예제 #1

include "includes/form-messages.inc.php";
 * If this page is rendered without an result variable
 * available, just create one ourselves.
if (!isset($result)) {
    $result = new Dto_FormResult('notsubmitted');
# if
if (isset($lastformaction) && $lastformaction == 'exportfilters') {
    Header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="spotwebfilters.xml"');
    echo $result->getData('filters');
# if
if (isset($lastformaction) && $lastformaction == 'importfilters') {
    if ($result->isSuccess()) {
    # if
# if
 * Render the JSON or the form
if (showResults($result)) {
  * Make sure the correct categories are chosen
  * @param Dto_FormResult $result
  * @return Dto_FormResult
 public function verifyCategories(Dto_FormResult $result)
     $spot = $result->getData('spot');
     /* Make sure the category is valid
      * We use array_key_exists() to allow for gaps in the category numbering. This is an intentional
      * deviation from similar code used in Services_Posting_Spot.php
     if (!array_key_exists($spot['category'], SpotCategories::$_head_categories)) {
         $result->addError(sprintf(_('Incorrect headcategory (%s)'), $spot['category']));
     # if
     # Make sure the subcategories are in the proper format
     if (is_array($spot['subcata']) || is_array($spot['subcatz']) || !is_array($spot['subcatb']) || !is_array($spot['subcatc']) || !is_array($spot['subcatd'])) {
         $result->addError(_('Invalid subcategories given'));
     # if
     # create a list of the chosen subcategories
     $spot['subcatlist'] = array_merge(array($spot['subcata']), $spot['subcatb'], $spot['subcatc'], $spot['subcatd']);
      * Loop through all subcategories and check if they are valid in
      * our list of subcategories
     $subCatSplitted = array('a' => array(), 'b' => array(), 'c' => array(), 'd' => array(), 'z' => array());
     foreach ($spot['subcatlist'] as $subCat) {
         $subcats = explode('_', $subCat);
         # If not in our format
         if (count($subcats) != 3) {
             $result->addError(sprintf(_('Incorrect subcategories (%s)'), $subCat));
         } else {
             $subCatLetter = substr($subcats[2], 0, 1);
             $subCatSplitted[$subCatLetter][] = $subCat;
             if (!isset(SpotCategories::$_categories[$spot['category']][$subCatLetter][substr($subcats[2], 1)])) {
                 $result->addError(sprintf(_('Incorrect subcategories (%s)'), $subCat . ' !! ' . $subCatLetter . ' !! ' . substr($subcats[2], 1)));
             # if
         # else
     # foreach
      * Make sure all subcategories are in the format we expect, for
      * example we strip the 'cat' part and strip the z-subcat
     $subcatCount = count($spot['subcatlist']);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $subcatCount; $i++) {
         $subcats = explode('_', $spot['subcatlist'][$i]);
         # If not in our format
         if (count($subcats) != 3) {
             $result->addError(sprintf(_('Incorrect subcategories (%s)'), $spot['subcatlist'][$i]));
         } else {
             $spot['subcatlist'][$i] = substr($subcats[2], 0, 1) . str_pad(substr($subcats[2], 1), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
             # Explicitly add the 'z'-category - we derive it from the full categorynames we already have
             $zcatStr = substr($subcats[1], 0, 1) . str_pad(substr($subcats[1], 1), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
             if (is_numeric(substr($subcats[1], 1)) && array_search($zcatStr, $spot['subcatlist']) === false) {
                 $spot['subcatlist'][] = $zcatStr;
             # if
         # else
     # for
     # Make sure the spot isn't being posted in many categories
     if (count($subCatSplitted['a']) > 1) {
         $result->addError(_('You can only specify one format for a spot'));
     # if
     # Make sure the spot has at least a format
     if (count($subCatSplitted['a']) < 1) {
         $result->addError(_('You need to specify a format for a spot'));
     # if
     # Make sure the spot isn't being posted for too many categories
     if (count($spot['subcatlist']) > 10) {
         $result->addError(_('Too many categories'));
     # if
     # Make sure the spot isn't being posted for too many categories
     # The "A"-subcategory, and the "Z" subcategory are always selected by
     # the form, so we need to check for 3
     if (count($spot['subcatlist']) < 3) {
         $result->addError(_('At least one category need to be selected'));
     # if
     $result->addData('spot', $spot);
     return $result;