예제 #1
 function run(Contact $user, $qreq, $ssel)
     global $Conf;
     $o = cvtint($qreq->decision);
     $decision_map = $Conf->decision_map();
     if ($o === null || !isset($decision_map[$o])) {
         return Conf::msg_error("Bad decision value.");
     $result = Dbl::qe_raw($Conf->paperQuery($user, array("paperId" => $ssel->selection())));
     $success = $fails = array();
     while ($prow = PaperInfo::fetch($result, $user)) {
         if ($user->can_set_decision($prow, true)) {
             $success[] = $prow->paperId;
         } else {
             $fails[] = "#" . $prow->paperId;
     if (count($fails)) {
         Conf::msg_error("You cannot set paper decisions for " . pluralx($fails, "paper") . " " . commajoin($fails) . ".");
     if (count($success)) {
         Dbl::qe("update Paper set outcome={$o} where paperId ?a", $success);
         $Conf->update_paperacc_setting($o > 0);
         redirectSelf(array("atab" => "decide", "decision" => $o));
예제 #2
function save_password($email, $encoded_password, $iscdb = false)
    global $Conf, $Now;
    $dblink = $iscdb ? Contact::contactdb() : $Conf->dblink;
    Dbl::qe($dblink, "update ContactInfo set password=?, passwordTime=? where email=?", $encoded_password, $Now, $email);
예제 #3
 static function enable($ids, $contact)
     global $Conf;
     $result = $Conf->qe_raw("update ContactInfo set disabled=1 where contactId" . sql_in_numeric_set($ids) . " and password='' and contactId!=" . $contact->contactId);
     $result = Dbl::qe("update ContactInfo set disabled=0 where contactId" . sql_in_numeric_set($ids) . " and contactId!=" . $contact->contactId);
     if ($result && $result->affected_rows) {
         return self::modify_password_mail("password='' and contactId!=" . $contact->contactId, true, "create", $ids);
     } else {
         if ($result) {
             return (object) array("ok" => true, "warnings" => array("Those accounts were already enabled."));
         } else {
             return (object) array("error" => true);
예제 #4
 static function tagreport($user, $prow)
     $ret = (object) ["ok" => $user->can_view_tags($prow), "warnings" => [], "messages" => []];
     if (!$ret->ok) {
         return $ret;
     if ($vt = TagInfo::vote_tags()) {
         $myprefix = $user->contactId . "~";
         $qv = $myvotes = array();
         foreach ($vt as $tag => $v) {
             $qv[] = $myprefix . $tag;
             $myvotes[strtolower($tag)] = 0;
         $result = Dbl::qe("select tag, sum(tagIndex) from PaperTag where tag ?a group by tag", $qv);
         while ($row = edb_row($result)) {
             $lbase = strtolower(substr($row[0], strlen($myprefix)));
             $myvotes[$lbase] += +$row[1];
         $vlo = $vhi = array();
         foreach ($vt as $tag => $vlim) {
             $lbase = strtolower($tag);
             if ($myvotes[$lbase] < $vlim) {
                 $vlo[] = '<a class="q" href="' . hoturl("search", "q=editsort:-%23~{$tag}") . '">~' . $tag . '</a>#' . ($vlim - $myvotes[$lbase]);
             } else {
                 if ($myvotes[$lbase] > $vlim && (!$prow || $prow->has_tag($myprefix . $tag))) {
                     $vhi[] = '<span class="nw"><a class="q" href="' . hoturl("search", "q=sort:-%23~{$tag}+edit:%23~{$tag}") . '">~' . $tag . '</a> (' . ($myvotes[$lbase] - $vlim) . " over)</span>";
         if (count($vlo)) {
             $ret->messages[] = 'Remaining <a class="q" href="' . hoturl("help", "t=votetags") . '">votes</a>: ' . join(", ", $vlo);
         if (count($vhi)) {
             $ret->warnings[] = 'Overallocated <a class="q" href="' . hoturl("help", "t=votetags") . '">votes</a>: ' . join(", ", $vhi);
     return $ret;
function fix_one_delegation()
    global $Conf;
    $row = Dbl::fetch_first_row("select r.paperId, r.contactId, u.email, q.ct, q.cs, r.reviewNeedsSubmit\n            from PaperReview r\n            left join (select paperId, requestedBy, count(reviewId) ct, count(reviewSubmitted) cs\n                       from PaperReview where reviewType<" . REVIEW_SECONDARY . "\n                       group by paperId, requestedBy) q\n                on (q.paperId=r.paperId and q.requestedBy=r.contactId)\n            left join ContactInfo u on (u.contactId=r.contactId)\n            where r.reviewType=" . REVIEW_SECONDARY . " and r.reviewSubmitted is null\n            and if(coalesce(q.ct,0)=0,1,if(q.cs=0,-1,0))!=r.reviewNeedsSubmit\n            limit 1");
    if (!$row) {
        return false;
    $pid = (int) $row[0];
    $req_cid = (int) $row[1];
    $req_email = $row[2];
    $prow = $Conf->paperRow(["paperId" => $pid], null);
    fwrite(STDERR, "Problem: #{$pid} review by {$req_email}\n");
    fwrite(STDERR, "  reviewNeedsSubmit {$row['5']}, " . plural($row[3] ?: 0, "delegate") . ", " . plural($row[4] ?: 0, "submitted delegate") . "\n");
    $result = Dbl::qe("select l.* from ActionLog l where paperId=? order by logId asc", $pid);
    $proposals = $confirmations = [];
    while ($row = edb_orow($result)) {
        if ($row->contactId == $req_cid && preg_match('/\\ALogged proposal for (\\S+) to review/', $row->action, $m) && ($xid = Contact::id_by_email($m[1]))) {
            $proposals[$xid] = true;
        } else {
            if (preg_match('/\\AAdded External review by (\\S+)/', $row->action, $m) && ($pc = pcByEmail($m[1])) && $pc->can_administer($prow)) {
                $confirmations[$row->contactId] = $pc->contactId;
    foreach ($proposals as $xid => $x) {
        if (isset($confirmations[$xid])) {
            $result1 = Dbl::qe("update PaperReview set requestedBy=? where paperId=? and contactId=? and requestedBy=?", $req_cid, $pid, $xid, $confirmations[$xid]);
            $result2 = Dbl::qe("update PaperReview r, PaperReview q set r.reviewNeedsSubmit=0 where r.paperId=? and r.contactId=? and q.paperId=? and q.contactId=? and q.reviewSubmitted is not null", $pid, $req_cid, $pid, $xid);
            if ($result1->affected_rows || $result2->affected_rows) {
                return true;
    error_log("Failed to resolve paper #{$pid} review by {$req_email}");
    return false;
 static function enable($ids, $contact)
     global $Conf;
     $old_logged_errors = Dbl::$logged_errors;
     Dbl::qe("update ContactInfo set disabled=1 where contactId ?a and password='' and contactId!=?", $ids, $contact->contactId);
     $disabled_cids = Dbl::fetch_first_columns("select contactId from ContactInfo where contactId ?a and disabled=1 and contactId!=?", $ids, $contact->contactId);
     if ($disabled_cids) {
         Dbl::qe("update ContactInfo set disabled=0 where contactId ?a", $disabled_cids);
     if (Dbl::$logged_errors > $old_logged_errors) {
         return (object) ["error" => true];
     } else {
         if (!count($disabled_cids)) {
             return (object) ["ok" => true, "warnings" => ["Those accounts were already enabled."]];
         } else {
             foreach ($disabled_cids as $cid) {
                 $Conf->log("Account enabled by {$contact->email}", $cid);
             return self::modify_password_mail("password='' and contactId!=" . $contact->contactId, true, "create", $disabled_cids);
 private static function load_optdata($pid)
     $result = Dbl::qe("select optionId, value, data from PaperOption where paperId=?", $pid);
     $optdata = array();
     while ($row = edb_row($result)) {
         $optdata[$row[0] . "." . $row[1]] = $row[2];
     return $optdata;
예제 #8
파일: home.php 프로젝트: kohler/peteramati
function show_pset_table($pset)
    global $Conf, $Me, $Now, $Profile, $LastPsetFix;
    echo '<div id="', $pset->urlkey, '">';
    echo "<h3>", htmlspecialchars($pset->title), "</h3>";
    if ($Me->privChair) {
    if ($pset->disabled) {
        echo "</div>\n";
    $t0 = $Profile ? microtime(true) : 0;
    // load students
    if ($Conf->opt("restrictRepoView")) {
        $view = "l2.link repoviewable";
        $viewjoin = "left join ContactLink l2 on (l2.cid=c.contactId and l2.type=" . LINK_REPOVIEW . " and l2.link=l.link)\n";
    } else {
        $view = "4 repoviewable";
        $viewjoin = "";
    $result = Dbl::qe("select c.contactId, c.firstName, c.lastName, c.email,\n\tc.huid, c.github_username, c.seascode_username, c.anon_username, c.extension, c.disabled, c.dropped, c.roles, c.contactTags,\n\tgroup_concat(pl.link) pcid, group_concat(rpl.link) rpcid,\n\tr.repoid, r.cacheid, r.heads, r.url, r.open, r.working, r.lastpset, r.snapcheckat, {$view},\n\trg.gradehash, rg.gradercid, rg.placeholder, rg.placeholder_at\n\tfrom ContactInfo c\n\tleft join ContactLink l on (l.cid=c.contactId and l.type=" . LINK_REPO . " and l.pset={$pset->id})\n\t{$viewjoin}\n\tleft join Repository r on (r.repoid=l.link)\n\tleft join ContactLink pl on (pl.cid=c.contactId and pl.type=" . LINK_PARTNER . " and pl.pset={$pset->id})\n\tleft join ContactLink rpl on (rpl.cid=c.contactId and rpl.type=" . LINK_BACKPARTNER . " and rpl.pset={$pset->id})\n\tleft join RepositoryGrade rg on (rg.repoid=r.repoid and rg.pset={$pset->id})\n\twhere (c.roles&" . Contact::ROLE_PCLIKE . ")=0\n\tand (rg.repoid is not null or not c.dropped)\n\tgroup by c.contactId, r.repoid");
