public function view() {
			$wgOut, $wgTitle, $wgRequest, $wdCurrentContext;

		// Split title into defining expression and ID
		$titleText = $wgTitle->getText();
		$dmInfo = DefinedMeaningModel::splitTitleText( $titleText );

		// Title doesn't have an ID in it (or ID 0)
		if ( is_null( $dmInfo ) || !$dmInfo["id"] ) {
			$wgOut->showErrorPage( 'errorpagetitle', 'ow_dm_badtitle' );
			return false;
		$definedMeaningModel = new DefinedMeaningModel( $dmInfo["id"], $this->viewInformation );
		$this->definedMeaningModel = $definedMeaningModel; # TODO if I wasn't so sleepy I'd make this consistent

		$copyTo = $wgRequest->getText( 'CopyTo' );
		if ( $copyTo ) {
			$definedMeaningModel->copyTo( $copyTo );

		if ( !empty( $dmInfo["expression"] ) ) {
		 	$definedMeaningModel->setDefiningExpression( $dmInfo["expression"] );

		// Search for this DM in all data-sets, beginning with the current one.
		// Switch dataset context if found elsewhere.
		$match = $definedMeaningModel->checkExistence( true, true );

		// The defining expression is likely incorrect for some reason. Let's just
		// try looking up the number.
		if ( is_null( $match ) && !empty( $dmInfo["expression"] ) ) {
			$definedMeaningModel->setDefiningExpression( null );
			$dmInfo["expression"] = null;
			$match = $definedMeaningModel->checkExistence( true, true );

		// The defining expression is either bad or missing. Let's redirect
		// to the correct URL.
		if ( empty( $dmInfo["expression"] ) && !is_null( $match ) ) {
			$title = Title::newFromText( $definedMeaningModel->getWikiTitle() );
			$url = $title->getFullURL();
			header( "Location: $url" );
			return false;

		// Bad defining expression AND bad ID! :-(
		if ( is_null( $match ) ) {
			$wgOut->showErrorPage( 'errorpagetitle', 'ow_dm_missing' );
			return false;

		$this->showDataSetPanel = false;

		# Raw mode
		$view_as = $wgRequest->getText( 'view_as' );
		if ( $view_as == "raw" ) {
			$wgOut->addHTML( "<pre>" . $definedMeaningModel->getRecord() . "</pre>" );
			# $wgOut->disable();

