예제 #1
  * Render the profiler. Output is added to the bottom of the page by default.
  * @param   boolean  return the output if YES
  * @return  void|string
 public function render($return = NO)
     $start = microtime(YES);
     $get = isset($_GET['profiler']) ? explode(',', $_GET['profiler']) : array();
     $this->show = empty($get) ? Eight::config('profiler.show') : $get;
     Event::run('profiler.run', $this);
     $styles = '';
     foreach ($this->profiles as $profile) {
         $styles .= $profile->styles();
     // Don't display if there's no profiles
     if (empty($this->profiles)) {
     // Load the profiler view
     $data = array('profiles' => $this->profiles, 'styles' => $styles, 'execution_time' => microtime(YES) - $start);
     $view = new View('profiler/profiler', $data);
     // Return rendered view if $return is YES
     if ($return == YES) {
         return $view->render();
     // Add profiler data to the output
     if (stripos(Eight::$output, '</body>') !== NO) {
         // Closing body tag was found, insert the profiler data before it
         Eight::$output = str_ireplace('</body>', $view->render() . '</body>', Eight::$output);
     } else {
         // Append the profiler data to the output
         Eight::$output .= $view->render();
예제 #2
  * Prevent any output from being displayed. Executed during system.display.
  * @return  void
 public static function prevent_output()
     Eight::$output = '';
예제 #3
  * Eight output handler.
  * @param   string  current output buffer
  * @return  string
 public static function output_buffer($output)
     if (!Event::has_run('system.send_headers')) {
         // Run the send_headers event, specifically for cookies being set
     // Set final output
     self::$output = $output;
     // Look for errors in the output buffer
     if (!self::$configuration['core']['display_errors'] && self::$configuration['core']['catch_all_errors']) {
         if (preg_match('#<phperror>.*</phperror>#is', self::$output, $matches)) {
             // We only care about the first error
             $match = $matches[0];
             // Pull some info out of the error
             preg_match('#error:(.*)\\ in\\ (.*)\\ on\\ line ([0-9]+)#i', strip_tags($match), $matches);
             $error = new Eight_Exception_PHP(E_ERROR, trim($matches[1]), trim($matches[2]), trim($matches[3]));
             // Log the error
             self::log('error', Eight_Exception_PHP::text($error));
             // Show the pretty error page
             self::$output = file_get_contents(self::find_file('views', 'eight/error_disabled', TRUE));
     // Set and return the final output
     return self::$output;
예제 #4
파일: eight.php 프로젝트: enormego/EightPHP
  * Eight output handler.
  * @param   string  current output buffer
  * @return  string
 public static function output_buffer($output)
     if (!Event::has_run('system.send_headers')) {
         // Run the send_headers event, specifically for cookies being set
     // Set final output
     self::$output = $output;
     // Set and return the final output
     return self::$output;