    $t1 = $Profile ? microtime(true) : 0;
    $anonymous = $pset->anonymous;
    if (req("anonymous") !== null && $Me->privChair) {
        $anonymous = !!req("anonymous");
    $students = array();
    while ($result && ($s = Contact::fetch($result))) {
        Contact::set_sorter($s, req("sort"));
        $students[$s->contactId] = $s;
        // maybe lastpset links are out of order
        if ($s->lastpset < $pset) {
            $LastPsetFix = true;
    uasort($students, "Contact::compare");
    $checkbox = $Me->privChair || !$pset->gitless && $pset->runners;
    $rows = array();
    $max_ncol = 0;
    $incomplete = array();
    $pcmembers = pcMembers();
    $jx = [];
    foreach ($students as $s) {
        if (!$s->visited) {
            $row = (object) ["student" => $s, "text" => "", "ptext" => []];
            $j = render_pset_row($pset, $students, $s, $row, $pcmembers, $anonymous);
            if ($s->pcid) {
                foreach (array_unique(explode(",", $s->pcid)) as $pcid) {
                    if (isset($students[$pcid])) {
                        $jj = render_pset_row($pset, $students, $students[$pcid], $row, $pcmembers, $anonymous);
                        $j["partners"][] = $jj;
            if ($row->sortprefix) {
                $j["boring"] = true;
            $jx[$row->sortprefix . $s->sorter] = $j;
            $max_ncol = max($max_ncol, $row->ncol);
            if ($s->incomplete) {
                $u = $Me->user_linkpart($s);
                $incomplete[] = '<a href="' . hoturl("pset", array("pset" => $pset->urlkey, "u" => $u, "sort" => req("sort"))) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($u) . '</a>';
    if (count($incomplete)) {
        echo '<div id="incomplete_pset', $pset->id, '" style="display:none" class="merror">', '<strong>', htmlspecialchars($pset->title), '</strong>: ', 'Your grading is incomplete. Missing grades: ', join(", ", $incomplete), '</div>', '<script>jQuery("#incomplete_pset', $pset->id, '").remove().show().appendTo("#incomplete_notices")</script>';
    if ($checkbox) {
        echo Ht::form_div(hoturl_post("index", array("pset" => $pset->urlkey, "save" => 1)));
    $sort_key = $anonymous ? "anon_username" : "username";
    usort($jx, function ($a, $b) use($sort_key) {
        if (get($a, "boring") != get($b, "boring")) {
            return get($a, "boring") ? 1 : -1;
        return strcmp($a[$sort_key], $b[$sort_key]);
    echo '<table class="s61', $anonymous ? " s61anonymous" : "", '" id="pa-pset' . $pset->id . '"></table>';
    $jd = ["checkbox" => $checkbox, "anonymous" => $anonymous, "grade_keys" => array_keys($pset->grades), "gitless" => $pset->gitless, "gitless_grades" => $pset->gitless_grades, "urlpattern" => hoturl("pset", ["pset" => $pset->urlkey, "u" => "@", "sort" => req("sort")])];
    $i = $nintotal = $last_in_total = 0;
    foreach ($pset->grades as $ge) {
        if (!$ge->no_total) {
            $last_in_total = $ge->name;
    if ($nintotal > 1) {
        $jd["need_total"] = true;
    } else {
        if ($nintotal == 1) {
            $jd["total_key"] = $last_in_total;
    echo Ht::unstash(), '<script>pa_render_pset_table(', $pset->id, ',', json_encode($jd), ',', json_encode(array_values($jx)), ')</script>';
    if ($Me->privChair && !$pset->gitless_grades) {
        echo "<div class='g'></div>";
        $sel = array("none" => "N/A");
        foreach (pcMembers() as $pcm) {
            $sel[$pcm->email] = Text::name_html($pcm);
        $sel["__random__"] = "Random";
        echo '<span class="nb" style="padding-right:2em">', Ht::select("grader", $sel, "none"), Ht::submit("setgrader", "Set grader"), '</span>';
    if (!$pset->gitless) {
        $sel = array();
        foreach ($pset->runners as $r) {
            if ($Me->can_run($pset, $r)) {
                $sel[$r->name] = htmlspecialchars($r->title);
        if (count($sel)) {
            echo '<span class="nb" style="padding-right:2em">', Ht::select("runner", $sel), Ht::submit("runmany", "Run all"), '</span>';
    if ($checkbox) {
        echo "</div></form>\n";
    if ($Profile) {
        $t2 = microtime(true);
        echo sprintf("<div>Δt %.06f DB, %.06f total</div>", $t1 - $t0, $t2 - $t0);
    echo "</div>\n";
예제 #9
 function assign_paper_pc($pids, $type, $reviewer, $extra = array())
     global $Conf;
     // check arguments
     assert($type == "lead" || $type == "shepherd" || $type == "manager");
     if ($reviewer) {
         $revcid = is_object($reviewer) ? $reviewer->contactId : $reviewer;
     } else {
         $revcid = 0;
     if (!is_array($pids)) {
         $pids = array($pids);
     $px = array();
     foreach ($pids as $p) {
         assert(is_object($p) && is_numeric($p->paperId) || is_numeric($p));
         $px[] = (int) (is_object($p) ? $p->paperId : $p);
     // make assignments
     if (isset($extra["old_cid"])) {
         $result = Dbl::qe("update Paper set {$type}ContactId=? where paperId" . sql_in_numeric_set($px) . " and {$type}ContactId=?", $revcid, $extra["old_cid"]);
     } else {
         $result = Dbl::qe("update Paper set {$type}ContactId=? where paperId" . sql_in_numeric_set($px), $revcid);
     // log, update settings
     if ($result && $result->affected_rows) {
         $this->log_activity_for($revcid, "Set {$type}", $px);
         if (($type == "lead" || $type == "shepherd") && !$revcid != !$Conf->setting("paperlead")) {
         if ($type == "manager" && !$revcid != !$Conf->setting("papermanager")) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
예제 #10
 function run(Contact $user, $qreq, $ssel)
     global $Conf;
     $mt = $qreq->assignfn;
     $mpc = (string) $qreq->markpc;
     $pc = null;
     if ($mpc != "" && $mpc != "0") {
         $pc = Contact::find_by_email($mpc);
     if ($mt == "auto") {
         $t = in_array($qreq->t, array("acc", "s")) ? $qreq->t : "all";
         $q = join("+", $ssel->selection());
         go(hoturl("autoassign", "pap={$q}&t={$t}&q={$q}"));
     } else {
         if ($mt == "lead" || $mt == "shepherd") {
             if ($user->assign_paper_pc($ssel->selection(), $mt, $pc)) {
                 $Conf->confirmMsg(ucfirst(pluralx($ssel->selection(), $mt)) . " set.");
             } else {
                 if ($OK) {
                     $Conf->confirmMsg("No changes.");
         } else {
             if (!$pc) {
                 Conf::msg_error("“" . htmlspecialchars($mpc) . "” is not a PC member.");
             } else {
                 if ($mt == "conflict" || $mt == "unconflict") {
                     if ($mt == "conflict") {
                         Dbl::qe("insert into PaperConflict (paperId, contactId, conflictType) (select paperId, ?, ? from Paper where paperId" . $ssel->sql_predicate() . ") on duplicate key update conflictType=greatest(conflictType, values(conflictType))", $pc->contactId, CONFLICT_CHAIRMARK);
                         $user->log_activity("Mark conflicts with {$mpc}", $ssel->selection());
                     } else {
                         Dbl::qe("delete from PaperConflict where PaperConflict.conflictType<? and contactId=? and (paperId" . $ssel->sql_predicate() . ")", CONFLICT_AUTHOR, $pc->contactId);
                         $user->log_activity("Remove conflicts with {$mpc}", $ssel->selection());
                 } else {
                     if (substr($mt, 0, 6) == "assign" && ($asstype = substr($mt, 6)) && isset(ReviewForm::$revtype_names[$asstype])) {
                         Dbl::qe_raw("lock tables PaperConflict write, PaperReview write, PaperReviewRefused write, Paper write, ActionLog write, Settings write");
                         $result = Dbl::qe_raw("select Paper.paperId, reviewId, reviewType, reviewModified, conflictType from Paper left join PaperReview on (Paper.paperId=PaperReview.paperId and PaperReview.contactId=" . $pc->contactId . ") left join PaperConflict on (Paper.paperId=PaperConflict.paperId and PaperConflict.contactId=" . $pc->contactId . ") where Paper.paperId" . $ssel->sql_predicate());
                         $conflicts = array();
                         $assigned = array();
