  * Get a list of the most recent posts on the esoTalk blog. Also check for updates to the esoTalk software
  * and return the update notification area.
  * @return void
 public function news()
     // Check for updates and add the update notification view to the response.
     $this->json("updateNotification", $this->getViewContents("admin/updateNotification"));
     // Now fetch the latest posts from the esoTalk blog.
     // Thanks to Brian for this code.
     // (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/250679/best-way-to-parse-rss-atom-feeds-with-php/251102#251102)
     $xmlSource = file_get_contents("http://esotalk.org/blog/index.php/feed/");
     $x = simplexml_load_string($xmlSource);
     $posts = array();
     // Go through each item in the RSS channel...
     foreach ($x->channel->item as $item) {
         $post = array("date" => (string) $item->pubDate, "ts" => strtotime($item->pubDate), "link" => (string) $item->link, "title" => (string) $item->title, "text" => (string) $item->description);
         // Create summary as a shortened body and remove all tags.
         $summary = strip_tags($post["text"]);
         $maxLen = 200;
         if (strlen($summary) > $maxLen) {
             $summary = substr($summary, 0, $maxLen) . "...";
         $post["summary"] = $summary;
         $posts[] = $post;
     // Render the news view.
     $this->data("posts", $posts);
  * Perform the upgrade process.
  * @return void
 public function action_index()
     try {
         // Run the upgrade process.
         // Update the version and serial in the config file.
         ET::writeConfig(array("esoTalk.version" => ESOTALK_VERSION));
         // Show a success message and redirect.
         $this->message(T("message.upgradeSuccessful"), "success");
     } catch (Exception $e) {
예제 #3
  * Common initialization for all controllers, called on every page load. This will add basic user links to
  * the "user" menu, and add core JS files and language definitions.
  * If this is overridden, parent::init() should be called to maintain consistency between controllers.
  * @return void
 public function init()
     // Check for updates to the esoTalk software, but only if we're the root admin and we haven't checked in
     // a while.
     if (ET::$session->userId == C("esoTalk.rootAdmin") and C("esoTalk.admin.lastUpdateCheckTime") + C("esoTalk.updateCheckInterval") < time()) {
     if ($this->responseType === RESPONSE_TYPE_DEFAULT) {
         // If the user IS NOT logged in, add the 'login' and 'sign up' links to the bar.
         if (!ET::$session->user) {
             $this->addToMenu("user", "join", "<a href='" . URL("user/join?return=" . urlencode($this->selfURL)) . "' class='link-join'>" . T("Sign Up") . "</a>");
             $this->addToMenu("user", "login", "<a href='" . URL("user/login?return=" . urlencode($this->selfURL)) . "' class='link-login'>" . T("Log In") . "</a>");
         } else {
             $this->addToMenu("user", "user", "<a href='" . URL("member/me") . "'>" . avatar(ET::$session->user, "thumb") . name(ET::$session->user["username"]) . "</a>");
             $this->addToMenu("user", "settings", "<a href='" . URL("settings") . "' class='link-settings'>" . T("Settings") . "</a>");
             if (ET::$session->isAdmin()) {
                 $this->addToMenu("user", "administration", "<a href='" . URL("admin") . "' class='link-administration'>" . T("Administration") . "</a>");
             $this->addToMenu("user", "logout", "<a href='" . URL("user/logout?token=" . ET::$session->token) . "' class='link-logout'>" . T("Log Out") . "</a>");
         // Get the number of members currently online and add it as a statistic.
         if (C("esoTalk.members.visibleToGuests") or ET::$session->user) {
             $online = ET::SQL()->select("COUNT(*)")->from("member")->where("UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-:seconds<lastActionTime")->bind(":seconds", C("esoTalk.userOnlineExpire"))->exec()->result();
             $stat = Ts("statistic.online", "statistic.online.plural", number_format($online));
             $stat = "<a href='" . URL("members/online") . "' class='link-membersOnline'>{$stat}</a>";
             $this->addToMenu("statistics", "statistic-online", $stat);
         $this->addToMenu("meta", "copyright", "<a href='http://esotalk.org/' target='_blank'>" . T("Powered by") . " esoTalk</a>");
         // Set up some default JavaScript files and language definitions.
