function fetchFunctionDescription($func, $language = 'en') { global $message, $redirects; $notfoundtext = 'Nothing matches your query, try search:'; Dog_Log::debug('phpmanual: fetching ' . $func . ' info'); $res = GWF_HTTP::getFromUrl('http://' . ($language != 'en' ? $language . '.' : '') . '' . $func, false, 'LAST_LANG=' . $language); if ($res === false) { return 'Timeout on contacting ' . ($language != 'en' ? $language . '.' : '') . ''; } if (preg_match('/<span class=\\"refname\\">(.*?)<\\/span> — <span class=\\"dc\\-title\\">(.*?)<\\/span>/si', $res, $match)) { $match[2] = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), ' ', strip_tags($match[2])); preg_match('/<div class=\\"methodsynopsis dc\\-description\\">(.*?)<\\/div>/si', $res, $descmatch); $decl = isset($descmatch[1]) ? strip_tags($descmatch[1]) : $match[1]; $decl = html_entity_decode(str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), ' ', $decl)); $decl = str_replace($func, "" . $func . "", $decl); $output = $decl . ' - ' . html_entity_decode($match[2]) . ' ( http://' . ($language != 'en' ? $language . '.' : '') . '' . $func . ' )'; } else { // if several possibilities $output = ''; if (preg_match_all('/<a href=\\"\\/manual\\/[a-z]+\\/(?:.*?)\\.php\\">(?:<b>)?(.*?)(?:<\\/b>)?<\\/a><br/i', $res, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { if ($redirects++ < 2) { return fetchFunctionDescription($matches[0][1]); } else { return $notfoundtext . ' http://' . ($language != 'en' ? $language . '.' : '') . '' . $message; } } else { $output = $notfoundtext . ' http://' . ($language != 'en' ? $language . '.' : '') . '' . $func; } } return $output; }
public function event_join() { $user = Dog::getUser(); $server = Dog::getServer(); $channel = Dog::getChannel(); $cid = $channel->getID(); if (Dog::isItself() || Dog_Greeting::hasBeenGreeted($user->getID(), $cid) || false === ($greeting = Dog_GreetMsg::getGreetMsg($server, $channel)) || $greeting->isDisabled()) { return; } $message = $greeting->getVar('dgm_msg'); switch ($greeting->getGreetMode()) { case Dog_GreetMsg::MODE_CHAN: $server->sendPRIVMSG($channel->getName(), $user->getName() . ': ' . $message); break; case Dog_GreetMsg::MODE_NOTICE: $server->sendNOTICE($user->getName(), $message); break; case Dog_GreetMsg::MODE_PRIVMSG: $server->sendPRIVMSG($user->getName(), $message); break; default: Dog_Log::error('Invalid type of greeting in ' . __FILE__ . ' line ' . __LINE__ . '!'); return; } Dog_Greeting::markGreeted($user->getID(), $cid); }
public static function addTimer($func, $args, $delay, $repeat = true) { if ($delay < 0.2) { die(Dog_Log::critical("Timer has delay < 0.200!")); } self::$TIMERS[] = new self($func, $args, $delay, $repeat); }
/** * Beam a party to a target location. * @param SR_Player $player * @param string $target * @param string $action */ public function beam(SR_Player $player, $target = 'Redmond_Hotel', $action = 'inside') { if (false === ($location = Shadowrun4::getLocationByTarget($target))) { $player->message('Unknown location to beam to, report to gizmore!'); Dog_Log::error('Unknown $target "' . $target . '" for ' . __METHOD__ . ' in ' . __FILE__ . ' line ' . __LINE__ . '.'); return false; } $party = $player->getParty(); # City changed? $oldcity = $party->getCity(); $party->pushAction($action, $target); $newcity = $party->getCity(); if ($oldcity !== $newcity) { $city = $party->getCityClass(); $city->onCityEnter($party); } // if ($action === 'inside') // { // foreach ($party->getMembers() as $member) // { // $member->message($location->getEnterText($member)); // } // } $party->giveKnowledge('places', $target); return true; }
