/** * @return boolean true * @throws ValidationException */ public function save() { $this->isValid(); $this->entity->fill($this->prepareData($this->data)); $this->entity->save(); return true; }
public function save_(array $options = []) { $this->throwValidationException = true; $callResult = parent::save($options); $this->throwValidationException = false; return $callResult; }
public function save(array $options = []) { if (!$this->beforeSave()) { return false; } return parent::save($options); }
public function save(array $options = array()) { parent::save($options); $scanUser = $this->getScansUserById(); $scanUser->updateTotal(); $scanUser->updateMostRecentScan(); }
/** * Overrided save method of Model to validate before save * * @return boolean */ public function save(array $options = array()) { if ($this->validate($this->attributes)) { $this->attributes = self::trimData($this->attributes); return parent::save($options); } return false; }
/** * Save. * * Override Eloquent save() method * Runs $this->beforeSave() * Unsets: * * $this->validationErrors * * $this->rules * * @param array $options * $return bool */ public function save(array $options = array()) { if (!$this->beforeSave()) { return false; } //Don't want Group model trying to save validationErrors field. unset($this->validationErrors); return parent::save($options); }
public function save(array $options = array()) { $validator = \Validator::make(array('name' => $this->name), array('name' => 'required|min:1')); if ($validator->passes()) { $this->slug = TaggingUtil::slug($this->name); parent::save($options); } else { throw new \Exception('Tag Name is required'); } }
public function save() { //Se transforma el objeto a un arreglo para ser validado $data = $this->to_array(); $v = Validator::make($data, $this->rules); if ($v->fails()) { $this->errors = $v->errors; return false; } return parent::save(); }
public function save(array $options = []) { if (!$this->exists) { $existing = $this->findUnique(); if ($existing) { $this->{$this->primaryKey} = $existing->{$this->primaryKey}; $this->exists = true; } } return parent::save($options); }
/** * Save. * * Override Eloquent save() method * Runs $this->beforeSave() * Unsets: * * $this->validationErrors * * $this->rules * * @param array $options * * @return bool */ public function save(array $options = array()) { if (!$this->beforeSave()) { return false; } //Don't want user model trying to save validationErrors field. // TODO: I'm sure Eloquent can handle this. What's the setting for ignoring fields when saving? unset($this->validationErrors); unset($this->rules); unset($this->verify); return parent::save($options); }
public function save() { $isNew = !$this->exists; if ($isNew) { $this->category->nb_posts++; $this->category->save(); $this->topic->nb_messages++; Auth::user()->nb_messages++; Auth::user()->save(); $this->user_id = Auth::user()->id; } parent::save(); $this->topic->updated_at = $this->updated_at; $this->topic->save(); Forumview::where('topic_id', '=', $this->forumtopic_id)->delete(); return $this; }
public function save(array $options = array()) { if (!$this->exists()) { parent::save(); } $langs = Languages::all(); foreach ($langs as $lang) { $translation = Translations::find($this->table . "_" . $this->id . "_" . strtolower($lang->code)); if ($lang->code == Config::get('cms.currlang.code') || !isset($translation->exists)) { //check if translation exists if (isset($translation->exists)) { } else { $translation = new Translations(); } $translation->id = $this->table . "_" . $this->id . "_" . strtolower($lang->code); $translation->translation = json_encode($this->getAttributes()); $translation->save(); } } return; }
/** * Guarda el modelo actual y la metadata asociada * * @param array $options * @return $this */ public function save(array $options = array()) { parent::save($options); if ($this->exclude_metadata) { return $this; } //Se elimina la metadata actual foreach ($this->metadata as $metadata) { DB::table('custom_field_' . $metadata->type)->where('id', '=', $metadata->custom_field_value_id)->delete(); } DB::table('custom_field_pivot')->where('content_id', '=', $this->id)->delete(); if (isset($options['metadata'])) { foreach ($options['metadata'] as $key => $metadata) { $customFieldType = CustomField::find(intval(str_replace('customfield-', '', $key))); $modelName = 'CustomField' . $this->to_camel_case($customFieldType->type); $metadataModel = new $modelName(); $metadataModel->value = $metadata; $metadataModel->save(); DB::table('custom_field_pivot')->insert(array('custom_field_type_id' => $customFieldType->id, 'custom_field_value_id' => $metadataModel->id, 'content_id' => $this->id)); } } return $this; }
