public function on_note_Pb() { $server = Dog::getServer(); $user = Dog::getUser(); $message = $this->msgarg(); $command = Common::substrUntil($message, ' ', $message); $message = Common::substrFrom($message, ' ', ''); switch ($command) { case 'send': $out = $this->onSend($server, $user, $message); break; case 'read': $out = $this->onRead($server, $user, $message); break; case 'delete': $out = $this->onDelete($server, $user, $message); break; case 'search': $out = $this->onSearch($server, $user, $message); break; default: case 'help': $this->onHelp(); return; } $this->reply($out); }
public function on_autojoin_Ac() { $user = Dog::getUser(); $server = Dog::getServer(); $argv = $this->argv(); $argc = count($argv); # Invoked in channel. switch ($argc) { # .autojoin case 0: return $this->showStatus($channel); # .autojoin on|#channel # .autojoin on|#channel case 1: if (Dog_Var::isValid('b', $argv[0])) { return $this->setEnabled($channel, Dog_Var::parseValue('b', $argv[0])); } elseif (false === ($channel = Dog::getOrLoadChannelByArg($argv[0]))) { return Dog::rply('err_channel'); } else { return $this->showStatus($channel); } # .autojoin #wechall on # .autojoin #wechall on case 2: if (false === ($channel = Dog::getOrLoadChannelByArg($argv[0]))) { return Dog::rply('err_channel'); } if (!Dog::hasPermission($server, $channel, $user, 'A')) { return Dog::noPermission('s'); } return $this->setEnabled($channel, Dog_Var::parseValue('b', $argv[1])); } $this->showHelp('autojoin'); }
public function event_join() { $user = Dog::getUser(); $server = Dog::getServer(); $channel = Dog::getChannel(); $cid = $channel->getID(); if (Dog::isItself() || Dog_Greeting::hasBeenGreeted($user->getID(), $cid) || false === ($greeting = Dog_GreetMsg::getGreetMsg($server, $channel)) || $greeting->isDisabled()) { return; } $message = $greeting->getVar('dgm_msg'); switch ($greeting->getGreetMode()) { case Dog_GreetMsg::MODE_CHAN: $server->sendPRIVMSG($channel->getName(), $user->getName() . ': ' . $message); break; case Dog_GreetMsg::MODE_NOTICE: $server->sendNOTICE($user->getName(), $message); break; case Dog_GreetMsg::MODE_PRIVMSG: $server->sendPRIVMSG($user->getName(), $message); break; default: Dog_Log::error('Invalid type of greeting in ' . __FILE__ . ' line ' . __LINE__ . '!'); return; } Dog_Greeting::markGreeted($user->getID(), $cid); }
private static function getAutoTargetISO() { if (false !== ($channel = Dog::getChannel())) { return $channel->getLangISO(); } else { return Dog::getUser()->getLangISO(); } }
/** * We hook into PRIVMSG to record activity. */ public function event_privmsg() { if (!Dog::isTriggered()) { if (false !== Dog::getUser()) { Dog_Seen::record(Dog::getUser(), Dog::getChannel(), 'privmsg', $this->msg()); } } }
public function on_hang_Pc() { $channel = Dog::getChannel(); if (false === isset($this->instances[$channel->getID()])) { $config = array('solution_allowed_everytime' => $this->getConfig('solve_anytime', 'c') === '1', 'placeholder' => $this->getConfig('placeholder', 'c'), 'lives' => $this->getConfig('lives', 'c'), 'singleplayer' => $this->getConfig('singleplayer', 'c') === '1'); $this->instances[$channel->getID()] = new HangmanGame($config); } $hang = $this->instances[$channel->getID()]; $hang instanceof HangmanGame; $this->reply($hang->onGuess(Dog::getUser()->getName(), $this->msgarg())); }
