/** * Creates a new model. * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. */ public function actionCreate($id) { $this->customerData = Customer::model()->findByPk($id); $model = MagicSpool::model()->findByAttributes(array('cus_id' => getCurCusId())); $magic_model = new MagicSpoonOptions(); if (!$model) { $model = new MagicSpool(); $magic_model = new MagicSpoonOptions(); } DynamicCall::GetEdit1stPdf(getCurCusId()); // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed // $this->performAjaxValidation($model); if (isset($_POST['MagicSpool'])) { $model->attributes = $_POST['MagicSpool']; $model->one = $_POST['MagicSpool']['one']; $model->two = $_POST['MagicSpool']['two']; $model->three = $_POST['MagicSpool']['three']; $model->four = $_POST['MagicSpool']['four']; if (Yii::app()->user->isUser()) { $model->cus_id = $id; } if ($model->save()) { // if (Yii::app()->user->isUser()): $this->redirect(createUrl('site/menu', array('id' => $id))); // endif; // $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->id)); } } $this->render('create', array('model' => $model, 'magic_model' => $magic_model)); }
/** * Creates a new model. * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. */ public function actionCreate($id) { $curUser = Customer::model()->findByPk($id); $this->customerData = $curUser; if (empty($curUser->id)) { throw new CHttpException(403, 'Customer Does\'t exists'); } // saving current customer to session Yii::app()->session['last_created_user'] = $curUser->attributes; //$curUser->selectedCategories; $model = WorkingWell::model()->findByAttributes(array('cus_id' => $id)); $working_model = new WorkingWellOptions(); if (!$model) { $model = new WorkingWell(); $working_model = new WorkingWellOptions(); } if (isset($_GET['editpdf'])) { setCurCus($id); DynamicCall::SetEdit1stPdf(getCurCusId()); DynamicCall::loadProducts(getCurCusId()); // DynamicCall::loadMenu(getCurCusId()); $cusApp = CustAppoint::model()->findByAttributes(array('cus_id' => getCurCusId(), 'app_id' => 2)); if ($cusApp) { $cusApp->status = 1; $cusApp->save(); } } // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed // $this->performAjaxValidation($model); if (isset($_POST['WorkingWell'])) { $model->attributes = $_POST['WorkingWell']; $model->one = $_POST['WorkingWell']['one']; $model->two = $_POST['WorkingWell']['two']; $model->three = $_POST['WorkingWell']['three']; $model->four = $_POST['WorkingWell']['four']; if (Yii::app()->user->isUser()) { $model->cus_id = $id; } if ($model->save()) { // if (Yii::app()->user->isUser()): $this->redirect(createUrl('MagicSpool/create', array('id' => $id))); // endif; // $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->id)); } } $this->render('create', array('model' => $model, 'working_model' => $working_model)); }
public function actionfranchises() { $url = 'http://mccreative.jaspersonline.co.uk/api/products/getFranchises'; DynamicCall::syncFranchise($url); }
public function actionTest() { // $franchises = DynamicCall::getBmsFranchise('http://orders.jaspersonline.co.uk/info/branchlist.php'); // $total = 0; // $total_updates = 0; // $total_not_updates = 0; // $errors = array(); // $customers = array(); // foreach ($franchises as $franchise) { // if (!$franchise instanceof Franchise) // continue; // foreach ($franchise->customers as $customer): //// $result = DynamicCall::getBmsCustomer('chester', 90, 'http://dev.jaspersonline.co.uk/soap/jaspers.wsdl'); // $result = DynamicCall::getBmsCustomer(strtolower($franchise->name), $customer->id, 'http://dev.jaspersonline.co.uk/soap/jaspers.wsdl'); // if ($result) { // $date1 = getFmtDate($customer->update_time, 'Y-m-d H:i:s', 0, 20); // $date2 = getFmtDate($result['update_time'], 'Y-m-d H:i:s', 0, 20); // if (($date1 > $date2) || !($customer->update_time)) { // $errors[] = CActiveForm::validate($customer); //// $customer->attributes = $result; // $customers[] = $customer->attributes; // ++$total_updates; // } else { // ++$total_not_updates; // } // ++$total; // } // endforeach; // } // e($customers, 0); // echo "total records Traversed = " . $total . "<br>"; // echo "total records Updated = " . $total_updates . "<br>"; // echo "total records Not Updated = " . $total_not_updates . "<br>"; //// echo print_r($errors); $franchises = DynamicCall::getBmsFranchise('http://orders.jaspersonline.co.uk/info/branchlist.php'); $total = 0; $total_updates = 0; $total_not_updates = 0; $errors = array(); foreach ($franchises as $franchise) { if (!