         $this->addJSFile("core/js/lib/jquery.js", true);
         $this->addJSFile("core/js/lib/jquery.migrate.js", true);
         $this->addJSFile("core/js/lib/jquery.misc.js", true);
         $this->addJSFile("core/js/lib/jquery.history.js", true);
         $this->addJSFile("core/js/lib/jquery.scrollTo.js", true);
         $this->addJSFile("core/js/global.js", true);
         $this->addJSLanguage("message.ajaxRequestPending", "message.ajaxDisconnected", "Loading...", "Notifications");
         $this->addJSVar("notificationCheckInterval", C("esoTalk.notificationCheckInterval"));
  * Now that all necessary checks have been made and data has been gathered, perform the installation.
  * @return void
 public function action_install()
     // If we aren't supposed to be here, get out.
     if (!($info = ET::$session->get("install"))) {
     // Make sure the base URL has a trailing slash.
     if (substr($info["baseURL"], -1) != "/") {
         $info["baseURL"] .= "/";
     // Prepare the $config variable with the installation settings.
     $config = array("esoTalk.installed" => true, "esoTalk.version" => ESOTALK_VERSION, "esoTalk.forumTitle" => $info["forumTitle"], "esoTalk.baseURL" => $info["baseURL"], "esoTalk.emailFrom" => "do_not_reply@{$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]}", "esoTalk.cookie.name" => 'et');
     //"esoTalk.cookie.name" => preg_replace(array("/\s+/", "/[^\w]/"), array("_", ""), $info["forumTitle"]),
     // Merge these new config settings into our current conifg variable.
     ET::$config = array_merge(ET::$config, $config);
     // Initialize the database with our MySQL details.
     ET::$database->init(C("esoTalk.database.host"), C("esoTalk.database.user"), C("esoTalk.database.password"), C("esoTalk.database.dbName"), C("esoTalk.database.prefix"), C("esoTalk.database.connectionOptions"), C("esoTalk.database.port"));
     // Run the upgrade model's install function.
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     // Write the $config variable to config.php.
     @unlink(PATH_CONFIG . "/config.php");
     	// Write custom.css and index.html as empty files (if they're not already there.)
     	if (!file_exists(PATH_CONFIG."/custom.css")) file_put_contents(PATH_CONFIG."/custom.css", "");
     	file_put_contents(PATH_CONFIG."/index.html", "");
     	file_put_contents(PATH_UPLOADS."/index.html", "");
     	file_put_contents(PATH_UPLOADS."/avatars/index.html", "");
     	// Write a .htaccess file if they are using friendly URLs (and mod_rewrite).
     	if (C("esoTalk.urls.rewrite")) {
     		file_put_contents(PATH_ROOT."/.htaccess", "# Generated by esoTalk
     <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
     RewriteEngine On
     RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
     RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [QSA,L]
     	// Write a robots.txt file.
     	file_put_contents(PATH_ROOT."/robots.txt", "User-agent: *
     Crawl-delay: 10
     Disallow: /conversations/*?search=*
     Disallow: /members/
     Disallow: /user/
     Disallow: /conversation/start/");
     // Clear the session of install data.
     // Re-initialize the session and log the administrator in.
     ET::$session = ETFactory::make("session");
     // Redirect them to the administration page.
예제 #5
 public function settings($sender)
     // Set up the settings form.
     $form = ETFactory::make("form");
     $form->action = URL("admin/plugins/settings/Debug");
     // If the form was submitted...
     if ($form->validPostBack("upgradeDB")) {
         // Run the upgrade process.
         // Upgrade plugins as well.
         foreach (ET::$plugins as $name => $plugin) {
         $sender->message(T("message.upgradeSuccessful"), "success");
     $sender->data("debugSettingsForm", $form);
     return $this->view("settings");
예제 #6
  * Common initialization for all controllers, called on every page load. This will add basic user links to
  * the "user" menu, and add core JS files and language definitions.