                         $nworked = 0;
                         while ($row = PaperInfo::fetch($result, $user)) {
                             if ($asstype && $row->conflictType > 0) {
                                 $conflicts[] = $row->paperId;
                             } else {
                                 if ($asstype && $row->reviewType >= REVIEW_PC && $asstype != $row->reviewType) {
                                     $assigned[] = $row->paperId;
                                 } else {
                                     $user->assign_review($row->paperId, $pc->contactId, $asstype);
                         if (count($conflicts)) {
                             Conf::msg_error("Some papers were not assigned because of conflicts (" . join(", ", $conflicts) . ").  If these conflicts are in error, remove them and try to assign again.");
                         if (count($assigned)) {
                             Conf::msg_error("Some papers were not assigned because the PC member already had an assignment (" . join(", ", $assigned) . ").");
                         if ($nworked) {
                             $Conf->confirmMsg($asstype == 0 ? "Unassigned reviews." : "Assigned reviews.");
                         Dbl::qe_raw("unlock tables");
예제 #11
function change_review_tokens()
    global $Conf, $Me;
    $cleared = $Me->change_review_token(false, false);
    $tokeninfo = array();
    foreach (preg_split('/\\s+/', $_REQUEST["token"]) as $x) {
        if ($x == "") {
            /* no complaints */
        } else {
            if (!($token = decode_token($x, "V"))) {
                Conf::msg_error("Invalid review token &ldquo;" . htmlspecialchars($x) . "&rdquo;.  Check your typing and try again.");
            } else {
                if ($Conf->session("rev_token_fail", 0) >= 5) {
                    Conf::msg_error("Too many failed attempts to use a review token.  <a href='" . hoturl("index", "signout=1") . "'>Sign out</a> and in to try again.");
                } else {
                    $result = Dbl::qe("select paperId from PaperReview where reviewToken=" . $token);
                    if ($row = edb_row($result)) {
                        $tokeninfo[] = "Review token “" . htmlspecialchars($x) . "” lets you review <a href='" . hoturl("paper", "p={$row['0']}") . "'>paper #" . $row[0] . "</a>.";
                        $Me->change_review_token($token, true);
                    } else {
                        Conf::msg_error("Review token “" . htmlspecialchars($x) . "” hasn’t been assigned.");
                        $nfail = $Conf->session("rev_token_fail", 0) + 1;
                        $Conf->save_session("rev_token_fail", $nfail);
    if ($cleared && !count($tokeninfo)) {
        $tokeninfo[] = "Review tokens cleared.";
    if (count($tokeninfo)) {
        $Conf->infoMsg(join("<br />\n", $tokeninfo));
예제 #12
function saveWatchPreference($paperId, $contactId, $watchtype, $on)
    global $Conf, $OK;
    $explicit = $watchtype << WATCHSHIFT_EXPLICIT;
    $selected = $watchtype << WATCHSHIFT_NORMAL;
    $onvalue = $explicit | ($on ? $selected : 0);
    Dbl::qe("insert into PaperWatch (paperId, contactId, watch)\n                values ({$paperId}, {$contactId}, {$onvalue})\n                on duplicate key update watch = (watch & ~" . ($explicit | $selected) . ") | {$onvalue}");
    return $OK;
예제 #13
 private function _prepare_sort()
     global $Conf;
     $this->default_sort_column = PaperColumn::lookup("id");
     $this->sorters[0]->field = null;
     if ($this->search->sorters) {
         foreach ($this->search->sorters as $sorter) {
             if ($sorter->type && ($field = PaperColumn::lookup($sorter->type)) && $field->prepare($this, PaperColumn::PREP_SORT) && $field->comparator) {
                 $sorter->field = $field;
             } else {
                 if ($sorter->type) {
                     if ($this->contact->can_view_tags(null) && ($tagger = new Tagger()) && ($tag = $tagger->check($sorter->type)) && ($result = Dbl::qe("select paperId from PaperTag where tag=? limit 1", $tag)) && edb_nrows($result)) {
                         $this->search->warn("Unrecognized sort “" . htmlspecialchars($sorter->type) . "”. Did you mean “sort:#" . htmlspecialchars($sorter->type) . "”?");
                     } else {
                         $this->search->warn("Unrecognized sort “" . htmlspecialchars($sorter->type) . "”.");
             ListSorter::push($this->sorters, $sorter);
         if (count($this->sorters) > 1 && $this->sorters[0]->empty) {
     if (get($this->sorters[0], "field")) {
         /* all set */
     } else {
         if ($this->sorters[0]->type && ($c = PaperColumn::lookup($this->sorters[0]->type)) && $c->prepare($this, PaperColumn::PREP_SORT)) {
             $this->sorters[0]->field = $c;
         } else {
             $this->sorters[0]->field = $this->default_sort_column;
     $this->sorters[0]->type = $this->sorters[0]->field->name;
     // set defaults
     foreach ($this->sorters as $s) {
         if ($s->reverse === null) {
             $s->reverse = false;
         if ($s->score === null) {
             $s->score = ListSorter::default_score_sort();
예제 #14
 public function fetch_comments($where)
     $result = Dbl::qe("select PaperComment.*, firstName reviewFirstName, lastName reviewLastName, email reviewEmail\n            from PaperComment join ContactInfo on (ContactInfo.contactId=PaperComment.contactId)\n            where {$where} order by commentId");
     $comments = array();
     while ($c = CommentInfo::fetch($result, $this)) {
         $comments[$c->commentId] = $c;
     return $comments;
예제 #15
파일: run.php 프로젝트: benesch/peteramati
        $Conf->ajaxExit(array("ok" => false, "error" => $Info->repo ? "No repository." : "Commit " . htmlspecialchars($Commit) . " isn’t connected to this repository."));
    return $Info;
ContactView::set_path_request(array("/@", "/@/p", "/@/p/H", "/p", "/p/H", "/p/u", "/p/u/H"));
// user, pset, runner
$User = $Me;
if (isset($_REQUEST["u"]) && !($User = ContactView::prepare_user($_REQUEST["u"]))) {
    $Conf->ajaxExit(array("ok" => false));
assert($User == $Me || $Me->isPC);
$Pset = ContactView::find_pset_redirect(@$_REQUEST["pset"]);
$Psetid = $Pset->id;
if (isset($_POST["reqregrade"]) && check_post() && user_pset_info()) {
    Dbl::qe("insert into RepositoryGradeRequest (repoid,pset,hash,requested_at) values (?, ?, ?, ?) on duplicate key update requested_at=values(requested_at)", $Info->repo->repoid, $Info->pset->psetid, $Info->commit_hash(), $Now);
    Dbl::qe("delete from RepositoryGradeRequest where repoid=? and pset=? and requested_at<?", $Info->repo->repoid, $Info->pset->psetid, $Now);
    $Conf->ajaxExit(array("ok" => true));
if (!$Pset->run_dirpattern) {
    quit("Configuration error (run_dirpattern)");
} else {
    if (!$Pset->run_jailfiles) {
        quit("Configuration error (run_jailfiles)");
$Runner = null;
foreach ($Pset->runners as $r) {
    if ($r->name == $_REQUEST["run"]) {
        $Runner = $r;
예제 #16
 function save_paper_json($pj)
     global $Conf, $Now;
     $paperid = null;
     if (isset($pj->pid) && is_int($pj->pid) && $pj->pid > 0) {
         $paperid = $pj->pid;
     } else {
         if (!isset($pj->pid) && isset($pj->id) && is_int($pj->id) && $pj->id > 0) {
             $paperid = $pj->id;
         } else {
             if (isset($pj->pid) || isset($pj->id)) {
                 $key = isset($pj->pid) ? "pid" : "id";
                 $this->set_error_html($key, "Format error [{$key}]");
                 return false;
     if (get($pj, "error") || get($pj, "error_html")) {
         $this->set_error_html("error", "Refusing to save paper with error");
         return false;
     $this->prow = $old_pj = null;
     $this->paperid = $paperid ?: -1;
     if ($paperid) {
         $this->prow = $Conf->paperRow(["paperId" => $paperid, "topics" => true, "options" => true], $this->contact);
     if ($this->prow) {
         $old_pj = $this->paper_json($this->prow, ["forceShow" => true]);
     if ($pj && $old_pj && $paperid != $old_pj->pid) {
         $this->set_error_html("pid", "Saving paper with different ID");
         return false;
     $this->normalize($pj, $old_pj);
     if ($old_pj) {
         $this->normalize($old_pj, null);
     if ($this->nerrors) {
         return false;
     $this->check_invariants($pj, $old_pj);
     // store documents (options already stored)
     if (isset($pj->submission) && $pj->submission) {
         $this->upload_document($pj->submission, PaperOption::find_document(DTYPE_SUBMISSION));
