if ($mode == 'search' && $keyword != '' && $keyword != '%') { if ($keyword == "*%*") { $keyword = "%"; } include $root_path . 'include/inc_products_search_mod.php'; } elseif ($mode == 'save' && $bestellnum != '' && $artikelname != '') { //include($root_path.'include/inc_products_ordercatalog_save.php'); $saveok = $product_obj->SaveCatalogItem($_GET, $cat); } if ($mode == 'delete' && $keyword != '') { //include($root_path.'include/inc_products_ordercatalog_delete.php'); $delete_ok = $product_obj->DeleteCatalogItem($keyword, $cat); } # Prepare title $sTitle = "{$title}::{$LDCatalog}::"; $buff = $dept_obj->LDvar($dept_nr); if (isset(${$buff}) && !empty(${$buff})) { $sTitle = $sTitle . ${$buff}; } else { $sTitle = $sTitle . $dept_obj->FormalName($dept_nr); } # Start Smarty templating here /** * LOAD Smarty */ # Note: it is advisable to load this after the inc_front_chain_lang.php so # that the smarty script can use the user configured template theme require_once $root_path . 'gui/smarty_template/smarty_care.class.php'; $smarty = new smarty_care('common'); # Title in toolbar $smarty->assign('sToolbarTitle', $sTitle);
$insclass = ${$insurance_class}['LD_var']; } else { $insclass = $insurance_class['name']; } # Get ward or department infos if ($encounter['encounter_class_nr'] == 1) { # Get ward name include_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_ward.php'; $ward_obj = new Ward(); $current_ward_name = $ward_obj->WardName($encounter['current_ward_nr']); } elseif ($encounter['encounter_class_nr'] == 2) { # Get ward name include_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_department.php'; $dept_obj = new Department(); //$current_dept_name=$dept_obj->FormalName($current_dept_nr); $current_dept_LDvar = $dept_obj->LDvar($encounter['current_dept_nr']); if (isset(${$current_dept_LDvar}) && !empty(${$current_dept_LDvar})) { $current_dept_name = ${$current_dept_LDvar}; } else { $current_dept_name = $dept_obj->FormalName($encounter['current_dept_nr']); } } require_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_insurance.php'; $insurance_obj = new Insurance(); $classpath = $root_path . 'classes/phppdf/'; $fontpath = $classpath . 'fonts/'; # Load and create pdf object include $classpath . 'class.ezpdf.php'; $pdf = new Cezpdf(); $logo = $root_path . 'gui/img/logos/lopo/care_logo.png'; $arlogo = $root_path . 'gui/img/logos/lopo/ar/care_logo.png';
} else { echo "<p>{$sql}<p>{$LDDbNoRead}"; } } # Detect the type of form # $bgc1 = The main background color of the form switch ($target) { case 'radio': $formtitle = $LDRadiology; $bgc1 = '#ffffff'; break; case 'generic': include_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_department.php'; $dept_obj = new Department(); if ($dept_obj->preloadDept($stored_request['testing_dept'])) { $buffer = $dept_obj->LDvar(); if (isset(${$buffer}) && !empty(${$buffer})) { $formtitle = ${$buffer}; } else { $formtitle = $dept_obj->FormalName(); } } $bgc1 = '#bbdbc4'; break; case 'chemlabor': $formtitle = $LDChemicallaboratory; $bgc1 = '#fff3f3'; if (file_exists($root_path . 'language/' . $lang . '/lang_' . $lang . '_konsil_chemlabor.php')) { include_once $root_path . 'language/' . $lang . '/lang_' . $lang . '_konsil_chemlabor.php'; } else { include_once $root_path . 'language/en/lang_en_konsil_chemlabor.php';
$dutyplan =& $pers_obj->getDOCDutyplan($dept_nr, $pyear, $pmonth); $firstday = date("w", mktime(0, 0, 0, $pmonth, 1, $pyear)); $maxdays = date("t", mktime(0, 0, 0, $pmonth, 1, $pyear)); switch ($retpath) { case "menu": $rettarget = 'doctors.php' . URL_APPEND; break; case "qview": $rettarget = 'doctors-dienst-schnellsicht.php' . URL_APPEND . '&hilitedept=' . $dept_nr; break; default: $rettarget = "javascript:window.history.back()"; } # Prepare page title $sTitle = "{$LDDoctors}::{$LDDutyPlan}::"; $LDvar = $dept_obj->LDvar(); if (isset(${$LDvar}) && ${$LDvar}) { $sTitle = $sTitle . ${$LDvar}; } else { $sTitle = $sTitle . $dept_obj->FormalName(); } # Start Smarty templating here /** * LOAD Smarty */ # Note: it is advisable to load this after the inc_front_chain_lang.php so # that the smarty script can use the user configured template theme require_once $root_path . 'gui/smarty_template/smarty_care.class.php'; $smarty = new smarty_care('common'); # Title in toolbar $smarty->assign('sToolbarTitle', $sTitle);
# Get the overall status if ($stat =& $encounter_obj->AllStatus($encounter_nr)) { $enc_status = $stat->FetchRow(); } # Get ward or department infos if ($encounter_class_nr == 1) { # Get ward name include_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_ward.php'; $ward_obj = new Ward(); $current_ward_name = $ward_obj->WardName($current_ward_nr); } elseif ($encounter_class_nr == 2) { # Get ward name include_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_department.php'; $dept_obj = new Department(); //$current_dept_name=$dept_obj->FormalName($current_dept_nr); $current_dept_LDvar = $dept_obj->LDvar($current_dept_nr); if (isset(${$current_dept_LDvar}) && !empty(${$current_dept_LDvar})) { $current_dept_name = ${$current_dept_LDvar}; } else { $current_dept_name = $dept_obj->FormalName($current_dept_nr); } } $count = 2; $type = "R"; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $sql = "select * from care_encounter_prescription as a\n\t\t\t\t\tinner join care_tz_drugsandservices as b on a.article_item_number = b.item_id\n\t\t\t\t\twhere a.encounter_nr={$encounter_nr} AND (isnull(a.is_disabled) OR a.is_disabled='') AND b.item_number like '{$type}%'\n\t\t\t\t "; $result = $db->Execute($sql); while ($encounter = $result->FetchRow()) { if ($type == "R") { $registration_fee = $encounter['article']; } else {
} } //echo $sql; require_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_personell.php'; $pers_obj = new Personell(); if ($pnr = $duty1['ha' . $offset_day]) { $person1 =& $pers_obj->getPersonellInfo($pnr); } if ($pnr = $duty2['hr' . $offset_day]) { $person2 =& $pers_obj->getPersonellInfo($pnr); } require_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_department.php'; $dept_obj = new Department(); $dept =& $dept_obj->getPhoneInfo($dept_nr); /* Resolve the departments name "language dependent" */ $dept_ldvar = $dept_obj->LDvar($dept_nr); if (isset(${$dept_ldvar}) && !empty(${$dept_ldvar})) { $dept_name = ${$dept_ldvar}; } else { $dept_name = $dept_obj->FormalName($dept_nr); } require_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_globalconfig.php'; $glob_obj = new GlobalConfig($GLOBAL_CONFIG); $glob_obj->getConfig('person_%'); /* Check whether config foto path exists, else use default path */ $default_photo_path = 'fotos/registration'; $photo_path = is_dir($root_path . $GLOBAL_CONFIG['person_foto_path']) ? $GLOBAL_CONFIG['person_foto_path'] : $default_photo_path; ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 3.0//EN" "html.dtd"> <?php