예제 #1
$cmd->option("c")->aka("config")->title("Path to configuration file")->describedAs("Defines the configuration file that the bot will use to run")->file(true)->require();
$cmd->option("ccp")->title("Install the ccp database")->describedAs("Installs the CCP database. Required before the bot can start properly")->boolean();
$cmd->option("conv")->aka("convert")->title("Converts a username/password login to token login")->describedAs("Converts the username/password login for Discord, to the new bot API token login");
$args = $cmd->getFlagValues();
// Define the path for the logfile
$configPath = $args["c"] ? $args["c"] : \Exception("Error, config file not loaded");
// Bot start time
$startTime = time();
// Load in the config
require_once $configPath;
// define the bots name
define("BOTNAME", strtolower($config["bot"]["botName"]));
// Conversion path triggered
if ($args["conv"]) {
    $discord = new \Discord\Discord($config["discord"]["email"], $config["discord"]["password"]);
    $bot = Discord::createOauthApp($args["conv"], $config["bot"]["botName"]);
    $discord->convertToBot($args["conv"], $bot->id, $bot->secret);
    echo "Bot has been converted to the new Token API..";
// Start the bot, and load up all the Libraries and Models
include BASEDIR . "/src/init.php";
// Check if the CCP Database exists
if (!file_exists(BASEDIR . "/config/database/ccpData.sqlite") || filesize(BASEDIR . "/config/database/ccpData.sqlite") == 0) {
    throw new \Exception("Error, ccpData.sqlite does not exist. Please start the bot with --ccp, to update it");
// --ccp was passed, lets update the database!
if ($args["ccp"]) {
    echo "Updated the CCP Database, now exiting, please start the bot without --ccp";