     if (isset($pj->final) && $pj->final) {
         $this->upload_document($pj->final, PaperOption::find_document(DTYPE_FINAL));
     // create contacts
     foreach (self::contacts_array($pj) as $c) {
         $c->only_if_contactdb = !get($c, "contact");
         $c->disabled = !!$this->disable_users;
         if (!Contact::create($c, !$this->no_email) && get($c, "contact")) {
             $this->set_error_html("contacts", "Could not create an account for contact " . Text::user_html($c) . ".");
     // catch errors
     if ($this->nerrors) {
         return false;
     // update Paper table
     $q = array();
     foreach (array("title", "abstract", "collaborators") as $k) {
         $v = convert_to_utf8((string) get($pj, $k));
         if (!$old_pj || get($pj, $k) !== null && $v !== (string) get($old_pj, $k)) {
             $q[] = "{$k}='" . sqlq($v) . "'";
     if (!$old_pj || get($pj, "authors") !== null) {
         $autext = convert_to_utf8(self::author_information($pj));
         $old_autext = self::author_information($old_pj);
         if ($autext !== $old_autext || !$old_pj) {
             $q[] = "authorInformation='" . sqlq($autext) . "'";
     if ($Conf->submission_blindness() == Conf::BLIND_OPTIONAL && (!$old_pj || get($pj, "nonblind") !== null && !$pj->nonblind != !$old_pj->nonblind)) {
         $q[] = "blind=" . (get($pj, "nonblind") ? 0 : 1);
     if (!$old_pj || get($pj, "submission") !== null) {
         $new_id = get($pj, "submission") ? $pj->submission->docid : 1;
         $old_id = $old_pj && get($old_pj, "submission") ? $old_pj->submission->docid : 1;
         if (!$old_pj || $new_id != $old_id) {
             $q[] = "paperStorageId={$new_id}";
     if (!$old_pj || get($pj, "final") !== null) {
         $new_id = get($pj, "final") ? $pj->final->docid : 0;
         $old_id = $old_pj && get($old_pj, "final") ? $old_pj->final->docid : 0;
         if (!$old_pj || $new_id != $old_id) {
             $q[] = "finalPaperStorageId={$new_id}";
     if (get($pj, "withdrawn") !== null || get($pj, "submitted") !== null || get($pj, "draft") !== null) {
         if (get($pj, "submitted") !== null) {
             $submitted = $pj->submitted;
         } else {
             if (get($pj, "draft") !== null) {
                 $submitted = !$pj->draft;
             } else {
                 if ($old_pj) {
                     $submitted = get($old_pj, "submitted_at") > 0;
                 } else {
                     $submitted = false;
         if (get($pj, "withdrawn")) {
             if (!$old_pj || !get($old_pj, "withdrawn")) {
                 $q[] = "timeWithdrawn=" . (get($pj, "withdrawn_at") ?: $Now);
                 $q[] = "timeSubmitted=" . ($submitted ? -100 : 0);
             } else {
                 if (get($old_pj, "submitted_at") > 0 !== $submitted) {
                     $q[] = "timeSubmitted=" . ($submitted ? -100 : 0);
         } else {
             if ($submitted) {
                 if (!$old_pj || !get($old_pj, "submitted")) {
                     $q[] = "timeSubmitted=" . (get($pj, "submitted_at") ?: $Now);
                 if ($old_pj && get($old_pj, "withdrawn")) {
                     $q[] = "timeWithdrawn=0";
             } else {
                 if ($old_pj && (get($old_pj, "withdrawn") || get($old_pj, "submitted"))) {
                     $q[] = "timeSubmitted=0";
                     $q[] = "timeWithdrawn=0";
     if (get($pj, "final_submitted") !== null) {
         if ($pj->final_submitted) {
             $time = get($pj, "final_submitted_at") ?: $Now;
         } else {
             $time = 0;
         if (!$old_pj || get($old_pj, "final_submitted_at") != $time) {
             $q[] = "timeFinalSubmitted={$time}";
     if (!empty($q)) {
         if ($Conf->submission_blindness() == Conf::BLIND_NEVER) {
             $q[] = "blind=0";
         } else {
             if ($Conf->submission_blindness() != Conf::BLIND_OPTIONAL) {
                 $q[] = "blind=1";
         $joindoc = $old_joindoc = null;
         if (get($pj, "final")) {
             $joindoc = $pj->final;
             $old_joindoc = $old_pj ? get($old_pj, "final") : null;
         } else {
             if (get($pj, "submission")) {
                 $joindoc = $pj->submission;
                 $old_joindoc = $old_pj ? get($old_pj, "submission") : null;
         if ($joindoc && (!$old_joindoc || $old_joindoc->docid != $joindoc->docid) && get($joindoc, "size") && get($joindoc, "timestamp")) {
             $q[] = "size=" . $joindoc->size;
             $q[] = "mimetype='" . sqlq($joindoc->mimetype) . "'";
             $q[] = "sha1='" . sqlq($joindoc->sha1) . "'";
             $q[] = "timestamp=" . $joindoc->timestamp;
         } else {
             if (!$joindoc) {
                 $q[] = "size=0,mimetype='',sha1='',timestamp=0";
         if ($paperid) {
             $result = Dbl::qe_raw("update Paper set " . join(",", $q) . " where paperId={$paperid}");
             if ($result && $result->affected_rows === 0 && edb_nrows(Dbl::qe_raw("select paperId from Paper where paperId={$paperid}")) === 0) {
                 $result = Dbl::qe_raw("insert into Paper set paperId={$paperid}, " . join(",", $q));
         } else {
             $result = Dbl::qe_raw("insert into Paper set " . join(",", $q));
             if (!$result || !($paperid = $pj->pid = $result->insert_id)) {
                 return $this->set_error_html(false, "Could not create paper.");
             if (!empty($this->uploaded_documents)) {
                 Dbl::qe_raw("update PaperStorage set paperId={$paperid} where paperStorageId in (" . join(",", $this->uploaded_documents) . ")");
         // maybe update `papersub` settings
         $is_submitted = !get($pj, "withdrawn") && get($pj, "submitted");
         $was_submitted = $old_pj && !get($old_pj, "withdrawn") && get($old_pj, "submitted");
         if ($is_submitted != $was_submitted) {
     // update PaperTopics
     if (get($pj, "topics")) {
         $topics = self::topics_sql($pj, $paperid);
         $old_topics = self::topics_sql($old_pj, $paperid);
         if ($topics !== $old_topics) {
             $result = Dbl::qe_raw("delete from PaperTopic where paperId={$paperid}");
             if ($topics) {
                 $result = Dbl::qe_raw("insert into PaperTopic (topicId,paperId) values {$topics}");
     // update PaperOption
     if (get($pj, "options")) {
         $options = convert_to_utf8(self::options_sql($pj, $paperid));
         $old_options = self::options_sql($old_pj, $paperid);
         if ($options !== $old_options) {
             $result = Dbl::qe("delete from PaperOption where paperId={$paperid} and optionId?a", array_keys($pj->parsed_options));
             if ($options) {
                 $result = Dbl::qe_raw("insert into PaperOption (paperId,optionId,value,data) values {$options}");
     // update PaperConflict
     $conflict = $this->conflicts_array($pj, $old_pj);
     $old_conflict = $this->conflicts_array($old_pj, null);
     if (join(",", array_keys($conflict)) !== join(",", array_keys($old_conflict)) || join(",", array_values($conflict)) !== join(",", array_values($old_conflict))) {
         $q = array();
         foreach ($conflict as $email => $type) {
             $q[] = "'" . sqlq($email) . "'";
         $ins = array();
         if (!empty($q)) {
             $result = Dbl::qe_raw("select contactId, email from ContactInfo where email in (" . join(",", $q) . ")");
             while ($row = edb_row($result)) {
                 $ins[] = "({$paperid},{$row['0']}," . $conflict[strtolower($row[1])] . ")";
         $result = Dbl::qe_raw("delete from PaperConflict where paperId={$paperid}");
         if (!empty($ins)) {
             $result = Dbl::qe_raw("insert into PaperConflict (paperId,contactId,conflictType) values " . join(",", $ins));
     return $paperid;
예제 #17
 function mark_grading_commit()
     if ($this->pset->gitless_grades) {
         Dbl::qe("insert into ContactGrade (cid,pset,gradercid) values (?, ?, ?) on duplicate key update gradercid=gradercid", $this->user->contactId, $this->pset->psetid, $this->viewer->contactId);
     } else {
         $grader = $this->commit_info("gradercid");
         if (!$grader) {
             $grader = $this->grading_info("gradercid");
         Dbl::qe("insert into RepositoryGrade (repoid,pset,gradehash,gradercid,placeholder) values (?, ?, ?, ?, 0) on duplicate key update gradehash=values(gradehash), gradercid=values(gradercid), placeholder=0", $this->repo->repoid, $this->pset->psetid, $this->commit ?: null, $grader ?: null);
