/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @return Response */ public function store() { $rules = array('private' => 'numeric|required', 'title' => 'max:46|required', 'paste' => 'required', 'expire' => 'required|numeric', 'private' => 'required|numeric', 'tags' => 'max:6|alpha'); $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { $messages = $validator->messages(); return View::make('paste.form')->withErrors($messages); } $new_paste = new Paste(); $new_paste->title = Input::get('title'); $new_paste->token = Str::random(40); $new_paste->delete_token = Str::random(40); $new_paste->paste = Input::get('paste'); $new_paste->private = Input::get('private'); date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); $expire_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime(sprintf('now + %s minutes', Input::get('expire')))); $new_paste->expire = $expire_time; if (!$new_paste->save()) { Debugbar::error('Saving failed!'); } // Check if tags are set if (Input::has('hidden-tags')) { $tags = explode(' ', Input::get('hidden-tags')); foreach ($tags as $key => $tag) { $tag_model = new Tag(); $tag_model->tag = $tag; $tag_model->paste_id = $new_paste->id; $new_paste->tags()->save($tag_model); } } if ($new_paste->id) { return Redirect::route('paste.show', $new_paste->token)->withCookie(Cookie::make('edittoken', $new_paste->token, 30)); } return view::make('paste.form', array('page_title' => 'Create a paste')); }
function traitEntityEdit() { //соберем форму $this->traitEntityEdit_formBuild(); $this->form->initValues($this->model->toForm()); $this->traitEntityEdit_formBuildAfter(); if ($this->form->isSubmitted()) { $model_class = static::getClassModel(); $data = $this->form->getValue(); $data['id'] = $this->model->id; $validator = $model_class::getDataValidator($data, $this->form); // dd($data); if ($validator->validate()) { //запись успешно сохранена $this->traitEntity_save($validator); //выведем сообщение об успешной вставке return $this->traitEntityEdit_success(); } else { \Debugbar::addMessage($validator->getErrors()); $this->form->setErrors($validator->getErrors()); //$this->form->putTbStatic(\HtmlDiv::addClass('alert alert-danger')->setContent($validator->getErrors(true))); } //запись успешно сохранена // $this->traitEntity_save(); // выведем сообщение об успешной вставке // return $this->traitEntityEdit_success(); } //форма показана в первый раз или с ошибками if (\Request::ajax()) { return $this->traitEntityEditJson(); } return $this->traitEntityEditHtml(); }
public function get($key) { $val = \App\Config::where('key', $key)->pluck('value'); \Debugbar::info($key . ' : ' . $val); $val = unserialize($val); return $val; }
function traitEntityAdd() { //соберем форму $this->traitEntityAdd_formBuild(); $this->traitEntityAdd_formBuildAfter(); /** @var Model $model_class */ $model_class = static::getClassModel(); if ($this->form->isSubmitted()) { $validator = $model_class::getDataValidator($this->form->getValue(), $this->form); if ($validator->validate()) { //запись успешно сохранена $this->traitEntity_save($validator); //выведем сообщение об успешной вставке return $this->traitEntityAdd_success(); } else { // dd($validator->getErrors()); \Debugbar::addMessage($validator->getErrors()); $this->form->setErrors($validator->getErrors()); } } else { $fill_labels = $this->model->getFillable(); foreach ($fill_labels as $fillable) { if (null !== \Input::get($fillable)) { $this->form->initValues([$fillable => \Input::get($fillable)]); } } } //форма показана в первый раз или с ошибками if (\Request::ajax()) { return $this->traitEntityAddJson(); } else { return $this->traitEntityAddHtml(); } }
/** * [getData] * @return [type] [description] */ public function getData() { $Model = $this->modelName; $all_reminders = $Model::all($this->dataTableColumns); $data = []; foreach ($all_reminders as $reminder) { // load relations $load_curr_project = $reminder->project; $load_curr_user = $reminder->user; $curr_reminder = $reminder; Debugbar::info($reminder); if (isset($reminder->user_id) && isset($reminder->project_id)) { $curr_proj = (object) ['id' => $reminder->reminder_id, 'name' => $reminder->project->name]; $curr_user = (object) ['id' => $reminder->user_id, 'username' => $reminder->user->username]; $curr_entry = (object) ['DT_RowId' => 'row_' . $reminder->id, 'reminders' => $curr_reminder, 'users' => $curr_user, 'projects' => $curr_proj]; $data[] = $curr_entry; } } $all_projects = Project::orderBy('name', 'DESC')->get(['id', 'name']); $projects = []; foreach ($all_projects as $project) { $tmp_project = (object) ['value' => $project->id, 'label' => $project->name]; $projects[] = $tmp_project; } $all_users = User::all(['id', 'username']); $users = []; foreach ($all_users as $user) { $tmp_user = (object) ['value' => $user->id, 'label' => $user->username]; $users[] = $tmp_user; } $ret = ['data' => $data, 'projects' => $projects, 'users' => $users]; return Response::json($ret); }
