public function campaignAction() { if ($this->getRequest()->getParam('id')) { $model = new Default_Model_DbTable_Campaigns(); $campaign = $model->fetchRow(array('project_id = ?' => $this->getRequest()->getParam('id'))); $keyword_ids = $model->getKeywordIds($campaign['project_id']); $keyword_ids = implode(', ', $keyword_ids); $this->view->keyword_titles = $model->getKeywordTitles($campaign['project_id']); $graph_data = $this->getGraphData('campaign', $keyword_ids); $this->view->title = 'Project: ' . $campaign['project_name']; $this->view->subtitle = ''; $this->view->results_cnt = $graph_data['cnt']; $this->view->min_date = $graph_data['min']; $this->view->max_date = $graph_data['max']; $model = new Default_Model_DbTable_Influencers(); $this->view->influencers = $model->getInfluencers($keyword_ids); $this->view->render('result/head.phtml'); $this->view->render('result/graph.phtml'); $this->view->render('result/influencers.phtml'); $this->view->query_ids = $keyword_ids; $this->view->render('result/wire.phtml'); } else { throw new Zend_Controller_Action_Exception('This page does not exist', 404); } }
public function deleteAction() { if ($this->getRequest()->getParam('campaign')) { $model = new Default_Model_DbTable_Campaigns(); $campaign = $model->fetchRow(array('project_id = ?' => $this->getRequest()->getParam('campaign'))); $campaign->delete(); } $this->_helper->redirector('index', 'index', 'default'); }
/** * Grabs Twitter and Facebook entries * * @param $bootstrap Bootstrap */ public function run($bootstrap) { $active_queries = array(); $campaign = new Default_Model_DbTable_Campaigns(); $keyword = new Default_Model_DbTable_Keyword(); $search = new Default_Model_DbTable_Search(); $influencer = new Default_Model_DbTable_Influencers(); $settings = $bootstrap->getOption('settings'); foreach ($campaign->getCronData() as $obj) { $active_queries[] = $obj['query_id']; /** * Twitter */ $last_tweet_id = 0; $base_url = ''; $parameters = array('q' => $obj['query_q'], 'geocode' => $obj['query_geocode'], 'rpp' => 100, 'result_type' => 'recent', 'since_id' => $obj['query_last_twitter'], 'lang' => $obj['query_lang']); $response = $this->_get_file_contents($base_url, $parameters, true); while (is_object($response) && isset($response->results) && is_array($response->results) && (list(, $entry) = each($response->results))) { if (!$last_tweet_id) { $last_tweet_id = $entry->id_str; $data = array('query_last_twitter' => $last_tweet_id); $keyword->update($data, array('query_id = ?' => $obj['query_id'])); } $data = array('query_id' => $obj['query_id'], 'search_outer_id' => $entry->id_str, 'search_source' => 'twitter', 'search_published' => strtotime($entry->created_at), 'search_content' => addslashes($entry->text), 'search_author_name' => addslashes($entry->from_user), 'search_author_image' => $entry->profile_image_url); $search->insert($data); $data = array('query_id' => $obj['query_id'], 'search_author_name' => addslashes($entry->from_user), 'search_source' => 'twitter', 'cnt' => 1); $influencer->insertOnDuplicate($data, 'UPDATE cnt = cnt + 1'); } /** * Facebook */ $last_facebook_post_time = 0; $base_url = ''; $parameters = array('q' => $obj['query_q'], 'type' => 'post', 'limit' => 100, 'since' => $obj['query_last_facebook']); $response = $this->_get_file_contents($base_url, $parameters, true); $alchemy_base_url = ''; $lang = array(); while (is_object($response) && isset($response->data) && is_array($response->data) && (list(, $entry) = each($response->data))) { $entry->name = isset($entry->name) ? $entry->name : ''; if (isset($entry->message) && $entry->message) { $text = $entry->message; } elseif (isset($entry->story) && $entry->story) { $text = $entry->story; } else { $text = ''; } if ($obj['query_lang'] && $settings['alchemy_api_key']) { $parameters = array('apikey' => $settings['alchemy_api_key'], 'outputMode' => 'json', 'text' => $text); $lang = $this->_get_file_contents($alchemy_base_url, $parameters, true, true); } if (!$obj['query_lang'] || !$settings['alchemy_api_key'] || $obj['query_lang'] && $obj['query_lang'] == $lang['iso-639-1']) { $created_time = strtotime($entry->created_time); if (!$last_facebook_post_time) { $last_facebook_post_time = date('n/j/Y H:i:s', $created_time); $data = array('query_last_facebook' => $last_facebook_post_time); $keyword->update($data, array('query_id = ?' => $obj['query_id'])); } $data = array('query_id' => $obj['query_id'], 'search_outer_id' => $entry->id, 'search_source' => 'facebook', 'search_published' => $created_time, 'search_content' => addslashes($text), 'search_author_name' => addslashes($entry->from->name), 'search_title' => addslashes($entry->name)); $search->insert($data); $data = array('query_id' => $obj['query_id'], 'search_author_name' => addslashes($entry->from->name), 'search_source' => 'facebook', 'cnt' => 1); $influencer->insertOnDuplicate($data, 'UPDATE cnt = cnt + 1'); } } } // Archiving expired entries. $expired_entries = $search->fetchAll(array('query_id IN (?)' => implode(', ', $active_queries), 'search_published < ?' => time() - $settings['keep_history'] * 24 * 3600)); if (count($expired_entries)) { $search_index = new Default_Model_DbTable_SearchIndex(); echo 'Archiving ' . count($expired_entries) . ' entries.' . "\n"; foreach ($expired_entries as $a_obj) { echo '.'; $date = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('n', $a_obj['search_published']), date('j', $a_obj['search_published']), date('Y', $a_obj['search_published'])); $data = array('query_id' => $a_obj['query_id'], 'index_date' => $date, 'index_source' => $a_obj['search_source'], 'index_count' => 1); $search_index->insertOnDuplicate($data, 'UPDATE index_count = index_count+1'); $search->delete(array('search_id' => $a_obj['search_id'])); } } $search->optimize(); echo "\n"; if (!(int) date('G')) { // If hour == 0, sending email digest $mail = new Zend_Mail(); $mail->addTo($bootstrap->getOption(''))->setFrom($settings['default_from'])->setSubject('Daily overview of your projects'); $email_html = '<html><body>logo here<hr/><br/>Project(s) in this email:<br/><ul>'; foreach ($campaign->getCampaigns() as $cmpgn) { $email_html .= '<li><a href="#' . $cmpgn['project_id'] . '">' . $cmpgn['project_name'] . '</a></li>'; } $email_html .= '</ul><br/><br/>'; foreach ($campaign->getCampaigns() as $cmpgn) { $email_html .= '<a name="' . $cmpgn['project_id'] . '"></a> Project: ' . $cmpgn['project_name'] . '<hr/>' . $this->breakdown_block($cmpgn['project_id'], 'twitter') . $this->breakdown_block($cmpgn['project_id'], 'facebook') . '<br/>'; } $email_html .= '</body></html>'; $mail->setBodyHtml($email_html)->setBodyText(strip_tags(preg_replace('#<br\\s*/?>|<hr\\s*/?>|</ul>|</li>|</h\\d>#i', "\n", $email_html)))->send(); } }