     $this->grade = $this->repo_grade = false;
예제 #18
        if (TagInfo::has_vote()) {
            $q = array();
            foreach (TagInfo::vote_tags() as $t => $v) {
                $q[] = "tag='" . sqlq($t) . "' or tag like '%~" . sqlq_for_like($t) . "'";
            Dbl::qe_raw("delete from PaperTag where paperId={$prow->paperId} and (" . join(" or ", $q) . ")");
        $Me->log_activity("Withdrew", $prow->paperId);
    } else {
        Conf::msg_error(whyNotText($whyNot, "withdraw"));
if (isset($_REQUEST["revive"]) && !$newPaper && check_post()) {
    if (!($whyNot = $Me->perm_revive_paper($prow))) {
        Dbl::qe("update Paper set timeWithdrawn=0, timeSubmitted=if(timeSubmitted=-100,{$Now},0), withdrawReason=null where paperId={$prow->paperId}");
        $Me->log_activity("Revived", $prow->paperId);
    } else {
        Conf::msg_error(whyNotText($whyNot, "revive"));
// send watch messages
global $Qreq;
$Qreq = make_qreq();
function final_submit_watch_callback($prow, $minic)
    if ($minic->can_view_paper($prow)) {
        HotCRPMailer::send_to($minic, "@finalsubmitnotify", $prow);
예제 #19
 function __construct($contact, $type, $papersel, $newrev_since)
     global $Conf, $Now;
     $this->contact = $contact;
     $any_newpcrev = $any_lead = $any_shepherd = 0;
     if ($contact->is_manager()) {
         $this->defsel("s", "Contact authors of submitted papers");
         $this->defsel("unsub", "Contact authors of unsubmitted papers");
         $this->defsel("au", "All contact authors");
         // map "somedec:no"/"somedec:yes" to real decisions
         $result = Dbl::qe("select outcome, count(*) from Paper where timeSubmitted>0 group by outcome");
         $dec_pcount = edb_map($result);
         $dec_tcount = array(0 => 0, 1 => 0, -1 => 0);
         foreach ($dec_pcount as $dnum => $dcount) {
             $dec_tcount[$dnum > 0 ? 1 : ($dnum < 0 ? -1 : 0)] += $dcount;
         if ($type == "somedec:no" || $type == "somedec:yes") {
             $dmaxcount = -1;
             foreach ($dec_pcount as $dnum => $dcount) {
                 if (($type[8] == "n" ? $dnum < 0 : $dnum > 0) && $dcount > $dmaxcount && ($dname = $Conf->decision_name($dnum))) {
                     $type = "dec:{$dname}";
                     $dmaxcount = $dcount;
         $by_dec = array();
         foreach ($Conf->decision_map() as $dnum => $dname) {
             $k = "dec:{$dname}";
             if ($dnum && (@$dec_pcount[$dnum] > 0 || $type == $k)) {
                 $by_dec[$k] = "Contact authors of " . htmlspecialchars($dname) . " papers";
         if ($dec_tcount[1] > 0 || $type == "dec:yes") {
             $by_dec["dec:yes"] = "Contact authors of accept-class papers";
         if ($dec_tcount[-1] > 0 || $type == "dec:no") {
             $by_dec["dec:no"] = "Contact authors of reject-class papers";
         if ($dec_tcount[0] > 0 || $type == "dec:none") {
             $by_dec["dec:none"] = "Contact authors of undecided papers";
         if ($type == "dec:any") {
             $by_dec["dec:any"] = "Contact authors of decided papers";
         if (count($by_dec)) {
             $this->sel["bydec_group"] = array("optgroup", "Contact authors by decision");
             foreach ($by_dec as $k => $v) {
                 $this->defsel($k, $v);
             $this->sel["bydec_group_end"] = array("optgroup");
         $this->sel["rev_group"] = array("optgroup", "Reviewers");
         $this->defsel("rev", "Reviewers");
         $this->defsel("crev", "Reviewers with complete reviews");
         $this->defsel("uncrev", "Reviewers with incomplete reviews");
         $this->defsel("allcrev", "Reviewers with no incomplete reviews");
         $this->defsel("pcrev", "PC reviewers");
         $this->defsel("uncpcrev", "PC reviewers with incomplete reviews");
         // new assignments query
         // XXX this exposes information about PC review assignments
         // for conflicted papers to the chair; not worth worrying about
         $aq = "select PaperReview.paperId any_newpcrev from PaperReview";
         if (!$contact->privChair) {
             $aq .= " join Paper on (Paper.paperId=PaperReview.paperId and Paper.managerContactId=" . $contact->contactId . ")";
         $aq .= "\n\twhere reviewType>=" . REVIEW_PC . " and reviewSubmitted is null and reviewNeedsSubmit!=0 and timeRequested>timeRequestNotified limit 1";
         $bcq_manager = "";
         if (!$contact->privChair) {
             $bcq_manager = " and managerContactId=" . $contact->contactId;
         $q = "select any_newpcrev, any_lead, any_shepherd\n\tfrom ({$aq}) a\n\tleft join (select paperId any_lead from Paper where timeSubmitted>0 and leadContactId!=0{$bcq_manager} limit 1) b on (true)\n\tleft join (select paperId any_shepherd from Paper where timeSubmitted>0 and shepherdContactId!=0{$bcq_manager} limit 1) c on (true)";
         if ($row = Dbl::fetch_first_row($q)) {
             list($any_newpcrev, $any_lead, $any_shepherd) = $row;
         $this->defsel("newpcrev", "PC reviewers with new review assignments");
         $this->defsel("extrev", "External reviewers");
         $this->defsel("uncextrev", "External reviewers with incomplete reviews");
         $this->sel["rev_group_end"] = array("optgroup");
     $this->defsel_nm("myextrev", "Your requested reviewers");
     $this->defsel_nm("uncmyextrev", "Your requested reviewers with incomplete reviews");
     $this->sel["pc_group"] = array("optgroup", "Program committee");
     if ($contact->is_manager()) {
         if ($any_lead || $type == "lead") {
             $this->defsel("lead", "Discussion leads");
         if ($any_shepherd || $type == "shepherd") {
             $this->defsel("shepherd", "Shepherds");
     $this->defsel_nm("pc", "Program committee");
     foreach (pcTags() as $t) {
         if ($t != "pc") {
             $this->defsel_nm("pc:{$t}", "PC members tagged “{$t}”");
     $this->sel["pc_group_end"] = array("optgroup");
     if ($contact->privChair) {
         $this->defsel("all", "All users");
     if (isset($this->sel[$type])) {
         $this->type = $type;
     } else {
         if ($type == "myuncextrev" && isset($this->sel["uncmyextrev"])) {
             $this->type = "uncmyextrev";
         } else {
             $this->type = key($this->sel);
     $this->papersel = $papersel;
     if ($this->type == "newpcrev") {
         $t = @trim($newrev_since);
         if (preg_match(',\\A(?:|n/a|[(]?all[)]?|0)\\z,i', $t)) {
             $this->newrev_since = 0;
         } else {
             if (($this->newrev_since = $Conf->parse_time($t)) !== false) {
                 if ($this->newrev_since > $Now) {
                     $Conf->warnMsg("That time is in the future.");
             } else {
                 Conf::msg_error("Invalid date.");
                 $this->error = true;
예제 #20
    $ids = array();
    $accts = $_REQUEST["acct"];
    while ($word = PaperSearch::pop_word($accts)) {
        $flags = ContactSearch::F_TAG;
        if (substr($word, 0, 1) === "\"") {
            $flags |= ContactSearch::F_QUOTED;
            $word = preg_replace(',(?:\\A"|"\\z),', "", $word);
        $Search = new ContactSearch($flags, $word, $Me);
        foreach ($Search->ids as $id) {
            $ids[$id] = $id;
    $where = array();
    if (count($ids)) {
        $result = Dbl::qe("select contactId, email from ContactInfo where contactId ?a", $ids);
        while ($row = edb_row($result)) {
            $where[] = "contactId={$row['0']}";
            $where[] = "action like " . Dbl::utf8ci("'% " . sqlq_for_like($row[1]) . "%'");
    if (count($where)) {
        $wheres[] = "(" . join(" or ", $where) . ")";
    } else {
        $Conf->infoMsg("No accounts match “" . htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST["acct"]) . "”.");
        $wheres[] = "false";
if ($str = $_REQUEST["q"]) {
    $where = array();
    while (($str = ltrim($str)) != "") {
예제 #21
파일: init.php 프로젝트: benesch/peteramati
function load_pset_info()
    global $ConfSitePATH, $Conf, $PsetInfo, $PsetOverrides, $Opt;
    // read initial messages
    Messages::$main = new Messages();
    $x = json_decode(file_get_contents("{$ConfSitePATH}/src/messages.json"));
    foreach ($x as $j) {
    // read psets
    $PsetInfo = load_psets_json(false);
    // parse psets
    foreach ($PsetInfo as $pk => $p) {
        if (!is_object($p) || !isset($p->psetid)) {
        object_merge_recursive($p, $PsetInfo->_defaults);
        try {
            $pset = new Pset($pk, $p);
        } catch (Exception $exception) {
            // Want to give a good error message, so discover where the error is.