/** * @param $password * @param $loginName * @param bool $flag * @return Users */ public function getUserByCredential($password, $loginName, $flag = null) { if ($flag == null) { $flag = false; } \Debugbar::info($flag); // TODO: Implement getUserByCredential() method. if (!$flag) { $user = $this->model->newQuery()->with('getGroup')->where('email', '=', $loginName)->where('ugroup', '!=', 2)->where('Active', '=', 1)->first(); if ($user != null) { if (\Hash::check($password, $user->getPassword())) { \Debugbar::addMessage('hash matches - ' . Hash::make($password)); return $user; } else { \Debugbar::addMessage('hash dose not match'); return null; } } else { return null; } } else { $user = $this->model->newQuery()->with('getGroup')->where('Password', '=', $password)->where('email', '=', $loginName)->where('Active', '=', 1)->first(); if ($user != null) { return $user; } else { return null; } } }
public function index() { $this->data['personales'] = Personal::where('tipoPersonal', '=', 'Voluntario')->get(); $this->data['personalVoluntarioActive'] = 'active'; Debugbar::info($this->data['personales']); return View::make('admin.personalVoluntario.index', $this->data); }
public function update($id) { $user = User::find($id); if (!$user) { return $this->store(); } $data = Input::all(); if (!isset($data['username'])) { $data['username'] = $data['gebruikersnaam']; } if ($data['username'] == $user->username) { unset($data['username']); } $validator = Validator::make($data, User::$rulesUpdate); $validator->sometimes('function', 'unique:users', function ($input) { return $input->function != ""; }); if ($validator->fails()) { Session::flash('error', 'Er waren fouten met het opslaan'); Debugbar::log($validator->messages()); return Redirect::action('user.edit', $id)->withErrors($validator)->withInput(); } else { $user->username = Input::get('username'); $user->function = Input::get('function'); $user->save(); Session::flash('success', 'Gebruiker is aangepast!'); return Redirect::action('user.edit', $id); } }
public static function console($var) { if (!class_exists('Debugbar') || app()->environment() === 'testing') { return; } \Debugbar::addMessage($var); }
public function boot() { $this->loadViewsFrom(realpath(__DIR__ . '/../views'), 'maikblog'); $this->publishes([realpath(__DIR__ . '/../views') => base_path('resources/views/vendor/maikblog')]); $this->setupRoutes($this->app->router); // this for conig $this->publishes([__DIR__ . '/config/maikblog.php' => config_path('maikblog.php')], 'config'); //this for migrations $this->publishes([__DIR__ . '/database/migrations/' => database_path('migrations')], 'migrations'); //this for css and js $this->publishes([realpath(__DIR__ . '/../assets') => public_path('maiklez/maikblog')], 'public'); \Validator::extend('tag_rule', function ($attribute, $value, $parameters) { $tags = explode(',', $value); // remove empty items from array $tags = array_filter($tags); // trim all the items in array $tags = array_map('trim', $tags); \Debugbar::info($tags); foreach ($tags as $tag) { if ($tag === "") { return false; } } return true; }); \Validator::replacer('tag_rule', function ($message, $attribute, $rule, $parameters) { return str_replace("no white spaces are allow"); }); }
public function index() { $this->data['personales'] = Personal::all(); $this->data['personalActive'] = 'active'; Debugbar::info($this->data['personales']); return View::make('admin.personal.index', $this->data); }
/** * Display a list of all blog post to admin. * * @param Request $request * @return Response */ public function index(Request $request) { $posts = Post::all(); $bestTag = Tag::with('postCount')->get()->sortByDesc('postCount'); $bestCat = Category::with('postCount')->get()->sortByDesc('postCount'); \Debugbar::info($bestTag); return view('maikblog::table', ['posts' => $posts, 'best_tag' => $bestTag, 'best_cat' => $bestCat]); }
/** * Method for upload files * * @param Request $request * @param MediaRepositoryInterface $repositoryInterface * @return string */ public function upload(Request $request, MediaRepositoryInterface $repositoryInterface) { \Debugbar::disable(); $id = $repositoryInterface->create($request->file('file'), null, null); $answer = array('answer' => 'File transfer completed', 'id' => $id); $json = json_encode($answer); return $json; }