private function announceVideo(array $data) { // Pick ISO for channel? if (false !== ($chan = Dog::getChannel())) { $iso = $chan->getLangISO(); } else { $iso = Dog::getUser()->getLangISO(); } $vars = array($data['title'], GWF_TimeConvert::humanDurationISO($iso, $data['duration']), sprintf('%.02f', $data['rating']), number_format($data['views']), number_format($data['num_raters'])); Dog::reply($this->langISO($iso, 'video', $vars)); }
public function event_privmsg() { if (!Dog::isTriggered() && $this->collectorEnabled()) { $user = Dog::getUser(); if (preg_match_all('#(https?://[^\\ ]+)#D', $this->msg(), $matches)) { array_shift($matches); foreach ($matches as $match) { $this->onAdd($user, $match[0]); } } } }
public function on_scum_Pc() { if (false === ($chanel = Dog::getChannel())) { return Dog::rply('err_only_channel'); } $user = Dog::getUser(); $msg = $this->msgarg(); $command = Common::substrUntil($msg, ' ', $msg); $message = Common::substrFrom($msg, ' ', ''); switch ($command) { case '': case 'help': $out = $this->scumHelp($message); break; case 'init': $out = $this->scumInit($user); break; case 'join': $out = $this->scumJoin($user); break; case 'start': $out = $this->scumStart($user); break; case 'cards': $out = $this->scumCards($user); break; case 'turn': case 'deck': $out = $this->scumDeck($user); break; case 'top5': $out = $this->scumTop5($user, $message); break; case 'stats': $out = $this->scumStats($user, $message); break; case 'abort': $out = $this->scumAbort($user); break; case 'pass': $out = $this->scumPass($user); break; default: $out = $this->scumPlay($user, $msg, false); break; } return Dog::reply($out); }
public function event_notice() { if (false !== ($user = Dog::getUser())) { if (!strcasecmp($user->getName(), 'NickServ')) { if (preg_match('/^STATUS ([^ ]+) ([0-9])$/Di', $this->msgarg(), $matches)) { $server = Dog::getServer(); $nickname = $matches[1]; $status = (int) $matches[2]; if (!$this->probingNickservStatus($server, $nickname, $status) && $status === 3) { if (false !== ($user = $server->getUserByName($nickname))) { $this->onAutoLogin($user); } } } } } }
public function getItemDescription() { if (false === ($user = Dog::getUser())) { $username = ''; } else { $username = $user->getName(); } $partner = 'Your PC'; switch ($username) { case 'ynori7': $partner = 'CPUkiller'; break; case 'CPUkiller': $partner = 'ynori7'; break; } return 'Your wedding ring. You are currently married to ' . $partner . '.'; }
function dogplug_help_all($entry, $fullpath, $cutlen) { global $DPH_ALL; $priv = $entry[0]; $chan = Dog::getChannel(); $serv = Dog::getServer(); $user = Dog::getUser(); $name = substr($entry, 0, -7); if (false !== ($plug = Dog_Plugin::getPlugWithPerms($serv, $chan, $user, $name)) && $plug->isEnabled($serv, $chan)) { $dir = substr($fullpath, $cutlen); $dir = substr($dir, 0, strrpos($dir, '/')); if (!isset($DPH_ALL[$dir])) { $DPH_ALL[$dir] = array(); } if (!array_search($name, $DPH_ALL[$dir], true)) { $DPH_ALL[$dir][] = $name; } } }
$prot = $server->isSSL() ? 'ircs' : 'irc'; $port = $server->getPort(); } else { $url = parse_url($argv[0]); if (!isset($url['host'])) { return $plugin->rply('err_url'); } $host = $url['host']; $prot = isset($url['scheme']) ? strtolower($url['scheme']) : 'irc'; if ($prot !== 'irc' && $prot !== 'ircs') { return $plugin->rply('err_url'); } $default_port = $prot === 'ircs' ? 6697 : 6667; $port = isset($url['port']) ? intval($url['port']) : $default_port; $options = Dog_Server::DEFAULT_OPTIONS; $options |= $prot === 'ircs' ? Dog_Server::SSL : 0; } if (false !== ($server = Dog::getServerByArg($argv[0])) || false !== ($server = Dog::getServerByArg($host))) { $plugin->reply('reconnecting'); $server->saveOption(Dog_Server::ACTIVE, true); $server->saveOption(Dog_Server::SSL, $prot === 'ircs'); $server->saveVar('serv_port', $port); } else { $plugin->reply('adding_server'); $server = Dog_Server::getOrCreate($host, $port, $options); $server->setVar('dog_connector', Dog::getUser()); $server->setConf('ircoppass', GWF_Random::randomKey(8)); Dog::addServer($server); } $server->setConnectIn(0.5); $plugin->rply('connect');