/** * Modified save * @var array $options * @return bool */ public function save(array $options = array()) { // trim fillable fields foreach ($this->fillable as $attribute) { $this->{$attribute} = trim($this->{$attribute}); } // set old password if user left empty if (empty($this->password)) { $this->password = $this->getOriginal("password"); } elseif ($this->isDirty("password")) { $this->password = Hash::make($this->password); } // set null fields $nullFields = array("banned_at", "ban_reason"); foreach ($nullFields as $nullField) { if (isset($this->attributes[$nullField]) and !$this->attributes[$nullField]) { $this->attributes[$nullField] = null; } } // unset temp fields $unsetFields = array("oldPassword", "password_confirmation"); foreach ($unsetFields as $unsetField) { if (isset($this->attributes[$unsetField])) { unset($this->attributes[$unsetField]); } } return parent::save($options); }
/** * Update existent profile * * @param \Eloquent $profile * @return \Eloquent */ public function updateProfile($profile) { $profile->fill(get_object_vars($this->adapterProfile)); $profile->save(); return $profile; }
/** * Store the eloquent model that is passed in * @param Eloquent $model The Eloquent Model * @return void */ protected function storeEloquentModel($model) { if ($model->getDirty()) { $model->save(); } else { $model->touch(); } }
public function save(array $options = array()) { if (isset($this->attributes[$this->primaryKey])) { $this->meta->save($this->attributes[$this->primaryKey]); } return parent::save($options); }
public function save(array $options = array()) { if (empty($this->slug)) { $this->slug = $this->getSlug(); } return parent::save($options); }
/** * Overriding save to add descriptor automatically. * * @return the saved object. */ public function save(array $options = array()) { // Associating descriptor. $widgetDescriptor = WidgetDescriptor::where('type', $this->getType())->first(); /* Checking descriptor. */ if ($widgetDescriptor === null) { throw new DescriptorDoesNotExist("The descriptor for " . get_class($this) . " does not exist", 1); } // Assigning descriptor. $this->descriptor()->associate($widgetDescriptor); // Calling parent. parent::save($options); // Always saving settings to keep integrity.| $this->saveSettings(array(), FALSE); $this->checkIntegrity(FALSE); /* Saving integrity/settings. * Please note, that the save won't hit the db, * if no change has been made to the model. */ return parent::save(); }
public function save() { parent::save(); }
/** * Updates provided model with all provided values * using array keys as model attribute name and * array values as attribute value. * * @param Eloquent $model * @param array $values * @return void */ private function updateModelAttr($model, array $values, $pivot = false) { $updates = array_except($values, array('char_name', 'pivot_id')); foreach ($updates as $k => $v) { if ($v === '') { $v = null; } $model->{$k} = $v; } if ($pivot) { $this->updatePivot($values); } $model->save(); }
/** * Force Save * attempts to save model even if it doesn't validate * * @param $rules:array * @param $messages:array * @return Aware|bool */ public function force_save($rules = array(), $messages = array(), $onForceSave = null) { // validate the model $this->valid($rules, $messages); // execute onForceSave $before = is_null($onForceSave) ? $this->onForceSave() : $onForceSave($this); // save regardless of the result of validation return $before ? parent::save() : false; }
public function save(array $attributes = array()) { $this->validateOrFail(); return parent::save($attributes); }