            // - create pset landmark object
            $locinfo = (object) array();
            foreach (psets_json_data(false) as $fname => $data) {
                $x = Json::decode_landmarks($data, $fname);
                object_replace_recursive($locinfo, $x);
            $locp = $locinfo->{$pk};
            if (isset($locinfo->_defaults)) {
                object_merge_recursive($locp, $locinfo->_defaults);
            // - lookup exception path in landmark object
            $path = $exception instanceof PsetConfigException ? $exception->path : array();
            for ($pathpos = 0; $pathpos < count($path) && $locp && !is_string($locp); ++$pathpos) {
                $component = $path[$pathpos];
                $locp = is_array($locp) ? $locp[$component] : $locp->{$component};
            // - report error
            if (is_object($locp) && @$locp->__LANDMARK__) {
                $locp = $locp->__LANDMARK__;
            } else {
                if (!is_string($locp)) {
                    $locp = $locinfo->{$pk}->__LANDMARK__;
            Multiconference::fail_message($locp . ": Configuration error: " . $exception->getMessage());
    // read message data
    if (!@$PsetInfo->_messagedefs) {
        $PsetInfo->_messagedefs = (object) array();
    if (!@$PsetInfo->_messagedefs->SYSTEAM) {
        $PsetInfo->_messagedefs->SYSTEAM = "cs61-staff";
    foreach ($PsetInfo->_messagedefs as $k => $v) {
        Messages::$main->define($k, $v);
    // also create log/ and repo/ directories
    foreach (array("{$ConfSitePATH}/log", "{$ConfSitePATH}/repo") as $d) {
        if (!is_dir($d) && !mkdir($d, 02770, true)) {
            $e = error_get_last();
            Multiconference::fail_message("`{$d}` missing and cannot be created (" . $e["message"] . ").");
        if (!file_exists("{$d}/.htaccess") && ($x = file_get_contents("{$ConfSitePATH}/src/.htaccess")) !== false && file_put_contents("{$d}/.htaccess", $x) != strlen($x)) {
            Multiconference::fail_message("Error creating `{$d}/.htaccess`");
    // if any anonymous problem sets, create anonymous usernames
    foreach (Pset::$all as $p) {
        if (!$p->disabled && $p->anonymous) {
            while ($row = Dbl::fetch_first_row(Dbl::qe("select contactId from ContactInfo where anon_username is null limit 1"))) {
                Dbl::q("update ContactInfo set anon_username='******' where contactId=?", $row[0]);
예제 #22
 function execute($verbose = false)
     global $Conf, $Now, $Opt;
     if (count($this->errors_) || !count($this->assigners)) {
         if ($verbose && count($this->errors_)) {
         } else {
             if ($verbose) {
                 $Conf->warnMsg("Nothing to assign.");
         return count($this->errors_) == 0;
         // true means no errors
     // mark activity now to avoid DB errors later
     // create new contacts outside the lock
     $locks = array("ContactInfo" => "read", "Paper" => "read", "PaperConflict" => "read");
     foreach ($this->assigners as $assigner) {
         if ($assigner->contact && $assigner->contact->contactId < 0) {
             $assigner->contact = $this->cmap->register_contact($assigner->contact);
             $assigner->cid = $assigner->contact->contactId;
     // execute assignments
     $tables = array();
     foreach ($locks as $t => $type) {
         $tables[] = "{$t} {$type}";
     Dbl::qe("lock tables " . join(", ", $tables));
     foreach ($this->assigners as $assigner) {
     Dbl::qe("unlock tables");
     // confirmation message
     if ($verbose) {
         if ($Conf->setting("pcrev_assigntime") == $Now) {
             $Conf->confirmMsg("Assignments saved! You may want to <a href=\"" . hoturl("mail", "template=newpcrev") . "\">send mail about the new assignments</a>.");
         } else {
             $Conf->confirmMsg("Assignments saved!");
     // clean up
     $pids = array();
     foreach ($this->assigners as $assigner) {
         if ($assigner->pid > 0 && $assigner->notify_tracker()) {
             $pids[$assigner->pid] = true;
     if (count($pids) && opt("trackerCometSite")) {
     return true;
예제 #23
function createAnonymousReview()
    global $Conf, $Me, $Now, $prow, $rrows;
    Dbl::qe_raw("lock tables PaperReview write, PaperReviewRefused write, ContactInfo write, PaperConflict read, ActionLog write");
    // find an unassigned anonymous review contact
    $contactemail = unassignedAnonymousContact();
    $result = Dbl::qe_raw("select contactId from ContactInfo where email='" . sqlq($contactemail) . "'");
    if (edb_nrows($result) == 1) {
        $row = edb_row($result);
        $reqId = $row[0];
    } else {
        $result = Dbl::qe("insert into ContactInfo set firstName='Jane Q.', lastName='Public', unaccentedName='Jane Q. Public', email=?, affiliation='Unaffiliated', password='', disabled=1, creationTime={$Now}", $contactemail);
        if (!$result) {
            return $result;
        $reqId = $result->insert_id;
    // store the review request
    $reviewId = $Me->assign_review($prow->paperId, $reqId, REVIEW_EXTERNAL, array("mark_notify" => true, "token" => true));
    if ($reviewId) {
        $result = Dbl::ql("select reviewToken from PaperReview where reviewId={$reviewId}");
        $row = edb_row($result);
        $Conf->confirmMsg("Created a new anonymous review for paper #{$prow->paperId}. The review token is " . encode_token((int) $row[0]) . ".");
    Dbl::qx_raw("unlock tables");
    return true;
예제 #24
function do_setting_update($sv)
    global $Conf, $Group, $Me, $Now, $Opt, $OptOverride;
    // parse settings
    foreach (Si::$all as $si) {
        account_value($sv, $si);
    // check date relationships
    foreach (array("sub_reg" => "sub_sub", "final_soft" => "final_done") as $dn1 => $dn2) {
        list($dv1, $dv2) = [$sv->savedv($dn1), $sv->savedv($dn2)];
    if (!$dv1 && $dv2) {
        $sv->save($dn1, $dv2);
    } else {
        if ($dv2 && $dv1 > $dv2) {
            $sv->set_error($dn1, unparse_setting_error(Si::get($dn1), "Must come before " . Si::get($dn2, "short_description") . "."));
    if ($sv->has_savedv("sub_sub")) {
        $sv->save("sub_update", $sv->savedv("sub_sub"));
    if (get($Opt, "defaultSiteContact")) {
        if ($sv->has_savedv("opt.contactName") && get($Opt, "contactName") === $sv->savedv("opt.contactName")) {
            $sv->save("opt.contactName", null);
        if ($sv->has_savedv("opt.contactEmail") && get($Opt, "contactEmail") === $sv->savedv("opt.contactEmail")) {
            $sv->save("opt.contactEmail", null);
    if ($sv->has_savedv("resp_active") && $sv->savedv("resp_active")) {
        foreach (explode(" ", $sv->newv("resp_rounds")) as $i => $rname) {
            $isuf = $i ? "_{$i}" : "";
            if ($sv->newv("resp_open{$isuf}") > $sv->newv("resp_done{$isuf}")) {