<?php $lang = array('en' => array('help' => 'You can use this function to goto bed. It works!', 'm1' => 'nighty night %s!', 'm2' => 'good night %s.')); $plugin = Dog::getPlugin(); $channel = Dog::getChannel(); $plugin->reply($plugin->lang('m' . rand(1, 2), array(Dog::getUser()->displayName())));
public function on_slaptop5_Pb() { $this->reply($this->onTop5(Dog::getUser(), $this->msgarg())); }
<?php $lang = array('en' => array('help' => 'Usage: %CMD% <evil plan here>. Gain world domination with your evil plan. TODO: implement.', 'm0' => 'This is not bizarroworld.', 'm1' => 'Your evil plan failed.', 'm2' => 'Syntax error in eval(\'$evil_plan\'). Luckily, the bot did not quit.', 'm3' => 'Evil plan is running. You did not specify a main contact email tho.', 'm4' => 'Evil plan is running.', 'm5' => 'Database error. If you are %s you might have exhausted the evil plan slots.')); $plugin = Dog::getPlugin(); if ($plugin->msg() === '') { return $plugin->showHelp(); } $n = rand(0, 5); switch ($n) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: return $plugin->rply('m' . $n); case 5: return $plugin->rply('m5', array(Dog::getUser()->displayName())); }
public static function setVar(array $vars, $scope = NULL, $varname, $value) { if (false === ($var = self::getVar($vars, $varname, $scope))) { Dog::rply('err_unk_var'); } elseif (!self::isValid($var->getType(), $value)) { Dog::rply('err_variabl', array($var->displayName(), $varname, $var->displayType())); } elseif (!$var->hasPermission(Dog::getServer(), Dog::getChannel(), Dog::getUser())) { Dog::noPermission($var->getPriv()); } elseif (false === ($oldval = $var->getValue())) { Dog::err('ERR_DATABASE', array(__FILE__, __LINE__)); } elseif (!$var->setValue($value)) { Dog::err('ERR_DATABASE', array(__FILE__, __LINE__)); } else { Dog::rply('msg_set_var', array($var->displayName(), $varname, $oldval, $var->getValue())); } }
public function on_ADDquote_Pc() { Dog::reply($this->onAdd(Dog::getUser()->getName(), $this->msgarg())); }
<?php $lang = array('en' => array('help' => 'Usage: %CMD% [<message here...>]. Initiate a reboot and quit with a message.', 'default' => '%s is rebooting me :O')); // GWF_HTTP::getFromURL("") return Dog::reply('YOU FOUND A TODO!'); $plugin = Dog::getPlugin(); $message = $plugin->argc() === 0 ? $plugin->lang('default', array(Dog::getUser()->displayName())) : $plugin->msg(); foreach (Dog::getServers() as $server) { $server instanceof Dog_Server; $server->disconnect($message); } Dog_Launcher::kill();
<?php $lang = array('en' => array('help' => 'Usage: %CMD% [<iso>]. Set or show your language.', 'set' => 'Your language on %s has been set from %s to %s.', 'show' => 'Your language on %s is set to %s.')); # Special language codes $special = array('bot' => 'Bot', 'ibd' => 'IBDES'); $user = Dog::getUser(); $server = Dog::getServer(); $plugin = Dog::getPlugin(); $argv = $plugin->argv(); $argc = count($argv); if ($argc === 0) { $plugin->rply('show', array($server->displayName(), $user->displayLang())); } elseif ($argc === 1) { if (!Dog_Init::isValidISO($argv[0])) { return Dog::rply('err_lang_iso'); } else { $old = isset($special[$user->getLangISO()]) ? $special[$user->getLangISO()] : $user->displayLang(); Dog::getUser()->saveVar('user_lang', $argv[0]); $dlang = isset($special[$argv[0]]) ? $special[$argv[0]] : $user->displayLang(); $plugin->rply('set', array($server->displayName(), $old, $dlang)); } } else { $plugin->showHelp(); }
