  * Add taxes to the ship group for any tax records related to address
  * level gifting.
  * @return self
 public function addGiftTaxesToPayload()
     $giftTaxes = $this->_getAddressGiftTaxRecords();
     if ($giftTaxes) {
         $taxContainer = $this->_getTaxContainer();
         $taxIterable = $taxContainer->getTaxes();
         foreach ($giftTaxes as $giftTax) {
             $taxPayload = $this->_payloadHelper->taxRecordToTaxPayload($giftTax, $taxIterable->getEmptyTax());
             // Somewhat idiosyncratic way of adding to the iterable...required
             // due to the iterable currently being implemented as an SPLObjectStorage
             // which requires objects stored to be set as keys, not values.
             $taxIterable[$taxPayload] = null;
     return $this;
  * Add a tax payload for each tax record to the container.
  * @param EbayEnterprise_Tax_Model_Record[]
  * @param ITaxContainer
  * @return self
 protected function _addTaxRecordsToContainer(array $taxRecords, ITaxContainer $taxContainer)
     $taxIterable = $taxContainer->getTaxes();
     foreach ($taxRecords as $taxRecord) {
         $taxPayload = $this->_payloadHelper->taxRecordToTaxPayload($taxRecord, $taxIterable->getEmptyTax());
         $taxIterable[$taxPayload] = null;
     return $this;
  * Inject gifting data for the item.
  * @return self
 protected function _injectGiftingData()
     if ($this->_itemHasGifting()) {
         // Given payload will be updated to include gifting data from the
         // item, so no need to handle the return value as the side-effects
         // of the method will accomplish all that is needed to add gifting
         // data to the payload.
         $this->_payloadHelper->giftingItemToGiftingPayload($this->_item, $this->_orderItem);
     return $this;
  * Create and populate payloads for the address.
  * @return self
 protected function _populateRequest()
     if ($this->_validateAddressIsDestination()) {
         $this->_destination = $this->_payloadHelper->customerAddressToMailingAddressPayload($this->_address, $this->_destinationIterable->getEmptyMailingAddress());
         // If there is a destination for the address, copy it over to the
         // address object so it can be metched up to the destination in
         // the response payloads.
     if ($this->_validateAddressIsShipGroup()) {
         $this->_shipGroup = $this->_shipGroupIterable->getEmptyShipGroup()->setDestination($this->_destination)->setChargeType(self::SHIPPING_CHARGE_TYPE);
         if ($this->_checkAddressHasGifting()) {
             $this->_payloadHelper->giftingItemToGiftingPayload($this->_address, $this->_shipGroup);
     return $this;
  * When adding gift taxes to a payload, gifting taxes collected for
  * the address should be added to the ship group payload.
 public function testAddGiftTaxesToPayload()
     // Set up happy path for test - ship group has a tax container...
     // ...tax collector returns tax records.
     $this->_taxCollector->expects($this->any())->method('getTaxRecords')->will($this->returnValue([$this->_itemGiftTax, $this->_addressGiftTax, $this->_merchGiftTax]));
     // Let the tax payload helper return the expected tax payload when
     // given the expected tax record.
     // Side-effect test: the tax payload to be populated with data
     // must come from the tax iterable it will be added to. There
     // should be a single record to add for taxes so at least one
     // tax payload must come from the iterable.
     // Side-effect tests: ensure the expected, complete tax payload is added
     // to the tax iterable.
     $this->_taxIterable->expects($this->once())->method('offsetSet')->with($this->identicalTo($this->_completeTaxPayload), $this->anything())->will($this->returnValue(null));
     // Side-effect test: ensure the tax iterable is set to the tax container.
     $this->assertSame($this->_shipGroupHandler, $this->_shipGroupHandler->addGiftTaxesToPayload());