예제 #1
 function execute($par)
     global $wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgParser, $wgUser, $wgFilterCallback, $wgCookiePath, $wgCookieDomain, $wgCookieSecure;
     // build the article which we are about to save
     $t = Title::newFromUrl($wgRequest->getVal('target'));
     $a = new Article($t);
     $action = $wgRequest->getVal('eaction');
     wfDebug("Html5Editor::execute called with {$action}\n");
     // process the edit update
     if ($action == 'get-vars') {
         $response = array('edittoken' => $wgUser->editToken(), 'edittime' => $a->getTimestamp(true), 'drafttoken' => wfGenerateToken(), 'olddraftid' => 0);
         // do they already have a draft saved?
         $drafts = Draft::getDrafts($t, $wgUser->getID());
         if ($drafts) {
             // do we only select an html5 draft? probably not.
             // for loop here in  case we want to display multiple drafts of same article
             $response['olddraftid'] = $drafts[0]->getID();
         print json_encode($response);
     } else {
         if ($action == 'load-draft') {
             $draftid = $wgRequest->getVal('draftid');
             $draft = new Draft($draftid);
             if (!$draft->exists()) {
                 $response = array('error' => wfMsg('h5e-draft-does-not-exist', $draftid), 'html' => '');
                 wfDebug("DRAFT: {$draftid} does not exist \n");
             } else {
                 $text = $draft->getText();
                 $html = $this->parse($t, $a, $text);
                 $response = array(error => '', 'html' => $html);
             print json_encode($response);
         } else {
             if ($action == 'save-draft') {
                 $token = $wgRequest->getVal('edittoken');
                 if ($wgUser->matchEditToken($token)) {
                     wfDebug("Html5Editor::execute save-draft edit token ok!\n");
                     $oldtext = $a->getContent();
                     $html = $wgRequest->getVal('html');
                     $newtext = $this->convertHTML2Wikitext($html, $oldtext);
                     $draftid = $wgRequest->getVal('draftid', null);
                     $draft = null;
                     // 'null' apparently is what javascript is giving us. doh.
                     if (!$draftid || preg_match("@[^0-9]@", $draftid)) {
                         wfDebug("Html5Editor::execute getting draft id from title \n");
                         $draftid = self::getDraftIDFromTitle($t);
                     if (!$draftid || $draftid == 'null') {
                         $draft = new Draft();
                     } else {
                         $draft = Draft::newFromID($draftid);
                     wfDebug("Html5Editor::execute got draft id {$draftid} \n");
                     //$draft->setStartTime( $wgRequest->getText( 'wpStarttime' ) );
                     //$draft->setMinorEdit( $wgRequest->getInt( 'wpMinoredit', 0 ) );
                     // Save draft
                     wfDebug("Html5Editor::execute saved draft with id {$draft->getID()} and text {$newtext} \n");
                     $response = array('draftid' => $draft->getID());
                     print json_encode($response);
                 } else {
                     wfDebug("Html5Editor::execute save-draft edit token BAD {$token} \n");
                     $response = array('error' => 'edit token bad');
                     print json_encode($response);
             } else {
                 if ($action == 'save-summary') {
                     // this implementation could have a few problems
                     // 1. if a user is editing the article in separate windows, it will
                     //		only update the last edit
                     // 2. Could be easy to fake an edit summary save, but is limited to
                     // edits made by the user
                     /// 3. There's no real 'paper' trail of the saved summary
                     // grab the cookie with the rev_id
                     global $wgCookiePrefix;
                     if (isset($_COOKIE["{$wgCookiePrefix}RevId" . $t->getArticleID()])) {
                         $revid = $_COOKIE["{$wgCookiePrefix}RevId" . $t->getArticleID()];
                         wfDebug("AXX: updating revcomment {$revid} \n");
                         $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
                         $summary = "updating from html5 editor, " . $wgRequest->getVal('summary');
                         $dbw->update('revision', array('rev_comment' => $summary), array('rev_id' => $revid, 'rev_user_text' => $wgUser->getName()), "Html5Editor::saveComment", array("LIMIT" => 1));
                         $dbw->update('recentchanges', array('rc_comment' => $summary), array('rc_this_oldid' => $revid, 'rc_user_text' => $wgUser->getName()), "Html5Editor::saveComment", array("LIMIT" => 1));
                     } else {
                         wfDebug("AXX: NOT updating revcomment, why\n");
                 } else {
                     if ($action == 'publish-html') {
                         // check the edit token
                         $token = $wgRequest->getVal('edittoken');
                         if (!$wgUser->matchEditToken($token)) {
                             $response = array('error' => wfMsg('sessionfailure'));
                             print json_encode($response);
                         // check the edit time and check for a conflict
                         $edittime = $wgRequest->getVal('edittime');
                         if (!preg_match('/^\\d{14}$/', $edittime)) {
                             $edittime = null;
                         if (!$edittime) {
                             $response = array('error' => 'missing or invalid edit time');
                             print json_encode($response);
                         if ($response = $this->getPermissionErrors($t)) {
                             print json_encode($response);
                         $newArticle = !$t->exists();
                         $a = new Article($t);
                         // check for edit conflict
                         //	if( $this->mArticle->getTimestamp() != $this->edittime ) {
                         //   $this->isConflict = true;
                         //	}
                         // now ... let's convert the HTML back into wikitext... holy crap, we are nuts
                         $oldtext = $a->getContent();
                         $html = $wgRequest->getVal('html');
                         $newtext = $this->convertHTML2Wikitext($html, $oldtext);
                         // filter callback?
                         if ($wgFilterCallback && $wgFilterCallback($t, $newtext, null)) {
                             # Error messages or other handling should be performed by the filter function
                             $response = array('error' => self::$spam_message, 'html' => $html);
                             print json_encode($response);
                         // do the save
                         // TODO: check for conflicts (obviously)
                         if ($a->doEdit($newtext, $wgRequest->getVal('summary') . " (HTML5) ")) {
                             //$alerts = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**");
                             //UserMailer::send($alerts, $alerts, "HTML5 Ouput for {$t->getText()}", "{$t->getFullURL()}?action=history \n HTML: " . trim($html) . "\n\nwikitext:\n $newtext\n\n\nUser: "******"\n\n\n\nPOST: " . print_r($_POST, true) );
                             $r = Revision::newFromTitle($t);
                             $this->setRevCookie($t, $r);
                             #$html = WikihowArticleHTML::postProcess($wgOut->parse($newtext));
                             $html = $this->parse($t, $a, $newtext);
                             // Create an anon attribution cookie
                             if ($newArticle && $wgUser->getId() == 0) {
                                 setcookie('aen_anon_newarticleid', $a->getId(), time() + 3600, $wgCookiePath, $wgCookieDomain, $wgCookieSecure);
                             $response = array(error => '', 'html' => $html);
                             print json_encode($response);
                         } else {
                             $response = array(error => 'Error saving', 'html' => '');
                             print json_encode($response);