
 * Bluethrust Clan Scripts v4
 * Copyright 2014
 * Author: Bluethrust Web Development
 * E-mail: support@bluethrust.com
 * Website: http://www.bluethrust.com
 * License: http://www.bluethrust.com/license.php
if (!isset($member) || substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], -11) != "console.php") {
} else {
    $memberInfo = $member->get_info_filtered();
    if (!$member->hasAccess($consoleObj)) {
$emailNotification = new EmailNotification($mysqli);
print_r($emailNotification->getNotificationItems("tournaments", "tournament_id", "Tournaments", "startdate"));
$cID = $_GET['cID'];
$i = 0;
$arrComponents = array("emailnotification" => array("type" => "section", "options" => array("section_title" => "E-mail me when:"), "sortorder" => $i++), "pm" => array("type" => "select", "display_name" => "I receive a PM", "options" => array(1 => "Yes", "0" => "No"), "sortorder" => $i++, "attributes" => array("class" => "formInput textBox"), "value" => 1), "tournament" => array("type" => "select", "display_name" => "A tournament is starting", "options" => array(1 => "Yes", "0" => "No"), "sortorder" => $i++, "attributes" => array("class" => "formInput textBox"), "value" => 1), "event" => array("type" => "select", "display_name" => "An event is starting", "options" => array(1 => "Yes", "0" => "No"), "sortorder" => $i++, "attributes" => array("class" => "formInput textBox"), "value" => 1), "submit" => array("type" => "submit", "value" => "Save", "sortorder" => $i++, "attributes" => array("class" => "submitButton formSubmitButton")));
$setupFormArgs = array("name" => "console-" . $cID, "components" => $arrComponents, "saveObject" => $member, "saveType" => "update", "saveMessage" => "Successfully changed username!", "attributes" => array("action" => $MAIN_ROOT . "members/console.php?cID=" . $cID, "method" => "post"), "description" => "Use the form below to set your e-mail notification settings.");