                $sv->set_error("resp_open{$isuf}", unparse_setting_error(Si::get("resp_open"), "Must come before " . Si::get("resp_done", "short_description") . "."));
    // update 'papersub'
    if ($sv->has_savedv("pc_seeall")) {
        // see also conference.php
        if ($sv->savedv("pc_seeall") <= 0) {
            $x = "timeSubmitted>0";
        } else {
            $x = "timeWithdrawn<=0";
        $num = Dbl::fetch_ivalue("select paperId from Paper where {$x} limit 1") ? 1 : 0;
        if ($num != $Conf->setting("papersub")) {
            $sv->save("papersub", $num);
    // Setting relationships
    if ($sv->has_savedv("sub_open") && $sv->newv("sub_open", 1) <= 0 && $sv->oldv("sub_open") > 0 && $sv->newv("sub_sub") <= 0) {
        $sv->save("sub_close", $Now);
    if ($sv->has_savedv("msg.clickthrough_submit")) {
        $sv->save("clickthrough_submit", null);
    // make settings
    $changedn = [];
    if (!$sv->has_errors() && (count($sv->savedv) || count($sv->save_callbacks))) {
        $tables = "Settings write";
        foreach ($sv->need_lock as $t => $need) {
            if ($need) {
                $tables .= ", {$t} write";
        $Conf->qe("lock tables {$tables}");
        // load db settings, pre-crosscheck
        $dbsettings = array();
        $result = Dbl::qe("select name, value, data from Settings");
        while ($row = edb_row($result)) {
            $dbsettings[$row[0]] = $row;
        // apply settings
        foreach ($sv->save_callbacks as $si) {
            $p = $sv->parser($si);
            $p->save($sv, $si);
        $dv = $aq = $av = array();
        foreach ($sv->savedv as $n => $v) {
            if (substr($n, 0, 4) === "opt." && $v !== null) {
                $okey = substr($n, 4);
                $oldv = array_key_exists($okey, $OptOverride) ? $OptOverride[$okey] : get($Opt, $okey);
                $Opt[$okey] = $v[1] === null ? $v[0] : $v[1];
                if ($oldv === $Opt[$okey]) {
                    $v = null;
                } else {
                    if (!array_key_exists($okey, $OptOverride)) {
                        $OptOverride[$okey] = $oldv;
            if ($v === null ? !isset($dbsettings[$n]) : isset($dbsettings[$n]) && (int) $dbsettings[$n][1] === $v[0] && $dbsettings[$n][2] === $v[1]) {
            $changedn[] = $n;
            if ($v !== null) {
                $aq[] = "(?, ?, ?)";
                array_push($av, $n, $v[0], $v[1]);
            } else {
                $dv[] = $n;
        if (count($dv)) {
            Dbl::qe_apply("delete from Settings where name?a", array($dv));
            //Conf::msg_info(Ht::pre_text_wrap(Dbl::format_query_apply("delete from Settings where name?a", array($dv))));
        if (count($aq)) {
            Dbl::qe_apply("insert into Settings (name, value, data) values\n\t" . join(",\n\t", $aq) . "\n\ton duplicate key update value=values(value), data=values(data)", $av);
            //Conf::msg_info(Ht::pre_text_wrap(Dbl::format_query_apply("insert into Settings (name, value, data) values\n\t" . join(",\n\t", $aq) . "\n\ton duplicate key update value=values(value), data=values(data)", $av)));
        $Conf->qe("unlock tables");
        if (count($changedn)) {
            $Me->log_activity("Updated settings " . join(", ", $changedn));
        // contactdb may need to hear about changes to shortName
        if ($sv->has_savedv("opt.shortName") && get($Opt, "contactdb_dsn") && ($cdb = Contact::contactdb())) {
            Dbl::ql($cdb, "update Conferences set shortName=? where dbName=?", $Opt["shortName"], $Opt["dbName"]);
    // update the review form in case it's changed
    if (!$sv->has_errors()) {
        $Conf->save_session("settings_highlight", $sv->error_fields());
        if (count($changedn)) {
            $Conf->confirmMsg("Changes saved.");
        } else {
            $Conf->warnMsg("No changes.");
    } else {
        SettingGroup::crosscheck($sv, $Group);
예제 #25
파일: face.php 프로젝트: kohler/peteramati
        if (!$zlib_output_compression) {
            header("Content-Length: 43");
        print "GIF89a€!ù,D;";
if (!$Me->isPC) {
function output($User)
    global $Me;
    $u = $Me->user_linkpart($User);
    echo '<div class="facebook61">', '<a href="', hoturl("index", ["u" => $u]), '">', '<img class="bigface61" src="' . hoturl("face", ["u" => $u, "imageid" => $User->contactImageId ?: 0]) . '" border="0" />', '</a>', '<h2 class="infacebook61"><a class="q" href="', hoturl("index", ["u" => $u]), '">', htmlspecialchars($u), '</a>';
    if ($Me->privChair) {
        echo "&nbsp;", become_user_link($User);
    echo '</h2>';
    if ($User !== $Me) {
        echo '<h3 class="infacebook61">', Text::user_html($User), '</h3>';
    echo '</div>';
$Conf->header("Thefacebook", "face");
$u = Dbl::qe("select contactId, email, firstName, lastName, seascode_username, contactImageId from ContactInfo where roles=0");
while ($user = edb_orow($u)) {
echo "<div class='clear'></div>\n";
예제 #26
xassert(!$Conf->check_tracks($paper17, $user_jon, Track::ASSREV));
// check shepherd search visibility
$paper11 = $Conf->paperRow(11, $user_chair);
$paper12 = $Conf->paperRow(12, $user_chair);
$j = call_api("setshepherd", $user_chair, ["shepherd" => $user_estrin->email], $paper11);
xassert_eqq($j->ok, true);
$j = call_api("setshepherd", $user_chair, ["shepherd" => $user_estrin->email], $paper12);
xassert_eqq($j->ok, true);
assert_search_papers($user_chair, "shep:any", "11 12");
assert_search_papers($user_chair, "shep:estrin", "11 12");
assert_search_papers($user_shenker, "shep:any", "11 12");
// tag searches
assert_search_papers($user_chair, "#green", "3 9 13 17");
Dbl::qe("insert into PaperTag (paperId,tag,tagIndex) values (1,?,10), (1,?,5), (2,?,3)", $user_jon->cid . "~vote", $user_marina->cid . "~vote", $user_marina->cid . "~vote");
assert_search_papers($user_jon, "#~vote", "1");
assert_search_papers($user_jon, "#~vote≥10", "1");
assert_search_papers($user_jon, "#~vote>10", "");
assert_search_papers($user_jon, "#~vote=10", "1");
assert_search_papers($user_jon, "#~vote<10", "");
assert_search_papers($user_marina, "#~vote", "1 2");
assert_search_papers($user_marina, "#~vote≥5", "1");
assert_search_papers($user_marina, "#~vote>5", "");
assert_search_papers($user_marina, "#~vote=5", "1");
assert_search_papers($user_marina, "#~vote<5", "2");
assert_search_papers($user_chair, "#marina~vote", "1 2");
assert_search_papers($user_chair, "#red~vote", "1");
// assign some tags using AssignmentSet interface
$assignset = new AssignmentSet($Admin, true);
예제 #27
 function check_repo_open()
     global $Now;
     // Recheck repository openness after a day for closed repositories,
     // and after 30 seconds for open or failed-check repositories.
