public function test_insert_and_update_and_delete()
     $term1 = EE_Term::new_instance(array('name' => 'monkey1', 'slug' => 'monkey1'));
     $term2 = EE_Term::new_instance(array('name' => 'monkey2', 'slug' => 'monkey2'));
     $tt_1 = EE_Term_Taxonomy::new_instance(array('taxonomy' => 'whatever', 'term_id' => $term1->ID()));
     $tt_2 = EE_Term_Taxonomy::new_instance(array('taxonomy' => 'whatever', 'term_id' => $term2->ID()));
     $e = EE_Event::new_instance(array('EVT_name' => 'for_term_1'));
     //ok done setup
     //test INSERT
     $this->assertEquals(0, $tt_1->count());
     $new_tr_id = EEM_Term_Relationship::instance()->insert(array('term_taxonomy_id' => $tt_1->ID(), 'object_id' => $e->ID()));
     //refresh out term_taxonomy objects, as the database has changed
     $tt_1 = EEM_Term_Taxonomy::reset()->get_one_by_ID($tt_1->ID());
     $tt_2 = EEM_Term_Taxonomy::instance()->get_one_by_ID($tt_2->ID());
     $this->assertEquals(1, $tt_1->count());
     $this->assertEquals(0, $tt_2->count());
     //test UPDATE... except we can't update term_relationship because there's no Primary Key
     //on it. This should be fixed at some point
     //@todo: fix this test
     //		$updated = EEM_Term_Relationship::instance()->update_by_ID(array('term_taxonomy_id'=>$tt_2->ID() ), $new_tr_id );
     //		//refresh out term_taxonomy objects, as the database has changed
     //		$tt_1 = EEM_Term_Taxonomy::reset()->get_one_by_ID( $tt_1->ID() );
     //		$tt_2 = EEM_Term_Taxonomy::instance()->get_one_by_ID($tt_2->ID() );
     //		$this->assertEquals( 0, $tt_1->count() );
     //		$this->assertEquals(1,$tt_2->count() );
     //test DELETE
     //@todo: fix this test too. see above
     //		$count_deleted = EEM_Term_Relationship::instance()->delete_by_ID($new_tr_id);
     //		$this->assertNotEmpty( $count_deleted );
     //		//refresh out term_taxonomy objects, as the database has changed
     //		$tt_1 = EEM_Term_Taxonomy::reset()->get_one_by_ID( $tt_1->ID() );
     //		$tt_2 = EEM_Term_Taxonomy::instance()->get_one_by_ID($tt_2->ID() );
     //		$this->assertEquals( 0, $tt_1->count() );
     //		$this->assertEquals(0,$tt_2->count() );