public static function connect(Dog_Server $server) { if (false === ($nick = self::getNickData($server))) { return Dog_Log::warn(sprintf('No nicks for %s.', $server->displayName())); } $server->addUser(Dog::getOrCreateUserByName($nick->getName())); $conn = $server->getConnection(); return self::sendUser($conn, $server, $nick) && self::sendNick($conn, $server, $nick); }
/** * Remove all items from array that are not a decision. * @param array $args * @return array */ public static function filterDecisions(array &$args) { foreach ($args as $i => $arg) { if (!$arg instanceof SR_AIDecision) { Dog_Log::debug('filterDecisions argument is not a decision.'); GWF_Debug::backtrace('filterDecisions argument is not a decision.', $args); unset($args[$i]); } } return $args; }
public function send($message) { // $message = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), '', trim($message)); $message = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), '', $message); Dog_Log::server($this->server, $message, ' >>>> '); if (!fwrite($this->socket, "{$message}\r\n")) { $this->hard_disconnect(); return false; } return true; }
public static function decideCombat(SR_Player $player, array $args) { if (count($args) !== 3) { Dog_Log::debug(sprintf('Call to AI: if expects 3 args. %s given!', count($args))); return NULL; } if (self::evaluateExpression($args[0])) { return self::evaluateExpression($args[1]); } else { return self::evaluateExpression($args[2]); } }
public static function combatTimer(SR_Player $player) { $ai = $player->getVar('sr4pl_combat_ai'); if ($ai === NULL) { if ($player->isHuman()) { return; } else { $ai = self::DEFAULT_COMBAT_AI; } } // $data = array(); // $total = 0; $decisions = array(); $ai = explode(';', $ai); foreach ($ai as $func) { $func = trim($func); if (preg_match('/([a-z_]+)(\\([^\\)]+\\))?([-+*\\/]\\d+)?/i', $func, $matches)) { $funcname = $matches[1]; $classname = 'ShadowAI_' . $funcname; if (class_exists($classname)) { $args = isset($matches[1]) ? explode(',', $matches[1]) : NULL; $multi = isset($matches[2]) ? $matches[2] : '*1'; $decision = call_user_func(array($classname, 'decideCombat'), $player, $args); if ($decision !== NULL) { $command = $decision[0]; $prefer = $decision[1]; $prefer = eval("{$prefer}{$multi};"); // $chance = (int)($prefer*100); // $total += $chance; // $data[] = array($command, $chance); $decisions[$command] = $prefer; } } else { Dog_Log::debug(sprintf('%s has an invalid AI method: %s.', $player->getName(), $funcname)); } } else { Dog_Log::debug(sprintf('PREG MATCH FAILED: %s.', $func)); } } # Best if (count($decisions) > 0) { arsort($decisions); $command = key($decisions); $player->combatPush($command); } # Rand // if (false !== ($command = Shadowfunc::randomData($data, $total))) // { // $player->combatPush($command); // } }
function dog_svn_info($key, $repo, $user = '', $pass = '', $displayurl = '', $channels = array()) { $keyshort = $key; $key = 'DOG_SVNINFO_REVISION_' . $key; $svninfo = new GWF_SvnInfo(); $svninfo->setRepository($repo, $user, $pass); if (0 == ($currentRevision = $svninfo->getCurrentRevision())) { return Dog_Log::debug('Fetching current revision failed.'); } $lastRevision = GWF_Settings::getSetting($key, $currentRevision); if ($currentRevision <= $lastRevision) { GWF_Settings::setSetting($key, $currentRevision); return; } $svnlog = $svninfo->getLog($lastRevision + 1, $currentRevision); foreach ($svnlog as $entry) { $msg = sprintf('[%s] New revision %s by %s: %s', $keyshort, $entry['version-name'], $entry['creator-displayname'], html_entity_decode($entry['comment'])); if ($displayurl != '') { $msg .