     if (!$this->repo || !$this->repo->open && $Now - $this->repo->opencheckat <= 86400) {
         return 0;
     } else {
         if ($this->repo->open && $Now - $this->repo->opencheckat <= 30) {
             return (int) $this->repo->open;
     $r = $this->is_repo_open();
     if ($r != $this->repo->open || $Now != $this->repo->opencheckat) {
         Dbl::qe("update Repository set `open`=?, opencheckat=? where repoid=?", $r, $Now, $this->repo->repoid);
         $this->repo->open = $r;
         $this->repo->opencheckat = $Now;
     return $r;
예제 #28
 static function check_repo($repo, $delta, $foreground = false)
     global $ConfSitePATH, $Now;
     assert(isset($repo->repoid) && isset($repo->cacheid) && isset($repo->url) && property_exists($repo, "snapcheckat"));
     if ($repo->repoid && (!$repo->snapcheckat || $repo->snapcheckat + $delta <= $Now)) {
         Dbl::qe("update Repository set snapcheckat={$Now} where repoid={$repo->repoid}");
         $repo->snapcheckat = $Now;
         if ($foreground) {
         // see also handout_repo
         $command = "{$ConfSitePATH}/src/gitfetch {$repo->repoid} {$repo->cacheid} " . escapeshellarg($repo->ssh_url()) . " 1>&2" . ($foreground ? "" : " &");
예제 #29
 $data = stream_get_contents($handle);
 $status = pclose($handle);
 $content_type = "";
 if ($data && ($nl = strpos($data, "\n")) !== false) {
     $content_type = substr($data, 0, $nl);
     $data = substr($data, $nl + 1);
 $worked = false;
 if (pcntl_wifexitedsuccess($status) && preg_match(',\\Aimage/,', $content_type)) {
     $sresult = Dbl::fetch_first_object(Dbl::qe("select ContactImage.* from ContactImage join ContactInfo using (contactImageId) where ContactInfo.contactId=?", $row[0]));
     if ($sresult && $sresult->mimetype === $content_type && $sresult->data === $data) {
         $worked = "unchanged";
     } else {
         $iresult = Dbl::qe("insert into ContactImage set contactId=?, mimetype=?, data=?", $row[0], $content_type, $data);
         if ($iresult) {
             Dbl::qe("update ContactInfo set contactImageId=? where contactId=?", $iresult->insert_id, $row[0]);
             $worked = true;
 if ($worked === "unchanged") {
     fwrite(STDERR, strlen($data) . "B " . $content_type . " (unchanged)\n");
 } else {
     if ($worked) {
         fwrite(STDERR, strlen($data) . "B " . $content_type . "\n");
     } else {
         fwrite(STDERR, "failed\n");
 $nworked += $worked ? 1 : 0;
예제 #30
파일: home.php 프로젝트: benesch/peteramati
function show_pset_table($pset)
    global $Conf, $Me, $Now, $Opt, $Profile, $LastPsetFix;
    echo '<div id="', $pset->urlkey, '">';
    echo "<h3>", htmlspecialchars($pset->title), "</h3>";
    if ($Me->privChair) {
    if ($pset->disabled) {
    $t0 = $Profile ? microtime(true) : 0;
    // load students
    if (@$Opt["restrictRepoView"]) {
        $view = "l2.link repoviewable";
        $viewjoin = "left join ContactLink l2 on (l2.cid=c.contactId and l2.type=" . LINK_REPOVIEW . " and l2.link=l.link)\n";
    } else {
        $view = "4 repoviewable";
        $viewjoin = "";
    $result = Dbl::qe("select c.contactId, c.firstName, c.lastName, c.email,\n\tc.huid, c.seascode_username, c.anon_username, c.extension, c.disabled, c.dropped, c.roles, c.contactTags,\n\tpl.link pcid, group_concat(rpl.link) rpcid,\n\tr.repoid, r.cacheid, r.heads, r.url, r.open, r.working, r.lastpset, r.snapcheckat, {$view},\n\trg.gradehash, rg.gradercid, rg.placeholder, rg.placeholder_at\n\tfrom ContactInfo c\n\tleft join ContactLink l on (l.cid=c.contactId and l.type=" . LINK_REPO . " and l.pset={$pset->id})\n\t{$viewjoin}\n\tleft join Repository r on (r.repoid=l.link)\n\tleft join ContactLink pl on (pl.cid=c.contactId and pl.type=" . LINK_PARTNER . " and pl.pset={$pset->id})\n\tleft join ContactLink rpl on (rpl.cid=c.contactId and rpl.type=" . LINK_BACKPARTNER . " and rpl.pset={$pset->id})\n\tleft join RepositoryGrade rg on (rg.repoid=r.repoid and rg.pset={$pset->id})\n\twhere (c.roles&" . Contact::ROLE_PCLIKE . ")=0\n\tand (rg.repoid is not null or not c.dropped)\n\tgroup by c.contactId");
    $t1 = $Profile ? microtime(true) : 0;
    $students = array();
    while ($result && ($s = $result->fetch_object("Contact"))) {
        $s->is_anonymous = $pset->anonymous;
        Contact::set_sorter($s, @$_REQUEST["sort"]);
        $students[$s->contactId] = $s;
        // maybe lastpset links are out of order
        if ($s->lastpset < $pset) {
            $LastPsetFix = true;
    uasort($students, "Contact::compare");
    $checkbox = $Me->privChair || !$pset->gitless && $pset->runners;
    $rows = array();
    $max_ncol = 0;
    $incomplete = array();
    $pcmembers = pcMembers();
    foreach ($students as $s) {
        if (!isset($s->printed)) {
            $row = (object) array("student" => $s);
            $row->text = render_pset_row($pset, $students, $s, $row, $pcmembers);
            if ($s->pcid && isset($students[$s->pcid])) {
                $row->ptext = render_pset_row($pset, $students, $students[$s->pcid], $row, $pcmembers);
            $rows[$row->sortprefix . $s->sorter] = $row;
            $max_ncol = max($max_ncol, $row->ncol);
            if (@$s->incomplete) {
                $u = $Me->user_linkpart($s);
                $incomplete[] = '<a href="' . hoturl("pset", array("pset" => $pset->urlkey, "u" => $u, "sort" => @$_REQUEST["sort"])) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($u) . '</a>';
    ksort($rows, SORT_NATURAL | SORT_FLAG_CASE);
    if (count($incomplete)) {
        echo '<div id="incomplete_pset', $pset->id, '" style="display:none" class="merror">', '<strong>', htmlspecialchars($pset->title), '</strong>: ', 'Your grading is incomplete. Missing grades: ', join(", ", $incomplete), '</div>', '<script>jQuery("#incomplete_pset', $pset->id, '").remove().show().appendTo("#incomplete_notices")</script>';
    if ($checkbox) {
        echo Ht::form_div(hoturl_post("index", array("pset" => $pset->urlkey, "save" => 1)));
    echo '<table class="s61"><tbody>';
    $trn = 0;
    $sprefix = "";
    foreach ($rows as $row) {
        if ($row->sortprefix !== $sprefix && $row->sortprefix[0] == "~") {
            echo "\n", '<tr><td colspan="' . ($max_ncol + ($checkbox ? 2 : 1)) . '"><hr></td></tr>', "\n";
        $sprefix = $row->sortprefix;
        echo '<tr class="k', $trn % 2, '">';
        if ($checkbox) {
            echo '<td class="s61rownumber">', Ht::checkbox("s61_" . $Me->user_idpart($row->student), 1, array("class" => "s61check")), '</td>';
        echo '<td class="s61rownumber">', $trn, '.</td>', $row->text, "</tr>\n";
        if (@$row->ptext) {
            echo '<tr class="k', $trn % 2, ' s61partner">';
            if ($checkbox) {
                echo '<td></td>';
            echo '<td></td>', $row->ptext, "</tr>\n";
    echo "</tbody></table>\n";
    if ($Me->privChair && !$pset->gitless_grades) {
        echo "<div class='g'></div>";
        $sel = array("none" => "N/A");
        foreach (pcMembers() as $pcm) {
            $sel[$pcm->email] = Text::name_html($pcm);
        $sel["__random__"] = "Random";
        echo '<span class="nowrap" style="padding-right:2em">', Ht::select("grader", $sel, "none"), Ht::submit("setgrader", "Set grader"), '</span>';
    if (!$pset->gitless) {
        $sel = array();
        foreach ($pset->runners as $r) {
            if ($Me->can_run($pset, $r)) {
                $sel[$r->name] = htmlspecialchars($r->title);
        if (count($sel)) {
            echo '<span class="nowrap" style="padding-right:2em">', Ht::select("runner", $sel), Ht::submit("runmany", "Run all"), '</span>';
    if ($checkbox) {
        echo "</div></form>\n";
    if ($Profile) {
        $t2 = microtime(true);
        echo sprintf("<div>Δt %.06f DB, %.06f total</div>", $t1 - $t0, $t2 - $t0);
    echo "</div>\n";