public function index() { $this->data['beneficiarios'] = Beneficiario::all(); $this->data['responsables'] = Personal::where('tipoPersonal', '=', ''); Debugbar::info($this->data['beneficiarios']); $this->data['beneficiariosActive'] = 'active'; return View::make('admin.beneficiarios.index', $this->data); }
public function subtest() { $localeCode = LaravelLocalization::getCurrentLocale(); $urltrans = trans('test::routes.subtest'); \Debugbar::info($urltrans); $test = LaravelLocalization::getLocalizedURL($localeCode, route('test')); \Debugbar::info($test); return '<p>Sub-test</p><p><b>Language</b>: ' . $localeCode . '</p><p>Our translation url: ' . $urltrans . '</p>'; }
public function show($teamID, $year) { $team = Team::leftJoin('league', 'lgID', '=', 'league.id')->leftJoin('division', 'divID', '=', 'division.id')->where('teamID', '=', $teamID)->where('yearID', '=', $year)->first(); \Debugbar::info($team); $battingGrids = BattingController::team($teamID, $year); $pitchingGrids = PitchingController::team($teamID, $year); $fieldingGrids = FieldingController::team($teamID, $year); return view('teams.show')->with(['team' => $team, 'year' => $year, 'battingGrids' => $battingGrids, 'pitchingGrids' => $pitchingGrids, 'fieldingGrids' => $fieldingGrids]); }
public function login() { $credential = array('password' => \Input::get('password'), 'login' => \Input::get('email')); \Debugbar::info($credential); if (\Dobby::login($credential)) { return \Redirect::to('admin'); } return view("admin.login"); }
public function getData() { $models = TaskTemplate::select($this->dataTableColumns); return Datatables::of($models)->addColumn('Group', function ($m) { $ret = TaskGroup::find($m->group_id)->name; Debugbar::info($ret); return $ret; })->removeColumn('group_id')->add_column('actions', '<a href="{{{ URL::to(\'/admin/tasktemplates/\' . $id . \'/edit\' ) }}}" class="iframe btn btn-xs btn-default cboxElement">{{{ Lang::get(\'button.edit\') }}}</a> <a href="{{{ URL::to(\'/admin/tasktemplates/\' . $id . \'/delete\' ) }}}" class="iframe btn btn-xs btn-danger cboxElement">{{{ Lang::get(\'button.delete\') }}}</a>')->make(); }
private static function checkLaravelCookie() { $cv = Request::cookie('laravel-remember'); \Debugbar::error("laravel cookie: {$cv}"); $uc = UserCookie::where('cookie', '=', $cv)->get()->first(); if ($uc != null) { $user = User::where('id', '=', $uc->user_id)->get()->first(); Auth::login($user); } }
/** * Show the form for creating a new resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function pay() { \Pingpp\Pingpp::setApiKey('sk_test_urT4i5iPOCiHPmj5K0uLO0GK'); $res = \Pingpp\Charge::create(array('order_no' => '0123456789', 'amount' => '100', 'app' => array('id' => 'app_9iLSeP8Oi5SGznbj'), 'channel' => 'upacp_pc', 'currency' => 'cny', 'client_ip' => '', 'subject' => 'Your Subject', 'body' => 'Your Body', 'extra' => array('success_url' => 'http://www.jindanlan.com/'))); \Debugbar::info($res); $content = $res; $status = 200; $value = "text/json"; return response($content, $status)->header('Content-Type', $value); }
/** * Store a new DMCA notice. * * @param Request $request * * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|\Illuminate\Routing\Redirector */ public function store(Request $request) { \Debugbar::debug($request->request); // debug($request); $notice = $this->createNotice($request); Mail::queue(['text' => 'emails.dmca'], compact('notice'), function ($message) use($notice) { $message->from($notice->getOwnerEmail())->to($notice->getRecipientEmail())->subject('DMCA Notice'); }); flash('Your DMCA notice has been delivered!'); return redirect('notices'); }
public function getTemplate() { \Debugbar::disable(); if (\App::environment() != 'prod') { $content = \File::get(base_path() . '/angular/app/views/modules' . \Input::get('tmp')); } else { $content = \File::get(base_path() . '/public/app/views/modules' . \Input::get('tmp')); } $response = \Response::make($content); return $response; }
public function checkEmailExists(Request $request) { $email = $request->get('email'); \Debugbar::info("comprovant email " . $email); //TODO comprovar email correctament if ($this->checkEmail($email)) { return "true"; } else { return "false"; } }
