<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/common/delegate.php'; if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } $delegate = new Delegate(); /** * Redirect to 'draw' if we are alredy logged or if we have 'remember me' option active * * [1] Session method * Check is user id session is set and is numeric */ if (isset($_SESSION['userId']) and is_numeric($_SESSION['userId'])) { // Load user as object, from SQL by id $loggedUser = $delegate->userGetById(abs(intval($_SESSION['userId']))); // If exists a logged user if (is_numeric($loggedUser->id)) { redirect('./editor.php'); } /** * [2] Cookie method * Check if user cookie is set */ } elseif (isset($_COOKIE['biscuit'])) { // Decode the cookie data $userCookie = packer($_COOKIE['biscuit'], PACKER_UNPACK); // Validate data if (validateEmail($userCookie['email'], null) and validateString($userCookie['password'], null, 1)) { // Load user as object, from SQL by id $loggedUser = $delegate->userGetByEmailAndCryptedPassword($userCookie['email'], $userCookie['password']);
WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ $page = 'mydiagrams'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/common/delegate.php'; if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/common/rememberme.php'; if (!isset($_SESSION['userId']) || !is_numeric($_SESSION['userId'])) { addError("Access denied"); redirect('./editor.php'); } $delegate = new Delegate(); $loggedUser = $delegate->userGetById($_SESSION['userId']); $allDiagrams = $delegate->diagramGetAll(); /**Exctracts the name of an email address*/ function firstName($email) { $rez = strpos($email, '@'); if ($rez) { return substr($email, 0, $rez); } else { return substr($email, 0, 5); } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html>
function declineInvitationExe() { if (!is_numeric($_SESSION['userId'])) { print "Wrong way"; exit; } if (!isset($_REQUEST['invitationId'])) { print "Wrong Invitation"; exit; } $d = new Delegate(); $loggedUser = $d->userGetById($_SESSION['userId']); $invitation = $d->invitationGetById($_REQUEST['invitationId']); if ($invitation->email == $loggedUser->email) { //a match made in stars...how lovely :) $d->invitationDelete($invitation->id); addMessage("Invitation declined."); } redirect('../myDiagrams.php'); }