예제 #1
    echo "   you may re-run this script with the insert flag to update your tables.";
    echo "\n";
    echo "   Usage: php tools/gen_models.php [args]\n\n";
    echo "   The available arguments are:\n";
    echo "       -h     Show this help\n";
    echo "       -s     Schema name, in underscore format (required)\n";
    echo "       -p     Plugin name, in underscore format (optional)\n";
    echo "       -e     Environment, corresponding to a database connection entry in config.yml (defaults to 'dev')\n";
    echo "       -i     Insert SQL (optional)\n";
    echo "\n";
    echo "   Example: php tools/gen_models.php -s=monkey_tail -p=tail_extensions -i\n";
    echo "\n =======================================================================================\n\n";
if (!isset($options['s'])) {
    echo "\nPlease use the -s flag to indicate which schema set to use.\n\n";
$plugin_name = null;
if (isset($options['p'])) {
    $plugin_name = $options['p'];
$insert_sql = false;
if (isset($options['i'])) {
    $insert_sql = true;
if (isset($options['e'])) {
    $Dinkly = new Dinkly($options['e'], true);
DinklyBuilder::buildAllModels($options['s'], $insert_sql, $plugin_name);