// concept panel is annoying and useless
//		$wgOut->addHTML( $this->getConceptPanel() );
		$editor = getDefinedMeaningEditor( $this->viewInformation );
		$idStack = $this->getIdStack( $definedMeaningModel->getId() );
		$html = $editor->view( $idStack, $definedMeaningModel->getRecord() );
		$wgOut->addHTML( $html );
예제 #2
	public function execute() {
		$type = null;
		$expression = null;
		$dmid = null;
		$dataset = null;
		$languages = null;
		$explanguage = null;
		$deflanguage = null;
		$resplanguage = null;
		$sections = null;
		$format = null;
		$collection = null;
		$collection_id = null;
		$relation = null;
		$relleft = null;
		$relright = null;
		$translanguage = null;
		$deflanguage = null;
		// read the request parameters
		extract( $this->extractRequestParams() );
		$datasets = wdGetDataSets();
		if ( !isset( $datasets[$dataset] ) ) {
			$this->dieUsage( "Unknown data set: $dataset", 'unknown_dataset' );
		// **********************************
		// create and configure the formatter
		// **********************************
		$printer = $this->getCustomPrinter();
		$printer->setFormat( $format );
		// Figure out what to output
		if ( $sections != null ) { // default is to show everything
			foreach ( $sections as $section ) {
				if ( $section == 'syntrans' ) {
					$printer->setIncludeSynTrans( true );
				else if ( $section == 'syntransann' ) {
					$printer->setIncludeSynTransAnnotations( true );
				else if ( $section == 'def' ) {
					$printer->setIncludeDefinitions( true );
				else if ( $section == 'altdef' ) {
					$printer->setIncludeAltDefinitions( true );
				else if ( $section == 'ann' ) {
					$printer->setIncludeAnnotations( true );
				else if ( $section == 'classatt' ) {
					$printer->setIncludeClassAttributes( true );
				else if ( $section == 'classmem' ) {
					$printer->setIncludeClassMembership( true );
				else if ( $section == 'colmem' ) {
					$printer->setIncludeCollectionMembership( true );
				else if ( $section == 'rel' ) {
					$printer->setIncludeRelations( true );
				else {
					$printer->addErrorMessage( "Unknown section: $section" );
		// Figure out which languages to output
		if ( $languages != null ) {
			// echo $languages;
			$langCodes = explode( '|', $languages );
			foreach ( $langCodes as $langCode ) {
				$langId = getLanguageIdForIso639_3( $langCode );
				if ( $langId != null ) {
					$printer->addOutputLanguageId( $langId );
				else {
					$printer->addErrorMessage( $langCode . ' is not an ISO 639-3 language code.' );
		// The response language
		global $wgRecordSetLanguage;
		$wgRecordSetLanguage = getLanguageIdForIso639_3( $resplanguage );
		// *************************
		// Handle the actual request
		// *************************
		if ( $type == 'definedmeaning' ) {
			$dmModel = new DefinedMeaningModel( $dmid, null, $datasets[$dataset] );
			$record = $dmModel->getRecord();
			$printer->addDefinedMeaningRecord( $record );
		// *******************
		// *******************
		else if ( $type == 'expression' ) {
			$dmIds = array();
			if ( $explanguage == null ) {
				$dmIds = getExpressionMeaningIds( $expression, $dataset );
			else {
				$srcLanguages = array();
				$srcLanguages[] = getLanguageIdForIso639_3( $explanguage );
				$dmIds = getExpressionMeaningIdsForLanguages( $expression, $srcLanguages, $dataset );
			$uniqueDmIds = array();
			foreach ( $dmIds as $dmId ) {
				// Should we return duplicates? If Rintse is right, we should.
				if ( !$this->rintseIsRight && in_array( $dmId, $uniqueDmIds ) ) {
				$uniqueDmIds[] = $dmId;
				$dmModel = new DefinedMeaningModel( $dmId, null, $datasets[$dataset] );
				$record = $dmModel->getRecord();
				$printer->addDefinedMeaningRecord( $record );
		// **********************
		// **********************
		// Why is this a section marked with a comment, rather than a proper function?
		else if ( $type == 'randomdm' or $type == 'dump' ) {
			// I want all the allowed parameters for this type of query to work in combination. 
			// So a client can, for example, get a random defined meaning from the destiazione 
			// italia collection that has a definition and translation in spanish and that has 
			// a 'part of theme' relationship with some other defined meaning.  
			// We'll build one monster query for all these parameters. I've seen this take up
			// to one second on a development machine.