<?php $lang = array('en' => array('help' => 'Usage: %CMD%. Drink some vodka with %BOT%!', 'young' => 'You are too young for vodka, have no age specified, or your brain would suffer too much!', 'FreeArtMan' => 'Ah ... at least. I am not kid!', 'paipai' => 'Chin Chin!', 'poulse' => 'Cheers and congrats!', 'Oz' => 'Nastrovje!', 'sabretooth' => 'One vodka, Mr. Bond. Shaken, not stirred.', 'dalfor' => 'vodka? what am I russian?', 'MkZ^' => 'You can pop more vodka than i thought!')); $plugin = Dog::getPlugin(); $uname = Dog::getUser()->getName(); if ($plugin->hasKey($uname)) { $plugin->rply($uname); } else { $plugin->rply('young'); }
public function getConfUser($key, $def) { return Dog_Conf_Plug_User::getConf($this->name, Dog::getUser()->getID(), $key, $def); }
<?php $lang = array('en' => array('help' => 'Query wechall for user or site info. Usage: %CMD% [<username|rank>] || %CMD% !site <sitename> || %CMD% !sites [<username>] || %CMD% !<sitename> [<username|rank>].')); $plugin = Dog::getPlugin(); $argv = $plugin->argv(); $argc = count($argv); switch ($argc) { case 0: $argv[0] = Dog::getUser()->getName(); break; case 1: if ($argv[0][0] === '!') { $argv[1] = Dog::getUser()->getName(); } break; case 2: break; default: return $plugin->showHelp(); } $url = ''******' ', $argv)); if (false === ($result = GWF_HTTP::getFromURL($url, false))) { return Dog::rply('err_repsonse'); } Dog::reply($result);
public function reply($message) { if ('' !== ($message = trim($message))) { if (false !== ($user = Dog::getUser())) { $username = Dog::getUser()->getName(); if (false !== ($channel = Dog::getChannel())) { $this->sendPRIVMSG($channel->getName(), $username . ': ' . $message); } else { $this->sendPRIVMSG($username, $message); } } } }
<?php $lang = array('en' => array('help' => 'Usage: %CMD%. Codemonkey gets up gets coffee.', 'coff' => 'hands %s a cup of hot coffee.')); $plugin = Dog::getPlugin(); if ($plugin->argc() !== 0) { $plugin->showHelp(); } else { $plugin->rplyAction('coff', array(Dog::getUser()->getName())); }
if ($argc < 1 || $argc > 2) { return $plugin->showHelp(); } if (false === ($user = Dog::getOrLoadUserByArg($argv[0]))) { return Dog::rply('err_user'); } if ($argc === 1) { if ($user->isOptionEnabled(Dog_User::BOT)) { $plugin->rply('bot_on'); } else { $plugin->rply('bot_off'); } } else { $argv[1] = strtolower($argv[1]); if ($argv[1] === 'on') { $isx = Dog_PrivServer::hasPermChar($user->getServer(), $user, 'x'); // he Owner $isy = Dog_PrivServer::hasPermChar($user->getServer(), $user, 'y'); // he Hoster $isuy = Dog_PrivServer::hasPermChar($user->getServer(), Dog::getUser(), 'y'); // Caller Hoster if ($isy || $isx && !$isuy) { return $plugin->rply('err_owner', $user->getName()); } $user->setOption(Dog_User::BOT, true); $plugin->rply('bot_on'); } elseif ($argv[1] === 'off') { $user->setOption(Dog_User::BOT, false); $plugin->rply('bot_off'); } }