  * If this is overridden, parent::init() should be called to maintain consistency between controllers.
  * @return void
 public function init()
     // Check for updates to the esoTalk software, but only if we're the root admin and we haven't checked in
     // a while.
     if (ET::$session->userId == C("esoTalk.rootAdmin") and C("esoTalk.admin.lastUpdateCheckTime") + C("esoTalk.updateCheckInterval") < time()) {
     if ($this->responseType === RESPONSE_TYPE_DEFAULT) {
         // If the user IS NOT logged in, add the 'login' and 'sign up' links to the bar.
         if (!ET::$session->user) {
             $this->addToMenu("user", "login", "<a href='" . URL("user/login?return=" . urlencode($this->selfURL)) . "' class='link-login'>" . T("Log In") . "</a>");
             $this->addToMenu("user", "join", "<a href='" . URL("user/join?return=" . urlencode($this->selfURL)) . "' class='link-join'>" . T("Sign Up") . "</a>");
         } else {
             $this->addToMenu("user", "user", "<a href='" . URL("member/me") . "'>" . avatar(ET::$session->userId, ET::$session->user["avatarFormat"], "thumb") . name(ET::$session->user["username"]) . "</a>");
             // Fetch all unread notifications so we have a count for the notifications button.
             $notifications = ET::activityModel()->getNotifications(-1);
             $count = count($notifications);
             $this->addToMenu("user", "notifications", "<a href='" . URL("settings/notifications") . "' id='notifications' class='popupButton " . ($count ? "new" : "") . "'><span>{$count}</span></a>");
             // Show messages with these notifications.
             $this->addToMenu("user", "settings", "<a href='" . URL("settings") . "' class='link-settings'>" . T("Settings") . "</a>");
             if (ET::$session->isAdmin()) {
                 $this->addToMenu("user", "administration", "<a href='" . URL("admin") . "' class='link-administration'>" . T("Administration") . "</a>");
             $this->addToMenu("user", "logout", "<a href='" . URL("user/logout") . "' class='link-logout'>" . T("Log Out") . "</a>");
         // Get the number of members currently online and add it as a statistic.
         $online = ET::SQL()->select("COUNT(*)")->from("member")->where("UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-:seconds<lastActionTime")->bind(":seconds", C("esoTalk.userOnlineExpire"))->exec()->result();
         $stat = Ts("statistic.online", "statistic.online.plural", number_format($online));
         $stat = "<a href='" . URL("members/online") . "' class='link-membersOnline'>{$stat}</a>";
         $this->addToMenu("statistics", "statistic-online", $stat);
         $this->addToMenu("meta", "copyright", "<a href='http://esotalk.com/'>Powered by esoTalk" . (ET::$session->isAdmin() ? " " . ESOTALK_VERSION : "") . "</a>");
         // Set up some default JavaScript files and language definitions.
         $this->addJSFile("js/lib/jquery.js", true);
         $this->addJSFile("js/lib/jquery.misc.js", true);
         $this->addJSFile("js/lib/jquery.history.js", true);
         $this->addJSFile("js/lib/jquery.scrollTo.js", true);
         $this->addJSFile("js/global.js", true);
         $this->addJSLanguage("message.ajaxRequestPending", "message.ajaxDisconnected", "Loading...", "Notifications");
         $this->addJSVar("notificationCheckInterval", C("esoTalk.notificationCheckInterval"));
         // If config/custom.css contains something, add it to be included in the page.
         if (file_exists($file = PATH_CONFIG . "/custom.css") and filesize($file) > 0) {
             $this->addCSSFile("config/custom.css", true);
예제 #7
 public function settings($sender)
     // Set up the settings form.
     $form = ETFactory::make("form");
     $form->action = URL("admin/plugins");
     // If the form was submitted...
     if ($form->validPostBack("upgradeDB")) {
         // Run the upgrade process.
         $sender->message(T("message.upgradeSuccessful"), "success");
     $sender->data("debugSettingsForm", $form);
     return $this->getView("settings");