= ' ( ' . str_replace('%REV%', $entry['version-name'], $displayurl) . ' )'; } if (count($channels) === 0) { # To all servers in the main channel foreach (DOG::getServers() as $server) { $server instanceof Dog_Server; $channels = $server->getChannels(); if (count($channels) > 0) { $channel = array_shift($channels); $channel = $channel->getVar('chan_name'); $server->sendPRIVMSG($channel, $msg); } } } else { # To all servers in matching channels foreach (DOG::getServers() as $server) { $server instanceof Dog_Server; $channels_now = $server->getChannels(); foreach ($channels_now as $channel) { $channel instanceof Dog_Channel; $channel = $channel->getName(); foreach ($channels as $c) { if (!strcasecmp($c, $channel)) { $server->sendPRIVMSG($channel, $msg); } } } } } } GWF_Settings::setSetting($key, $currentRevision); }
public static function onInstall($dropTable = false) { Dog_Log::debug(__METHOD__); $dir = Shadowrun4::getShadowDir(); foreach (self::$TABLES as $classname) { require_once $dir . 'core/' . $classname . '.php'; if (false !== ($table = GDO::table($classname))) { // Dog_Log::debug('SR_Install::onInstall('.$classname.')'); if (false === $table->createTable($dropTable)) { return false; } } } return true; }
public function after_pull($repo_id, array $data) { // printf("DOGMOD_CVS::afterPull($repo_id): %s\n", print_r($data, true)); $code = $data[0]; $pullResult = $data[1]; $this->pulling = false; if (!($repo = Dog_Repo::getByID($repo_id))) { Dog_Log::critical(GWF_HTML::lang('ERR_DATABASE', array(__FILE__, __LINE__))); return; } if (!$repo->isNew($pullResult)) { return; } if (!$repo->storePullResult($pullResult)) { Dog_Log::critical(GWF_HTML::lang('ERR_DATABASE', array(__FILE__, __LINE__))); return; } $this->announce_commit($repo); }
public static function updateScumStats(Dog_ScumGame $game) { $server = $game->getServer(); $won = 1; $score = $game->getPlayerCountStart(); foreach ($game->getWinners() as $name) { $score--; if (false === ($user = $server->getUserByName($name))) { Dog_Log::error('Can not find user ' . $name); continue; } $userid = $user->getID(); if (false === ($row = self::getOrCreateStatsRow($userid))) { Dog_Log::error('Can not find stats for user ' . $name); continue; } $row->updateRow("scums_games=scums_games+1, scums_won=scums_won+{$won}, scums_score=scums_score+{$score}"); $won = 0; } }
public static function decideCombat(SR_Player $player, array $args) { # NULL? if (count($args) === 0) { return NULL; } # ARG missing! if (count($args) === 1) { Dog_Log::debug(sprintf('Missing parameter for AI: mul.')); return $args[0]; } # Is it a decision? $decision = $args[0]; if (!$decision instanceof SR_AIDecision) { return $args[0] * $args[1]; } # Multiply all the decisions! $decision instanceof SR_AIDecision; $decision->setPreference($decision->getPreference() * $args[1]); return $decision; }
# :gizmore!gizmore@localhost PRIVMSG Dog :.join #sr if (false === ($user = Dog::getOrCreateUser())) { return; } $serv = Dog::getServer(); $serv->addUser($user); $user = Dog::setupUser(); $chan = Dog::setupChannel(); if ($user === false) { return Dog::suppressModules(); } # Log PRIVMSGs $msg = Dog::getIRCMsg()->getArg(1); if (Dog::getIRCMsg()->shouldLog()) { Dog_Log::user($user, $msg); Dog_Log::channel($chan, $msg); } # Exec Stuff if (!$user->isBot()) { if ('' !== ($trigger = Common::substrUntil($msg, ' '))) { if (Dog_Init::isTrigger($serv, $chan, $trigger[0])) { if ($user->isFlooding()) { return; } Dog::setTriggered(); $trigger = substr($trigger, 1); if (false !