<?php $lang = array('en' => array('help' => 'Usage: %CMD% [<triggers>]. Show or set the triggers configured for this channel/server. Needs admin/ircop to set it. Use %CMD% default to switch back to defaults.', 'chan' => 'This channel overrides triggers to %s.', 'chan_by_serv' => 'This channel uses the triggers from the server: %s.', 'chan_by_bot' => 'This channel uses the bot triggers: %s.', 'serv' => 'This server overrides triggers to %s.', 'serv_by_bot' => 'This server uses the bot triggers: %s.', 'chan_to_default' => 'This channel now uses the server or %BOT% triggers.', 'chan_to' => 'This channel now overrides triggers to %s.', 'serv_to_default' => 'This server now uses the %BOT% triggers.', 'serv_to' => 'This server now defaults triggers to %s.')); $plugin = Dog::getPlugin(); $user = Dog::getUser(); $serv = Dog::getServer(); $chan = Dog::getChannel(); $argv = $plugin->argv(); $argc = count($argv); if ($argc === 0) { if ($chan !== false) { if (NULL !== ($t = $chan->getTriggers())) { $plugin->rply('chan', array($t)); } elseif (NULL !== ($t = $serv->getTriggers())) { $plugin->rply('chan_by_serv', array($t)); } else { $plugin->rply('chan_by_bot', array(Dog_Init::getTriggers())); } } else { if (NULL !== ($t = $serv->getTriggers())) { $plugin->rply('serv', array($t)); } else { $plugin->rply('serv_by_bot', array(Dog_Init::getTriggers())); } } } elseif ($argc === 1) { if ($chan !== false) { if ($argv[0] === 'default') { $chan->saveVar('chan_triggers', NULL); $plugin->rply('chan_to_default'); } else {
$plugin->rply('not_regged', array($user->displayName())); } elseif ($sign === '+' && strlen($argv[1]) >= 1) { $u = Dog::getUser(); $have = Dog_PrivServer::getPermbits($serv, $u); $want = Dog_IRCPriv::charsToBits(substr($argv[1], 1)); $high = Dog_IRCPriv::getHighestBit($have); $wigh = Dog_IRCPriv::getHighestBit($want); if ($wigh > $high) { $plugin->rply('no', array(Dog_IRCPriv::displayBits($wigh, ''), $user->displayName())); } else { $now = Dog_PrivServer::getPermbits($serv, $user) | $want; Dog_PrivServer::setPermbits($serv, $user, $now); $plugin->rply('set', array($user->displayName(), $serv->displayName(), Dog_IRCPriv::displayBits($now))); } } elseif ($sign === '-' && strlen($argv[1]) >= 1) { $u = Dog::getUser(); $have = Dog_PrivServer::getPermbits($serv, $u); $want = Dog_IRCPriv::charsToBits(substr($argv[1], 1)); $high = Dog_IRCPriv::getHighestBit($have); $wigh = Dog_IRCPriv::getHighestBit($want); if ($wigh >= $high) { $plugin->rply('no2', array(Dog_IRCPriv::displayBits($wigh, ''), $user->displayName())); } else { $now = Dog_PrivServer::getPermbits($serv, $user) & ~$want; Dog_PrivServer::setPermbits($serv, $user, $now); $plugin->rply('set', array($user->displayName(), $serv->displayName(), Dog_IRCPriv::displayBits($now))); } } else { $plugin->rply('err_bits'); } } else {
public function on_repo_subscribe_Pb() { if ($this->argc() !== 1) { return $this->showHelp('repo_subscribe'); } if (false === ($repo = $this->getRepoForRead())) { return; } if (!($chan = Dog::getChannel())) { if (!($ru = Dog_RepoUsers::getOrCreateForRepoAndUser($repo, Dog::getUser()))) { return Dog::err('ERR_DATABASE', array(__FILE__, __LINE__)); } if ($ru->isSubscribed()) { return $this->error('err_already_subscribed'); } $ru->subscribe(); return $this->rply('msg_subscribed_private'); } else { if (Dog_RepoSubscribes::isSubscribed($repo, $chan)) { return $this->error('err_already_subscribed'); } if (!Dog_RepoSubscribes::subscribe($repo, $chan)) { return Dog::err('ERR_DATABASE', array(__FILE__, __LINE__)); } return $this->rply('msg_subscribed_channel'); } }
<?php $lang = array('en' => array('help' => 'Usage: %CMD%. Drink some gin with %BOT% and dalfor!', 'young' => 'You are too young for gin, have no age specified, or your brain would suffer too much!')); $plugin = Dog::getPlugin(); switch (Dog::getUser()->getName()) { default: $plugin->rply('young'); }