support.<br/>\n                https://www.sans.co.zw/";
     $sendGrid->send_email('*****@*****.**', 'Sans Exposure Sales Team', $_POST['email'], 'Cash On Delivery Purchase', $message);
     $this->session->set_userdata('stage', 4);
     $this->session->set_userdata('cod_msg', "We are processing your order and we will get back to you directly in a flash. Thank you for shopping with SANS Exposure, we appreciate your continued support.");
예제 #2
 private function _notifyCustomerViaEmailOrder($transactionRefference)
     $table_name = "paynow";
     $condition = array('reference' => $transactionRefference);
     $limit = 1;
     $data = $this->app_model->get_all_where($table_name, $condition, $limit);
     $row = $data->row_array();
     $person = $this->app_model->get_all_where("customers", array('email' => $row['customer']), 1);
     $info = $person->row_array();
     $message = "\n                <img src='http://sans.co.zw/uiux/img/logo.png' alt='SANS Exposure Logo'/><br/>\n                Dear " . $info['fname'] . " " . $info['sname'] . " <br/>\n                This is to notify that Invoice #" . $row['id'] . " has been created on " . $row['date_of_order'] . " and is awaiting payment. <br/>\n                ============================================<br/>\n                Order Details: " . $row['additionalinfo'] . "<br/>\n                Total Ammount: \$" . $row['amount'] . " <br/>\n                Payment Status: Pending <br/>\n                ============================================<br/>\n\n                You may review this invoice at any time by logging in to your client area to complete payment.<br/>\n                <a href='http://sans.co.zw/auth/'>Click here to go to your account</a><br/>\n                Note: This email will serve as an official invoice for this order.<br/>\n                Regards.<br/><br/>\n\n                SANS Exposure Sales Team | sales@sans.co.zw <br/>\n                www.sans.co.zw\n                ";
     $list = array('*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**');
     $sendGrid = new Email_Assistant();
     $sendGrid->send_email('*****@*****.**', 'Sans Exposure Sales Team', $row['customer'], 'Invoice Created', $message);
     $sendGrid->send_email('*****@*****.**', 'Sans Exposure Sales Team', $list, 'Invoice Created', $message);
예제 #3
 private function recoverPassword($pwd, $customer, $email)
     $message = "\n                Dear " . $customer . " <br/>\n                You have requested to recover the password for your SANS Exposure Account.<br/>\n                We hope you keep this password safe, although you can recover it anytime\n                from our login area.\n\n                Your Password is: <br/>\n                <h1>" . $pwd . "</h1><br/><br/>\n\n                Thank you for visiting our website.<br/>\n                We value your continued support.<br/>\n                https://www.sans.co.zw/<br/>";
     $sendGrid = new Email_Assistant();
     $from = '*****@*****.**';
     $mailName = 'Sans Exposure Support Team';
     $subject = 'Password Recovery';
     $sendGrid->send_email($from, $mailName, $email, $subject, $message);