예제 #1
  * This will analyze a NotYetAnalyzed message, doing the appropriate
  * things to setup links to related objects, queueing outgoing messages, etc.
  * This will throw an exception if its MessageType is NOT NotYetAnalyzed.
  * @return void
 public function AnalyzeMessage()
     if ($this->intEmailMessageStatusTypeId != EmailMessageStatusType::NotYetAnalyzed) {
         throw new QCallerException('EmailMessage that is NOT in NotYetAnalyzed status cannot be Analyzed');
     // Do Initial Cleanup and Setup Work
     // Check MessageId
     if (!is_null($this->strMessageIdentifier)) {
         // Duplicate Message -- if so, delete this an move on
         $objMessage = EmailMessage::LoadByMessageIdentifier($this->strMessageIdentifier);
         if ($objMessage && $objMessage->Id != $this->intId) {
     // First, Figure out what the sender Email address is
     $this->FromAddress = $this->LookupSenderEmailAddress();
     // If not valid, then something is very wrong -- we should punt immediately
     if (is_null($this->FromAddress)) {
         $this->strErrorMessage = 'Invaid From Address';
         $this->intEmailMessageStatusTypeId = EmailMessageStatusType::Error;
     // Next, ensure the entire email message is not larger than 10MB
     if (strlen($this->strRawMessage) > 10485750) {
         $this->strErrorMessage = "Message Too Large\r\n\r\nMessages sent to ALCF Groups must be less than 10MB in size.";
         $this->intEmailMessageStatusTypeId = EmailMessageStatusType::Error;
     // Get a PersonArray and update Login / CommListEntry links
     $objSenderArray = $this->CalculatePotentialSenderArray();
     // Next, Figure out the totel set of *potential* recpieint(s) are
     $strEmailAddressArray = $this->CalculateEmailArray();
     $objGroupArray = $this->LookupGroups($strEmailAddressArray);
     $objCommunicationListArray = $this->LookupCommunicationLists($strEmailAddressArray);
     // At this point, strEmailAddressArray is actually an array of Unmatched Email Addresses
     $strUnmatchedEmailAddressArray = $strEmailAddressArray;
     // Next, iterate throug EACH CommList and Group to see which ones that the sender can send to
     $objUnauthorizedCommuniationListArray = $this->SetupCommunicationListRoutes($objCommunicationListArray, $objSenderArray);
     $objUnauthorizedGroupArray = $this->SetupGroupRoutes($objGroupArray, $objSenderArray);
     // Next, Error Reporting
     $this->SetupErrorMessage($strUnmatchedEmailAddressArray, $objUnauthorizedCommuniationListArray, $objUnauthorizedGroupArray);
     // Queue Error Message (if applicable)
     if ($this->ErrorMessage) {
     // Queue Outgoing Messages (if applicable)
     foreach ($this->GetEmailMessageRouteArray() as $objRoute) {
     // Update the status
     $this->intEmailMessageStatusTypeId = EmailMessageStatusType::PendingSend;