public function saveWithMessage(Forummessage $message) { $this->user_id = Auth::user()->id; $incSlug = 0; $originalSlug = $this->slug; $this->sticky = false; do { try { parent::save(); $incSlug = 0; } catch (Exception $e) { if ($e->getCode() == 23000) { $incSlug++; } $this->slug = $originalSlug . '-' . $incSlug; } } while ($incSlug != 0); $this->category->nb_topics++; $this->category->save(); $message->forumtopic_id = $this->id; $message->forumcategory_id = $this->forumcategory_id; $message->save(); return $this; }
public function save() { parent::save(); $this->update_balance(); }
public function save(\Eloquent $modelClassInstance) { return $modelClassInstance->save(); }
function save() { $existing = $this->exists; $result = parent::save(); // only caching updates of existing models because newly inserted model might // not have all the table's fielsd (some can be set from default values) which // might cause Undefined Index and other errors. $result and $existing and static::cache($this); return $result; }
/** * @param $className * @param $parameters * @param null $objectId * @return ParseResponse * @throws \Exception */ public function save($className, $parameters, $objectId = null) { $values = array(); // if update, try to get the current object at first if ($objectId) { $this->object = $this->object->findOrFail($objectId); } foreach ($parameters as $key => $val) { if (in_array($key, $this->columns)) { if (is_array($val) && ($operation = array_get($val, '__op'))) { switch ($operation) { case "Increment": $val = $this->object->{$key} ? $this->object->{$key} + $val['amount'] : $val['amount']; break; case "decrement": $val = $this->object->{$key} - $val['amount']; break; case "Delete": $val = null; break; case "Batch": // $ops = $val['ops']; // foreach ($ops as $ops_key => $ops_val) { // if ($ops_val['__op'] == 'AddRelation') { // foreach ($ops_val['objects'] as $objects_key => $objects_val) { // $relation_type = $objects_val['__type']; // $relation_class_name = $objects_val['className']; // $relation_class_name = ParseHelperClass::removeUnderscoreFromClassName($relation_class_name); // to remove '_' character if founded in the name of class _User // $relation_objectId = $objects_val['objectId']; // $relation_object = ParseHelperClass::createObject($relation_class_name); // $updatedAt = ''; // // if (!$relation_object) { // return ParseHelperClass::error_message_return('105'); // } // // $object->find($objectId)->$key()->sync([$relation_objectId], false); // // $relation_data_of_object = $object::find(60)->$key()->where($relation_class_name . '_id', // '=', $relation_objectId)->get(); // // foreach ($relation_data_of_object as $relation_data) { // $updatedAt = $relation_data->pivot->createdAt; // } // } // // return array( // "updatedAt" => Carbon::parse($updatedAt)->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:s.z\Z') // ); // } // } break; } } $values[$key] = $val; } elseif (in_array($key, $this->relations)) { // } else { if ($key != "ACL") { ParseHelper::throwException('210', $key); } } } $this->object->fill($values); try { $event = $this->object->getKey() ? 'update' : 'insert'; \Event::fire("before.{$event}." . $this->object->getTable(), $this->object); $this->object->save(); //create new object // now we can attach the relations foreach ($parameters as $key => $val) { if (in_array($key, $this->relations)) { if ($operation = array_get($val, '__op')) { switch ($operation) { case "Delete": $this->object->{$key}()->delete($val); break; } } elseif ($this->object->{$key}() instanceof BelongsTo) { $this->object->{$key}()->associate($val); } elseif (!$this->object->{$key}() instanceof BelongsTo) { $this->object->{$key}()->save($val); } else { ParseHelper::throwException(105); } } } \Event::fire("after.{$event}." . $this->object->getTable(), $this->object); } catch (\Exception $ex) { ParseHelper::throwException(141, $ex->getMessage()); } }
public function save() { parent::save(); return $this->create_or_update_transaction(); }
/** * Updates an instance with the fields given * but only if the field values are different * than what is already in the database * * @param Eloquent $instance * @param array $fields * @return void */ protected function updateInstance($instance, $fields) { $changed = false; foreach ($fields as $field => $value) { if ($instance->{$field} != $value) { $changed = true; $instance->{$field} = $value; } } if ($changed) { $instance->save(); } return $instance; }