  * Load Customizer Styles
  * Loads the required css for the live theme previewer. It is used
  * as a way to style the custom customizer controls on the live
  * preview screen. This is hooked into the live previewer using the 
  * action: 'customize_register'.
  * @return void
  * @since  1.3
  * @version 1.3.6
 public function customize_preview_styles()
     // Load Chosen CSS
     wp_register_style($this->plugin_slug . '-chosen-css', Easy_Google_Fonts::get_css_url() . '/chosen.css', false, '1.3.0');
     wp_enqueue_style($this->plugin_slug . '-chosen-css');
     // Load CSS to style custom customizer controls
     wp_register_style($this->plugin_slug . '-customizer-css', Easy_Google_Fonts::get_css_url() . '/customizer.css', false, Easy_Google_Fonts::VERSION);
     wp_enqueue_style($this->plugin_slug . '-customizer-css');
  * Register and enqueue admin-specific style sheet.
  * @return    null    Return early if no settings page is registered.
  * @since 1.2
  * @version 1.3.9
 public function enqueue_admin_styles()
     if (!isset($this->plugin_screen_hook_suffix)) {
     $screen = get_current_screen();
     if ($this->plugin_screen_hook_suffix == $screen->id) {
         wp_deregister_style($this->plugin_slug . '-admin-styles');
         wp_register_style($this->plugin_slug . '-admin-styles', Easy_Google_Fonts::get_css_url() . '/admin.css', array(), Easy_Google_Fonts::VERSION);
         wp_enqueue_style($this->plugin_slug . '-admin-styles');