			$query =  "SELECT dm.defined_meaning_id " .
			          "FROM {$dataset}_defined_meaning dm ";
			// dm must have a translation in given language
			if ( $translanguage != null ) {
				$query .= "INNER JOIN {$dataset}_syntrans st ON dm.defined_meaning_id=st.defined_meaning_id " .
			              "INNER JOIN {$dataset}_expression exp ON st.expression_id=exp.expression_id ";
			// dm must have a definition in given language
			if ( $deflanguage != null ) {
				$query .= "INNER JOIN {$dataset}_translated_content tc ON dm.meaning_text_tcid=tc.translated_content_id ";
			// dm must be part of given collection
			if ( $collection != null ) {
				$query .= "INNER JOIN {$dataset}_collection_contents col on dm.defined_meaning_id=col.member_mid ";
			// dm must be related to another dm
			if ( $relation != null && ( $relleft != null || $relright != null ) ) {
				if ( $relright != null ) {
					$query .= "INNER JOIN {$dataset}_meaning_relations rel ON dm.defined_meaning_id=rel.meaning1_mid ";
				else {
					$query .= "INNER JOIN {$dataset}_meaning_relations rel ON dm.defined_meaning_id=rel.meaning2_mid ";
			$query .= "WHERE dm.remove_transaction_id is null ";
			// dm must have a translation in given language
			if ( $translanguage != null ) {
				$query .= "AND st.remove_transaction_id is null " .
			              "AND exp.remove_transaction_id is null " .
			              "AND exp.language_id=" . getLanguageIdForIso639_3( $translanguage ) . " ";
			// dm must have a definition in given language
			if ( $deflanguage != null ) {
				$query .= "AND tc.remove_transaction_id is null " .
			              "AND tc.language_id=" . getLanguageIdForIso639_3( $deflanguage ) . " ";
			// dm must be part of given collection
			if ( $collection != null ) {
				$query .= "AND col.remove_transaction_id is null " .
			              "AND col.collection_id=$collection ";
			// dm must be related to another dm
			if ( $relation != null && ( $relleft != null || $relright != null ) ) {
				$query .= "AND rel.remove_transaction_id is null " .
			              "AND rel.relationtype_mid=$relation ";
				if ( $relright != null ) {
					$query .= "AND rel.meaning2_mid=$relright ";
				else {
					$query .= "AND rel.meaning1_mid=$relleft ";
			// We may get doubles for multiple expressions or relations. Pretty trivial, but affects probability
			$query .= "GROUP BY dm.defined_meaning_id ";
			// pick one at random
			if ( $type == "randomdm" ) {
				$query .= "ORDER BY RAND() ";

			# var_dump($dump_start, $dump_items);
			$query .= "LIMIT $dump_start, $dump_items";
			# echo $query;

			$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
			$result = $dbr->query( $query );
			for ( $i = 0; $i < $dbr->numRows( $result ); $i++ ) {
				$row = $dbr->fetchRow( $result );
				$dmModel = new DefinedMeaningModel( $row[0], null, $datasets[$dataset] );
				$record = $dmModel->getRecord();
				$printer->addDefinedMeaningRecord( $record );
		else if ( $type == 'relation' ) {
			if ( $relation != null || $relleft != null || $relright != null ) {
				$related = 	getRelationDefinedMeanings( $relation, $relleft, $relright, $datasets[$dataset] );
				if ( count( $related ) > 0 ) {
					foreach ( $related as $dmId ) {
						$dmModel = new DefinedMeaningModel( $dmId, null, $datasets[$dataset] );
						$record = $dmModel->getRecord();
						$printer->addDefinedMeaningRecord( $record );
				else {
					$printer->addErrorMessage( "Your relations query did not return any results." );
			else {
				$printer->addErrorMessage( 'To get relations you must at least specify a left or right hand side dmid and optionally a relation type dmid.' );
		} elseif ( $type == 'collection' ) {
			try {
				print $this->collection( $collection_id, $languages );
				# throw new Exception("bla");
			} catch ( Exception $exception ) {
				$printer->addErrorMessage( $exception->getTraceAsString() );
		} elseif ( $type == 'translation' ) {
			try { # effin error handler suxx0rs. This way at least I see what I'm doing wrong
				$printer->suppress_output();	# this is prolly not the best solution ^^;;
				print $this->translation( $dmid, $languages );
			} catch ( Exception $exception ) {
				$printer->addErrorMessage( $exception->getTraceAsString() );
		} elseif ( $type == 'listCollections' ) {
			try { # effin error handler suxx0rs. This way at least I see what I'm doing wrong
				$printer->suppress_output();	# this is prolly not the best solution ^^;;
				print $this->listCollections();
			} catch ( Exception $exception ) {
				$printer->addErrorMessage( $exception->getTraceAsString() );
