} //Attempt to create a schedule with the 5 preferred courses $s = Schedule::buildConflictFreeSchedule($scheduling, $year, $term, $alternatives); //If we couln't find a schedule with those courses and their alternatives, reduce the number of courses we are trying to schedule if (count($s->getSchedules()) == 0 && count($electives) == 0) { $iter = 0; while ($iter < count($scheduling) && ($s == null or count($s->getSchedules() == 0))) { $s = Schedule::buildConflictFreeSchedule(array_slice($scheduling, $iter), $year, $term, array_slice($pattern, $endIndex + 1)); $iter++; } echo '<noschedulemessage> Could not generate a conflict free schedule</noschedulemessage>'; } else { if ($s == null) { $s = new Schedule(); } //Output the schedule foreach ($s->getSchedules() as $sched) { $sched->to_xml(); } //Output the elective options echo '<electives>'; foreach ($electives as $elective) { echo '<elective group="' . $elective[2] . '">'; foreach (Elective::getElectives($_GET['program_select'], $elective[1], $elective[2]) as $option) { echo "<option>" . $option[0] . "</option>"; } echo '</elective>'; } echo '</electives>'; } echo '</response>';
public function elective($course_plan_id, $course_id = 0, $course_type, $department_id, $semester_id) { $Department = new Department(); $success = false; $depts = $Department->read('dept_number', $department_id); // $depts=$Departments->getChildren($department_id); // $conditions['Student.stu_number LIKE']=$depts['Department']['dept_number'].'%'; $options = array('conditions' => array('dept_number like' => $depts['Department']['dept_number'] . '%')); //debug($options); $Student = new Student(); $students = $Student->find('all', $options); // debug($students); $data = array(); foreach ($students as $student) { $data[] = array('stu_number' => $student['Student']['stu_number'], 'dept_number' => $student['Student']['dept_number'], 'course_plan_id' => $course_plan_id, 'course_type' => $course_type, 'course_id' => $course_id); } // debug($data); if ($data != array()) { $Elective = new Elective(); $success = $Elective->saveAll($data); } // $dept_number= // $students= // die(); return $success; }