== ($plug = Dog_Plugin::getPlug($trigger))) { if (!$plug->isInScope($serv, $chan)) { Dog::scopeError($plug->getScope()); } elseif (!$plug->hasPermission($serv, $chan, $user)) { Dog::permissionError($plug->getPriv());
<?php # :Dog!Dawg@localhost JOIN :#sr $msg = Dog::getIRCMsg(); $serv = Dog::getServer(); if (false === ($user = Dog::getOrCreateUser())) { return Dog_Log::critical("Cannot create user!"); } $serv->addUser($user); if (false === Dog::setupUser()) { return Dog_Log::critical('Cannot setup user!'); } $chan_name = $msg->getArg(0); if (false === ($channel = $serv->getChannelByName($chan_name))) { if (false === ($channel = Dog_Channel::getOrCreate($serv, $chan_name))) { return; } $serv->addChannel($channel); } $channel->addUser($user); if (false === Dog::setupChannel()) { Dog_Log::critical('Cannot setup channel.'); }
private function discoverService($port) { $portname = basename($port, '.php'); $W = $this; $ip = $this->curr_ip; $host = $this->curr_host; $username = $this->getCurrUsername(); Dog_Log::logDebug(sprintf('Probe %s (%s) [%s] on port %s', $host, $ip, $username, $portname)); include $port; }
public static function init() { Dog_Log::debug(__METHOD__); static $inited = false; if ($inited === false) { $inited = true; Shadowlang::onLoadLanguage(); Shadowrap::init(); self::$sr_timestamp = GWF_CachedCounter::getCount('SR4_TIME'); $path = self::getShadowDir(); self::initCore($path); self::initCmds($path); Shadowcmd::init(); self::initItems($path); // self::initQuests($path); self::initCityBases($path); self::initSpells($path); self::initCityQuests($path); self::initCityNPCs($path); self::initCityLocations($path); // self::initCities($path); self::initCityAfter(); SR_Player::init(); // require_once DOG_PATH.'Lamb_IRCFrom.php'; // require_once DOG_PATH.'Lamb_IRCTo.php'; if (defined('SL4_REALS')) { self::initRealNPCs(); } Shadowcleanup::cleanup(); } }
/** * Spawn a copy of this NPC. * @return SR_NPC */ public function spawn(SR_Party $party, SR_Party $attackers = NULL) { if (false === ($npc = self::createNPC($this->getNPCClassName(), $party, $attackers))) { Dog_Log::error(sprintf('SR_NPC::spawn() failed for NPC class: %s.', $this->getNPCClassName())); return false; } foreach ($this->getNPCEquipment() as $field => $itemname) { if (is_array($itemname)) { $itemname = Shadowfunc::randomListItem($itemname); } if (!in_array($field, SR_Player::$EQUIPMENT, true)) { Dog_Log::error(sprintf('NPC %s has invalid equipment type: %s.', $this->getNPCPlayerName(), $field)); $npc->deletePlayer(); return false; } if (false === ($item = SR_Item::createByName($itemname))) { Dog_Log::error(sprintf('NPC %s has invalid %s: %s.', $this->getNPCPlayerName(), $field, $itemname)); $npc->deletePlayer(); return false; } $item->changeOwnerAndPosition($npc->getID(), $field); $npc->setEquipment($field, $item); } foreach ($this->getNPCCyberware() as $itemname) { $npc->addCyberware(SR_Item::createByName($itemname)); } foreach ($this->getNPCMountInventory() as $itemname) { $npc->putInMountInv(SR_Item::createByName($itemname)); } $inv = array(); foreach ($this->getNPCInventory() as $itemname) { if (false === ($item = SR_Item::createByName($itemname))) { Dog_Log::error(sprintf('NPC %s has invalid inventory item: %s.', $this->getNPCPlayerName(), $itemname)); $npc->deletePlayer(); return false; } $inv[] = $item; } $npc->giveItems($inv); $npc->saveSpellData($this->getNPCSpells()); $npc->modify(); $npc->healHP(10000); $npc->healMP(10000); return $npc; }