$franchise instanceof Franchise) { continue; } foreach ($franchise->customers as $customer) { // $result = DynamicCall::getBmsCustomer('chester', 90, 'http://dev.jaspersonline.co.uk/soap/jaspers.wsdl'); // $result = DynamicCall::getBmsCustomer(strtolower($franchise->name), $customer->id, 'http://dev.jaspersonline.co.uk/soap/jaspers.wsdl'); $result = DynamicCall::getBmsCustomer('chester', $customer->id, 'http://dev.jaspersonline.co.uk/soap/jaspers.wsdl'); if ($result) { $date1 = getFmtDate($customer->update_time, 'Y-m-d H:i:s', 0, 20); $date2 = getFmtDate($result['update_time'], 'Y-m-d H:i:s', 0, 20); // if (($date1 > $date2) || !($customer->update_time)) { // remove htis echo "customer <br>"; e($customer->attributes, 0); echo "geting data <br>"; e($result, 0); echo "sync data <br>"; $customer->attributes = $result; // e($result,0); e($customer->attributes); // $customer->save(); $errors[] = CActiveForm::validate($customer); // e($errors); ++$total_updates; // } else { // uncomment else part // ++$total_not_updates; // } ++$total; } } } echo "total records Traversed = " . $total . "<br>"; echo "total records Updated = " . $total_updates . "<br>"; echo "total records Not Updated = " . $total_not_updates . "<br>"; echo print_r($errors); }
public function actionCustomerQuest() { DynamicCall::GetEdit1stPdf(getCurCusId()); $customer_questions = $this->loadModel(getCurCusId()); if (isset($_POST['customer']) && isset($_POST['customer']['ajax'])) { $customer_questions['earliest_timedelivery'] = isset($_POST['customer']['earliest_timedelivery']) ? $_POST['customer']['earliest_timedelivery'] : ""; $customer_questions['more_companies'] = isset($_POST['customer']['more_companies']) ? $_POST['customer']['more_companies'] : ""; $customer_questions['no_people'] = isset($_POST['customer']['no_people']) ? $_POST['customer']['no_people'] : ""; $customer_questions['present_carters'] = isset($_POST['customer']['present_carters']) ? $_POST['customer']['present_carters'] : ""; $customer_questions['company_order'] = isset($_POST['customer']['company_order']) ? $_POST['customer']['company_order'] : ""; $customer_questions['avg_attend'] = isset($_POST['customer']['avg_attend']) ? $_POST['customer']['avg_attend'] : ""; $customer_questions['email'] = isset($_POST['customer']['email']) ? $_POST['customer']['email'] : ""; $customer_questions['linked_in'] = isset($_POST['customer']['linked_in']) ? $_POST['customer']['linked_in'] : ""; $customer_questions['competitor_id'] = isset($_POST['customer']['competitor_id']) ? $_POST['customer']['competitor_id'] : ""; if ($customer_questions->save()) { $currentCustomerId = getCurCusId(); if (!Yii::app()->session['edit_1st_pdf']) { $cusApp = CustAppoint::model()->findByAttributes(array('cus_id' => getCurCusId(), 'app_id' => 1)); $cusApp->status = 1; $time = time(); $cusApp->update_time = date("Y-m-d h:i:s", $time); if ($cusApp->save()) { $cusApp = new CustAppoint(); $cusApp->app_id = 2; $cusApp->cus_id = getCurCusId(); $cusApp->status = 1; $cusApp->save(); } } unset(Yii::app()->session['sel_prod']); $this->UpdateRemote($currentCustomerId); //exit; } echo json_encode(array('success' => 'true')); exit; } $time_range = range(7.3, 19.55, 0.05); $dd_time_range = array(); foreach ($time_range as $range) { $decimalPart = (int) substr($range, strrpos($range, '.') + 1); if ($decimalPart <= 60) { $time = number_format((double) $range, 2, ':', ''); $dd_time_range[$time] = $time; } } $peopleOnSite = array("0-5" => '0-5', "6-10" => '6-10', "11-20" => '11-20', "21-40" => '21-40', "41-100" => '41-100', "101-150" => '101-150', "151-200" => '151-200', "201-250" => '201-250', "251-300" => '251-300', "300+" => '300+'); $competitor = JaspersCompetitor::model()->findAll(array("condition" => "competitor_oid = " . getCurCusDet('jaspers_franchise'))); $email = getCurCusDet('email'); $this->render('customer_quest', array('customer' => $customer_questions, 'time_range' => $dd_time_range, 'peopleOnSite' => $peopleOnSite, 'competitor' => $competitor, 'email' => $email)); }