public function root() { $items = ['Pack luggage', 'Go to airport', 'Arrive in San Juan']; // return $items; // \Log::debug($items); // 1 \Log::info('Just an informational message.'); // 2 \Log::warning('Something may be going wrong.'); // 3 \Log::error('Something is definitely going wrong.'); // 4 \Log::critical('Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!'); \Debugbar::error('Something is definitely going wrong.'); return view('welcome'); }
function getSongs($perPage = 5) { Debugbar::log(isVoteRunning()); global $artist; $artist = Input::get("artist"); $title = Input::get("title"); $data = Song::where(function ($q) { global $artist; $q->where('artist', 'LIKE', "%{$artist}%"); })->where('title', 'LIKE', "%{$title}%", 'AND')->orderBy('updated_at', 'DESC')->paginate($perPage); return Response::json($data); }
public function getActor($id) { $url = html_entity_decode("http://api.themoviedb.org/3/person/" . $id . "/movie_credits?"); $options = array("api_key" => "af5b30b8759307d572388fceb9fa4331", "sort_by" => "release_date.desc"); $url .= http_build_query($options, '', '&'); $myData = file_get_contents($url) or die(print_r(error_get_last())); $movies = json_decode($myData); foreach ($movies->cast as $i => $v) { \Debugbar::info($v); } return view('index')->with('data', $movies->cast); }
protected function view($view = null, $data = array(), $mergeData = array()) { if (array_search('Barryvdh\\Debugbar\\LaravelDebugbar', get_declared_classes()) !== FALSE) { \Debugbar::startMeasure('admin_view', 'Admin view generation'); } $this->loadBaseComposer(); $content = view($view, array_merge($data, ['_ctrl' => $this]), $mergeData)->render(); $content = view('admin::layout.base', ['content' => $content, '_ctrl' => $this]); if (array_search('Barryvdh\\Debugbar\\LaravelDebugbar', get_declared_classes()) !== FALSE) { \Debugbar::stopMeasure('admin_view'); } return $content; }
/** * Execute the command. * * @return void */ public function handle() { \Debugbar::disable(); //Get a list of allDuo Users subscribed to the DuoRegisteredUsersReport $users = User::whereHas('reports', function ($query) { $query->where('name', 'DuoRegisteredUsersReport'); })->get(); //Loop each user to generate report foreach ($users as $recipient) { $this->dispatch(new GenerateRegisteredDuoUsersReport($recipient)); // \Log::debug('Message will be sent to:',[$recipient->email]); } }
public function index() { $items = array('items' => ['Pack luggage', 'Go to airport', 'Arrive in San Juan']); //dd($items); //\Log::error($items); /* $monolog = \Log::getMonolog(); $monolog->pushHandler(new \Monolog\Handler\FirePHPHandler()); $monolog->addInfo('Log Message', $items); */ \Debugbar::info('Something is wrong'); return view('home'); }
/** * @param $path * @param array $data * @return string */ protected function evaluatePath($path, array $data = []) { $preferences = $this->XSLTSimple->addChild('Preferences'); $url = $preferences->addChild('url'); $url->addAttribute('isHttps', Request::secure()); $url->addAttribute('currentUrl', Request::url()); $url->addAttribute('baseUrl', URL::to('')); $url->addAttribute('previousUrl', URL::previous()); $server = $preferences->addChild('server'); $server->addAttribute('curretnYear', date('Y')); $server->addAttribute('curretnMonth', date('m')); $server->addAttribute('curretnDay', date('d')); $server->addAttribute('currentDateTime', date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $language = $preferences->addChild('language'); $language->addAttribute('current', App::getLocale()); $default_language = \Config::get('app.default_language'); if (isset($default_language)) { $language->addAttribute('default', $default_language); } $languages = \Config::get('app.available_languages'); if (is_array($languages)) { foreach ($languages as $lang) { $language->addChild('item', $lang); } } // from form generator if (isset($data['form'])) { $this->XSLTSimple->addChild('Form', form($data['form'])); } // adding form errors to xml if (isset($data['errors'])) { $this->XSLTSimple->addData($data['errors']->all(), 'FormErrors', false); } // "barryvdh/laravel-debugbar": // adding XML tab if (true === class_exists('Debugbar')) { $dom = dom_import_simplexml($this->XSLTSimple)->ownerDocument; $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $dom->formatOutput = true; $prettyXml = $dom->saveXML(); // add new tab and append xml to it if (false === \Debugbar::hasCollector('XML')) { \Debugbar::addCollector(new \DebugBar\DataCollector\MessagesCollector('XML')); } \Debugbar::getCollector('XML')->addMessage($prettyXml, 'info', false); } $xsl_processor = new \XsltProcessor(); $xsl_processor->registerPHPFunctions(); $xsl_processor->importStylesheet(simplexml_load_file($path)); return $xsl_processor->transformToXML($this->XSLTSimple); }