private function getDescription($url) { # Get page content # TODO: Only download .txt and .html content! GWF_HTTP::setTimeout(10); GWF_HTTP::setConnectTimeout(3); $content = GWF_HTTP::getFromURL($url, true); GWF_HTTP::setTimeout(); GWF_HTTP::setConnectTimeout(); if ($content === false) { Dog_Log::error('Mod_Link::getDescription(): getFromURL() failed. URL: ' . $url); return false; } list($head, $content) = preg_split("/[\r\n]{4}/", $content, 2); $type = Common::regex('/Content-Type: *(.*)/Di', $head); echo $type . PHP_EOL; if (Common::startsWith($type, 'image')) { return array('image', $content); } # Get Title from html if (0 === preg_match('#< *title *>([^<]+)< */ *title *>#i', $content, $matches)) { return false; } $title = $this->decode($matches[1]); $descr = ''; if (1 === preg_match('#(< *meta.*description[^>]*>)#i', $content, $matchesB)) { $tag = $matchesB[1]; if (1 === preg_match('#content=["\']([^"\']+)["\']#', $tag, $matchesB)) { $descr = ' - ' . $this->decode($matchesB[1]); } } return array('html', $title . ' - ' . $descr); }
<?php # 403 Dog sr :Invalid channel name Dog_Log::warn('Invalid channel name: ' . Dog::argv(1));
public function checkRequirements(SR_Player $player) { $back = ''; foreach ($this->getRequirements() as $require => $level) { if (false !== ($spell = self::getSpell($require))) { if ($spell->getBaseLevel($player) < $level) { $back .= sprintf(', %s level %s', $require, $level); } } elseif (in_array($require, SR_Player::$ATTRIBUTE)) { if ($player->getBase($require) < $level) { $back .= sprintf(', %s level %s', $require, $level); } } elseif (in_array($require, SR_Player::$SKILL)) { if ($player->getBase($require) < $level) { $back .= sprintf(', %s level %s', $require, $level); } } else { Dog_Log::error(sprintf('Unknown requirement for Spell "%s": %s.', $this->getName(), $require)); } } return $back === '' ? false : substr($back, 2); }
/** * Parse config vars from a ####conf string. * Returns array of Dog_Var * @param string $string * @return array */ public static function parseConfigVars($string, $module = NULL, $plugin = NULL) { $back = array(); $csv = str_getcsv($string . ',,'); $len = count($csv); for ($i = 0; $i < $len;) { if ('' === ($name = trim($csv[$i++]))) { Dog_Log::critical(sprintf('Empty config name in %s:%s.', $i - 1, $string)); return $back; } $scope = @substr(strtolower(trim($csv[$i++])), 0, 1); if (strpos(self::SCOPES, $scope) === false) { Dog_Log::critical(sprintf('Invalid config scope "%s" in %s:%s.', $scope, $i - 1, $string)); return $back; } $priv = @substr(strtolower(trim($csv[$i++])), 0, 1); if (strpos(Dog_IRCPriv::allChars(), $priv) === false) { Dog_Log::critical(sprintf('Invalid config privilege "%s" in %s:%s.', $priv, $i - 1, $string)); return $back; } $type = @substr(strtolower(trim($csv[$i++])), 0, 1); if (strpos(self::TYPES, $type) === false) { Dog_Log::critical(sprintf('Invalid config type "%s" in %s:%s.', $type, $i - 1, $string)); return $back; } if ('' === ($default = trim($csv[$i++]))) { Dog_Log::critical(sprintf('Empty default value in %s:%s.', $i - 1, $string)); return $back; } if (!self::isValid($type, $default)) { Dog_Log::critical(sprintf('Invalid default value in %s:%s.', $i - 1, $string)); return $back; } if ('' !== ($e1 = $csv[$i++]) || '' !== ($e1 = $csv[$i++])) { Dog_Log::critical('Invalid ####conf format. There have to be three consecutive comma to seperate vars.'); return $back; } # Yay \o/ $back[] = new self($name, $scope, $priv, $type, $default, $module, $plugin); } return $back; }
private function logOutput($to, $message) { if ($this->isLogging()) { if (false !== ($channel = Dog::getChannel())) { Dog_Log::channel($channel, $message); } if (false !== ($user = $this->getUserByName($to))) { Dog_Log::user($user, $message); } } }