<br/> <br/> <?php $data = DynamicCall::getFranchiseDetail(); //e($data); ?> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="table-responsive"> <table class="table table-condensed pull-left table-bordered table-hover table-striped"> <caption>Franchise Current Status</caption> <tr> <td>Accounts Seen</td> <td><?php echo $data['accountsSeen']; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Total Weekly Value</td> <td><?php echo $data['totalWeeklyValue']; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Total Ordered Once</td> <td><?php echo $data['totalOrderedOnce']; ?> </td>
public function actionSuggestion() { $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->select = array('t.id,t.name'); $pro_type = ProductType::model()->findAll($criteria); $products = array(); DynamicCall::GetEdit1stPdf(getCurCusId()); if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $typeid = $_GET['id']; if (isset($_POST['sel_pro'])) { $customer = Customer::model()->findByPk(getCurCusId()); $customer->sel_products = $_POST['sel_pro']; if ($customer->save()) { $this->redirect(array('customer/customerreply')); } } $pro = Product::model()->findAll(array('condition' => "type_id =" . $typeid)); $products[] = $pro; $pro_desc = array(); $i = 1; foreach ($pro as $p) { $product = array('name' => $p->name, 'desc' => $p->desc); $pro_desc[$i] = $product; $i++; } } $products = isset($products[0]) ? $products[0] : array(); // e($products); $this->render('suggestion', array('products' => $products, 'types' => $pro_type, 'pro_desc' => $pro_desc)); }
public static function syncProd($cat_id, $pid) { if (!$cat_id) { return false; } if (!$pid) { $url = 'http://mccreative.jaspersonline.co.uk/api/products/getCatPro/' . $cat_id; } else { $url = 'http://mccreative.jaspersonline.co.uk/api/products/getModrenCatPro/' . $cat_id; } $products = DynamicCall::getData($url); if (!$products->count) { return false; } foreach ($products->data as $product) { $pro = Product::model()->findByPk($product->id); if (!$pro) { $pro = new Product(); $pro->id = $product->id; } $pro->name = $product->name; $pro->desc = $product->description; $pro->cat_id = $product->jcid; $pro->per100g = $product->per100g; $pro->allergies = $product->allergies; $pro->ingredients = $product->ingridients; $pro->pic = "http://bmsdev.jaspersonline.co.uk/store/products/order_images/{$pro->id}.jpg"; $pro->save(); mErrors($pro, 0); } }
public static function getCustomerWeekSpend($id) { $customerData = DynamicCall::getFranchiseName($id); $result = DynamicCall::getBmsCustomer(strtolower($customerData['franchise_name']), $customerData['customer_id'], 'http://dev.jaspersonline.co.uk/soap/jaspers.wsdl'); // $result = DynamicCall::getBmsCustomer('chester', 90, 'http://dev.jaspersonline.co.uk/soap/jaspers.wsdl'); if (isset($result['wkspend'])) { echo $result['wkspend']; } else { echo 0; } }
public function actionCustomerQuest() { DynamicCall::GetEdit1stPdf(getCurCusId()); $customer_questions = $this->loadModel(getCurCusId()); if (isset($_POST['customer']) && isset($_POST['customer']['ajax'])) { $customer_questions['earliest_timedelivery'] = isset($_POST['customer']['earliest_timedelivery']) ? $_POST['customer']['earliest_timedelivery'] : ""; $customer_questions['more_companies'] = isset($_POST['customer']['more_companies']) ? $_POST['customer']['more_companies'] : ""; $customer_questions['no_people'] = isset($_POST['customer']['no_people']) ? $_POST['customer']['no_people'] : ""; $customer_questions['present_carters'] = isset($_POST['customer']['present_carters']) ? $_POST['customer']['present_carters'] : ""; $customer_questions['company_order'] = isset($_POST['customer']['company_order']) ? $_POST['customer']['company_order'] : ""; $customer_questions['avg_attend'] = isset($_POST['customer']['avg_attend']) ? $_POST['customer']['avg_attend'] : ""; $customer_questions['email'] = isset($_POST['customer']['email']) ? $_POST['customer']['email'] : ""; $customer_questions['linked_in'] = isset($_POST['customer']['linked_in']) ? $_POST['customer']['linked_in'] : ""; // p($_REQUEST); // p($customer_questions->attributes); if ($customer_questions->save()) { if (!Yii::app()->session['edit_1st_pdf']) { $cusApp = CustAppoint::model()->findByAttributes(array('cus_id' => getCurCusId(), 'app_id' => 1)); $cusApp->status = 1; $time = time(); $cusApp->update_time = date("Y-m-d h:i:s", $time); if ($cusApp->save()) { $cusApp = new CustAppoint(); $cusApp->app_id = 2; $cusApp->cus_id = getCurCusId(); $cusApp->status = 1; $cusApp->save(); } } unset(Yii::app()->session['sel_prod']); } echo json_encode(array('success' => 'true')); exit; } $this->render('customer_quest', array('customer' => $customer_questions)); }