/** * Use the amount of an item. Delete item when empty. * @param SR_Player $player * @param int $amount * @return true|false */ public function useAmount(SR_Player $player, $amount = 1, $modify = true) { if ($amount > $this->getAmount()) { Dog_Log::error(sprintf('Item %s(%d) has not %d amount to use!', $this->getItemName(), $this->getID(), $amount)); return false; } if (false === $this->increase('sr4it_amount', -$amount)) { Dog_Log::error(sprintf('Item %s(%d) can not decrease amount %d!', $this->getItemName(), $this->getID(), $amount)); return false; } if ($modify) { $player->modify(); } return $this->getAmount() < 1 ? $this->deleteItem($player) : true; }
<?php # :krashed__! QUIT :Excess Flood if (false !== ($user = Dog::setupUser())) { Dog::getServer()->removeUser($user); } else { Dog_Log::error('Cannot get use from quit'); Dog_Log::error(Dog::getMessage()); }
<?php Dog_Log::error(Dog::getIRCMsg()->getArg(0));
private function onBoardTimer(Dog_Forum $board) { if (false === ($entries = $board->fetchNewEntries(10))) { return Dog_Log::warn('Forum Board Activities corrupt!'); } if (count($entries) > 0) { foreach (Dog::getServers() as $server) { $this->onBoardServerTimer($entries, $board, $server); } $board->updateDatestamp(array_pop($entries)); } }
private function looseItem(SR_Player $killer) { Dog_Log::debug(sprintf('%s could loose an item!', $this->getName())); $items = array_merge($this->sr4_equipment, $this->sr4_inventory); foreach ($items as $i => $item) { $item instanceof SR_Item; if ($item instanceof SR_Mount || !$item->isItemDropable()) { unset($items[$i]); } } if (0 !== ($rand = rand(0, count($items)))) { shuffle($items); $item = array_pop($items); $item instanceof SR_Item; if ($item->isEquipped($this)) { $this->unequip($item, false); } $this->removeFromInventory($item); $killer->giveItems(array($item), 'killing ' . $this->getName()); $this->msg('5255', array($item->getAmount(), $item->getItemName())); // $this->message(sprintf('You lost your %s.', $item->getItemName())); } }
private function onLearn(SR_Player $player, $field, $price) { $have = false; $type = 'skill'; if (false !== ($spell = SR_Spell::getSpell($field))) { $type = 'spell'; if ($spell->getBaseLevel($player) > -1) { $have = true; } } elseif ($player->getBase($field) > -1) { $have = true; } if ($type !== 'spell') { if ($player->getBase($field) < -1) { $player->msg('1145', array($field)); // $player->message(sprintf('Your character cannot learn %s.', $field)); return false; } } if ($have === true) { $player->msg('1146', array($field)); // $player->message(sprintf('You already learned the %s %s.', $type, $field)); return false; } if ($type === 'spell') { if (false !== ($error = $spell->checkRequirements($player))) { $player->msg('1147', array($error)); // $player->message(sprintf('You need %s to learn this spell.', $error)); return false; } } $dp = Shadowfunc::displayNuyen($price); if (false === $player->pay($price)) { $player->msg('1063', array($dp, $player->displayNuyen())); // $player->message(sprintf('It cost %s to learn the %s %s, but you only have %s.', $dp, $type, $field, $player->displayNuyen())); return false; } if ($type === 'spell') { $player->levelupSpell($field, 1); } elseif ($type === 'skill') { $player->levelupFieldTo($field, 0); } else { $player->message('Database error!'); return Dog_Log::error(sprintf('Learned field "%s" is neither a skill nor a spell!', $field)); } // $player->modify(); $player->msg('5184', array($dp, $field)); // $player->message(sprintf('You pay %s and learned the %s %s.', $dp, $type, $field)); return true; }